Tuesday, March 11, 2025

He’ll Get You Back on Track


“Show me Your ways, O LORD; teach me Your paths”
(Psalm 25:4, NKJV)

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Like most cars today, I have a navigation system. I can program it to take me to a certain location. All along the way, the announcer will give me instructions, “Turn left in a quarter of a mile. Take this freeway three miles. Exit in one mile.” But sometimes I don’t follow the directions. I may miss a turn, stop to get gas or go another way. The announcer doesn’t come on and start yelling at me and say, “What in the world are you doing? I told you to turn left! You ruined my plan.” No, the moment I get off course that GPS system immediately starts recalculating another plan. Within a few seconds, it will give me new directions.

It’s the same way with God. When you have a heart to please Him, you may miss an exit, you may make a wrong turn, but God has already recalculated another route. He’s still going to get you to where you’re supposed to be. He loves you with an everlasting love, and when you seek Him with your whole heart, no matter where you are in life, He’ll get you back on track!

Father God, show me Your path, teach me Your ways. My heart’s deepest desire is to know You and to be known by You. You are my King, and I humbly submit my ways to You. Thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness in my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen


  1. I wish to take this opportunity express my disappointment with most if not all members of the chrisitian cleargy for continuing in ‘sin of silence’ and also shuning current critical christian challenges such as the historicity of Jesus Christ. Each time i have asked certain members of the christian cleargy about such a challenge [historicity of jesus] I have just been told: “believe what you want” or “suit yourself” I hope a member of the cleargy different from the rest would be able offer positive response Kindly contact me ‘[email protected]

  2. Thank you heavenly father for your patience with me. I lose my bearing most of the time but you always set my campass on a new course. You are always renewing me. I thank you for your love, your provisions and care so abundant upon me. Glory be to you heavenly father, in Jesus name. Amen

  3. Heavenly Father, continue pouring your blessings on me each and every morning and continue protecting me from the evil one who wants to lead me astray. in Jesus’ name i pray. AMEN.

  4. If you want your ministry to grow tell the people how lovely they are and how God will bless them.
    To Joel Osteen God is like GPS system, just do what you want God will recalculate another plan for you.
    I wish John the Baptist lived in this generation he could have said “…O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?”(Matthew 3:7).
    People of God Joel Osteen is a false teacher, just last week in Hawaii he said that Mormons (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) are Christians.

  5. Heavenly father please show the way to our Chipolopolo boys tonight, The African cup of nations mean a lot to us Zambians, considering our history and what happened to us. We know you Love Ivoirians just in the same way as us, but Lord we deserve this win tonight. LET OUR PLAYERS SEE THE WAY TO THE GOAL. In Jesus name. AMEN.

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