Wednesday, March 12, 2025

President Sata fires Dr Martin Malama and Regis Phiri, posts the two into foreign service


President Michael Sata
President Michael Sata

President Michael Sata has with immediate effect removed Inspector General of Police Martin Malama and Zambia Security Intelligence Services Director General Regis Phiri of their positions. This is contained in a press statement made available to the media by the President’s Special Assistant for Press and Public Relations George Chellah.

The Statement did not mention reasons for the removal of the two service chiefs.

Mr Michael Sata has appointed Mr. Martin Mwanambale as Director-General of the Zambia Security Intelligence Services (ZSIS) and Ms. Stella Libongani as Inspector-General of Police.

Mr. Mwanambale and Ms Libongani replace Mr. Regis Phiri and Dr Martin Malama respectively. The Head of State has deployed the two ex-service chiefs into the Foreign Service.

This development makes Ms. Libongani the first female Inspector General of Police in Zambia’s history.

The President expressed gratitude to Mr. Phiri and Dr Malama for their unflinching loyalty, hard work and dedication to him as Commander-in-Chief and the country in general during their distinguished service as heads of these relevant security wings.

And President Sata has further appointed Mr. Samuel Nkhoma and Mr. Peter Chingaipe as Deputy Director-General of the Zambia Security Intelligence Services and Deputy Inspector General of Police correspondingly.

The Head of State says he was confident that the two senior security officers will perform to his expectations and that of the Zambian people in general.


  1. This is a no-frills government. You don’t deliver, you go. I hope he can do the same right across the board. There are still a lot of dead wood material floating around in the government system! I also hope the incoming chiefs will have the courage to clean up their houses so that sanity can reign in this beautiful country.

  2. Well I meant to lay low this week because I thought it will be all football, then then a get a tweet with captivating information on my phone and just can’t resist to volunteer my opinion.

    Anyway good move by the president and the maturity exhibited by taking corrective action when it is needed. Dr Malama was great on the CB and made a name for himself, but as a head he was a disgrace and totally get exposed for lack of true leadership and judgement. He appetite to play to the media was absolutely jaw-dropping. He still needs to be under somebody to work better and at the end of the is just a christian and a medical doctor. certainly  not a Leader. He basically turned himself into a cadre.

    For Regis, well that was obvious. Long overdue. Just change of guard.

    • Wow… Maybe you are reasonable after all… You could also teach Senior Citizen how to give credit where its due. Thanks.

    • I agree with you on Dr Malama but when he was appointed am sure he new what he was doing in a way its the presidents fault being a nephew and all ( plus i hear there is more details to this saga as unlike Regis the Dr only heard of the news through the media Today)

      I also remember reading articles online that Regis to retire that was in November or October last year… what happened who made him stay??? then this today in anycase the state can be sued if i was a lawyer i would do it on his behalf for free… The president should think because he is the appointing authority he can decide whatever side of the bed he wakes up and pick who to humiliate. Another question why ask a press aid to tell your senior security personel through the media if indeed he appriaciates there service 

  3. #1,what do you mean he handpicked malama? isn’t what or presidents? come on, think sometimes before making such comments. i knew malama was going to be fired, rumor has it that he was frustrating some investigations and the Cobra has known it. he’s luck he’s being posted in a foreign mission!!

    • i mean just that mune. Before his appointment, Dr Malama was very juniour in rank and file. HECS handpicked him and promoted him leaving Malama’s seniors. Had HECS consulted probably malama was neva going to be IG. I feel sorry fo the IG he has been ridiculed to many a time by HECS.

    • @mambala you have a point and i agree with you maybe hand picked might not be the right word but he was the presidents choice so all his short coming are the presidents fault.

      And asking your press aid to dismiss your own nephew from the highest post he has held is ridiculous 

  4. Yesterday showed the full incompetence of the Police IG and the Intelligence Unit. The Vice President was left un protected at Show grounds for the anticipated concert to celebrate the Chipolopolo arrival. The show was abruptly cancelled due to incompetence security system that was breached with ease. well done MC Sata. But why reward them and reward them later with diplomatic posting. Just Fire them!!!!

    • Correct analysis! I was wondering where they went wrong and you’ve hit the nail on the head. Good ridance for the shambolic security preparations. I was also concerned about the security of the US Ambassodor but Zambia being what we are is peaceful.

  5. Sad for Dr Malama maybe he should have been working quietly on henry banda coz i think when investigating u dont have to announce each and every lead u have.Lession to New IG & DG pliz work quietly but fast.only release info when something tangible has been achieved or when culprit is in cells.All the best anyways.

  6. Details here would be helpful considering some of these chaps have contracts in western world you dont just terminate a contract like that it came come at great cost… it brings to mind the Home office guys in the UK his job was made impossible by politicians he has sued they are paying out more than they should have for the dismissal 

  7. Ok the president doesn`t need to tell us why this man Malama has only served less than 5 months but this is really worrying!

    Was it a wrong appointment?

    Booty did I hear you say congratulations to our boys?

  8. Sort out Mawere and Darlington too who were at the Zambia Embassy in Switzerland Mr. President please, these people used our  tax payers money. Please investigate Mawere the champ he has left Switzerland living his family be hide…..What a looser.

  9. I started smelling a rat the moment Sata asked Rupiah Banda to go and watch the Africa Cup final. I think Malama also knew from that moment that job yapwa. However, my own view is that both guys have not been FIRED…NO. They have been re-deployed to pave way for easier forgiving of Rupiah Banda and his sons. Sata would have found it difficult to instruct Malama to reduce speed on Rupiah and his sons, and also people would have easily noticed. So it is much easier to re-deploy the chaps and appoint fresh chaps who will come in with specific instructions to reduce speed. That is how government works. Having said that both Stella Libongani and Chingaipe are formidable and respectable personalities in the force. Chingaipa was my classmate at UNZA decades ago. Good luck to everybody!

  10. IG Malama, even I could have fired him. Ex Presido Banda said it that his hope and prayer was for ba Sata to deal with those giving him boza. IG Malama surely did, look at the Gold scam, look at the Mphundu Trust Fund and the icing on the cake was taking away 60 plus bags of mealie meal from Hon Kunda’s farm and Mr. Jere calls in plunder of government resources. Mr. Jere careful you maybe the next to go or transfered to an admin position at HQ

  11. Ba Lusaka times times naimwe misleading headline…Please don’t misled people, the president has neither fired nor confirmed that Dr. Malama and his colleague are no longer part of his govt. Dont put misleading headlines

  12. It will be very easy for Malama even in the future to remember when he was fired as inspector general of Police – three days after Zambia lifted the African Cup of Nations for the first time. How easy is that even for a social studies test?

  13. I pity Dr Malama because he proved to be very efficient when he was on the copperbelt. I think leaders should also be in forefront in shaping up subordinates and give time to improve especially those new in their postions not just changing them.

  14. # 19.Thats a correct headline,create your own site and put headlines that fits you.And you expected Watae to leave his well paying job here and go to Zambia to work under the “no action but rhetoric man”………….Today you praise Malama tomorrow you fire him,circles.

  15. The police is still corrupt recovered vehicles and impunded vehices still have spare parts stollen at Lusaka central police who is stealling ? it means the samr cops are thieves. Our police service needs demons casting coz corruption in the service seems to be spiritual

  16. From reliable sources within the security wings, Dr Malama whilst as CB commanding officer, he was involved in the JEROB or what ever you call the notorious criminals on CB. Then the Director General of intelligence was to do with is failure togather intelligency or information on the operative scale of the above Criminal group. Sata promised earlier on that anyone found to know or having knowledge about this group or benefited will be dealt with. I concur with MMD Chief bootlicker. Dr Malama had inside information and Phiri failed to channel is attention to this criminal group which has been terroring CB for some time.However, there are more senior police officers on CB implicated on linking with this criminal group. Watch the space and time

  17. I concur with SAIMBWENDE who said they are NOT FIRED but re-deployed because the headline is misleading. LT you should write “IG and Mr Phiri re-deployed in foreign services”
    Anyway they will meet with Henry Banda since he is abroad.

  18. For Regis it is overdue, not that he has done something wrong but it was necessary immediately there was change of govt. He is an officer and a gentleman! As for Malama, he was just one overzealous cop from Lilayi!

  19. #22 Tracy, kindly do not start directing people towards you tribal inclination into this. The two name have got nothing to do with being Bemba at all. Therefore contribute with no tribal attached.

  20. I could not believe what I saw yesterday when welcoming the Chipolopolo Boys at KK International Airport. The security system was breached at will as though this is a banana country. The same continued right up to the show ground and VEEP too was not well secured.Had there been a stampede alot of pipo whould have died while others injured. The problem that we have is simple negligence. You will find officers who are supposed to provide security also join in the commotion. Its like they become spectators. Security of VIP and general public should always be tighty no matter what the occassion is. There total break down of law and order. Lets avoid such reckless laxity in future. The whole welcoming party became a sham. What a shame.

  21. The president has constitutional right to make appointments to gvt posts. Dr Martin Malama earned his appointment after his impeccable achievement on CB. He managed to tame to thags on CB in the name of “Jarabos”. When I visited Zambia last year in Sept/October I was surprised by the level of proffesionalism in the police. I was caught overspeeding twice, there was no negotiations, I was handed a receipt and I was happy to make payments. They appeared genuine receipts to me, could be wrong. At Luangwa in Kitwe I was among several culprits for overseepding, one Zim woman was trying to get seduce the police officer to get away with the charge. She was asking for the in charge for his mobile phone and she was rebuffed to my amusement.

  22. Too bad for the doc, this man brought alot of order on the copperbelt but i just wonder what he dint do right. we all make mistakes and the president should be willing to gloom his workers not firing who ever makes a mistake. how come Bob Sichinga hasnt been fired


  23. The point is Dr Malama is not a party cadre, he is incorruptible. I am sure this has not gone very well with MCS for the simple reason that MCS so called fight of corruption is one sided, meant to silence political opponents. Dr malama did not see it this way and rightly so. MCS wants people in those positions to play to his music, to carry out his plans. Watch the space.


  25. Malama is hard working he was just disturbed by presindential appointment. It is a leason to me, i will refuse any presidential appointment and concetrate on my career job.

    • By refusing a presidential appointment you will still be putting your career in jeopardy. So best is to stay under the radar. Don’t perform so well as to catch the eye of the President..whatever your field:)

  26. I think he wanted a woman IG all along. There are too many temptations for men. As for Regis Phiri, he has been too long on the job and he must have fed a lot of unintelligent intelligence to Sata and PF last 3 years.

  27. Sure simple English can not be so hard to write what kind of journalists do we have in Zambia that cant report a story that has a headline reflecting what the details are…

    Being fired can be a strong word in the advanced countries you can get sued if you report like that as it puts a dent on your record… For Mr Malama maybe we wont know the details as to why he has been replaced coz he has not saved that long… For Op boss well he has been there for over 10years and was actually meant to leave office last year.

    So either he was working illegally after his contracted ended or had a new one… should be interesting if we could get some clarification so as we know and people know what there jobs are all about. to make a system transperant you will need to give details on such mat

  28. Wow Never a dull moment in Zambia.I like what #25 infidels Bagdad Zulu has said LOL
    well Malama at least you covered yourself well academically.If this policing thing doesnt work you can always go practise medicine! So RB was right after all you were acting silly! The Police-media relationship just got out of hand.

  29. The rate things are going on in Zed is very worrying. The disorganisation, un-preparedness witnessed yesterday at the home coming of the victorious, champions of African soccer was very sad, to say the least – actually bbc even called it ‘bizarre’.
    But then again, if one looks at the calibre of people put in govt, it was hardly to be surprising!!
    Regarding the change of guard at Police and Intelligence services, one hopes this has nothing to do with bring in chaps that can easily be used to rig elections. I understand this vice was rife in the Banda era. 

  30. Changes made for the sake of change, will always trigger further changes as remedies that will be worse than the disease itself (objective of change). Dr Malama has potential if appropriately tasked. Mr Regis Phiri good rest from stress in coping up with state security issues from past and current rigimes. As for PF govt, they have to admit lack of planning on their part to put up with frequent modification. Many may volunteer advice but can PF profit by it? Zambians are still expecting promises made that are now working against the PF govt. No one knows what will happen in the coming year, not a rolling stone again.

  31. I personally think it has to do with the raid on Kunda’s parents house the other day. I dont know what was recovered in that house but if nothing, then heads have to roll. Thats a big public blunder guys….

  32. When the cobra spits, u need to make sure that yo eyes are closed, or else u taste the pain of being a politcal apointee……………………..


  34. Between the DPP and the IG, the president should have dismissed the DPP because this gentleman represents a system that is full of lunacy.

  35. There may have been other factors at play, but the lapse of security that resulted in loss of life over the AFCON celebrations was the nail in Malamas coffin. Sata made it clear that he was not happy with loss of life during the celebrations and felt that Malama did not provide or deploy sufficient resources to prevent the like.

  36. Somebody is talking about tribe. I’m usually at the forefront of condeming Sata but I don’t think these appointments were based on tribe. As far as I see the four appointments are a mix of tribes.

  37. The President does have prerogative to appoint and therefore dis-appoint officers in certain position. My view is that MCS must quickly stabilise his boat and start hcarting a straight course so that all on board would know we are now on course towards the destination.

    At the moment, the boat seems to be taking too long preparing to sail while passengers or sea fairers are getting impatient!!!

  38. You know you may wonder why the hiring and the firing> he might be protecting his interests as well coz the people his fired are really hard working and they dont leave issues hanging thats why he so scared. Batata balekeni abantu babombe inchito. Ichalo chabwelela panshi. Toleya bwino sana nomba muletudabwisha.:o:-?

  39. Malama must be reaping the results of poor security arrangement both at KK International Aiport
    and at the show grounds.The security arrangement for VEEP had collapsed and tents erected for invited guests were not secured as they ended up in being occupied by soccer fans.Literally,guy Scott had to push his way out of the Show Grounds arena.Thanks to his physical fitness which included GBM and other ministers.An important occasion had to be abandoned without the VEEP speech which probably was going to be presented on behalf of the President who was away on election duties.This I’m afraid cannot be condoned.

  40. And so the empowerment of Zambian women continues. This is really our century us women – zambia is ready for a female president. Ba Stella should implement rules and make it illegal for men and women to strip women just because they choose to wear tight trousers or short skirts!!! We were literally naked traditionally when the Europeans came and told us to cover up!!

  41. Man of action hiring and firing. the good part of our president is that he listens and act quick whenever he see a problem.

  42. #JANET C

    You are so right!!  In fact we do it all the time at initiation ceremonies for young maidens.  It is a type of marketing.  Any woman who is not married should show a bit of skin so that men get interested.  There is no point wrapping yourselves up like in a hijab.  Look at the Swazi Reed Dance!  That’s our Africa and we need to celebrate our traditions.

  43. Bakabolala……….tabafwaya uwacishinka.
    Ifintu tumfwa fyabufi but the real truth is at plot 1. e.g the D.Boneti and Hev Rena saga. Why was Dario fire and who sanctioned the firing……CIC…..(Saiko Mataaaaaa).
    Zambia needs honest people and God shall surely grant us. Abashala are just warming the seat….watch it.

    • Are you serious?!! Can you at this point in time really question who sanctioned the firing of D. Bonneti and the hiring of H. Renard? That question has been overtaken by events. Whether procedure was followed or not history will have it on record that it was the right decision. If it was an Executive decision from State House, then thank even the better!!

  44. So what happens to the spokeswoman for ZP Elizabeth, new lady boss now no more taking notes over a candle lit dinner with the IG!! 

  45. It’s worrying since it is too early, but agin it is a sound warning to other appointed senior officers in the gov’t offices,let’s see what a lady can do I hope she will try her best to surprise the nation that she is able to deliver the best.

  46. Even Libongani will fail, its just a matter of time bosses. Unlike in the army,the best IG usually should rise through the ranks. I mean from constable at the equiries office, recording complaints in the OB,to CID,prosecution and so on. This kind of guy makes a good IG. I respect these guys that have spent a life time at universities, but running the Police guys is a complex issue. Nothing about male chauvinism people,but a lady would not do that! I promise you.There is a maze of complexities in the bitish police arrangemnt.
    Where is Wynter Kabwiku? Oh I forgot that Mrs Kabwiku is UPND chairperon for women affairs! but its people like Kabwiku, who can do a proper job. Like Mateyo, by far the most effective IG, Kabwiku rose through the ranks.

  47. @ 73 Are you serious?!! Can you at this point in time really question who sanctioned the firing of D. Bonneti and the hiring of H. Renard? That question has been overtaken by events. Whether procedure was followed or not history will have it on record that it was the right decision. If it was an Executive decision from State House, then thank even the better!!

  48. Time will tell .hoping the head of state SATA got some advice,just heard him gloating that did not consult anyone when he was local government minister in MMD about the choice Burial site for our late soccer team.

  49. I think pipo like fx were better in the position of IG. Martin malama was too overzealous and disrespect of other senior cops in the last four months. Showing him the way out was abetter decision by the king. Good for him. I can wish the new ig all the. Est and better working relations with her subordinates.

  50. I do not believe what I am hearing, seeing, reading….but then again it’s donchi. I guess one needs to be in the circles to understand these things….. and even then one wouldn’t fully understand, I think….oh crap. Let’s just watch this space

  51. POLICE STATE lauched, Malama was not obeying all the commands to arrest political opponents. Libongani will be a rubber stamp.

  52. I am so happy with the appointment, Ms Stella Libongani and Mr Mwanambale, thats good. We need country wide representation in important positions.

  53. Look guys why the debate about being fired or deployed or redeployed, you are splitting hairs here. The two were fired, whether they go into diplomatic service or not is immaterial, the fact is that they have been unceremoniously removed from office, maybe spare Regis Phiri who has served for a while.

  54. But maybe they asked to be relieved of their unpleasant duties or were about to resign, or did not agree with their assignments. Okay so many words but they mean the same thing actually, so fire them so that you don’t look like a jilted lover. I don’t think that HE Sata is a man who can stand to be jilted, he must look in charge all the time!


  56. Just 4 months as IG, one wonders what kind of due diligence Sata does before appointing these people. As for Malama, it was because he refused to arrest people based on rumours. The one thing Sata reviled him for was refusing to arrest people mentioned in the Barotseland so called cabinet because the good doc said this is nothing but rumours. Sata was furious. Well, he appointed Malama thinking the Doc is Bisa like him so he will kiss other Bisa arse but he didn’t and paid the price for being honourable and patriotic. Uyoyange Malama.

  57. these top ex-police, army etc. guys tend to be re-deployed into foreign service is it to keep them away from the media, the public etc. while some dust settles?

  58. This is a great Day for all you women folk in Zambia. A female IG of police, thieves Manje Muzachucha. Women tolerate no Nonsense. First the Africa Cup now our Sisters have representation at the most core of Areas. Ms. Stella Libongani now will show child molesters and spouse batterers what tizakamba ku sogoro means. God is Great Bantu.

  59. @’JANET C and @ CHIPUBA CHESU you are both wrong Africans were well dressed before the Europeans or their ” SELLOUT AFRICAN STATES OF SHAKA ZULU WERE ESTABLISHED.” Intact miss Libongani should arrest Heifers that are underdressed in public due to indecent exposure to young children. At times I wonder how some people miss wisdom while growing up. Abash western immoral nakedness.

  60. Zambians let’s stay alert at people that try to peddle evil and disguise it as innocence. Naked women parading even in Swaziland were put there by men for immoral pleasure reason. I am a man I love seeing booty, but leave me o. suspense and appreciation of your curves in decent clothes like a nice suit or our sisters the Lozi Musisi dress that honorable. I respect a woman for her intellect, the body is a bonus period.

  61. Nevers Mu mba is a lia r and a mon ey lau ndering ma chine

    Him and the de puty Mr Nz oya are ste aling tax pa yers money. They had fired Mr Tem bo beca use he knew about this sc am and was aga inst it. They also have a office slut , Caro lina Rod- riguez who is also abus ing the money. The Ottawa Zam bian mis sion are th ieves

  62. I tend to think the IG failed in the following areas, 1. Removal of roadblocks hence traffic accidents. 2. CHAOTIC reception of the victorious Zambia National team at the airport and showgrounds. 3. The relaxation of pace in investigating plunder especially that IG and DG even knew where Henry Banda is…

  63. Limbi twalapusukako kuma defilers na ma wife beaters. Its become hell for a woman or child in Zambia, hell!!!!!!!!!!!! Please ba stella do something, abanakashi ba lefwa ku spousal abuse.

  64. Vehicles for National Housing Authority are still being used to take Mr Mpondela’s childrens to and from school is it in order?

  65. Sata be careful, the people who are going to let you down and destroy you are your own Bembas not a LOzi nor,Tonga nor Lunda, Watch out you are on your way out.

  66. Can someone please help tell us at which universities Martin Malams and Dr. Solomon Jere got their degrees up to PhD level? What was the nature of their respective PhD thesis research topics?

  67. So what happens to Dr Malama’s girl friend?Will she continue as police spokes person?To bad for that little beautiful girl.What a short lived glory.But it is Dochi Kudabwa ,ka?

  68. @ Mphangwe #103 Dr Malama went to the university of Zambia he is a properly qualified medical doctor with any blemish.He is hard working and honest the only mistake made was to accept a political appointment from his crazy uncle.He has really lost out.Going into diplomatic service is not assurance enough.

  69. can some body please tell this ingutu suba the southern province PS, the girl friend to Sata or its just rumors. What many of us know is that she is Stella Libongani,the new IG`s Auntie.Please any one to confirm if she is his girl friend or indeed has children with him. 

  70. Malama was hardworking no doubt. Now we should expect Road Blocks to come back.
    Probably providing security to Dr Nevers Mumba in Msanzala costed him the Job. Mind you his name was mentioned that the IG provided security to Dr Mumba and team when they were in danger. Also i believe that he was looked upon as an outsider in PF and someone whispered a wrong word against him to the president.

  71. all i can say is that all this brings into question the decision making or judgement of the president. MCS has poor judgement. in his short presidency he will appoint and fire more people than KK did in his 27year old rule. the turn over of his human resource is disturbing to say the least

  72. I didn’t like the chaotic way AFCON was celebrated. Pipo are blaming IG but there must have been a government person charged with organizing the event. That is the person who failed & deserves to be fired. If you organize a concert & it turns out that the crowd can’t hear the music, what have you organized?

  73. I am surprised that Dr Malama has been relieved of dis duties by the president. We just interviewed him this past weekend on Zambia Blog Talk Radio. I was happy that a professional person in head of Zambia police. We hope the new IG of police will train their staff on use of forensic science to solve crimes. DNA unit should be part of Zambia police and intelligence. Dr Malama told us that samples are sent to South Africa for DNA testing. No, no this must be done in Zambia. It can be used to test for partenity too.

  74. I agree that the President has the power to appoint and dispponitee senior state officials, but in my humble view that power must be exrecised within the law and, reasonably and in accordance with elementary tenets of procedural and substantitive fairness, it can not be exercised arbitrarily and capriciously.

    i wish the two gentlemen success in their new assignments.

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