Tuesday, March 11, 2025

The nation owes it to God, says KK as RB heaps praise on the boys


FIRST Republican president Kenneth Kaunda says the nation owes it to God for winning the Orange Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) for the first time.

Dr Kaunda thanked God saying without his guidance, the Chipolopolo would not have emerged victorious.

Fourth Republican president Rupiah Banda said there was no better way of honouring 1993 fallen heroes that perished in Gabon other than winning the Africa Cup in Libreville.

Mr Banda commended the splendid performance that the Zambian soccer team put up.

The two former leaders said this yesterday at the Kenneth Kaunda International Airport on arrival from Gabon.

“I am glad that the boys put up a splendid performance and I must say that there is no better way of honouring the 1993 heroes than winning the Africa cup on the grounds where their mentors perished,” Mr Banda said.

Foreign Affairs Minister Given Lubinda said the victory was phenomenal for Zambia and congratulated the team. “We had to wait for the African Cup for a long time, the victory is God’s intervention and it is God sent. The favour of God is upon this country.

“The people of Zambia did it in politics in September 2011, when they successfully changed Government and they have done it again in sports by winning the Africa Cup,” the minister said.
He said the country should unite and succeed in achieving victory in the economic sectors and other developmental areas.

Meanwhile Chinese Ambassador to Zambia Zhou Yuxiao has also joined others to congratulate the Zambia national football team. He said the Chinese people as friends of Zambia had also joined in celebrating the victory of Zambia with Zambians.

Mr Zhou said some Chinese companies operating in Zambia showed solidarity by chartering airplanes to ferry soccer fans to Gabon to watch the finals and that the gesture was not in vain s evidenced by the victory.

He said the Chinese Government would continue to render support in improving sports in Zambia.

At the showgrownds, vice-president Guy Scott and other senior government officials joined thousands of Zambians who had gathered to welcome the ‘Chipolopolo boys.’

Police and other security wings had a tough time to control the crowds that arrived at the venue for the welcome ceremony.

Because of the confusion that reigned by the excited fans and supporters, the Vice president and the players’ stay in the showground was cut short as they had to be whisked away.

According to a tentative program that was issued by the ministry of sports, the vice president was supposed to address the fans at the showgrounds.

FAZ president Kalusha Bwalya and the team captain, Christopher Katongo were also supposed to have spoken at the showground.

The triumphant squad touched down at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport at 15:28 hours throwing the soccer-mad crowd that had braved the blistering heat into frenzy.

Soccer fans, some of whom arrived at the airport as early as 07:00hrs besieged the airport apron as the aircraft carrying the newest continental kings was taxing on the runway.

When the plane finally landed, fire engines draped in national colours provided even more spectacle when they sprinkled it with water that formed an arc of thunder under which the chattered plane passed.

In the intervening moments, former presidents Kenneth Kaunda and Rupiah Banda arrived as the former added to the electrifying atmosphere when he abandoned his walking stick to jog to the VIP lounge in sharp defiance of his 88-year-old frame.

Zambia police and Zambia army officers, some of them armed to their teeth, watched helplessly as the fans broke the security cordon to perch right at the foot of the plane from which the team would disembark.

First out was Republican Vice-President Guy Scott and his wife Charlotte while Sport and Youth Minister Chishimba Kambwili sauntered behind alongside Information, Broadcasting, and Labour Minister Fackson Shamenda and other Government dignitaries.

All this while, the jubilant fans broke into the ‘Donchi Kubeba’ and Chipolopolo song while flashing the PF symbol of a clenched fist as the Government delegation gladly reciprocated.

The rest of the passengers evacuated the plane with only an occasional cheer before an almost five-minute wait for the players to start coming out by which time the country took a deep breath awaiting the inevitable.

Out came Stopilla Sunzu who took the decisive penalty in the lottery in the championship match followed by Nyambe Mulenga, Rainford Kalaba, Collins Mbesuma and Joseph Musonda on clutches.

The rest of the players followed in immaculate navy blue suits and orange neckties, winners’ medals dangling down their necks and a top scorer’s trophy in the case of Emmanuel Mayuka in recognition of his three goals.

Then came the moment when skipper Christopher Katongo, in black sheds, with his coach Herve Renard, still in his white shirt magic wand, and FAZ president Kalusha Bwalya in tow emerged from the aircraft hoisting the AFCON trophy aloft.

The sea of predominantly green shirted fans, some in orange and white broke into a loud cheer before quickly rushing back to the vehicles to embark on the long winding journey to the showgrounds where their counterparts had kept vigil all day.

What should have been a 15 minutes ride to the showgrounds took over an hour for the players who rode on open military trucks showing off the trophy and meandering through a forest of soccer fans who lined the entire route from the airport.

Some fans cheered from the roof tops of their cars as others joined in the procession running alongside the two trucks carrying the players while others still made a mockery of the warning by the Inspector General of the Police Dr Martin Malama to stay clear of the roads as they tried to jump on any vehicle available.

In the ensuing confusion that saw some daring supporters throw themselves on the road, traffic police had their work cut out in trying to sweep the Great East Road that was reduced to half a lane forcing the trophy procession to move at a pace that would make a snail an olympic sprint champion.

Women and children were not left out as they too lined the Great East Road some still in their school uniforms hoisting screaming banners reading, ‘It had to come,’ ‘Welcome home our heroes,’ with others singling out individual players like ‘Long live Mweene!’

NEWLY-crowned African champions, Chipolopolo yesterday arrived back home as the ecstasy in the country peaked, breaking the political, cultural, and societal differences.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. Well Said President number 1 dr. Kaunda. It’s great our LORD God let Ababa a Kaunda know and eventually accept that Jesus is the only way. Many more years for the big man :) Chipolopolo iyeeeeeeeeeeeee.

  2. MWANAWAKWITU A.K.A AFCON Champion because of Jesus says :

    Has anyone ever heard former president Banda mention God?

    Even Minister Given Lubinda acknowledges our savior and his favor on Zambia. Ba Banda reason he lost the elections just saying; God is good.

  3. The Chinese really helped us mwe. May the Lord Bless that nation and give them favor, also send African missionaries so as we have Chinese in Heaven, thanks China.

  4. If only God was removed from the game of football!! How could the IMPARTIAL God favor one group over the other? Any reasonable explanation for that? The boys won the championship, not because of divine intervention, nor because of our perished heros, but because they PLAYED VERY GOOD FOOTBALL, and we have an excellent coach in HERVE RENARD. Give God a break please!!! Congratullations chipolopolo boys, u made all of us proud!

    • God is & wants 2 b with us in all activities 4 his glory. Saying ” give God a break!” is as gud ar saying “God, 1st I don’t need you now coz Im also great to do this & that alone” the bible says “pray at all occasions with all kinds of praxers.” His making zambia win has just shown his justice because we would have never won if he was partial. Ecc also says that there is time for everything so this a time for zambians to celebrate. God is the 1 who has commanded us to give hence 1st quantum obeyed & gave a 1.3b to make God’s plans come to reality. If this isnt’t enough then ask him in prayer to let you & I understand him even better.

  5. @ Anti-politics and Jombio it is written in the bible : in all things give thanks to the Lord.

    * As I scramble to find a bible and the verse*

    • The tells us not to be filled up with wine but his spirit. Im preaty certain that those who died must have ignored that. At the same time, all are going to die so there death isn’t unusual moreover whenever people are excited they become careless.

    • The tells us not to be filled up with wine but his spirit. Im preaty certain that those who died must have ignored that. At the same time, all are going to die so there death isn’t unusual moreover whenever people are excited they become careless forgeting God.

  6. I completely agree with what our former presidents have said. As one of those people whio survived the Faz team Gabon incident and as I said to the current FAZ President (Kalusha Bwalya) only God decides what is to bedone/happen at any/one time.
    Imagine in my case I wsurivived the air crush because my then employers, ZCCM, withdrew me from the list of those who were to travel. This is despite having been on secondment for five years. I had just returned from the CAF meeting which was prepairing for the 1993 CAN games. The FAZ president who later died in the crush appealed to ZCCM to let me travel with the team and then withdraw my secondment when the team came back, the goveenment made the same appeal but ZCCM said “NO”. That was how I survived the crush.

  7. 11 Thessalonians 5:18

    King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
    In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

  8. @Mr Simfukwe
    What that implies is that God decided to KILL all those 30 people on board, and saved you (Kalusha, and others). Does that make sense to you? He must be a very CRUEL God then.

    I dont blame you, but your pastors/fathers/elder/whatever u call them. That bible you’re reading (if u really are) was NOT written for Zambias, but for all HUMANITY (yes including Homos and atheists, na bacakolwa bonse). So how would u apply that same scripture you are quot’g to Ivory coast, and the other teams? Please be reminded again that the most high is IMPARTIAL, and has NOTHING to do with football or anyother sport!!!!!!

    • Anti-Politics, you are still lost. You can not understand how God works if you dont know him.

      First thing, give your life to God. Turn to him and ask him to become your Father. Ask him to forgive your sins on account of what Jesus his Son did on the cross. that he died to take away your sins. When you turn away from godlessness and unto God, he will receive you and give you the right to become his child. Thus you are now born again – first birth was earthly fo your mum and dad. Second birth is heavenly, of God, whi has now become your heavenly father. Without that, you will never know God or understand how he works. For he will always be at a distance.

      Once you are born again, God will put his Holy Spirit in you. The Holy Spirit will teach you all things. You can turn to God today.

  9. Was there need for the Veep to try and make a speech at the Show Grounds? It’s only in Zambia where I’ve seen politicians make speeches (long ones at that) before handing the Trophy to the winning team. And our lack of preparedness remains a mystery to me. Authorities could not prepare a raised dais on which the players could stand so that fans could have an unhindered view of them.

  10. Congrats to the giant slayers and newly minted soccer champs of Africa.Who says Zambia is never #1 at anything even in Africa?.This win echoes that of the Japanese womens worldcup team.Nobody gave them much hope especially that they’re short,they came from Asia which is not known for soccer and former champs,US & Germany were in their way.Against all odds they beat both US & Germany to become worldcup winners.Now zed has done it too.

  11. wow!! denis liwewe legend his voice is amazing and it he talks sense his got a powerful voice ,a voice i would follow to the mountain topic he should be commentating again . If some of you were also breast feeding while he was dominating the airwaves of zambia , watch his clip on supersport highlight channel you’ll be moved ….all i can say is wow

  12. @ Anti-politics God took Away the Land occupied by current Jews because the people there were sinful, not because the Jews were righteous. Cause the Jews were stiff necked people; but God made a promise to Jacob( Israel). So you think the people that lost the land were not as mad as a woman that didn’t receive valentines chocolates?

  13. The boy were trained nicely and prepared. The Apostle Paul used the illustrations of sports men that they work extra hard to perfect. JEHOVAH OUR ALMIGHTY GOD is not and will never involve HIMSELF IN POLITICS OF COMPETITIONS, he is IMPARTIAL but encourages each one of us to work hard to reap. WE REAP WHAT WE SOW. If we seed Laziness what do we.., expert God’s intervetion….. Never. God says look to the ants you Lazy one. Meaning that laziness will pay poverty and failure.

    • #20 Kawindwe. The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof. The world and all who live in it. God has the right to do whatever he wants to do. He can lift one and depose another. If God wants you to be the president of Zambia, he will place you on the throne. No man can stop God, even if they compete with you. Similarly, if God wants to promote you or give you a certain job for the sake of his purposes and will in the earth, then you will have it. it does not matter what the company or institution or your competitors do or think. When God wants to do something, nobody stops him. the only will that he respects is a person’s will. If he says go to the left but you refuse and go to the right instead, he will not force you.

  14. For sure ba zambia we need to thank God, this was great archievemnt and success, no one will stop me from praising and thanking God for AFCON 2012–anti-politics u have a point but somehow invalid & confusing why saying this had nothing to do with God when the bible tells me to be thankful in everything that happens to us?Go Zambia,go chipolopolo iyeeeeee, just the way we celebrate must be monitored.

  15. About God. If it is accepted that all happenings on earth (and heaven) are within His prio knowledge and planned by him, and that He is un immotional, then it should not be difficult to accept that he can ‘favou’ Zambia this time round. The sorrows and joys that move us have no effect on God because if this were so there would be no calamities befalling us. Believers hold that it was decided, long before the earth was created, that at this particular point in history Zambia will win the cup. The alternative to the foregoing postulation is a Godless society.

  16. Ok KK, on God you are right. Let us give glory to God. but I am not celebrating because of the deaths of people. Shame on our country on our country that we have allowed the death of so many people. How many people have died in civilized countries where such similar cups have been won? Zambia is still a backward country where human life is not respected. Shame on the police who allow people to ride on top of venchiles or to clib on the tower in the picture. How can a civilized country tolerate such action. Shame on govt ministered who have not legislated a ban on the carrying on people on top of venchiles or climbing trees or towers like the picture above.

  17. # 7 Am praying for you to know God thru His son Jesus. If you followed the team closely you’ll acknowledge that God was with them thru and thru. Yes they had to work hard cos God gave them the desire and the ability and God blesses whom He wants to bless although He loves all and this explains why we are not all the same.

  18. Good morning Zambia!

    Water in my eyes as I read this unbelievable dream come true. From a thousands of miles away, I can visualise how electrifying this momment must have been when the players alighted from the aircraft and made their way to Show grounds.

    As my brother Mwanawakwitu has rightly quoted from Thessalonians, we ought to give thanks to God in ALL things, so why must He be left out of certain areas of our lives? The life of a believer has no “grey zones” since God is Lord over his entire life. At the same time, it does not mean that God made the Ivorians lose the game, because everyone saw that they equally had enough chances to win the cup. Whether you like it or not, the Forces were simply with us and for this we give thanks and praise to the Ancient of Days..Katebebe!

  19. We have to slaughter a real elephant and let the boys have it for braaii…we gonna also partake. Cmon ZAWA chris katongo is a sniper just give him one copper bullet and we go to one of the national parks with an AK 47….boooom! one elephant down! nyama tigabane na anyamata!

  20. …The chipolopolo win is a perfect testimony of what happens when one has received the LORDS FAVOR and believes. So thankful, humbled and proud!!

  21. #10 Bennett Simfukwe..God has a great plan plan for your life thats why you were spared.Hope you seek that plan and fulfil it.Our mourning over Gabon has turned into dancing.I hope the families of the victims will also be remembered

  22. So, was God on KK’s side when his ‘security’ people were torturing and killing people? I used to hear the screams coming out of the second floor of the Lusaka Central Police Station in 1980 and 1981 when I was studying next door at Evelyn Hone College. We have short memories. #7 you are right, it does not make sense that a munificent God will kill 30 people outright, allow politicians to cover up and sit on a crash report for almost 20 years, meddle in the administration of the sport negatively and also support one team over the other. The King James version Bible is actually quite racist. King James ordered that certain sections of the Book that highlighted the strengths and eminence of Black people be deleted and censored. The Book of Ham is an example. Well done the Chipolopolo!!!

  23. God gave us free will :) My atheist friend prays when his lottery numbers look good while another cries what kind of God would do this when things go wrong. As long as we are tolerant of each other’s beliefs we’re still cool :) Attribute the win to whomever you like it is still a win. Personally I think it was the rain and our invisible team players… Kidding. Bless you all for making LT a better environment for a minute. Will remember this as a good LT moment!


  25. What a great moment for zambia! If you cant thank God for this then find something else to thank him for. Seeing the old man KK participate in the joyful moment just brings tears to my eyes. Oh thank you Father for giving us the victory

  26. God loves Ivorians just the same as he loves Zambians….but God helps those who work hard and our boys worked hard. We thank God that he gave us hard working boys…..!

  27. #12 Anti-Politics, you are still lost. You can not understand how God works if you dont know him.

    First thing, give your life to God. Turn to him and ask him to become your Father. Ask him to forgive your sins on account of what Jesus his Son did on the cross. He died to take away your sins. When you turn away from godlessness and unto God, he will receive you and give you the right to become his child. Thus you are now born again – first birth was earthly fo your mum and dad. Second birth is heavenly, of God, whi has now become your heavenly father. Without that, you will never know God or understand how he works. For he will always be at a distance.

    Once you are born again, God will put his Holy Spirit in you. The Holy Spirit will teach you all things. You can turn to God today.

  28. Its no rocket science that the boys won due to determination, self-discipline, hard work and a good trainer. I dont see any ‘GOD’ in this picture.
    Well done boys, good job…. You have made Zambians proud!!!

  29. I wonder what bible these people read…Just as it is written:”Jacob I loved,but Esau I hated.”What then shall we say?Is God unjust?Not at all!For He says to Moses,I will have mercy on whom I have mercy,and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.It does not,therefore,depend on man’s desire or effort,but on God’s mercy.Romans 9:13-16…dont misled people with shallow theology.

  30. The only statement that is out of place is the one from Lubinda. Whether you like it or not, Lubinda, on a scale of 0 -100 for politicians the success of the team can largely be attributed to RB (and God) and zero to you and your donchi kubeba. Remember that your government even declined to fund Renard’s salary when Kalu appointed him? Remember too that you can’t run away from surviving on RB’s bumper maize harvests now and for the coming year?
    That aside, Viva Chipolopolo, you have done us proud!

  31. #7 anti polilics I think you need desperate help; Removing God from this victory is behaving like a rich fool that Jesus talks about in Luke 12:13-21. He thinks of himself highly as he looks at his produce and forgets that it is God who gives wisdom and strength to make wealth Deut8:18. Thankfully the team who played do acknowledge and appreciate the Almighty God for giving them the strength, wisdom and the tactics.Didnt you watch them praying on the pitch and the win???? Guess you must have ran off to fill your head with alcohol.
    Zambians prayed (I bit you didnt spend ant minute to pray) I dont know about Ivory Coast but we Zambians prayed and believed God to help us despite the whole world favouring Ivory coast, even Ghana in semi-finals. God is God, He chose to remember Zambia.

  32. Dont politicise the victory…. the team had oredi qualified to AFCON before PF came to power.. Govt (MMD or PF) has an obligation to support national endevors! Go boys and qualify to Brazil 2014…donchi kutina names! Jah Bless da boys, i and i believe da weed also contributed..ha ha ha!

  33. #5, Not necessary at all. Have you ever heard Lubinda mention God apart from this occasion where God’s name is used to gain political mileage? FYI, the worst liars that this country has ever produced receive holy communion and chant God! every Sunday.

  34. #20 Kawindwe. The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof. The world and all who live in it. God has the right to do whatever he wants to do. He can lift one and depose another. If God wants you to be the president of Zambia, he will place you on the throne. No man can stop God, even if they compete with you. Similarly, if God wants to promote you or give you a certain job for the sake of his purposes and will in the earth, then you will have it. It does not matter what the company or institution or your competitors do or think. When God wants to do something, nobody stops him. The only will that God respects is a person’s will. If he says dont go on that plane or bus but you refuse and go instead, he will not force you. Get to know him, persue a personal relationship with Him.

  35. That team has come a long way…it was not created in your dreaming 90 days..NO! All soccer loving Zambians and RB is one of them, contributed to the building it. How can someone go to campaigning and leave such a huge historical event taking place?

  36. Hi Editor of Lusaka Times, get permission from the editor of “Nyasa times” and reproduce on this site an article entitled “Death Announcement – An Elephant of I. Coast Killed by Copper Bullets” I can assure you Malawian Journalists are more imaginative than their Zambian counterparts

  37. BBCnews today: Zambia’s Nations Cup triumph ‘written in the sky’

    “Our first game was against Senegal and the team was on its way to Senegal for a match when the plane crashed,” said Zambia coach Herve Renard, who dedicated the title to Bwalya.

    “The plane crashed in Gabon and we won the final in Gabon. It was a sign of destiny, written in the sky. There was a force with us. I think God has helped us.”

  38. Yes, God and HR who removed the bad elements from the team. We had a chance to win in 96, but the devil encroached himself using alcohol and s£x when our team went out drinking instead of sleeping. HR has had a very positive influence in preparing the team mentally and physically

  39. What pisses me off is hearing the so called ‘expert’ soccer commentators and so called pundits running their mouth by saying this Zambian win was due to some kind of spiritual divine intervention; some destiny or some luck of some kind… almost negating all the hard work, dedication and spirited effort displayed by the boys.

    God and some motivation derived from the fallen heroes, yes I agree, but please don’t reduce this win to some invincible spirits. What you so is a classic example of workmanship that is lacking in Zambia’s place of work right now. The old saying ‘God helps those who help themselves’ rings true to form here. The guys are hard workers Period and God was impressed by their hard work and rewarded them/us with the ultimate continentinal trophy.

  40. Hands up those who recorded the game and they have re-watched it several times already? Or relived the episode by watching some youtube clips of the match…. well I have watched the game in full again and again :)

  41. While we thank the Creator for this victory, we must also be cognizant of the fact that this team has been consistently together for several years, and has learnt the craft of team spirit, of hard work, and of invoking discipline and honest hard work in their pursuits. So as we celebrate their bringing this honour to us, let us remember that such achievements are not an instantaneous happening, but a result of years of consistency, hard work and trust!

  42. I have to agree with KK. We managed to defeat teams which are stronger than ours (Ghana and Ivory Coast), Mweene made remarkable saves that could have gone the other way, A somewhat confused Drogba ( after being head butted) missed a crucial penalty, etc. I do see God’s hand in this victory. This is an opportunity for the country to thank God for the victory and build on the success

  43. wel, God has dn it again for mother zed after peaceful elections, then u20, and senior national team. this must be a lesson to every zed that, God can do any thing whn ur up light with him, those pipo whom the world rejects, they are the one carrying big blessings, wish my country success in every aspect of national developement with God being our driver,, zambia wil go to the world cup in brazil and bring the world cup home again , this will happen.. congrate chopo boys, one zambia ,one nation and one leader. cheers…com

  44. Proverbs 10 vs 22 The blessing of the LORD itself makes rich, and He adds no sorrow with it.

    Congratulations chipolopolo and condolences to those who ve lost loved ones while celebrating

  45. IG Malama relieved of duties Stella Libongani is new IG ..congrats to the forst female IG… kaya Malama alakwa chani mwami, azachosa nsapato!

  46. Congratulations to our great Zambian Team. However, Iam too disappointed with our security wings and government especially the police. Looking at the picture above one can see a lot of risks which people were subjected to. One wonders if at all our security wings (Police) do ever carry out risk assessments whenever there is such a public gathering. The mast on which people climbed is not designed to hold the loading of so many people as can be seen in the photo. Imagine if it snapped and fall. A lot of people can be injured and possibly die. The same police have been telling the nation to take caution as they celebrate, but I do not thick they did their home work thoroughly. Apart from that there is also the danger of slipping, falling and being electrocuted. Police do your WORK!

  47. Congratulations. I am also happy for KK and Denis Liwewe. Your foundational efforts have finally paid off after decades of hard work.

  48. @Ice_Road_Trucker, may GOD richly bless you for taking your time to share the word of GOD so selflessly. God’s grace is sufficient for all that are ready to listen. The game was won by Zambia for such a purpose. Well done Chipolopolo.

  49. @Mwanawakwithu…… Thou shalt use God’s (Jehova) name in vain. God loves the Senegalese, Ghanaians, Ivorians etc. He is above petty partisanship. God only allows us to choose what we want and attain what we strive to attain. God has given us a free will to do whatever we want.
    We were lucky that we won the tournament. Have you ever heard KK mention Jesus Christ? There is no need therefore for RB to pretend that it is God when it is actually the team’s ability. So next time you hear people say “god” ask them which god they are referring to.
    @PM i agree with you.

  50. @Mwanawakwithu…… Thou shalt use God’s (Jehova) name in vain. God loves the Senegalese, Ghanaians, Ivorians etc. He is above petty partisanship. God only allows us to choose what we want and attain what we strive to attain. God has given us a free will to do whatever we want.
    We were lucky that we won the tournament. Have you ever heard KK mention Jesus Christ? There is no need therefore for RB to pretend that it is God when it is actually the team’s ability. So next time you hear people say “god” ask them which god they are referring to.
    @PM i agree with you.

  51. botolo may sound critical but amid celebrations lets not forget the true God, the Father of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Balesa Baweme yo yo yo yo yo yo .
    Awe nachiwama.

  52. GOD indeed loves humanity bt those who acknowleges him he favours.wateva we hv comes frm God,so it is equally important to thank him 4 lifting the tropthy.viva chipolopolo u rily hd put up a gud game.

  53. Ant politic, your thinking is very shallow. What you are saying is the same as saying Im not going to thank God for having food because other pipo are starving or for having a health baby because my neighbour’s child died.

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