PRESIDENT Michael Sata said the Government will ensure that all schools and health centres in Msanzala constituency in Petauke are connected to the national electricity grid in order to accelerate development
The President has meanwhile declared Sinda as a district in eastern province.
Mr Sata regretted that Msanzala constituency did not have power 47 years after independence when people in the area were hard-working contributing to national development through farming and other activities.
The president said this when he addressed two public rallies to drum up support for the Patriotic Front (PF) candidate Colonel Joseph Lungu at Ukwimi grounds and another at Nyampande Basic School.
He said it was sad that the people in Ukwimi were living like refugees on their own soil because the MMD Government had not provided social amenities and other requirements.
He said most of the infrastructure in Msanzala were built during the Kaunda era and pledged that once colonel Lungu was elected as Member of Parliament (MP) in Thursday’s by-election, he would spearhead development.
Others contesting polls in Msanzala are 74-year-old retired Anglican Church evangelist Shaderick Banda on UNIP ticket, MMD’s Peter Daka, and independent candidate Usuman Maumba.
The President also directed that Petauke Trades Institute popularly known as “Ukwimi Trades” be converted into a teachers’ training college with immediate effect in order to increase the number teachers in the country .
Mr Sata said the newly converted college would start this year with 60 student teachers.
At the same rally, President Sata instructed the Chipata Municipal and Petauke District councils to reduce market levies which he said were too high.
“I have instructed Minister of Local government , Early Education, and Environmental Protection professor Nkandu Luo to remain behind and address this matter (market levies),” he said.
The President who addressed the audience mostly in Chinyanja urged the people of Msanzala to vote for a candidate who would foster development in the area.
He said the people of Msanzala constituency were not born poor but it was the previous leaders that had made them poor by failing to foster development.
He urged Colonel Lungu to ensure that he spent part of the K600million Constituency Development Funds (CFD) to buy an ambulance for the constituency.
The President, who had earlier paid courtesy call on Chief Sandwe at his palace, said he was shocked to learn that the traditional ruler stayed in a dilapidated house.
Speaking earlier, Commerce Minister Bob Sichinga said the PF Government was committed to ensuring that more jobs were created for the people including those in rural areas.
Other notable people that attended the two rallies included Prof. Luo, Home Affairs deputy Minister Obvious Mwaliteta and his counterparts at defence Panji Kaunda.
PF Msanzala constituency campaign manager Edgar Lungu, who is Deputy Minister in the office of the Vice-President, was also present.
The President who arrived in Petauke aboard a Zambia Air Force (ZAF) plane was expected to return to Lusaka yesterday.
[Times of Zambia]
iliko tricky,te same mmd tactics during bye elections.
mmmmnn, chongwe is still waiting for electification and bore holes at every village
How is this any different from the MMD he was a part of?
Sata is one of the former leaders who have not developed msanzala. ashoot in his own foot. Electricity was done up to ukwimi A where the trades school is. ALL WHAT REMAINS IS coonecting outling facilities like schools and clinics so sata should not even ride on this one if his head is functioning properly. Ukwimi where he went is a former refugee camp not turned into a farming block and all the people really need are farming inputs. It has costed 10b to hold the bye election why didnt he and this lungu ba.satard agree to invest that money in development and could still have his support instead of talking of the only 600m cdf which is nothing, We have very dull leaders and people should wake up starting with msanzala or else the ride will continue even by illiterates like king.
Instead of him giving as a holiday he is busy doing his own things. What a shame. i will never vote for him again. GO ZAMBIA GO
Just like valentines day, the bye election has been overshadowed by the Chipolopolo Victory. Is this bye election a walk over for the PF? i havent heard anything about the opposition candidates holding rallies or sayng anything onany media outlet, not even print. Could this mean that they are a non entity?
#5 Taipwa, holidays have cost zambia a lot of money in terms of lost man hours, why cant you behave like japanese, during christamas, its not a holiday. work hard not just saying we need a holiday, its the japs who are feeding you with loads of yen who need the rest as its these chaps who ensure your budget and other big projects are running smoothly. you can hold the celebrations until sat and sunday not distrupting monday for ichikombe.
Same old MMD tricks. We need a better government
Is there really a difference between PF and UNIP and MMD when it comes to elections, whose money are they using for campaigns all these so called big shots there instead of working they are loitering in msanzala!
This is what I hate about African politics. Why is the president using a ZAF plane for campaigns? When we were in opposition, HE MCS cried foul and infact threatened to sue because Red Lips was using government resources to campaign, here we are!
Now wake up you Zambians and lets cut the powers of the president and stop this abuse of public resources for party campaigns. Shall we make sure this is addressed in the constitution please!
And yeah, I am PF! Boot Fimo Fimo/Capitalist/Senior Citizen where are you?
y do u want to do tha on SATA? u should have done that on Rupiah! & since u accepted it then u can accept it now!! besides, he’s the president, those things r at his disposal and he use them anytime he wants to go anywhere, what…do u want him to get on a bus??? silly u!
@Pixy ulimpumbu. This is not right and reason I said our President even threatened to sue. Can you read english you?
It is his privilege Sir !
Yes reason I said it should be stopped. Reason I said we need to change the constitution you mug! They don`t do that in developed countries.
I bet you were born in “the party and it`s government” times so you won`t see the difference mugboy!
It`s not fair and it`s reason I said our president complained about it when we were in opposition. Jesus some people are really thick!
Sata deligated the duty of entertaining chipolopolo to bana kaseba sata
when you open more teachers college you make me proud thanks for that move is during compaign
Taipwa! You never voted for Sata.
Banthu ba kuMsanzala, osati akokunyemphekani wenye aSata. ASata beve benze muboma la MMD na UNIP. Nichinji chemuchitilamponi? After bannwopola ndalama za boma na Chiluba wabo ndiyepakuti akoti Nama wenye. He must own up for the lies and blunders that are a daily menu on our tables. Never in our history of Zambia have we had a president who is so confrontational like he is. He is the most inconsistent leader we have ever had. This is because he doesn’t really care about the people but himself. Nisimvwa Sata.
Opening more teachers’ colleges is a good move I agree, but we have too many unemployed teacher graduates from various colleges already. My advice is for the government to absorb the teachers who graduate and build them houses, otherwise it is pointless. Also, electricity promise is just to excite people, it wont happen. Unless it happenned in Chongwe and I just don’t know. By the way, is there a budget for upgrading Ukwimi Trades into a teacher training? Sounds like the same old song from UNIP, MMD and now PF!
Msazala people should be wiser now as the promises Michael Sata gave to CHONGWE during the Masewo bye elections of electrifying all villages and provision of a bore hole at each village have to date not been fulfilled.Even Masewo herself has yet to be appointed to Government.Masewo is much closer to Michael Sata than this traitor Col.Lungu will ever be.How on earth do people in Msazala think they can have Sata fulfill his promises to them superseding CHONGWE?
Why promise development during campaigns..this man shoots from his hip.he is saying he is making more districts so that the president who will come in 2016 will start developing the nation meaning the next five years no development. scarely state of affairs.
This issue of creating districts with immediate effect.Was is budgeted for or its the usual appeasement?
Hello I have 3 children to gesirter and didn’t see the registration form on this site. I also have a 14yr old daughter who would love to help out if you need extra help.Here’s their info:Sarah Hines, age 8/3rd gradeRebekah Hines, age 6/1st gradeIsaac Hines, age 4/preschool*Rachel Hines, age 14/9th gradeNone of them have any medical issues/concerns, no allergies all are potty trained:)Thank-you,Keelin Hines 277-7487
#16 Ugly Truth
Just wait there is more to come and to crown it all Zambia will soon be annexed to Tanzania.
This Constable should have welcomed the boys at the airport and hosted the lancheon, his priorities are misplaced as usual. This chap! he is busy shifting provinces , he should have also declared a holiday, when when one of his dagga smoking buddies dies, he is so quick to declare national mourning, why not declare a holiday to celebrate. Am so pissed off!!
has this PF gov already budgeted and planned for a college in petauke, or it done on impulse? the idea of the connect the district to the national grid is good. but give us the time table and cost so we can judge you fairly. do just say there is need. tell us the timetable and road map
Commerce Mister Bob Sichinga, after the fake K3 trillion which the Acting President :-) refuted, do you retain any credibility? So far you have not fulfilled a single one of the 90 day promises and now you want people to believe that you will create jobs. Okay, sorry I forgot that you were addressing ignorant villagers.
Now which one was the more important function for the President, drumming up support or receiving the national team? To those who arrange the preisdent’s diary, I would have thought that he would delegate the drumming but not the welcome party for the chipolopolo. Is he not part of the glory that everybody was celebrating?
Misplaced priorities, waste of resources and time. More promises, will this circus ever end? Honestly, politics now bore and irritate me. The only sensible news is the winning of the AFCON, well done boys, we are proud of you.
whether or not he declares a holiday man hours were lost. we know the effect of getting that cup . so why not declare a holiday so that it looks as if he cares ?
What a shame! Winning a parliamentary seat for PF is more important to Sata than joining the country in celebrating a historic win of the Africa Cup of Nations. Sata should have been in Gabon, and not Msanzala. It is him and not Kaseba who should be hosting our National Team at State House today. A historic win is understood by normal people to be a moment for enjoining the nation as one and celebrating the evnt. Even Hitler was so concerned about Germans winning medals at the Berlin 1936 Olympics that he could not give the four gold medals to Jesse Owens, the African Americans. Unfortunately, all this escapes Sata because it has nothing to do with PF or Bembas!!!!!!!
@28 Chipuba chachine ulichipuba. The president is back in the capital we she loo way!
Ivory Cost recieved a heroes welcome by the presdent
Zambia has never won Africa cup ever since the globe was created. This is a very important event so we deserve a Holiday
I have heard of spirit air invhag air deals that cheap recently to Florida, but most flew out of Detroit. Only a couple out of Chicago. Never heard of a air/hotel package. But some sites make mistakes and your friends father may have happened along on one of those mistakes. I have heard that late at night on Tue/Wed it is possible to find crazy deals like that.
Lazie people ,why calling for a Holiday. You need to work extra hard for more money in you Backets.
mwana wa masebo wa 24 years ni deputy ambassador ku japany manje.
don’t kubeba