Tuesday, March 11, 2025



Zambia’s R&B Prince ROBERTO is back, bigger than ever! With the
pending release of his latest single “Osanisiya So” just around the
corner. Zambia’s R&B prince will be doing something that no Zambian
artist has done to date, by jet setting on a worldwide promotion of
the single. Roberto will be making his first stop in South Africa
Johannesburg, then to London UK marking the official international
launch on the 13th of February. Later he will be off across the
continent to Australia and back again to Zambia. Upon his return to
Zambia Roberto will have a stint around the country in promotion of
the single, and is later expected to travel to Uganda and Namibia
respectively. Other countries he has set his eyes on are Nigeria,
Botswana and Tanzania. So if you are a Roberto fan, keep coming back
for more updates, because he could be in a town near you…..
“Osanisiya So” is officially out on the 13th February, with early
digital downloads from the 30th of January on major download sites
such as iTunes, Spotify, Rhapsody, and Nokia just to name a few.
Roberto is expected to hold special CD signings around Zambia within
the month of March; for all those that will be purchasing the physical
copies of the single. Those that purchase a physical copy of the
single stand a chance of winning a one of a kind Osanisiya So Roberto
T-shirt, a large calendar poster and the opportunity to co-host the
drive time show with the man himself on Q-FM Zambia. For those that
purchase the single online, we have not left you out as we are giving
away 5 Osanisiya T-Shirts, simply email a copy of the payment receipt
you have received after your order of the single has been processed to
[email protected] and the lucky five drawn will be
announced during the drive time show on Friday the 30th of March. The
Online competition closes on Wednesday the 28th of March for more
information, news and updates on Roberto go to

Preview of the song



  1. I thought this time around he will come up with something more mature – I’m really disapointed. And when u say he is launching in his song in London, SA, Australia, bla .bla bla….who is he targeting? The biggest market for Roberto (and all Zed artists) is here in Zed, now why should he be so excited to go and launch a song in foreign lands? ya, that’s why these guys dont succeed in their music career!

    • I am syked Roberto is doing this, and Sir no offense but you seem like you have the PHD attitude. At the end of the day if you are going to criticize, be constructive, not just talking from without. Zambians dont succeed in their music careers because of people like you. We need Zed music to cross borders so that more people know what we Zambians have to offer and i DOUBT staying in our comfort zone just because its home will get us far, look at other artists worldwide they travel so that more people can buy their music, and if our artists expect to have long term careers they need to capture Zambia and the world over..you just sound like a hater and quite frankly extremely ignorant, we are for promoting our country not suppressing it.. get with the times or SIT DOWN!!

    • @Music Lover,
      I hope u know what u’re talking about when u say ‘ignorant’. If u do, then yes, I’m very ‘ignorant’ about Zed musicians and their promotions. But one thing i know for sure is that zed music is only famous within the boundaries of zambia!!!

  2. The Gospel artist in Ndola is ROBERTA. Please know from now on that names from the Latin origin end in A for Women and O for men, like Patricio (Patrick) and Patricia for a woman, Calisto / Calista, Lucio / Lucia. Thanks

  3. @4, Rubi Ruba Cuore:

    I like your correction sir! I am taking some Spanish in college right now and just the other day my Profesora (female Profesor in spanish) was teaching about this very topic of spanish names. Thanks for the review!!!

  4. @sir simunyola,
    I concur with you! Even if we are to say that this chap wants to conquer the international market,jetting all over the places is the WORST and most EXPENSIVE way of going about it!! The BEST way to advertise these days is to go go viral using social media (Facebook,Twitter,StumbleUpon…) and also YouTube!! An internet connection is far cheaper than aeroplane ticket!!

  5. The more i see these new songs the more old I feel. I can see the world ending in my very own eyes. Aaah well, we still had a good time na “kanshambala” by Serenje Band. good luck young man.

  6. Good song, not very good execution. This song could be a lot better with more vocal practice and borrowing from the right role models. Even if this music is from Zambia, it is in a style that already exists on the international scene, and a standard of quality has been set. Its very easy to listen to others and learn how they mix their sounds. The song is good. The technical part is crap. The reason most Zambian music of today cannot sell internationally is not because of language. It is because the technical parts of the production are crap even though the songs are good. The problem with specific genres like R n B and reggae, for example, is that one is easily compared to the good quality stuff already done by the originators of those music styles.

  7. My advice is keep practising, don’t give up, you have good raw material, and see it as that, raw material, and work on it to produce the hit you are looking for. It will come with more learning, practice, listening to and borrowing from the best in your music style, and consulting on technical aspects from more experienced musicians and producers. This is not to change your music style. It is just to add quality and finesse to the final product.

  8. If possible pay a singing coach. It helps. You can also do it yourself by just listening to others and hearing what techniques they use and how they master their voices, not just words and melody.

  9. As for launching in London, well, sometimes Zambians back home are gullible to this sort of dramatic antic. In showbiz one uses sensationalism to sell oftentimes. Its true that most fans are in zed, but it is also possible that those zed fans will be impressed that this zed product was launched in the UK and support it for that reason. Showbiz is a funny biz. One can’t always say for sure about certain things. There are no absolutes.

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