Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Shamenda castigates HH for allegedly misleading and inciting chiefs in Southern Province


Information Broadcasting and Tourism Minister Fackson Shamenda (r)

THE Government has castigated United Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema for allegedly misleading and inciting chiefs in Southern Province over the realignment of Chirundu and Ithezi-Thezi districts.

Chief Government spokesperson Fackson Shamenda said in Lusaka yesterday that the decision to realign the two districts was for administrative purposes meant to enhance development in the two areas.

“Why are we only having problems with Southern Province, this has been done in other provinces as well. Why is this leader who wants to become a national president only concerned about the area where he comes from?” he asked.

He said it was wrong for the opposition leader to raise anxieties of the traditional leaders for political expedience.

Mr Shamenda, who is Information, Broadcasting and Labour minister, said the realignment of the two districts was meant to enhance efficient service delivery and development for the benefit of the people.

[pullquote]“Why are we only having problems with Southern Province, this has been done in other provinces as well. Why is this leader who wants to become a national president only concerned about the area where he comes from?” he asked.[/pullquote]

“All the decisions that we take as a Government are in the interest of the Zambian people. Let us be sober in the way we discuss these issues. The boundaries are not being re-demarcated, we are just realigning these areas, and this does not affect the chiefs,” he said.

He said the realignment was also meant to ensure the districts became more productive.

But when contacted for comment Mr Hichilema said the chiefs were not children who could be incited by anybody.

“Mr Shamenda must know that the people he is talking about are not children. They are the custodians of the land on behalf of the people.

This arbitrary decision by President (Michael) Sata has been rejected.

“Land issues are very sensitive and these are the issues that cause war. I totally agree with the position of the chiefs and I am ready to be arrested. I have already challenged the Home Affairs Minister (Mr Kennedy Sakeni) to arrest me. Let them not intimidate people.

“Today (yesterday) there is a meeting in Choma by the people. Is he saying that it is me also inciting the people?” he said.

The opposition leader said it was wrong for Mr Shamenda to say that he only spoke about Southern Province when he had also complained about Muchinga and some problems in North-Western Province.

He said the Government should reconsider its position on the realignment of Chirundu and Itezhi-Tezhi districts.

The Southern Province Royal Foundation, an organisation for the traditional leaders in the province, has opposed the decision by the Government to realign Chirundu and Itezhi -Tezhi.

The resolution was made after a meeting that was held in Choma last week.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. Shamenda should retire, Why does your country keep recycling politicians

    I am working my tail off, My fiance is working his tail off but unless you make room for the younger generations I find your country to be unfair to us the elite I want to manage BOZ as I have all the relevant education I need, If I can be paid what I get now in excess of £60 000 a year I may consider a job for a year in zambia


    • If you have a tail that you are working off, then you really are a monkey!

      You are right about the geriatric politicians who are being recycled, though.  They should retire and go snooze in their villages.  We need new blood.  However, if you are only getting GBP60K, then you cannot be a BOZ governor.  You have not yet gone high enough on the corporate grease pole.  Try after 20 years and get a Masters or PhD in Economics in the meantime.


    • Richest !!!! you are having a laugh!!!!  Zambia is not a federal state-all revenues go to the central govt-so this ignorance that money will be taken away after reallignment is breathtaking

  2. Thats the problem. MMD was saying Sata was inciting people until september thats when they knew how far they had left the people behind. Mr. sahmenda, you will regret this. i voted for PF but am very dissapointed so far. But i still believe PF was the best under circumstance. Its not everyone who critises you who is UPND. Dont make the same mistake of MMD making SATA so popular.

  3. Hon Shamenda where else has it been done to get district from one province and take to another, except the new province you created.
    The bottom line is consultation.

    • There is no need to consult on a stoopid idea. There are better things to expend our brains on than shooting the breeze.

  4. Nothing wrong with chiefs making a stand against decisions that undermine the lives of good people. Why should they support such malicious one man decisions. We are living in a democracy and there are a lot of stakeholders that will be affected by this so called ‘re-allignment’, which I prefer to call a steal. Why does’nt this govt continue RB’s developmental projects (those with business merit) instead of just renaming places and making institutional changes which benefit only them politically? So far I am not impressed with what this govt is doing. It seems they are still politiking and are not aware that they have a long time before the next election. People will judge them by their fruits and not just hype. Please go to work!!

  5. can someone pliz show that man where the barbershop is ..!he should not speak form without..if he has no village let him hang..via SP chiefs ..HH is the man..good answer!!

  6. HH cannot deny the fact that he has incited the chiefs.People must be sober when analysing issues concerning service delivery to the people.If Chirundu is part of some chief’s area moving Chirundu to Lusaka DISTRICT does not cut away the chief’s land.If the people in Chirundu are Gobas under chief Goba the moving of Chirundu to Lusaka Province does not change these people to become a different tribe under a different chief.The chief remains the custodian of the tradistional land whether the land is in Southern Province or Lusaka province.

    Muletontonkanya and stop yapping like pappies!!

    • I like your thinking Moonga. was also wondering what difference it is.Mulekeni umwine SATA ateke.if things won’t go according to his plans then you can grab back your districts in 2021 when we vote out pf. as at now ni donchi not pf by the way

    • On the contraly sir you seem to be the one yapping like a pappy. It is the same trick that has been used to elevate the bembas to a position of biggest tribe in zambia. today the coperbelt is said to be beba land depending on the occasion. we will wake up tomorow and be told that the annexed lands are now lenje land or something. the whole aim being to try and demish tonga influence in the area because lenjes are not vocal on the political scene. zambians are alert bwana, even the less talkative ones so dont think your chip propagader of branding tongas as tribal, is working. you will work up to a rude shock one of these days. Tusi’s also thought they were smart until one day.

    • Chama district is now in Muchinga Province, Easterners did not complain the way our brothers from southern province are complaining, is it because Easterners are wiser than people from Southern Province? (Joking).

  7. @6 Moonga: Why don’t you provide a bit of evidence to show that what you claim about HH inciting chiefs is true? Did he hold meetings with them or sent circulars or what? How did he do it?

    • Moonga is right. I paid for the chiefs’ travel, lodge, board and brown envelope. How were they going to meet without my facilitation?

  8. Its one Zambia one Nation, who cares if districts are moved? It’s just land but in all this same land makes Zambia. It’s not even personal and does not affect people personally. Most of you people are becoming tribalism without even feeling it. If this helps the development of the districts, so let be it. We are asking for PF government to develop the country and if that’s they way forward, then so be It. Stop complaining about things that do not affect your life in anyway and ask for development. We are still one people weather this or that! Grow up,

  9. He is Minister of what this Yokel? The wording in the picture says Information and Tourism then again and told its Information and labour eish these guys are not ready for leadership….everyday its blah blah blah yet nobody is talking about policy issues.

  10. Why does this under-five cry baby keep saying “arrest me, arrest me” as if he is such a revolutionary… Frustrated miserable loser…

  11. PF be informed that we voted for you but now you have crossed the line. Whatever the stance HH has is of not weight to the decision we make as a people of Southern Province. Everyone knows that the future is pointing towards decentralizing and as this just a matter of time, you PF is aligning things to disadvantage the Southerners. Leave Southern Province as it is. No Km should be taken away for whatever reason, even if HH is to turn around and side with your one man show president.

  12. HH remember HH had a press breifing at which he voiced his opposition to the moving of Chirundu and ithezi tezhi.What he said then was enough to incite people,especially the chiefs.HH sees an opportunity to make polical capital from this issue.We must be careful and not follow blindly some of these leaders.The man is bitter and for him anything that the PF government does is wrong.Why cannot he analyse the benefits before opposing everything the PF does?Now chipolopolo has brought the African Cup of Nations home,why has he not held another press breifing to congratulate the boys?


    • Yes but what have they gained and what did those districts lost have, amyway. Pls don’t compare oranges and bananas – maawee

  14. Michael, if your efforts are frustrated by the Tongas, abandone the exercise and let the people know that Tongas are tribalists by nature. After all you will nt loose anything.

  15. @ # 7 it happened in the eastern province Chama was in eastern prov but anymore why don’t u research before commenting..? HH doesn’t own Southern Prov

    • surely you behave just like your name, kudya nikusheta. @ # 7 clearly wrote that he/she must have missed out on something and yet you with your 2 small [email protected] castigating him instead of justing giving him the information he was asking for. ma car car iwe

  16. This confusion is utterly unnecessary. If any civil strife comes out of this and people die, Sata will never rest well even in his death. The world is watching. This is completely unnecessary. Development has been going on since independence without any need for reallignment.. Which development programme does PF have that needs such national realignment…Nobody has heard any massive nationwide development programme. This is an ego trip for Sata and people must vigorously reject it. Even with the help of his homosexual friend Fred Mmembe Zambians will reject it. If war breaks out because of this, Sata will never rest and will have a miserable old age. The International Court of Justice is very active nowadays and doesn’t care how old the criminal is or how old the crime is.

  17. #6 Just say you are a PF supporter. Chiefs are not kids to be incited by HH. To say HH incited the chiefs is a big insult to the chiefs because it means they have no power of reasoning. This is the problem with this govt. It is full of people who can’t see beyond their noses. Shamenda knows that what he is saying has no substance – he just has to say something to please his master. The issue here is the government’s failure to consult on matters bordering on people’s emotions. You cannot continue making arbitrary decisions when there is resistance. A leader always consults and accepts positive criticism because it builds someone. Sata cannot claim to have a monopoly of intelligence. He is just human like anybody else. Being president doen’t mean you know it all.

  18. zambia is one! dont tell me money made in copperbelt province is only used in the same province! then,we should have been richer while easten would have been poorer! ONE WONDERS HOW THESE TRIBOLIST HAVE REACHED THEIR THRESHOLD OF THINKING! & FOR HH,TALK NOT OF WAR BECOZ THIS COUNTRY IS COVERED WITH THE BLOOD OF JESUS! IF YOU FAIL TO WIN AN ‘ERECTION’,TELL US NOT THAT WAR YOU WILL WIN! AMATURE.

  19. That’s why people say HH is under 5 because of his thinking, lack of quick thinking when you are talking to journalists. “ati chiefs are not children for them to be incited” And who told HH that in this modern world the only human being you can incite are children? HH is a big household name.whenever he opens his mouth the media informs the people.the chiefs object govt decision and HH opens his mouth in support,that amounts to chiefs being not pf nor just saying

  20. Where is Shamenda from? Are chiefs in his home province incited by politicians? Shamenda’s statement is devoid of reasoning.

  21. Itezhitezhi is 4 times further from Kabwe than Choma. Sata shud hav only built a road to Kalomo from Itezhitezhi to Kalomo instead of realigning this district to Central Province

  22. Why is it usually that the north and south antagonise? Is sata smelling the split of north and south. Why the hurry in doing this when some well aligned districts are underdeveloped? I smell a rat.

  23. The Western Province are trying to break away from Zambia openly but the Southern Province has broken away from rest of Zambia silently. Please be advised that the country is moving towards some form of federal system of governance and hence the move to impoverish this rich province that will never vote PF but for any party led by their own. I do not blame because Eastern Province, Northern and Luapula also did/do the same. If southerners are tribalists then Northerners, Luapula and Easterners fall in the same category….

  24. @ mushota…….WHY DO YOU EVEN HAVE TO SAY YOUR COUNTRY WHEN YOU WANT TO COME AND GOVERN BOZ…YOU MAKE ME SICK……NGABAPANGILEMO FYE INKOKO TWALYA TWAYANYA NAKU CHIMBUSU CHAKWIMBA ku shangombo……can someone tell me what this mushot ***** suffers from so that we can look for some sangoma’s to work on her/him..

  25. One question I want to ask HH and his supporters here is, how will this alignment affecting southern Province. No land is being touched,no merging of chief areas. It is a political boundary which is being created to enhance service delivery. If you want you can continue calling the two districts as being part of your P. As far as the gvt is concerned, the two districts have been aligned and nothing has happened or will happen,  just like Chama is now part of Muchinga P.

  26. PUNKA@13. Grow up and do some mature research. In 1991, Southern province gave a BEMBA president 100% parliamentary seats. It was not so in northern, muchinga, or luapula. How come all of a sudden they have become tribalists by nature, just because they are resisting day light robbery?Southerners are not tribalist, they are thinkers and conservatives.

  27. Shamenda why stoop so low in your thinking? Better not to say anything coz you also know that this alignment is not right, we need development projects not pronouncements. Consider cleaning up your beard, you look hideous.

  28. i voted for PF but i think these chaps have to sleep. I was in the que for three hours to vote for Sata but iam disappointed .Sata is a president voted by the pipo is not like queen of England who comes after the one has died.The president is voted for.He thinks 2016 is very far no.Shamenda is really luck to be a minister he was like mr mpombo who was even given the defense potifolio by the late president Mwanawasa.Mr Shamenda i persoanally did not vote for HH but i think leave him alone this issue was started by Sata himself even you;i think you were not consulted.A former leader of a labour movement you were supposed to be shap all the time.When a snake enters your house dont say it is a rat that has entered into your house other wise your children will be bitten by the snake.

  29. Nevers Mu mba is a lia r and a mon ey lau ndering ma chine

    Him and the de puty Mr Nz oya are ste aling tax pa yers money. They had fired Mr Tem bo beca use he knew about this sc am and was aga inst it. They also have a office slut , Caro lina Rod- riguez who is also abus ing the money. The Ottawa Zam bian mis sion are th ieves

  30. Can Mr. Shamenda stop wasting our time justifying these useless realignment of districts and tell us how the PF govt will create at least 900, 000 jobs for the youth in 2012? Mr. Shamenda has a job, me and my fellow youths who voted for you don’t have jobs! Pliz do not annoy us, just create the jobs.

  31. Is Shamenda really sure that all the decisions that Sata takes as a Government are in the interest of the Zambian people? And I also note that when stating the above, he pluralized and only hope he will not later on condemn Sata for all these stinking tribal samantics Zondwe is staging.

  32. But this guy HH is really dull. Thats the problem with not knowing or understanding GRZ operrations. the move is about how GRZ carries out its activities and not on which chief the land will now fall!! if I buy land in the area, I’ll still deal with the chief and then go to Ministry of Lands to process my title deed! Language chiefdoms are not being servered. my God these chaps are dull.. I think UPND is full of dull chaps I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read Itezi Tezi MP – Monde’s argument..Ati “during dry season cows go to itezi tezi from Monze to graze, what will happen when the town is moved to Central???” Like what the F&Ck!!. the cows will still go there dummy..

    • You obviously havent heard anything about the Abyei land issue. Thing is some of you numb skulls argue without a shade of reason and even when you attempt to reason it is as if you are high on some psychiatric tablet.

  33. #39 You are the dull one, most likely a bastard child with no identity and low self esteem. Tongas are a proud and hard working people, you are just jealous of them coz you don’t even own a chicken. So what reasoning is in moving a town to a place more than double originally where they are going, who is dull here or are we missing something?

  34. Mushota,

    You would not succeed even as a sex worker on the streets of Lusaka, we have better girls than you dander head, let alone think of any dignified job. Continue cleaning old peoples homes and wiping their behinds there!!!!

  35. @40 Prophet Joshua… Clearly the truth hurts.. I wont bother reposdign to you insult.. You askign me as a Zambian.. In in the agric sector have a 30 hectare farm in the east of lusaka with 15,000 layers, 20 SOWS and 10 Frasian Dairy animals..

  36. The is not a Kingdom of Sata. Its a democracy where decisions are by concesus not decrees. This Shamenda “yes man” knows behind his small brain that the chiefs are right, but hunger is pushing him to bootlick sata. He will starve to death if King sata boots him

  37. Shamenda is so dull and cann’t distinguish between a wrong and a right. HH is not the one inciting the chiefs and people of Southern province but they themselves are agrieved by a stupid decision by undemocratic government which in its effort to weaken UPND has brought this war on itself. For your information Western and N/Western chiefs and people were equally readying themselves to protest over the govt.’s desire to annex Kaoma and Solwezi but sata chieckened out. So this is not an HH thing but a people’s. HH has a right to support his people and if he is doing he should not be cited for inciting them. he condemned creation of Muchinga and so what else does this heavy bearded shamenda want hh to do? Stop demonizing tongas, you are jus making them popular and stronger.

  38. Apparently, HH is a man of the people who fully understands the plight of the people as the main rootstock that supplies his political energey. On the other hand, Shamenda is a town dweller who has de-linked himself from his roots. It is ironic that bloggers from Eastern Province had to fully support the Fatherly nature of the Chiefs in Southern Province. Many in Eastern Province have condemned Paramount Chief Mpezeni for failing to fight for his own people just to earn some pieces of silver for his BEERS. We are with YOU HH and the CHIEFS of Southern Province for defending your natural birth-land. Shamenda is a silly TRAITOR!

  39. I am Bemba, but I am proud of UPND MPs especially from Southern Province. They are principled and difficult to buy. Mwanawasa bought PF and FFD MPs, but failed to lay his hands on UPND Mps,. RB bought FDD and PF MPs, but failed to buy UPND MPs and Sata is also failing to break into this titly nit and solid block.
    And positions that have been offered to these MPs are quite high- Vice President, and full cabinet positions. We have lived in peace with divergency for more than 40 years and sata wants to split the country for selfish narrow interests with mmembe. We might be celebrating as Bembas, but imagine if some other dull president comes in future and says all Bembas can not be in my cabinet and can not take postions in government. Is that gona be fair? No.

    • i like your observation my brother, bembas we should use our influence carefully, we are just influencial but not the majory

  40. Tongas Pay TAX as well. They deserve to be in this government even if they democratically never voted for sata. I am sure if the Zambian president was Tonga and started discriminating against Bembas, the Tongas would not celebrate but rise against that president. Us Bembas are a let down. We are cheering a demagogue even when he breaks the constitution and splits the nation

  41. Please Please. I am Bemba, but I am proud of UPND MPs especially from Southern Province. They are principled and difficult to buy. Mwanawasa bought PF and FFD MPs, but failed to lay his hands on UPND Mps,. RB bought FDD and PF MPs, but failed to buy UPND MPs and Sata is also failing to break into this titly nit and solid block.
    And positions that have been offered to these MPs are quite high- Vice President, and full cabinet positions. We have lived in peace with divergency for more than 40 years and sata wants to split the country for selfish narrow interests with mmembe. We might be celebrating as Bembas, but imagine if some other dull president comes in future and says all Bembas can not be in my cabinet and can not take postions in government. Is that gona be fair? No.

  42. @ 35 your very last sentence stimulates analytical thought. The government moves the administrative center to Choma and instead of constructing a bridge over the Kafue river ITT is reallocated to Kabwe, and Chirundu then turns out to be further from Choma than Siavonga is that it has to be hived off to Lusaka! MCS says he is making preparations for the leader who takes over in 2016, I do not understand the reasoning for it seems the incoming leader in 2016 will also waste precious time undoing all this confusion than embarking on tangible development. Pardon Hon Shamenda because like all in PF and MMD before them it is their time to parrot the masters rap lines! 

  43. Shamenda, Leave the HH alone, its Sata who started this nnosence, This issue if Govt Mishandles it shall have terible ending, Mongu riots could even be better. These people you are dealing with are not just Tongas but the affluent Illas

  44. This is just cheep heroism. When a chief has a piece of land – he has a piece of land. He can be chief of people that live in two districts. What is wrong with that? So no chief has lost any land because a district has changed from one province to another. And by the way, we should stop this nonsense that chiefs own land, the Land Act is very clear. All land in Zambia belongs to the President on behalf of the Zambian people. So chiefs have no land at all. They are just custodians. Most of the traditional land in the next 20 years will be titled land because of greed of chiefs. So don’t worry this is not something to go to war about!!

    • @ Cacitikanalelo @’All land in Zambia belongs to the President on behalf of the Zambian people’ No man, land belongs to the Zambian people and not to be president. Zambia is not a kingdom, and please lets not make the president feel like a king. This is what brought us into problems of underdevelopment

  45. The main issue here is lack of consultation by the president. He may be a custodian of land but that does not give him a mandate to behave in such a dictatorial manner. All we are saying let him consult and explain his position and intentions. There is too much speculation and grey areas surrounding this move by the president and the best he can do is engage all stakeholders. Why does he not explain to the chiefs what those of you supporting his arbitarary decisions are espousing on this site. The president must learn to consult and get consesus. Let us not build a dictator

  46. #46 realigning or not still does not justify. #42 Digga hope it is not plundered property (joke) happy for you at least you own property, still does not make sense to realign ITT to Kabwe, better maybe Lusaka. Pardon the language sometimes we all become emotion coz of different points of view

  47. Iam yet to be convinced this “realignment” of some districts will enhance development apart from bloating the government bureaucracy even further. If infrastructure is the problem, let the focus be on improving the infrastructure. The “irritation” this exercise is causing is no good for security of the nation.

  48. When you recycle old politician you get very old ideas such as ” realign the two districts was for administrative purposes meant to enhance development in the two areas”.failure do develop is not a product of distance but rather of bad policy implementation.Development starts with the investing in the livelihood of the existing population, ITezhi itezhi is ranching country moving it to central province will not change the livelihood of the local people so apart from depriving them a sense of historical belonging similarly with Chirundu.The chief and traditional leaders have been in existence long before the presidency of Zambia and will continue to exist long after it people are attached to their land by heritage and inheritance chiefs have every right to oppose.

  49. The President does not mean well on these changes. Chirundu the target is the Kariba hidro power stn and ITT the new hidro power stn . Please people think deeply.

    • and All Built by Copper, cobalt, manganese, timber, maize, wheat, tobacco, cement, gold and gemstone revenues from other provinces… Silly and insensitive argument.

  50. Ba blind PF followers one day you will wake up to find Zambia aligned to Zimbabwe for easy administration and proximity to South Africa! Lets all learn to say NO when things are wrong and YES for the right things, not supporting for the sake of it.

  51. i wonder if our ministers really know and understand thier job. we didnt vote for PF to be castigating chiefs and HH but to give us jobs and money in our pockets.
    the so called shamenda should be telling us on the minimum wage, job creation policies and media bill not HH.even HH is dull or intellingent, this will not end our missary. please have priorities in your job shamenda

  52. Bloggers, Mushota suffers from inferiority complex and is here to seek attention when we respond to her posts. In the interest of Lusaka Times and our nation, I am launching a campaign to avoid responses from this useless and pathetic individual. If ignore we ignore her comments, she will disappear in oblivion. But if we respond, we reward her stupidity by  giving her a platform. Please join the campaign to ignore Mushota now!   

  53. Aba nabo ba Shamenda, eishhh! Oh sorry I forgot that he is chief government spokesman and must be seen to say something or else he will be malamad!

  54. ITT should have remained in Southern, while for Chirundu I think its better to be part of Lusaka. As for the issue of revenue generated from Chirundu, what I know is that whatever Income is generated from one district goes to the central government  and is shared by all provinces. Morever, what is in Chirundu is just ZRA.

  55. @59 RK… The Kariba and Itezi dam you refer to was all built and is being maintained by Copper, cobalt,bauxite, manganese, timber, maize, wheat, tobacco, groundnuts, honey, pineapple, cement, gold and gemstone revenues from other provinces which accounts for over 90% of Zambia’s GDP. Such silly arguments of splitting infrastuture cannot be condoned because all other provinces would slap a massive bill for resources used and would run into several BILLION USD.. The message is simple.. Zambia has resources and strengths unique in all provinces. lets harness and not argue childishly.. Personally.. Am not sure about moving Itezhi Tezhi to Central province administration certainly not in the long term. But Chirundu is a must.

  56. @65 PF Cadre with Red card… There is no such thing as revenue generated in Chirundu.. Chirundu is simply border / entry point into Zambia. Duties and taxes are simply levied on goods coming or transiting through Zambia are calculated and levied collected largely through direct payment into BOZ for the mining houses.. THOSE GOODS ARE NOT IMPORTED BY SOUTHERN PROVINCE based Companies or individuals only.. if anything thing that a small proportion.. Most of it is headed to other provinces and the DRC. Chirundu is simply transit point. where’s the issue?

  57. To hell with your muchinga mentality you dull sp called ANLYST. wHO NEEDS YOUR MUCHINGS INFLUNCE in Southern Prov. Take your and keep your NAKONDE TO YOURSELF WE KABOLALA. tHE NMESSAGE IS LOUD AND CLEAR TAKANA, SIFUNA, TWAKANA, TATUYANDI . Mwenchunsi kabyeni uko kwine ukwabula fyakulya. Fintu fyenu ifyabola.

  58. If any one wants to complain about realignment of districts, then let there be no Muchinga Province.., lets also take back Lusaka Province to Central. Read your history all you yapping chaps..! You are possibly complaining from within Lusaka forgeting that Lusaka was in Central Province way back and your fathers never said a word when it was changed..! So what new thing is PF doing in realignment of districts. I wonder what schools you went to in this country…

  59. It is amzing how people from Watchdog rush to Lusaka times each time there is an issue regarding either HH or their province. These tribalists will never learn. No matter how educated a tonga can be.He remain a villager or Kamushi. That is why we have this blind following of HH the failure.

    • And you Towner what have you achieved so far to write home about. Use your full names to prove you are more educated and richer than most Tongas, what prejudice, they may be villagers but Tongas are proud and hard working people- yes they follow HH but that is their democratic right. I respect them for giving Chiluba 100% vote in 1991, and how much did the Bembas give Mazoka (robust and mature) in 2001? so lets be factual, objective and not emotional in our analysis, just tackle the issue at hand without calling others names, most Tongas for your information are very humble, giving and caring people.

  60. You will all cry your lungs out until you start bleeding blood. No one is even listening to your foolish arguments, the decision has been made Chirundu is under Lusaka, ITT is under central period. If you want dont ever vote for PF. The wise will do that on your behalf and you will always be ruled.


  62. I have always said PF is an ignorant government. And an ignorant government rarely makes good decisions.They are moving districts with consulting communities and traditional leaders. What is worse is that Sata and his PF don`t see anything wrong with their unilateral decisions. Consultation in a democracy is a basic tenet. The only reason Sata cant consult is because he knows that he is not doing it in the interest of the people but to serve his selfish interests.

  63. Instead of bringing in tribalism why cant you seek an explanation from his excellence. I believe most of you will rum out of words. Be quick at thinking and slow at talking. Careful with Michael he will beat you clean

  64. I have always said PF is an ignorant government. And an ignorant government rarely makes good decisions.They are moving districts without consulting communities and traditional leaders. What is worse is that Sata and his PF don`t see anything wrong with their unilateral decisions. Consultation in a democracy is a basic tenet. The only reason Sata cant consult is because he knows that he is not doing it in the interest of the people but to serve his selfish interests.


  66. chibolya,kuku,kanyama,jst 2 mention bt a few ,even town center itself is poorly managed n sata wants 2 increase more load,,pliz lets not destroy southerners like that.let him creat more n more districts n leave them in southern province since its has bcme their gretset agenda of renamin n creatin districts

  67. Who gave authority to these funny people called chiefs control over government matters?Most of them have no clue on what is going on and like the militant countries in the middle east it’s all about my land and his land.This is the 21 century Zambia and it is about time these rulers ceased to exist!!! I do not consider myself as belonging to a tribal grouping like most bloggers here.The reason being that I am way too civilised to affiliate myself to a primitive class of people.I am Zambian by birth and like the national team would strive to make Zambia a better place by playing my part.HH needs to learn from the Chipolopolo about team work.Sata might not be your choice but you need to accept that he is the head of state and whether you like it or not you have to cooperate.One Zambia One

  68. cont…Not everybody has to accept Mr Sata just as not everybody accepts Mr Cameron.I strongly believe chiefs should stay out of politics and leave politics to the government.They can only retain ceremonial duties bearing in mind that at the time of independence the signatories to the independence doc were Dr Kaunda and the UK.

  69. I think Shamenda is probably the one that needs castigating for insinuating that the Chiefs in the Southern province are that dull and gullible, that they would easily be mislead and even worse incited to rise against the Government. In fact the country has cried foul and perhaps the Chiefs are listening to the subjects rather than HH

  70. I voted for PF but these fools are behaving like MMD any way after all 90 % of PF are. The same clowns from MMD yes u heard me right Sata inclusive. Shamenda who the **** do u want to fool which province has had its districts moved apart form yo stupid Muchinga . Southerner are not fools as u may think everything is pointing at denaturalisation chirundu alone accounts for 60% ZRA revenue for Zambia so who do u want cheat itezhi has a power hydro power station and best plain land with potential for irrigation and Pakistans want that land as a pay back for PF support for rice fields just egotiate nicely with yo tonga brothers


  72. Many Zambians are acting like those who havent been to school. Take it cool people. The provinces and the districts were made by people for administration purposes. Why is it so difficult for our friends from southern province to get the truth? Do you want to break away from the rest of Zambia? Realinment doesn’t mean taking away the land from the chief.Ask Mwatakazembe of the Lunda people and he will tell you that, aulthough he is on the other side of Luapula river, his kingdom goes beyond the political boundary. HH is not a visionary leader no wonder he criticis everything. I don’t know how he was going to lead Zambia with that shallow way of thinking.

  73. Got this in my diary. you will be charged for falsely alarming the public. Don’t just yap. take time and think before rushing to media houses. What prove is there? See many still suffering from this spirit of poverty that makes all tribalist commnts look like adiat i have ever met.

  74. If HH continues to fuel this calamity, what will happen is that Sata will send the Suveryor General with Police and if the people try to fight them, they will be fighting the presidency and this will be treason, HH will be arrested together with those revolting, there shall be a cafew and ordinary people will suffer. So, lets advise ourselves to think before we act, currently the President has got too much powers and its constitutional, you cant blame him. So HH should not think of inciting police to arrest him because if they do, he might die in prison and he wont be a hero anymore.

  75. People peolpe cool down HH and Nalubamba do not cross paths but today in the post Nalumba has rejected what sata is trying to do. Are you saying HH has incited Nalubamba. mind you Nalubmba is pro PF.Leave HH out of this. He has nothing to do with this. It is the people ,the chiefs of sourthern province who are against this foolish move. Tell Sata to create jobs for the yourths and stop wasting time on non issues.

  76. Zambians please learn. This all thing just means changing of reporting lines. HH is politicking and he knows that. He is not aware that he is just politicking then he is not fit to be president. Provinces and districts were not drawn based on customary law. These are drawn based on adminitrative purposes and has nothing to do with chiefdoms. Our chiefs are being used foolishly. Be sober and think. Northen province has been divided, have you heard any chief complain? These people from southern should not tempt us to start thinking they are not learned. Chiyengi, Kawambwa, Kaputa has been moved before, did we hear this rubbish?

  77. Some provinces have lost Districts to a NEW PROVINCE. What new province have you created to which SP should surrender their districts to? Please be reasonable and revert our districts back. This issue pains and things must be brought back to NORMAL.If only you new how many people feel injured by this move the REVERSAL MUST BE DONE without wasting any more time. The southerners are ANNOYED.

  78. there is only one hero in southern province and thats mr Hh….wen he quits politicks then no one will succeed him coz of his tuma kobili..some people support there tribemates who are having 5 meals a day,them and there relatives just sleep on sour milk and mabisi…hey guys,why are all the tribes quite only a group which belongs to a hood somewere is complainning..its a time for farming u are busy complaining while other tribes are busy farming..come back to earth balongo bami.

  79. Am a northerner and fully support creation of Muchinga including “realigning’ Chama to it but what administrative convenience are you making by realigning ITT to central.?The former had been discussed and submitted before but did anyone ever talk about ITT for Central? let us be level headed and admit that things have gone too far and while at it,let us quickly change this constitution which gives too much powers to one man,before he starts realigning our families.Realigning sitikana manje Kare Alignilwe!!!!!!

  80. PF’s manifesto has HH written all over .. when they fail to deliver in 4 years time they will blame it on HH, even when their marriages fail, they will blame HH, when it does not rain this planting season ….. yeah u guessed right HH did it. 

    Shame on a governement thats has already shown signs of failure 6 months in power, Zambian people made a mistake. Look at the kwacha falling, investor confidence disappearing, dirty streets of zambia return ….

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