Thursday, March 20, 2025

HH commends Government for awarding Chipolopolo boys $59,000 each


United Party for National Development (UPND) leader Hakainde Hichilema has commended the government for awarding each national team player over USD 59,000 equivalent to about K300 Million.

Mr. Hichilema says his commendation also goes to the corporate world and others for the various contributions they have made to the national team.

The opposition leader has since urged the players to use the money wisely.

Mr. Hichilema has further commended the gallant Chipolopolo boys for having carried the Zambian flag high at the just ended African cup of Nations were they were crowned Champions of African football.

He says Zambia’s lifting of the Africa Cup has brought glory and honour to the nation.

Mr. Hichilema has since urged glowing tribute to the technical bench led Herve Renard for guiding the team to a resounding performance throughout the tournament.

He adds that credit should also go to the Football Association of Zambia led by Kalusha Bwalya for their leadership before and during the tournament.

Mr. Hichilema has also expressed condolences to the families of those who lost their lives during this time of celebrations.



  1. For the first time HH has no option but to commend govt. I am sure he did not want to say that. He has just been made to make that statement due to public demand. Just calm down HH, people will respect you.

  2. thats wonderful HH we re not interested in politics for now so follow the prevailing winds time for politics ll come again bt not now

  3. Ba HH u Should also show a token of appreciation by giving either money or a ‘Musune'(oxen) to each player,come on ‘sokwe utondezya bulowa’! 30 ngombes is just a drop in your paddocks with almost 100 pin animals!

  4. For the first time to say good about the government, this is because he has already incited the Tonga chiefs over re-aligning the districts. He should be careful or else only Tongas will vote for him. He will be a Tonga president of Tonga (southern) province only. He should his mind and brain to convince Zambians not only Tongas.

  5. Mr. President, it is a good statement, at least you have given credit where it is due. The only missing link is that people expected you to conclude by saying, I am also pledging a small token of so much to the boys!!!

    Nangu fye ingombe imo imo for each player, tali mutweba ati mwalisungapo during declaration of assetts!!!!

  6. all Zambian taxpayers have already contributed including HH,why are daft people compeling him to contribute? How much has SATA contributed? Can somebody open a brain transplant hospital please.

  7. Thanks Mr President-in-waiting.

    Maintain a sober mind, which you have demonstrated here. This is a show of meaningful Opposition. You commend where commendation is due, and criticise where criticism is what is needed.

  8. He should also contritube? and how much have you all contributed with your meagre incomes? I find this childish and Combonic,nzelu zamu komboni pa internet awe sure.This hatred and envy will kill you.

  9. KANEL@ 11. Southerners( i wont say Tongas coz in southern province are bembas, kachokwes, lundas, british , boers and so on) dont need inciting, they know when somebody developes southernphobia like Micheal and Fred mmembe. Come on KANEL, Sourtherners didnt need any inciting in 1991 when they gave a BEMBA president 100% parliamentary seats. That was NOT so in LUAPULA, CB or NORTHERN. How can they suddenly become tribalists now just beacause a piece of their land is being taken away for the sole purpose of humilating them. Oh I forgot Michael hated Chiluba to his death! May be thats why Sata is punishing them, coz they gave old Fred all parliamentary seats in southern province in 1991. Grow up KANEL, THINK MAN THINK!

  10. That is the sort of mature contributions we expect from an opposition and I hope you keep it up. Yapping for the sake of it is not the way


  12. all those saying HH can keep the loot and not contribute we know who u are,u think u are clever by using names Ugly something or mwine so on and so forth,if HH was just like u and me the majority here would not have asked HH to cough abit of what he has which he amassed during privatisation…we know he has so surely cant he extend his tonga hand to the team..? its just a suggestion it will be good for his heart

  13. HH has contributed to humanity more than any one of the current sitting or opposition presidents. He keeps orphans, he contributes cattle, mealie-meal, money and the like to the poor, the mourners and the underpriviledged. I have never heard of any contribution done by Michael Sata ever since I was born. Shame on him.

  14. HH has always spoken wise things but it the blind tribal haters who have thought otherwise. Why don’t you ask your Chipimo also to contribute? We see through you haters, you will die poor and go straight to hell with your misery. God will continue blessing HH whether he wins the National presidency or not.

  15. God has nothing to do with politics, my dear politics are of the devil your father, lets have a Quote from the bible on political blessing.

  16. Thats great HH. While the “Africa cup panadol” is working, message the patient Zambia but that wont cure the ills in Zambia. Good statement though Mr. President. These idots pushing you to donate are hypocretes. You have done well not to donate. If you did, these hypocratic *****s would be saying HH is boasting. Dont give a cent, remain humble mwanamubotu.

  17. All those saying HH should also contribute must equally contribute before they continue insisting that HH must. Did sata contribute? No he hasn’t. Government contribution is money for the Zambian people and not for a seating president. The president must lead the way for other politicians to jump on the band wagon. Your hatred for HH is making him stronger and better than you think, and most Zambians are now liking and talking positive things about the president in waiting whose time has now come.

  18. HH has humbled himself and has praised the National Soccer Team and FAZ for becoming African Champions and so needs to be commended for the noble reaction from him. He is learning to be sober and critizise and praise government where possible. Thanks HH.

  19. People who likes commenting on others before they open their big mouths, let you examine yourselves. remember God is watching you too, don’t comment for the sake of it. Let us just enjoy the joy God has brought to us all VIVA CHIPOLOPOLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Thank you HH for those wise words. I are not your supporter,but I am humbled by your words and a wise advice to our boys to use the money wisely no matter how little it might be. Those who are wise will multiply that money, while those who are foolish will blow if off. The choice is theirs, but least they have had this chance to touch the K300 million, most of us might never touch.

  21. STF up HH, just last week you were yapping sh*t about the boys using the DONCHI KUBEBA shhh song every time they scored. Now you want to sound all supportive? Get a political life, please! Cant stand this dude!

  22. Good words HH. As for those haters with soiled pants, jealousy of HH will not take you anywhere. Why should HH contribute to the national team when all the other rich people in Zambia are not being compelled to do so? Indeed what have people like Sata, Rupiah, Kambwili, etc, contributed? HH keep your lubono for your family. These ba sakalanyongo are only good at throwing up nonsense.

  23. Mupondo, spaire us from that kind of life of hatrade,insults and name calling. HH has been bad but when he learns to be sober like anyone of us, no need to insult. for once we have been united after a long time en we are all looking at each other as brother and sister. say no to those who want to devide us. after the geme, the boys sang the song toyende pamozi nimutima umo not to KK but to all of us zambians. if HH has joined the winning team lets welcome him but if he goes back to his vomite, we shall not toralate him.
    stop hurting each other, we are one pipo mwebantu

  24. @ 50- Mussoline. I was merely showing my utter disgust at a man proves in all instances that, he (HH) has indeed lost his political compass. Yes in all fairness, we should unite as ZAMBIANS regardless of our ideas/opinions. But HH is simply not a force, politically or otherwise. He is not worthy of an opposition leader right now. And we do need a formidable opposition party to put SATA and PH in check! HH has lost the little respect that was left in many Zambians. He always sounds critically bitter, much attributed to the PF’s victory in last years general elections. Yes I agree with you…we are all Zambians and I was humbled to see KK, RB & Sata himself celebrating together. The Chipolopolo victory has made this all possible. But do not be decieved. It’ll be politics as usual soon!!!

  25. fdd have nawakwi as the president, unip have kaunda, narep have chipimo, sikota has his own, so has sondashi, milupi, siulapwa, etc. ba LT/ FQM. please start covering them so that we also hear their views on important topics like this one. this will help us gauge their abilities to rule us. iam beginning to hate this mmd, pf, upnd show of idiocy on this blog. its so tribal and irritating.

  26. An opposition leader you PF coke-heads has to keep the government in check and give credit where its due. For those of you who always HH does not commend the government, eat humble pie. It just shows class from the man, I ask you this ” did you ever hear MC Sata commend the MMD when he was in opposition?”  Guess the answer is “NO” so why are you all so up tight with this gentleman. And the call for HH to contribute just proves that PF was voted by people who do not even understand their role in society. If you want HH to contribute why not ask GBM – a rich man, Alex Chikwanda, Sata, etc. Otherwise, zip up!

  27. All those haters who want HH to contribute are blind and short sighted. Don’t you know that he is a tax payer who has already contributed thru the govt. Don’t be jealousy of his wealth, make yours and lets see if you will contribute. The ngombes are for his family period..

  28. Can’t believe you are hindang PGE ANOTHER bail-out after the gas pipeline blow-up where the taxpayer’s money didn’t do the repairs, now you are making the consumerpay for products they don’t want, don’t need, and can’t refuse. I WANT MY SMART METER OUT and if this proposed fee passes, for you as commissions to pay them.I want to know who paid you off.

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