Tuesday, March 11, 2025

First Lady to host a Special Luncheon in honour of the Zambia National Soccer Team as President Sata congratulates the boys


First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba
First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba

The First Lady, Dr. Christine Kaseba-Sata will tomorrow host a special luncheon at State House in honour of the triumphant Chipolopolo Boys. This is according to a press statement released to the Media by State House.

And President Michael Sata has sent heartfelt congratulations to the Chipolopolo Boys for winning the 2012 Orange Africa Cup of Nations trophy in Libreville, Gabon last night. The President said the team’s momentous achievement has further galvanized the country which has undergone great renewal of hope in the last few months.

“You went with admirable humility, competed with heart, unity and patriotism and accounted for every drop of your sweat. The result of your hard work is the trophy which you have brought to your motherland for the first time,” the Head of State said.

President Sata said Government attaches great importance to the development of football and is greatly encouraged by the splendid performance of the Zambia National Soccer Team.

“That is precisely why I sent our beloved icon and founding president Dr Kenneth David Kaunda, my predecessor Mr. Rupiah Bwezani Banda and His Honour the Vice-President Dr Guy Scott and Cabinet ministers. This gesture was meant to demonstrate to you and the entire nation how much importance we attach to football and how this sport unifies our country,” the President said.

“Indeed, you have demonstrated once again that nothing beats unity and hope and it is my desire that you will continue with this spirit as you pursue even greater success.”

[pullquote]This gesture was meant to demonstrate to you and the entire nation how much importance we attach to football and how this sport unifies our country,” the President said.[/pullquote]

President Sata said with the 2014 World Cup qualifiers kicking off in June this year, it is imperative for the team to continue working hard to record yet another milestone at a higher level.

“You have really honoured your departed colleagues who perished during the course of national duty off the coast of Gabon. To the coaches, team management, Football Association of Zambia executive and everybody involved, I say it is a job well done,” the President said.


  1. well said mr presido,where is HH..? he must be really pissed with the way donch kubeba guys performed….one love zambia

    • Donchi kubeba guys or the Satanic 11???

      Thankfully, they sang Tiyende Pamodzi with KK after getting the cup!  They are our National Team, not Sata’s.

    • The luncheon will be hosted at State House. In keeping with our African/Zambian tradition it is the lady of the house who hosts guests, especially in particular in this case since it is a luncheon. To say it will be hosted by the First Lady does not in any way diminish the event or imply that the present will not be there himself to receive and honour the guests 

    • He prefers to SHARE the limelight!! He understands Zambia is not just about him, BUT EVERYBODY ELSE!!! he is indeed a man of the people!!!

    • Please…
      Its common sense when it comes to things like luncheons, parties & general gatherings, that is a woman’s duty. Obviously if the first lady is doing such its with the president’s consent mwebantu…..

    • Because he was busy campaigning for his beloved PF in Msanzala.  Mrs Kaseba had to make a stopgap arrangement as bashikulu had more important things to do!

  2. Congrats indeed boys. This is the time to build on this sucess towards Brazil 2014. You have truimphed over the expert opinions of seasoned soccer commentators and a team with a superior track record and many more european based players than yourselves. Don’t let haters and losers who dwell on making coffee with yesterdays hot water. Keep of the spirit of DONCHI KUBEBA, the humble but lethal underdog


  4. AKALIMBUSHA KATILE BANE: PAMUSHI NGA PAFWILE INSOFU, NELYASHI LILANDWAPO LYANSOFU.( If an Elephant is kill in the village, stories told are about the elephant). The questions is: what, which, who, where is the elephant?

  5. Priceless! I mean what can one say?

    Love our Captain. Loved shhhhhhhhh gesture during the penalties.

    Donchi Kubeba!

  6. Can Mr Capitalist/Boot Fimo Fimo/Senior Citizen step forward and say congratulations to the boys please?

  7. Why hasnt HH said anything on the victory of chipolopolo?Is it because they are singing DOCH KUBEBA? HH grow up this is not politics it is sport!! Iam sure you are silently celebrating with mabisi and sinkwa!

    • You fool HH was the first to send a messege to Zambia after they won last night. you fools just rush to comemnt with you hate without any facts. shame on you.

  8. #3 Cybersmart. Tradition calls for the Mothers to take of the Kitchen. When did you forget that? Lets celebrations begin. Viva Zambia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Great response destiny. I really don’t understand what Cybersmart # 3 wants to achieve. This is a State House “thing” therefore the father of the house is part of the program, so relax Cyber


  10. Lyelyelyelye……. ululating The President has spoken. Job well done. Katongo and your friends, you have really showed your character. The job has now started. No resting, please start preparing for The world Cup. Techamwana seka! Congrats guys. 

  11. Mwabomba mwebana abaume!!!!! Ishina lya Mfumu lilumbanishiwe.
    I never thot this day will come in my life, I thank God for enabling me to be part of this great moment.

  12. Well done boys!!!!! Good spirit, good composure and above all discipline.
    I can only appeal to the Government, through our lovely President to consider buying each one of these boys a medium cost house. I am sure they can get in an arrangement with NHA to build them houses. USD1,000,000 for this I am sure will be money well spent for our heroes. Lets motivate the boys!!!!

    • Excellent idea, hope the state can work out something tangible for them to value for the rest of their lives. The history their have made this way will last a long way.

  13. Is it true that the president is not part of the celebrations and has instead gone to msanzala? If this is true the am worried with his delegations why not meet the boys palyapene chikabile/


  15. Well done boys. May God continue to bless you. You are our heroes indeed… Thankyou for bringing the trophy home. We are proud of you… GLORY BE TO GOD FOREVERMORE..

  16. But where is the Peresident? And what is Winter Kabimbas role at the show grounds? Why doesn’t he join the govt by getting an official govt position? Tomorrow when he is dragged to court for PF plunder he will be saying I was never in govt but there he is conducting himself as though he were prime minister. Please tell the president that his presence is required. How can gay scott who was with the team in Gabon be the one to receive the trophy again? Awe mwandi guys ba PF kaya muganiza bwanji mwe!

  17. Congrats lads,you have done zambia proud.this issue of the president is really saddening,this is the first time we have won the trophy,even if he is not a football fan but he has to there.

  18. Congrats team well done. Also glad attempts at politicising our game through donchi kubeba slogans did not succeed, it had the potential to divide the nation even the team, and result could have been different. One Zambia One Nation, in unity we succeed in all our endeavours, viva unity, abash isolation and division!!

  19. These guys deserve a pay check, a real one … every country takes care of it’s stars and ours should not be an exception.

    • Before anyone gives them a pay check brother, we gat to convince some of these very few tribal oriented critics that we all zambians first and give Himoonde what befits Lungu, Sunzu, Mayuka, Mweene or Mulenga. Bakaboke milomo bafulisha and I am about just as tired. We won as a country but ba t**kala as late Kapambwe Mulenga would say, “wateyele kwisa bola iwe th***kala can’t even remember “Mc animal” MHSRIP as we taunted him after coming from Egypt. Who ever has a bone to chew with the Cobra, this would be the best time for one to mark their time. Lets give them boys what they deserve as well as the families of the April 1993 Gabon crash.

  20. There has been a lot of drivel and hatred towards me, for speaking my mind, unless this stops I will quit LT for good

    Why are they holding this luncheon? I would love to see how much money has been expended on sport. I don’t think is warranted at all, these luncheons are a waste of tax payers money and I strongly condemn this

    Saying that congratulations to the national team

    I just think there comes a time when one draws a line on the tournament and I think after it ended they were congratulated and please let us not spend any more money, it is becoming embarrassing, and I am not happy at all!


    • You have made your bed here so lay in it!
      You made a comment before the games even started that you wanted Zambia to lose.

      Your wish has been trashed like your wishes for the stinking country you hate.
      You cannot make statements like people have treated you bad.

      Everything that has come your way has been returns for what you planted.
      EVIL is what you are.
      Now go away and leave the positive people of Zambia to enjoy their moment in history.
      No CMMA or C.ocks in the Zambian soccer team.

    • Mushota, they were not playing ” Tonyako aka bele”, hence explains why you don’t understand what has happened – does nick know how to “tonya??”

    • Ka Mushota you are astonishingly dense. You are actually threatening to quit LT for good??? After all you have said about us (yes, us. because we are Zambians) you actually think we will miss you? My goodness! You are more brainless than I thought. Believe me when I say that I speak for all Zambians on LT “YOU WILL NOT BE MISSED!”

  21. I’m from Kenya and I’m so proud of Zambia. What they have achieved is a gift from God and to all humanity.Long live Zambia!!! The humility of Christopher Katongo and his boys will live in our minds forever!

  22. I’m from Kenya and I’m so proud of Zambia. What they have achieved is a gift from God and to all humanity.Long live Zambia!!! The humility of Christopher Katongo and his boys will live in our minds forever! Long live Zambia!

  23. Congratulations to Chipolopolo boys and Zambia for our successful achievement to become African Football champions for 2012. The natural composition of the Zambian team and their collective resolve to bring honour to mother Zambia is admirable in the motto of One Zambia One Nation. Politicians need to learn lessons from this sporting principle resulting into delivery of results of works and joy, proud and free, strong and one Zambia. Congrats boys.

  24. Thank you Mama Sata for the gesture. Please pamper them.

    It was good to see our former presidents in Gabon. Imagine, if LPM and FTJ were still with us, we could have had all 4 of them there. What a peaceful country! What blessing!

  25. Surely Zambian deserved to win this tournament, we played better through out the tournament and we have proved to the world that there is talent in Zambia. pround of mother zambia, thanks to zambia national soccer team, coaches, faz, government for the support and to all fans over the globe

  26. Mushota u can quit LT ..u wont me missed… it will be good ridance… Back to national Issues… Well done boys you have done us proud… I had alot of bafana bafana fans congratulating ‘us’ …even guys from Tanzania, Malawi… it is just great feeling to be Zambian ..

  27. I would have loved to have seen HEMCS, at least at the airport, or at Showgrounds. Maybe we’ll he him at the luncheon.
    This is a great day for mother Zambia – this is important to the nation. No other issue is as important at this moment.

  28. Félicitation à tout le peuple Zambien pour cette victoire à la CAN.
    Vous avez bien honoré la mémoire des disparus de 1993.
    Bravo à Katongo et ses jeunes frères !

    Un supporteur de la Zambie à Lomé au Togo…

  29. Mushota its your money.. its our money… Thats the problem with prostitutes when they pass exams using that thing between they legs… The National team has brought $2M in the country.. you *****… Something which you will never do in a millions years. A happy nation, is a happy economy… Get that to your head…

  30. The success of the Chipolopolo was a predetermined will of God for this nation. In this victory God is saying something. Let us search to know His mind. The celebrations must be centered on God who made it possible for the boys to win the cup. If we don’t open our eyes to see the way of God these celebrations may become a curse instead of a blessing to the nation. Let us Go back to God all of us and president Sata must stop persecuting his opponents but must work toward uniting Zambia. This victory is not a Pf victory but a zambia victory and that is why its foolish for anyone to be singing “donchi kubeba

  31. @Mushota, you are not a Zambian taxpayer and so you have no rights to tell the Zambian taxpayers how they want to spend their money. Please concentrate on how your tax money is spent. In fact you sound like not a soccer fan. Everywhere worldwide when a team wins such a big tournament, teh government is obliged to use taxpayers money to appreciate teh victory brought to the country. For your info, it is the 1st time Zambia has won this cup and what to you expect the govt to say to the boys: Thank you only by words? Then you are crazy! Please have a life! Viva Zambia, Vicva Chipolopolo!

  32. The best feeling has been having people from east, central and southern Africa thanking us Zambians here for breaking the West/North hegemony in terms of countries that have won the trophy before. They say we have done them all proud.

  33. :d:d:d:d:d:d:d:d:d:d:d:d:d encore une fois mes felicitations aux boulets de cuivre, vraiment vous meritez cette CAN en hommage des disparus du 27 avril 1993 au large du gabon et que cette CAN qui a ete faite a libreville sera un tres grand souvenir de la vie zambienne. GABON VS ZAMBIE unis pour la paix et pour toujours..

    In: One more time congratulations to copper bullets, really you deserved it this CAN in lovely memory of the teammates who died on April 27th, 1993 in middle of sea of Gabon and that CAN made in Libreville will be a big remembrance of Zambian life. GABON VS ZAMBIA united for peace and forever….

  34. Good evening
    It is great to see how our boys are being honoured by the president & the First Lady. They very much deserve it for achieving that prize.

    As usual, we have perpetual haters who are ever brewing trouble on this site. Only that this time, everybody is so happy to be part of this historic momment that we have no time for negativity. People all over the world are joining us in the celebrations while the haters continue to smother…

  35. Count down to June starts… yayaya, more wonderful moments. Hope FAZ will organise more friends starting next month. They are many countries who could like to change Zambia. But please use the team which was on the bench plus the Under 20.
    The winning team must be tired, how many matches = 6??
    And Bana Sata kuti walande fingi mwe, she deserves highest respect.

  36. # 40 and 47 merc boucou thanks guys for your support.it so encouraging to know other countries supporting us .thats the spirit guys.

  37. LT can you please block ka Mushota? There must be a way of getting rid of her from LT. If you can’t please let me know coz I know some of the best hackers and I’m sure they can find her wherever she is in this world and block her. I can make it my life mission to find her and block her. That is how much i love Zambia. We are people that love our mother Zambia. We call her “mother Zambia” because the love we feel for Zambia is the same love that one feels for his or her mother. My heart bleeds when I read everything Mushota posts. I know that my heart is not the only one that bleeds. Please get rid of her!!

  38. #50 please spare the destitute, I can’t even write her name, because I never see any light towards her black-dry thighs. It is unfortunate that her parents wasted all energy and fertility, when so many people are busy praying to God to grant them children. I wish she could do something at-least for her grandmother, another unfortunate thing such children never new their grandparents because her parents couldn’t expose such a waste to them..

    • I had to stop and look for the clip on you tube. Indeed it was shocking,my mouth was open. And for someone to say remove God from the game the boys just played way, is really a display of total foolishness. God is God, He does wipe away tears from his children. God bless the team and may we as Zambians celebrate in a way the shows that we are believers.

  39. #18
    You are an imbecile yourself….
    As I expected it is our my mother at State House to fete the lads…no hard and fast rules the presido will have a day for them as well.
    Iwe ka Mushindo #31…I,ve been paying tax for the past 30 years why should it hurt you when it can’t hurt me, don’t you collect enough tax free money in your sex work..lol
    #50 & 51 thankyou

  40. Mushota is hilarious, always has a twist to everything as much as life has twists and turns to everything. I cannot wait to hear what she will say when she learns that the players have been awarded $59,000 each by the State :-)

  41. our neighbors namely Tanzania, Malawi, Namibia and Botswana have requested that the trophy goes also to their countries to celebrate with us,they say the victory is not only for Zambia but the region as a whole.i think it is true they should have a glimpse of the trophy.remember a Tanzanian businessman gave money to our team and the families of the Gabonese disaster victims,i think we should also celebrate with them

    • SPOT ON LET IT GO TO OUR TRUE LOVING Naighbors, Malawi, Tanzania, Botswana & Namibia, South Africa No, Kuti Baiba. Zambabwe, they have issue, they always think they are better than anyone else. Too Selfish No cup for them.

  42. Iwe Kamushota, you are so self centered even at the expense of whoever gave you a chance. Please, tell me you are not related to Dr Remmy Mushota, a goodman and MHSRIP however his misgivings. You are not just an ***** but probably a beneficiary of the MMD. It’s our nature among all the 73 tribes to let the women out of respect to prepare and conduct parties, for they run our Kitchens. By the way, Dr Sata ain’t just a housewife. She’s a Doctor being subjected to the wishes of all of us Zambia in order to help her friend and husband, Micheal Chilufya Sata.

  43. Its so good to have this CUP for the first time in our country,our young guys have done it for us.But am extremly DISAPPOINTED with our president instead of being there he went to campaign for the party,quiet enough he had sent our former presidents and other ministers to Gabon but he was suppose to welcome the CHIPOLOPOLO GUYS, but he went to musanzala and yet what the Chipolopolo went to do there was a national duty which has benefited the nation.conveying the massage is nothing but his presence matters alot.He also failed to declare a holiday so that us who works can celebrate,when south africa, Ghana, Egypt etc won they declared a public holiday but with us nothing instead sinda was declared as a district infact its a ka small town.am PF but am disappointed.

  44. To be queit objective, the head of state was supposed to there at the airport to receive our boys if he was as a statesman as mandela is. Upon hearing that zambia had won the cup, he should have declared one or two days holiday. he should have been the one to hold a lunchoen for the boys not first lady. Remember that there is no office of first lady in the constitution so this is not an honour enough for the boys. When cherise won BBA, Mandela invited her to his home, and when she came here what happened, Levy Mwanawasa himself held a luncheon for her and bought her a house of her choice. To me the president has not behaved as other presidents would have behaved towards this occassion. He is missing conspiciously from the whole cerebration and decides to hold campaign rallies in a consitue

  45. This Constable should have welcomed the boys at the airport and hosted the lancheon, his priorities are misplaced as usual. This chap! he is busy shifting provinces , he should have also declared a holiday, when when one of his dagga smoking buddies dies, he is so quick to declare national mourning, why not declare a holiday to celebrate. Am so pissed off!!

  46. What is Clifford Mulenga’s fate,is he a beneficially of the $59,000,000? though i think the amount is small.
    Its interesting that the Veep who went with the team is the one receiving them because somebody cant suspend politics for a while,if it where the opposition behaving like that,you would have seen unprecedended insults from grade 7 drop outs.

    • Clifford Mulenga is an arsehole.  He should not receive any of this money.  While his non-Bemba mates apologised, he was arrogant and haughty as if the national team owes him something.  He has been shown up.  We don’t need him.

  47. I feel that the president should have been around especially that it was our very first time and also considering the fact that we won it right in a country were we lost our national team, air force crew, media guys and FAZ officials. He could at least have been present at the luncheon.
    By the way Monday was declared a holiday in Ivory Coast for coming out second in the AFCON. As for us, it was a day full of dozing at work pretending to work.

  48. When one old Politician dies,we are told two sometimes one full week of national mourning,Zambia wins its first ever AFCON ati kulibe holiday atase.These are the real hereos not those stone throwing “freedom fighters”

  49. Ba mama Bana Sata is in charge of the Kitchen at State House as a Mother, so am sure bashikulu Bantu eko baciba ku mwikulo atemwa amalila nabakalume!!!

    Chill, the man knows his game and remember he is a shrewd politican who knows the power of popular support, he can not miss to associate himself with the team, he just wanted to ensure he does it right.

    Remember the players were celebrating using Donchi Kubeba but he wants their reception to take on a State outlook and not him as President, hence his low profile on their arrival!!!


    Because Sata was busy campaigning for his beloved PF in Msanzala.  Mrs Kaseba had to make a stopgap arrangement as bashikulu had more important things to do!

  51. When did Dr Kaseba become Dr Kaseba-Sata?  Did she marry Sata only after he won the Presidency?  Or it is now very convenient to have his surname, albeit in a funny double barrelled fashion?

    • She’s dr Kaseba, its the media who add Kaseba-Sata, she did not herself add it. She’s an intelligent woman. U need serious brains to do medicine, not ur average brains!!! Anyway even if was to add it what has it got to do with your life????

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