Chiefs of Southern province meeting in Choma have vowed to oppose Government’s decision to transfer the administration of Chirundu and Itezhi Tezhi districts to Lusaka and central provinces respectively.
The Chiefs have also challenged Home affairs minister Kennedy Sakeni to arrest them for resisting the Presidential decree to re-align the two districts.
This is according to the resolutions of a one day meeting of southern province chiefs held at Kozo lodge in Choma yesterday whose meeting was convened specifically to discuss the Presidential pronouncement to transfer the two Districts.
Reading out the resolutions on behalf of others, chiefs Chikanta and Mukuni said chiefs in the region would not accept any piece of land currently under the southern province jurisdiction to be transferred to any another province whether for administrative, economic or any other reason.
They said chiefs found it illogical that Itezhi Tezhi district should be administered from Kabwe which was over 600 kilometres when Choma which was the new provincial headquarters for southern province was only 200 kilometres away.
They said the chief were perturbed by the President’s unilateral decision which they said was done without consultation with Chiefs and other stakeholders who would be directly affected by such a move.
They said they were ready to be arrested by Home Affairs minister for resisting the re-alignment of the two districts.
And chief Mukuni said what President Sata had done was contradictory to the chiefs’s proposals submitted to the previous MMD government in 2009 regarding the splitting of southern province into two.
He said Chiefs had asked government to split southern province into two with one province to comprise districts of Choma, Itehzi-Tezhi, Mazabuka, Monze, Namwala and Choma would have been the provincial headquarters.
Meanwhile FDD Munali parliamentary candidate Edmond Lifwekelo said people should not oppose the President’s decision as it has been done in good faith.
Speaking in an exclusive interview with Qfm, Mr. Lifwekelo says if decentralization and devolution of power are to be implements creating more districts are inevitable.
He says it therefore important for those opposing the President to understand the grounds of President Sata’s move to re-align the two districts.
Most likely the chiefs did not convene on their own. HH and his friends were behind the meeting. But what these people must understand is that they do not own Southern province. That region is for all Zambians. HH should give us, Zambians a break. That kind of opposition is cheap.
On what are u basing HH’s involvement in bringing the chiefs together? You think the chiefs are dull people who can be tossed around by Sata anyhow and they should be smiling? Its high time people like you understand that chiefs have a role to play and land falling within their jusrisdictions. What is so difficult about engaging people that makes Sata bulldoze his way creating and recreating new regions? Go to hell man!
Part of our land in Zambia is directly under various chiefs, country wide. IF YOU AS AN INDIVIDUAL DO NOT RECOGNISE YOUR ETHNIC GROUPING’S ANCESTORAL LAND , LEAVE THE TONGA ALONE WITH THEIR REPESCT & BELIEFS THAT CHIEFS ARE CUSTODIANS OF PART OF THE LAND OF SOUTHERN PROVINCE. Each tribe has got the right to its ancestoral land. Think big! no use of insults or arrongant words. Kabwe to Itsetse is very far to coordinate developments unless other means of transport will be facilitated.
I thought the House of Chiefs is long abolished. Where are these chiefs going to oppose the re-alignment? Chiefs don`t serve any purpose in modern day Zambia. Please let Mr. Sata implement his decentralization policy without interference. The new constitution should abolish chiefdoms. We are done with traditions, we want to move forward and develop the country. National Registration Cards should no-longer have village and chief, just the address is enough. Wake up Zambians, we are not living in the stone age. Copy from other civilized countries.
I am pretty sure you have a less than 100 IQ. You talk of civilization and yet you don’t even understand the meaning of the word. Why on earth should we as Zambians get rid of our roots? You probably think being in the States makes you more civilized than our chiefs huh? Again, your less than 100 IQ explains it all since according to you, civilization is defined by the white man’s way of living. I don’t blame you, but rather I blame nature for bringing forth a human being of your caliber. It’s on people like you I would recommend gene transfections because your current genes seem not to be doing you any good.
I pity your ignorance & inferiority complex. Whats there to copy from the so called civised countries? Its through our chiefdoms and traditions that we have values and a culture that the countries you adore do not have. We should be prous of what we are irrespective of where we are, that way even the pipo you interact with where you are will respect you. I live in Diaspora and am always proud to tell people here of what the Zambian traditions, values, culture are. I also make sure my children are conversant with the same (eg respect for older pipo etc) And guess what? they envy us!
you have have no home thats why you talk like this. I can never forseek my roots and chief, rich or poor. shame on you street boy
How can a normal person talk like that about chiefs, even if its for political capital? Or may be you are not normal
some of these chiefs are selfcentered and only there intimidating their subjects.what is wrong with this move.no wonder in other countries chiefs are not recognised because of this type of behaviour.we know some chiefs are politicians and support certain parties.be levelheaded. why do you call to be arrested.indeed if anyone commit a crime be it a kaponya, chief or politician the law should visit such people.
Twalumwa nobantu!!! Zyaluminwa zilayanzana. What we needed most is a federal system of governance where each province (as they are now) becomes a federal state under the “One Zambia One Nation” theme though. All the provinces reporting to central government which for now is under the Patriotic Front. We, that way, will be honest to each other. For now “tutacengani pe” (Let’s NOT fool each other.)
Who ever convined the Chiefs’ meeting did it well meaning. Let’s hear what other Chiefs in other provinces feel about this!! The sooner they meet, the better. We all are Patriotic Zambians or at least I am one.
#2 PHILOSOPHER – Don’t be selfish and always opposing views expressed by others unless they praise your tribesmate president. You and your Sata are showing the highest level of illietracy and ignorance ever shown by any group of people in Zambia. All rural provinces in Zambia were created based on cultural consistencies, which means Northern was for Bembas, Eastern for eastern tribes, southern for tongas, etc . A province can be sub-divided, but you can’t annex a province to another province – that thinking is the biggest causer of civil wars in the world. When these provinces were being created, Sata was busy working for the colonialists as a cop, so may be that is why he doesn’t value their existence – but he must respect other people’s history if he wants to be respected.
the word tribe spoils ur point
Watch war break out in Zambia all because of a tribally bigoted president hell bent on punishing Tongas for not voting for him.
Creating more districts is not a problem. The problem is moving them to other provinces!
I agree with your view.Some time later it may be necessary to shift them to other provinces for administration purposes but now is too early.It has taken almost two years now for a more decentralised country like Germany to redemark some district boundaries.The process is done slowly because they are taking into consideration the social,economical,health,educational e.t.c.impacts.In short they itemise and critically look at the effects of shifting say a school from one district to another.By the way,these discussions are between districts due to a decentralised system.
#2 PHILOSOPHER – If you don’t respect your culture go ahead and abolish your chiefs . We will keep ours. Even in England the Queen is still the Head of State, even though the Prime Minister is the head of government and runs the country politically. Tell them to get rid of the Queen and you will remember the day you were born. This year they are even celebrating the Queen’s diamond jubilee. The entire Europe is full of royal families. The problem in Zambia is that some tribes either do not value their history and traditions or do not have strong traditional systems,so they want to spoil it for even those provinces with strong cultures. If your tradition is weak, the rest of us don’t care what you do to it. We will keep ours because we are very proud of our traditions.
I don’t honestly understand how the re-alignment of these districts makes sensible decentralisation. I think there are more factors to be considered before you get a district out of a province, such as tribe and culture. Remember culture is our tru identity. I suspect this is a more of divide and rule tactic. We need level headedness in this mater, who do what people don’t approve, democracy is the taking into consideration the voice of the marjority
i dont like the idea. let the Big man reverse it. it is not in the right direction and let him concetrate on more money in the pockets of pipo cause he promised that.
Now Tongaland agreement has resurfaced, elyo lwanya ba southern province. Ba president leave them.
Long live our chiefs what more can we ask from you.we wil fight till our last drop.
This issue of traditional leaders disgusts me. We need to burn all of them together with witches so that we can develop and get rid of tribalism!
Tribalism, just like racism,will never die. Only our open expression of them may reduce. If you are in England and you meet another Zambian, you imediately have a connection, why? If you meet a former schoolmate, there is that connection too. And when you meet your own relative, the bond (connection) is strongest! Why, because one has some form of attachment to that person. Why then should one tribe be expected to attach more to the other rather than to itself? How can you gel with your neighbour’s children more than your own chirldren. Let’s not pretend, were are all tribalists, except some express it more openly than others, period.
these chiefs are playing politics and govt should take them on now.were they consulted when a white man was creating districts and provinces.let someone show proof here that chiefs were involved in the demarcation of the country in to provinces.lets go tanzanian way where govt has not given chiefs a prominent role to avoid such behaviour.
The Chiefs have spoken and they must be saluted for applying breaks on this reckless President for rulling Zambia through Presidential DECREES. For the first time in the history of this country the Goverment has NO Cabinet Ministers and NO Cabinet Meetings take place. Sata is running his Govt in the same way he administered his Party as a personal-to holder-institution. All PF Ministers, includidng the lunatic Muzungu “Vice President” are mere chola-boys drilled to say YES BWANA. It is a crime to think and say NO in the current arrangement. Viva Southern Province Chiefs.
Without consultation on sensitive issues, PF may end up factoring chaos in this country. PF is oblivious to realities. People are more aligned to  support and give allegiance to their chiefs than to political leaders. politicians should be alive to, and never lose sight of, the fact that they protected from being lynched for many things owing to the perceived mighty of our uniformed colleagues. BUT our uniformed colleagues also come from ethnic groups with strong feelings about preserving their brand of culture even as we integrate and unite in diversity. Do not ridicule or insult the collective motive and intelligence of the Southern chiefs – that they can only discourse under tutelage of a politician.
I think the new constitution should abolish useless chiefs ,they just delaying development, and it should for referendum so that chiefs are no longer stambling blocks psi, iam very annoyed.
I dont see any developments chiefs bring to our country apart from them respecting and keeping our traditional and cultural norms, so its either we developed or remain the same. Most interiors areas in our country rarely benefit from our country’s cake, hence decentralization is welcome.
zambians when r w going to learn that this country belongs to all zambians irrespective of where u r.so pls lets build the country basing on rational not regionalism&tribalism this ‘ll take us no where one zambia,one nation.let the president implement measures that will develop the nation.
Very good chiefs, that is the way to go. When you need us your subjects to fight we will surely come and do the job, sata has tried us too much and we are now fed up with his little knowledge divide and rule system
Move Kasama to northwestern province and all shall be called fair. Also move Mpika to cpperbelt.
In this five years of PF term, rwadise way is nearly probable in Zambia
Powers vested in the President by the constitution are held in trust and on behalf of the people. These powers should not be invoked arbitrilary but exercised in a manner reflective of popular desire and based on informed advice by govn technocrats. Matters should start at the bottom and end at the top. If the President has a personal objective whose implementation requires an Executive Order by his office he should first implore the relevant wing of govn to examine the idea and process it to a level where the Presidential Order becomes a mere formality. The is and should be a difference the President’s personal desires as a citizen and his actions in an institutional capacity.
Spot on
“teacher” and others calling our chiefs all sorts of names- you are not democrats and do not understand democracy! Democracy is not just about votes once in 4 or 5 years; it is about consultation & consent NEVER by dictatorial decrees. Never force anyone to do what you want – ask them, consult them, involve them, get them to agree with you: that is democracy. A government of the people, for the people and by the people: Sata has blundered. DON’T JUST SUPPORT NONSENSE BLINDLY. It is this kind foolish support which gave us a one party system and ruined Zambia before.
No 1 you are stupid. and a fool. How can you say chiefs do not own southern provice. How old is your corrupt zambia and how old is the southern chiefdom. Be careful bembas we warn you. be careful. shame on you
@18 I should have ended by pointing out that ba Sata na basupuka on his actions on reallignment of Districts as his approach is unconventional and, therefore, un Presidential. He should not depart from his initial tactic of hiding behind commissions of inquiry if he is to legitimize his personal pursuits.
Igwee wama igwee go and live in tanzania my guy if you are thinking of doing it the tanzanian way,this is zambia and will do it the zambian way of respecting tribal elder’s.tell your mad president to live southern province alone let him re-align nothern and muchinga province 5000times if at all he finds joy in re-aliging of districts,i am sure the people of nakonde would welcome the idea of re-aliging nakonde to tanzania. hands off southern province you bemba thiefs your president has already started stealing what belongs to the people of southern province.
the chiefs are in order..the PF president should not just wake up and decide to divide Southern province like that..?what criteria was used to decide to align the 2 districts like that…?did he consult anyone..?thats why we need a better constitution that will allow people to speak out..whether you divide Sp or not ..those parts will taken back sir..you won’t be president forever!viva Southern province Chiefs..!!we think the job creation you pf guys promised are not coming forth..theres no money ..no budget for such moves..
This Chief needs to be forced on Bunjee jump again, hes opening his mouth a lot.
@31. You are right. Its like the mouth is opening like the way his a** opened when he bungee jumped. I see divisions looming in this sweet country of Zambia. Southern , Muchinga, Northern are all titles which can be changed. Does it mean now that Tongas in Chirundu will become Lenjes or Solis because it has been aligned to Lusaka? They still remain Tongas and in Chirundu.
PHILOSOPHER No. 2 Be objective. Am not Tonga infact an Easterner and most importantly a Zambian. It does not make sense to move a district from 200km Choma Admin. to 600 Km Kabwe Admin. Its every decision that a president makes that makes sense and you cant blame Tongaz on this one. Action which is not well thought out is dangarous and being A MAN OF ACTION does not mean you should not consult. Am very skeptical about the president from the moment he nominated 10 MPs not to mention the execuses about how Chipoya was engaged.
i feel pit for the president Sata because he is being advised wrongly by stupid tribalist boys, the president must remain respectful to other tribes, ba president umfweni kubekala calo infumu shenu, the problem is bad dont give what belongs to southern province to other provinces NO
Mukuni is still politicizing stuff.He has to be scrutized so much by “december”.He ate with RB travelled with RB.Still under RB’s control.He’d oppose just for seeking attention.Bungy Jumper phenomenone.Your people don’t love your style
Bright Nalubamba u-turn now against SATA over re-alignment of districts. Elo lwanya.
Number 14 Ingwe wama Ingwe, you have successfully displayed your massive ignorance. The National Archives in Lusaka has plenty of evidence showing how colonialism extensively consulted with chiefs before zoning the current provincial and district boundaries. It was never done through one man’s bad dreams. Can I challenge you Ingwe with your witchcraft-like name to go to the National Archives in Lusaka near the UTH and confirm this? Oh, I forgot, you don’t know how to read, sorry about this!
# 35 give me proof my learned friend that yo chiefs were consulted not taking me to national archives in lusaka.lets not be emotional bane.the govt is not talking of re-aligning chiefdoms but districts.as far as iam concerned districts have political boundaries and our constitution is clear on how chiefs are suppose to behave on politica matters
Tongas Bembas shall never fight they are friends who are free to oppose each other, But someones is being foolish to personalise these issues on HH the are issues of national interest with dialoque we are all winners, PF must just dispose tribal commentry on matters of national dialoque. Careful gay Zambia is growing.
SAIMBWENDE you are a tribalist and a foolish person.Try to understand simple issues.Southern Province is NOT for Tongas alone it is part of Zambia.Moving some districts to other provices does NOT in any way reduce the powers of the chiefs in the southern province.You must distinguish the difference between chiefdom areas and the administrative areas.Chiefs are not politicians and being dragged into politics will merely reduce them to the level of their subjects!!Think before you utter stupidities.Its absurd to realise that some Tongas will never change.Accept that UPND lost and shut your dirt trap!!
The most stupid comment I have ever come accross, if you can read read your history. before that go back to MoE to clear your unfinished business
these chiefs even you consult them do think can agree as long they see things in tribal they cant accept. but true is they will cry of no development if devolution is to be real it need re-alignment of districts.
ofcouse chiefs are being cheated that why are reacting like that politician we always mislead our chiefs
chiefs make your voices be heard these politician will fininsh you dont take any thing from them as good careful, I salute southern province Chiefs.
@Moonga mulanga do not mislead people southern province is tongaland.Though it is in zambia it belongs to tongas historically. Do not bring lies here. You need to look at history you will see that tongaland now southern province zambia is home of tongas.Go to history and you will see that tongas are the first to settle in the southern province.Just go and develop your homeland stop hating on other peoples land. check you NRC is you have then you will know where you come from.kikikikikikiki.
Clever chiefs. Zambia does not belong to one man!!
Very clever indeed,, nor does any province belong to some tribalist clowns, it’s GRZ property lands act 2002
What war? Just you tribalist Tongas giving us a chance to  over ran, get you out of SP once and for all, let the real peace loving Zambians live wherever they wish,, no tribe owns any land its all GRZ property, and its in the hands of HE MCS to do as he says fit, for his people and country,,Take over SP this is just the beginning you shall soon have all tribes living their now?
HH should be allowed to incite civil unrest in our country,, teach him a lesson now,, enough is enough
@Tongas are SKUNKS hence SKUNKSTAN..you will choke with your hate for tongas and who tells you that your balls are bigger than for tongs and that you can overrun them….maybe from stealing their ng’ombes otherwise you will be chewing more than you can eat…they are as much bulls as you are..ask the lozi they will tell you more.
If you are proud Tonga y use a Bemba name? Foolish skunk, wait and see we shall finish you
Thou shall be cautious when it comes to matters of the land.Failure to which there shall be w*r.
HH is asking for trouble.His bitterness will cause him pain and suffering.If he causes civil unrest due to his stupidity he will be the first to run.The chiefs will have to suffer the results of following this brat blindly.TONGAS WAKE UP!!!SOUTHERN PROVINCE IS ADMINISTERED FROM LUSAKA AND IS PART OF ZAMBIA.Chiefs dont be cheated by this desperate loser.You will lose the respect we have for youif you are not careful!!
This looks like its going to be the next new country the continent will witness
The issue is that the president does not realise that there are other people in this country besides himself. He needs to consult with stakeholders before making pronouncements. This style of government seems dictatorial – where one man wakes up and makes a poorly thought out idea and quickly threatens to arrest anyone who opposes his decision. Do you not see that this looks, feels, smells like dictatorship?
HEMCS needs to formulate a plan for running the country, set himself some goals and make us understand where he is headed. We are raiding farms and confiscating bags of maize, randomly initiating COIs to no end, etc. If he has a plan, let him communicate this plan to stakeholders, such as chiefs, ministers, etc.Â
I wonder if he knows what a plan is? Perhaps his plan is to “rule”. That is reminding people everyday that he won the September elections!
Or is it the Tongas who are mistaken they own SP,,, it’s all GRZ land and remind the tongas it not only they can live there,, it’s for every Zambian, if not peacefully we shall force it upon them
Chirundu will remain Chirundu and the people will remain what they are. They will not become Solis or Lenjes because it has been aligned to Lusaka. Southern, Muchinga, Northern are just titles which can be cchanged. How come the Tongas did not object when Livingstone International Airport was named Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula. Today they are now calling our president names. This being uncouth, tribalistic and selfish. When it suits them its okay. But when it concerns every Zambian it becomes something else. Let’s show maturity and level headedness.
Consulting with stakeholders can avoid such embarrassing refutes such as health workers 100% salary increment and us not having 3 trillion fake money, where his own bank governor has refuted the allegation, and chiefs preferring to be incarcerated rather re-align districts – a move that will benefit absolutely no one! This is all while we have power blackouts, a currency that is losing value each day, hospitals have no medicine, etc. Re-aligning districts, whether in good faith or not, is a very, very low priority, one that we can do without for the next 100 years.
Let HEMCS focus on real issues please, we are tired and bored of all these delay tack-ticks. The reserves we are running on will run out before long.Â
The chiefs mouth is opening uinnecessary like the way his a** oppened when he bungee jumped.
Please leave HH out of this. This is the feeling for Tongas.Try go to Itezyitezyi and meet the people then you will see how annoyed people are in that part of land. Problem we have armchair critic who are out of touch with reality…..People in itezyitezyi are willing to fight over this issue ..HH has nothing to do with this..the problem is with Sata who thinks by being president he can do want he want without consulting people….
I fully support the Chiefs. Sata wouldnt hav done this if Itezhi Tezhi and Chirundu were in Luapula or Northern Province. Ths man just hates Tongas. If there was a way of moving the Victoria falls in Livingstone he wud hav long movd it
You are right; actually if there was a way of moving Livingstone from Southern province, this dude called Sata would have moved the town. I wonder how we allowed these indigenous Congolese (all Bembas) to start running our country. These people are not used to live in peace.
Just put more money in the districts so they can develop and let the people and not the districts move freely. Mr President stop tinkering with explosives, the problems you may cause will be there when you are long gone. Please focus on real issues like winning the Africa cup for the first time at least you will help put more money in people’s pockets from the celebrations and merchandise.Â
’20’ do think that if stat fighting we will watch you idol .
Definitely something to do with HH, what I don’t like about Southerners is that they try to oppose anything for their political gain. THOSE OF YOU THAT KNOW ZAMBIA WELL WOULD DEFINITELY AGREE WITH THE INITIATIVE. It will help with efficient service delivery. ABATONGA UTULO?? When will they wake up. NO HH for ZAMBIA, KUTI TWAPWA.
Bakabolala ba ku Mpika, ninshi mulefwaya ku Southern? Leave us alone. You think we are sleepy like the Chama people who accepted to be transplanted to Muchinga Escarpment which is full of noyhing but a bunch of people withlice on their bodies stinking poverty. Ikalenu kumwenu, tuleni twikale mutende shiti. Yo have already been warned agains tampering with BAROSTELAND. tRY HERE AND SEE.
BaMuchinga kabayeni uko bakolwe. We want our land try Chama not here, sha.
More than 80% of land in Zambia is under traditional authorities you fool.Your president will first visit a Chief in Msanzala before he kicks off his campaigns in a by-election.Any sense from that s.u.c.k.e.r?
Upnd is doing this to undermine pf government voters we are watching.
Dull chiefs the districts have NOT been ‘moved’ out your areas. It is just an administrative move.
Quite a man of action indeed and a comedian of hollywood status. MCS’s actions so far do reveal that at one time he was Local Government Minister or something of that sort. The Zambian voters must have interpretted that to mean that he could be a great national leader…somewhat akin to Americans choosing G.W. Bush as their president just because he had been Texas governor. By the time G. W. Bush left the office of president, the once great America was in tatters! I just hope and trust that this great comedian called Sata doesn’t leave Zambia worse than he found it. A good rule of thumb for him should be: “If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it”. Alas. he is about to “fix” the air molecules in Zambia’s air space!
We’ll reverse dictator’s rubbish we support our chiefs.
Your chiefs have never brought any develop in this country, and I am sure you even live in Lusaka, but busy boasting about ignorant chiefs… Be realistic.
Remember the the war in south Sudan started by one Despotic regime not respecting the aspiration,history and lineage of one of its people.SATA and you despots kindly respect The chiefs and the people of southern province for Gods sake you don not have the monopoly on knowledge,This God given coexistence of the many tribes that make up Zambia should not be taken for granted.One match stick can light up all whole forest.If the president has semblance of good sense take this advise freely reverse this decision.A united people will bring Zambia to its knees and this nation will crumble from within.
If we where to split Southern province would be the poorest Nation in the world. You would join Swaziland and Lesotho… Your friends in these countries are fighting to end this stupidity of being ruled by kings/chiefs.
Please research your facts well. All tribes live everywhere and that is fine. There only is everything wrong when the president starts to move boundaries of provinces/districts to suit his ego. Anyone can live anywhere but NO to moving districts from province to province. The time you will understand the negative implications it will be too late to do anything about it. Don’t be a myop hiding behind civilisation which you seem not to comprehend.
As for HH has even reduced his chance to be elected president to zero. Let him call for extra ordinary convention of his tribal party and hand over to a capable tonga like the late mazoka may his soul rest in peace.
Just deliver service the same way you deliver campaign material ,without aligning provinces
You bloggers, the re-alignment of Districts is for administrative purposes. It has nothing to do with tribes or chiefs. All Zambians have equal rights under the Law. The constitution gives implied powers to the incumbent president to reorganize civic centers in anyway he deems appropriate. Ask KK if he consulted chiefs before dividing Zambia in to nine provinces. Yes, not all people will accept change, but without change there can be no development. I`m not being disrespectful to your traditions but ask yourselves what value you get from having a very poor heritage? What we want is a better Zambia for our children`s children. Even in the United States, they do have native tribes but do the tribes override the president or congress decisions? NO!!! Chiefs should understand globalization.
ba kolwe stop insulting HH..its your pf which has failed to deliver!!
Guys be realistic to the president some of you bloggers are just full time carders, watch out Zambia may loose alot, Me i hope the president should get realistic people to advise him Not stupid chaps like Sichinga, kambwili and You. The current development about moving some districts from one province to another are ill decision be real actually we hve seen that soon Mporokos and lwingu shall be under Luapula, foolish.Imwe bambuli dont trouble HH, nabaSata efwe mwale bakaana pa first ba mambala, Zambia twalimwishiba.
When Manyukunyuku are ruling, what more do you expect…!?
these hungry chiefs have been bribed by under 5 using the money he stole from privatisation of zccm!
You can create Muchinga and move Kasama and Mansa to wherever you want them to be but dont touch Tongaland. (enshrined in the Tongaland Agreement).
Sata should forget about these hopeless chiefs and under 5 schemes. these tongas did not vote for him. let them rot and wallow in poverty! hh has stolen enough money from the copperbelt privatisation of zccm. let him payback and devlop his province and assist his basankwas!!!
Humour is a good thing as we blog, but ridiculing a people is not necessary. Read History. All revolutions in earth’s history were/ are occasioned by land. Let us learn to prevent and manage crisis, let us not manage by crisis.
Just as the Greecs have rejected an act of autrocity,Southerners will reject any irresponsible decisions imposed on them.Tongaland Agreement 2012 coming
@ Saimbwende, I absolutely agree with you. This is about heritage. What really intrigues me is the arbitrary powers of the Zambian president. I can’t believe a single person could make such sweeping and strong-headed decisions without consulting the local people, let alone parliament. I think the chiefs are within their power to oppose such authoritarianism.
My advice to the chiefs is that they should know their roles than just making pronouncements.chiefs do not control the government.the president have powers to do anything concerning development of the country.for chirundu to be like,it was the ideas of the government and the chiefs.chief mukuni is busy selling land to whites and toka leas are not benefiting from his deals.people it’s time to grow and see what these chiefs are doing
Traditional leaders are important in any society and country. The traditional leaders are right and those who think that these leaders are useless are themselves who do not understand because of dulness which clouds their minds. If this issue does affect you, you may take it lightly. The president is not there to annoy people in the country but to bring them together. Don’t undermine other tribes when it suits you politically. The president should have consulted. Nothing is wrong with that. There is no reason given as to why these two districts should be realigned. Respecting people in any part of the country is good whether they voted for you or not. Let us not hate people who has nothing to do with this. HH has done nothing. Its the voice of the people.
Plis pipo, stop insulting each other. I don’t think it is really necessary where the issue of tribalism, regionalism should arise. I think if you are aggrieved, its better you find ways of complaining rather than insulting each other because as far i know Bembas, Tongas, Lenjes, Lozis etc are one people. We should preach love not hate. So the realignment of districts has affected some people. There are proper ways of solving issues. Let the chiefs sit with the president and dialogue with him over this matter. Stop belittling the tribes of others. Chiefs equally should not belittled. This is not how we are known as Zambians. One Zambia, One Nation.
Honestly how can ‘munyukunyu’ term apply ? we all zambia, you very dull tribalist you dont even understand issues.
why can’t politics unite you the way sex does you chaps..?
Its a big NO to modern invasion.Our heritage,culture,history will be defended to the later
Sata will get you bottoms.
King cobra , you can temper with anything else but not with matters of land . This is will certainly back fire….Hope you live to see this before you are a specimen on a postmortem table
All those talking about heritage must be dull; and if they ever passed through school, then must go and claim a refund because they neither understand their history or civics. When did Zambia did regions in to provinces? What is a province? Don`t talk about things you don`t even understand. You chaps from Southern and Western provinces, you think you are more Zambians than others, i am a Tonga but i don`t behave like most of you villagers. No wonder you will never rule Zambia. Government can decide to make Zambia in to one province and see what heritage you will talk about. You guys are very backward, even if you go to school, its like the village mentality can`t be erased from your little brains. Grow up and get civilized!
#87, we do not elect leaders to unilaterally make decisions that make us unconfortable. The leaders, rulers, must consult us on any sensitive issues. You claim to be civilised and yet you subscribe to the fact you are ready to be dragged in the mud as long as it is Sata who made the decision! Dictators are made, and you are in the process of making Sata a dictator. You can go to hell with your civilisation, don’t force all of us in your myopic world. Instead of contributing to good governnance, you say “we elected Sata to make decision for us”, what nonsense! To tell you truth, spears will be sharpened and bllod will be shed and the people shall win, like it or not.
Nonsense Lifwekelo.
Whats the problem here???
Will realignment of a district out of a province realign peoples votes??? Or is the thinking that the Southern Province is a Kingdom of sorts and this will violate teritorial integrity of the entity? The goodness of the realignment is dependent on how the setup will ease logistical and administrative problems with the current setup.
What admin do we want to get out of these realignments? The President should concentrate on issues that empower people like jobs creation. If more people are employed and earn their money, immediately you begin to reduce the suffering of the people. There are things that can wait because their immediate effect, even in the long term, is minimal at individual level. My advice to PF is stop, think, ask the right questions and move cautiously. Otherwise we may be moving in giant steps backwards!
There is a saying; “If it is not broken, DON’T fix it”. All you supporters of the move of districts, tell me what is wrong (broken) with the current setup that you’ll fix.
Land and identity issues have always been causes of conflict. PF should weight these issues seriously, consultation is the best tool of management and yields better results. There is nothing wrong in creating extra districts and provinces if it will bring efficiency. The point in question is the motive and logic of realigning Itezhi Tezhi to a headquarters that is further than the current one- it would have been better actually to also bring it to Lusaka going by Govt reasoning. Its such questions which are making some people conclude that this whole exercise is fish. I guess the President will take these concerns seriously and do the right thing. We are all Zambians, let us live in harmony and peace- this is our homeland. Let us also respect each other’s customs, values and identity.
Land is issues are a delicate matter,in a modern era you cant claim distance as a logical hypothesis to manege a territory nor an imaginary boundary for that matter The is no need to realign any district or move them to any province. all you do is to move the resources there simple .Imagine moving the moon closer to earth to manage an space explorations program.History was never kind to the people of chirundu.Gwembe they were displaced and their history and heritage lies submerged in the Kariba.Today through a reckless and deeming act One person wants to alienate and rewrite their history.The question that begs an answer is What benefit does the this action perpetrated by SATA have for the people or the is an agenda that is brewing aimed at maligning and marginalizing a poeple.
development is not alligning or transfering districts to other pronvinces where their administration lies 600 km away. if that is development to some of the people then i am afraid we as a nation are not going anywhere. we have real issues like poverty that we are supposed to be looking at now other than transfering what to where or changing names. Does sata know the definition of development? perhaps his advisors have run short of advice that they have to say any thing whether bad or not. pls if you have nothing to say to the nation just keep quiet and no one will say what.Oh man of fake action.
Why attack the chiefs? Southern chiefs are educated and therefore understand that there is no sense in the so-called realignment. There is nothing wrong in changing provincial boundaries, but there is everything wrong in doing it without consultation. This thing of ruling by decree in a modern democratic nation does us no good and only fosters tension.
It illogical for Itehi-tezhi to be administered from Kabwe. Choma , the new provincial capital, is just 200 km away. The solution is just to tar the road from Namwala to Itehi-tezhi. Do not be short sighted as to support PF government even when thing do not make sense. Do not be myopic, it counter productive.
On one hand it said decentralisation yet on the other Chirundu is being moved to the centre – Lusaka. Which is which? when there is no clear policy being pursued this is what happens.
any sense in moving itezhi-tezhi to Central province? Kabwe is farther than Choma. If Sata really wanted to remove the town from Southern Province why did he not move it to Lusaka which is nearer than Kabwe? Why not also move Mumbwa to Lusaka since Lusaka is nearer? And why not move Luangwa to Lusaka since it Lusaka nearer than chipata. I can go on and on. This shows there is no rationale in what PF is doing; no principle is being used. what a govt!
We have a problem at hand this govt is spending more time on things which are bent to bringing division than unit and development. It could be that they may not have a developmental agenda with them. Looking at the time spend on appointments, firing, creating useless districts than deabating on real problems. As for Southern Province leave it the way it is easy. Keep your presidency we care less.