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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

NAREP urges Government to engage Southern Province Chiefs as UPND and MMD endorse chiefs’ stance on re-alignment


National Restoration Party (NAREP)president Elias Chipimo Jr

THE National Restoration Party (NAREP) has urged Government to engage chiefs and other stakeholders in Southern Province to resolve the controversy surrounding the realignment of Chirundu and Itezhi Tezhi districts.

NAREP president Elias Chipimo said most people in the province feel ‘frustrated’ by Government’s decision to realign the two districts as they were not consulted on the matter.
Mr Chipimo said this on Tuesday when he featured on Let the People Talk programme on Radio Phoenix.

“Chiefs are custodians of customary land and I feel Government should have engaged them first on this matter,” Mr Chipimo said.

President Sata recently realigned Chirundu and Itezhi Tezhi districts from Southern Province to Lusaka and Central Provinces respectively.

The decision has been opposed by some chiefs and other stakeholders in the province, who have vowed to block it.

Mr Chipimo said Government should not ‘ambush’ the people in the province by making decisions without consulting them.

“Do not make people feel frustrated on this matter. It is not too late for Government to engage interest groups to iron out burning issues,” Mr Chipimo said.

He said Government should erase the various ‘suspicions’ surrounding the re-aligning of the two districts by engaging in a consultative process.

Mr Chipimo said the relevant authorities should demonstrate to the people of Southern Province that there is nothing sinister about the realignment of the two districts.

“I also feel Government should have engaged the delimitation commission in this matter before making a decision because they are better placed to know which areas need to be re-aligned,” Mr Chipimo said.

And various stakeholders in Southern Province issued a communiqué on Tuesday in which they endorsed the chiefs’ stance against the transfer of Chirundu and Itezhi-tezhi districts to Lusaka and Central provinces respectively.

The stakeholders mainly from the opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) and MMD announced the development in a communiqué read by consultative meeting organising committee chairperson Grave Muleya at Choma Sports Club.

Mr Muleya said the consultative meeting was in full support of traditional leaders who met last Friday and resolved not to support the realignment of Chirundu and Itezhi-Tezhi as they feel there was no consultation before the decision was made.

He said the transfer of the two districts to other provinces has some cultural, economic and geopolitical consequences which include the transfer of eight chiefdoms which are located in Chirundu and Itezhi-Iezhi.

Mr Muleya said the stakeholders have realised that the people concerned and affected by President Sata’s decision in the said districts were not consulted.

‘’We are determined to retain our culture within the confines of our geographical land space, which is the most important part of our heritage and culture. We are committed to pursuing this matter within the confines of the law and guaranteed fundamental freedoms and human rights,’’ said Mr Muleya.

The UPND was represented by its chairman for elections Ackson Sejani who was the guest of honour while the MMD sent its provincial chairperson Edgar Keembe.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


    • Its not dictatorship. Its excessive executive powers. Why do you think we wanted to change government and reduce the executive powers of the presidency? Tell me one president in Zambia who never had too much power. This decision is within his rights. The problem is with the constitution that can allow one person to have so much power, not with Sata.

  1. Why not take KAPUTA and LUWINGU DISTRICTS to Luapula province? Itezhi tezhi will be near CHOMA. If Chirundu has to go to Lusaka, then even Chikankata.

  2. There is a clear distinction between political administration and tradition rulership. Realigning the districts does not remove or add land to Zambia or to the chiefdoms. This is just sick let it go!!!! please.

  3. And Magande is still studying? How did he pass at UNZA just wondering! We were meant to believe that the current Govt will reduce Cabinent and abolish unecessary positions,this is turning out to be the opposite,districts are being given like father christmas giving candy to excited kids.

  4. #3 Chalwe, tell the chaps, they think re aligning districts means land physically moves. no single shop animal or muntu will move from there house and say now we are going to stay at intercity. if lusaka province, the latest to be made was done by getting land from central province, southern and eastern provinces why should this simple task be an elephant to be afraid of?

    • Why should we insult Chipimo? Chipimo is not as arrogant and is not constantly shooting everything down, and when he challenges he gives reason beyond just emotional outbursts. If you have read properly, he has criticized the way they have gone about it, not what they are doing, and he has also suggested how they could go about it. He is not saying silly things like “arrest me” like that under 5.

    • That should make you think. When HH praised the national team and commended the Govt for $59K contribution he did not get insulted but received overwhelming accolades. This just tells you that Zambians want to hear about good debates and reasoning. Having someone daring the govt on several occassions to come and arrest him is as good as inciting riots. As long as HH can embark on meaningful opposition he will have my support all the way

  5. But u can’t understand how some people think.Who made ITT and Chilundu district?The same govt who has moved chilundu and ITT made the same districts.i don’t see anything wrong to move chilundu and ITT.Zambia belong to Zambians.why should people of southern feel bad as if southern province is country?Lusaka was part also of central province.Things keep on changing.Govt is doing this for easy administration.What will change is the name that chilundu is part of lusaka and ITT part of Central.cultures will be the same and the land won’t be tranfered.Now i understand why people say some Tongas are tribalists.Luapula was also part of Northern in the past.Muchinga province has taken 5 districts from Northern and 1 from eastern.No one has complained coz people still think they are part of Z

    • Get back to your research work Moscow! PF found ITT district fully operational as a district. They only created Chirundu district. That still does not guarantee him to tost chirundu in the manner he deems right.


    • iwe chikala Nachula you are the dullest of all…are people here talking about houses??? its administration iwe galu. how do you take the admin far leaving out the nearest ninshi nifinshi ulechita kwatako amano mbuli. Choma and kabwe for instant………anyway talking to people like you is a shear waste of time

    • Clearly shows you are a grade 2, leave such issues to the educated ones. And why hating on HH yet you go to church, what hypocrite.

  7. De 19:14  You must not move your neighbor’s boundary marker, set up by former generations, on the property that will be allotted to you in the land that the LORD your God is giving you to possess.
    De 27:17  “Cursed be anyone who moves a neighbor’s boundary marker.” All the people shall say, “Amen!”

    • They are not moving a traditional boundary. They are moving a political boundary. These boundaries were demarcated by the British, not by the LORD your God.

  8. As a tonga i strongly oppose the move. I didnt grow up in southern province but i feel so bad about it. it doesnt make any sense. Also why has the decision to move solwezi and kaoma been rescinded? it seems very much like there is an agenda against southern province.

    • The only reason you give for it to be a bad idea is that as a Tonga you feel so bad about it. Is that good enough reason? Don’t you have anything on advantages and dis-advantages, I mean, a real, convincing, well thought out scientific argument rather than that it does not appeal to your Tonga sensibilities?

  9. Am I the only one tired of this “tonga” thing of southern province? these same people if there areas are not developed they will start creaming , ‘tribalism tribalism’ why cant they let the government do what it see fit so that they wont carry the blame if pf government fails to deliver… as other people have already said, the areas wont be physically moved and non of the people will ever be affected, so what is the fuss about this move.

    • The fuss is making it more difficulty in accessing govt facilities looking at the distance involved especially for ITT. Don’t just follow blindly, learn to analyse issues, Chirundu is OK but this has been diluted by ITT hence the suspicions. By the way, Tongas are hard workers and I doubt if they can cry out for development, you need to go there yourself and compare to your village (if at all you have one) where you come from.

  10. Pa Zambia, its quite intresting how things move in our country, it seems the opposition without much reasoning is building up. This is the bigest problem when Chiefs who are supposed to be nonpartisan begin to show their inclination. How can they be consulted when from the beginning they have shown that they are clearly opposition.

  11. #6 moscow, tell them chaps too. they just want to say we need workshops to decide this and that but sata doesnt want to waste money on useless workshops

  12. #10 dora sata, your Biblical quote is a million miles misplaced. the entire land mass called zambia is vested in the republican president as chief custodian. so which neighbors are you talking about? we have 8 neighbors and non of there land is being taken away from them. a bit of political science and constitutional law will brighten up you brain kid.

  13. Its war welfare now and it will be terrible for sure.Genocide about to start and who to blame Michaeal Sata and Fred Mmembe.In the end process will be sent Haque,Wow!! Leave Southern Province or just detach it from the rest of Zambia if you are Frustrated with them Mr.President because they never voted for you.

  14. The name wil not change, the tribes will not change, the chiefdoms will not change. The only thing that will change is the administrative reporting sites. Where is the problem mwe bantu? Nobody heard any complaints from Northen and Eastern provinces when Muchinga was born. Tongas!!!!!!!

  15. According to, Zambia started with 57 districts or divisions. They were later increased to 61 and eventually 72. Then in 1990 Lusaka rural was split into Chongwe and Kafue. I strongly believe this was all done to improve the administration of the Country. But here is where the challenge is. William Butler Yeats once wrote; “Think like a wise man, but communicate in the language of the people.” Pre. Sata, and I say this respectfully is full of surprises. Most of the problems we have today in Zambia is absence of coordinated information. Educate people. I know families of the deceased Gabon team would have loved to go to the cemetery as a way of closure for some. All was needed was let them know through the media. What does He do? Picks a few… and rest is history.

  16. I oppose the grabbing of Chama from Eastern Province. It is clear to me that the PF want to demolish Eastern Province economically forever by taking away one of the most mineral rich areas of Zambia from Eastern Province so that no serious mining can ever take place in that province. We want Chama back!!

  17. Ruling by decreee is dictatorial period. Since when did Sata ever learn to consult. He is what he is. Always fighting. The only thing he has not fought againist is himself?? Now he is fighting Southern Province. Please Chiefs and MPs, let us fight this Sata. The fight should include Membe the Homosexual. Has’nt he had enough men already. By the way when is his next rip to Kabwe………………….?? with his men

  18. Zambians must understand that SP is the only province in Zambia which is largely ethnically homogenous…Tongas everywhere. There is unity of purpose in that province becasuse there is unity of culture. If you plant the seed of secession in that province, it would be hard to stop.

  19. On the ground, there is now talk of purging the province of Bembas, of taking up arms against the Zambian state. Mentally isolated from the national political landscapes, Tongas are slowly turning inwards. Be warned.

  20. One Zambia One Nation. I am half Tonga and i dont believe in the Province issues. Zambia is for Zambians not chief Mukuni and HH

  21. Creating a district and province has some economic gains due to the infrastructure and creation of jobs. So creation of Chikankata and Chirundu districts are a positive move. Provincial boundaries are only for administrative purposes. They were drawn according to the life pattern of a particular group. For example; a tonga will take a cow as a source of income through milk, reproduction (as good as interest in the bank), source of power in the fields and finally revenue when it is sold for beef but a Bemba sees as munani and would want to part of it while it is still alive. So let us not trivialize the Chiefs in Southern province but convince that your people are all over Zambia and developing the nation through agriculture, lusaka, central, and now moving towards northern and luapula.

  22. Communication is a very important aspect of any successful project management, especially Change Management. Even the best intentioned projects flop if an appropriate communications plan is not factored in. These are basics in management but where are Managers in all this saga!

  23. No matter how you logically explain realignment, if those involved are not for it, just leave it. If it becomes a who-is-macho thing, then all would have lost the plot.

  24. dear bloggers those saying the president should have consulted. please tell us which people should have being consulted surely not H.H.

  25. Tonga are bloody dull, why have they failed to understand realignment? Chutundu and itezhi tezhi land will not move. No Chief will lose their territory, but these people can’t understand. People in Eastern and Northern province never complained when districts were given to make up Muchinga. Now I completely agree that these fellas are danm, bloody Tribalists. I wonder what would have happened if they too had an agreement like Barotse. Go SATA go, if you want realignment the entire southern province and give it to North western province where I came from.

  26. Re-alignment is bottom-up and NOT top-down process.Its inclusive and NOT exclusive.Its different from creation of districts cos provincial boundaries and administration remain the same.If not well explained and communicated,realignment may be interpreted by laymen as moving of districts from one province to another.And there is also emotions at play.I personally,when I heard that the new Muchinga Province will include Mfuwe(Malambo Constituecy/South Luanga National park Mgt areas),I was rattled to say the least cos we have always been considered Easterners.Thank God there is a natural boundary i.e Luangwa river which made it economically expensive cos a another bridge will have to be build to connect Nabwalya and Chiundaponde to Malambo(Mfuwe).


  28. What Chipimo has said is what HH already said. Am amazed by the difference in quality of the comments between those made when HH made the same observation. Tribalism, in deduce, is with each and everyone of us, because we saw tribalism with HH and cannot see it with Chipimo. The problem is with the bloggers individually and depends the tribal lenses which they wear.

  29. This district re-alignment puzzles me. PF has said the alignment would help to speed up development in these areas. I wonder why this development can’t be done under the present alignment. Somebody educate me plz.

  30. Tribalism is a cancer- HH was the first one to say these things which Chipimo has a tendency now to echo, but look at the bashing HH got- pure hatred, now this dry Chipimo is saying the same thing, he is getting kudos and the Tongas get a bashing, take an honest check with your reasoning before you write, it says a lot about your state of mind. When you go to pray this week at the temple seek God’s guidance to give you wisdom and love in your heart.

  31. If Chirundu and ITT have been moved to Lusaka people can not see what is at stake here very blind. Now listen even if Chirundu and ITT have not moved physically, decision making for the two districts have been moved and this is what is at stake. Southern province will not make any more decisions over the two districts it will be made by the province they have been joined to. Then why should this be as if southern province has failed them. I say No to the movement. It is unwise. Open your eyes

  32. Its the motive behind such decisions that are questionable.Does MCS want to put up another “New Kasama” in Chirundu and ITT the way they did in Lusaka?Injustice must be rejected at all costs

  33. I think the govts fear is ; when the policy of de-centralisation is in effect , some tribes local govts will become to powerful to be controlled.

  34. This is expired news, HH already said all this, Chipimo why wait this long to react, fearing to be castigated? Politics is not for the over careful or faint hearted- it requires real men. If you want respect and recognition from the people, next time you should be the first one to oppose a wrong decision. So HH is justified, even the POST and Nalubamba is opposed to this idea, shame on the tribal haters who follow blindly.

  35. The Dividing of Southern Province?When you see an injustice fight it with your hands if this is not possible fight it with your tongue if this is not possible fight it with your thoughts and ideals and then be rest asured that you have fought an injusitice,Zambia will only remain united when all the unit that hold ot together are living in peace and in trust.

  36. the issue in contention is not about which district goes where, there is no problem with that. the people and chiefs of SP have no problem with that. the only problem they have is that’ why not cosuting them before such a decision is made’. this is because they could have other suggestions they woukld make towards the implementation of the same. GRZ must learn gorvernance!

  37. The basic line here is that our President dictated a decision on the zambian people. We are not empty headed children who just recieve decisions and follow, we have the power to reason. We are able to read btn the lines and also to analyse issues. To say Tongas are dull is a misplaced argument which bounces back to the one who uttered it. Why did the president not consult? should be our question than some of the tribalistic comments we re bringing in this issue.

  38. ZAMBIANS I think we have lost it. Please Elias you are so educated to behave in this manner. Government Administration and Traditional Admin are totally different. Examples?? Chewas are in Chipata, Katete, Malawi and even Mozambique?? They all fall under Chief Undi in Katete ZAMBIA?? Realignment is just for effective service delivery because of the locations. Nothing to do with Chiefs. They did not get that land from them Please?? TALK FACTS THAN JUST BRING UNNECESSARY CONFUSION.

  39. UPND and MMD must concentrate on consolidating themselves in readiness for 2016. PF will have made so many fu.ckups by then that it will be suicide for them. These fu.ckups are a blessing in disguise.

  40. Mr Chipimo Jnr. evevn if you are a lawyer, you are probably too young to remember precedents. Creation of Luapula and Lusaka provinces had no consultation of chiefs from which the two provinces came from. Creation of Muchinga province has had no problems. Why Southen province problems???? ANSWER:- Tribalism. Tribalism which is being condoned by you Elias Jnr. Consultation is good, but not when facts of precedents exist. The Post went to great lengths last week to explain this issue when UPND Sejane brought out his protest. It appears you (Mr Elias Chipimo)has ignored it.

    • get to the ground, you think your computer bloggs are accurate NO ba guy learn to research I wonder where you live, if you in lusaka obviously you are a wrong chap to comment on provincial boundaries ask people those provinces themselves, Mwaice watchout when war start lusaka shall be in hell, respect the tongas just as you would want to be respected. okay

  41. ours lies with the people,and we cant consult any tribe coz we consulted the entire nation to act on their behalf.

  42. # 47, your answer lies in # 50. Read it and reply if you can without being emotional. It is our country all of us and let us see to it that we spend quality time on its development instead of Sejane UPND politics. When Sejane was in MMD, he used to speak good progressive national politics. He is now very much compromised as UPND. His head has shut down to accepting one province only as his and as Zambia.

  43. The SP has traditionally belonged to Tongas and they want it that way, to remain in Tonga land. What is so hard to understand about that. Its their inalienable right to decide their fate, even hw they will be administered. If you push us, the UN has a clause that allow an ethnic group to determine their own sovereignity in their traditional and Ancestral boundaries.

  44. All this is happening in a country that badly needs unity of purpose and development like yesterday, even if only to fulfil the 90 day promise. And all it needs is simple consultation with stakeholders…..but no ..some people know it all! This country is a tragedy, sometimes akin to Somalia…..only difference is that Zambia has won AFCON at least once!

  45. moving district to other provinces is not tangible development guys ba PF, for now it some personal interest among leaders, watch them you remember these days, imagine even Notherners complained especially those from west part, PF watch out power makes people to look at others fools or ill planners. The complaints from southern are genuine just listen, Remember Zambia is growing, those who know zambia be real dont be blinded by “dont kubeba” read between lines stupid Zambians.

  46. While i think it was undemocratic, the chiefs who are stakeholders should have been consulted over the issue.I strongly believe that Zambia belongs to all despite their political affiliations the slogan of One Zambia One Nation should be seen to have meaning.I think the president should reconsider the action he took,while land issues or rather bounderies have led to ethinic conflicts.The president is a listening person so am sure he is listening to the cries of the people of Southen Province.

  47. This so called realignment is without doubt politically motivated. By chipping away some districts from Southern and Northwestern Provinces  and merging them with Lusaka and Copperbelt Provinces which are predominantly PF Strongholds, PF is attempting to  forcibly move in and spread it`s tentacles of influence into those provinces.  A leader who is preoccupied with scheming as a larger part of his leadership traits can cause strife, especially when people can see through the schemes. 

  48. The current ethnic and geographical status of Southern Province IS NOT NEGOTIABLE. To move Chirundu to Lusaka Province is Sata’s ploy to please Senior Chief Nkomeshya who is regarded as the most important stooge (along with Mpezen) for PF Govt. Lusaka is mostly inhabited by Solis east of the railway line up to Chief Shikabeta and Sub-Chief Lukwipa. In Sata’s calculation the people and Chiefdoms of Chirundu area will be subjects of Nkomeshya. Apparently Sata’s low education fails him to appreciate that villages in areas of Chirundu and Lusitu originated from an area that was inundated by impoundment of the Kariba Dam in the early 1950s. They share a common ethnic and cultural heritage. Sata must respect history. Hence there is NO ROOM FOR NEGOTIATION to split the people of Kariba.

  49. All Zambians must reject these useless and time wasting tactics by the PF Govt. This Govt must be reminded at every opportunity to focus on important things such as creating jobs, growing the economy, stabilizing the kwacha etc!

  50. The law is found in the Lands Act, Cap 184 of the Laws of Zambia,
    Section 3 subsection
    (4) Notwithstanding subsection (3), the President shall not alienate any land situated in a district or an area where land is held under customary tenure

    (a) without taking into consideration the local customary law on land tenure which is not in conflict with this Act;

    (b) without consulting the Chief and the local authority in the area in which the land to be alienated is situated.

    • Define alienate boss. Redefining provincial or district boundaries does not amount to alienation. Please keep you pseudo-knowledge to yourself.

  51. Really what difference will it make if the grz of the day will simply wake up one morning and anounce that my village, Musangu, will now move from Mwense to Kawambwa district? If my village folks will now travel shorter distance to lodge their court papers etc at the nearest magistrate office why should anyone object? If my relatives from Mwense will still be able to visit my village in Kawambwa district without the need to carry passports why should it be anyone’s concern about which district my village belongs to? Really? Are we sure Sata is doing all this in an attempt to get more votes in an election? Without manipulating the mind set of the village folk! Even if my village is told to belong to a district in the DRC, how will my culture be affected?

  52. why can’t some prophecies come to pass..some people need to die..we need by elections..hahahaha..we don’t want the alignment programs..its all bogus..

  53. Ultimately, my opinion is that all Kolwestans lack reasoning. They talk a lot without using an inch of their brains. We shall oppose this nonsensical realignment, no matter what. I now understand why some people strap themselves with explosives and become suicide bombers, when you have irrational people dominant and making *****ic decisions like this, God forbid we don’t reach such extents. As usual, this is stealing of resources in order to accord them to their cadres in their strongholds, politics above reasoning. Sata can manage a ministry but is showing he’s incapable of managing a function like Zambia.

  54. I now see why the most killings in Zambia happen in the area between Mazabuka and Choma. You are very bad hearted people.Ne ndoshi yawama. Sata will give back your districts and then what are u going to talk abt with your foolish HH?

  55. PF is just bent on making us Tonga people feel not wanted in the equation. Sata do maintain your presidency and enjoy it too, but do not desturb us in any way by your moves to strip off Southern provinces of it economic and culture strong points. We all know we are shifting towards decentralizing the economy and before we do that you are already making movements typical of you people to make others feel not wanted. Stop this in time, we are all Zambians and are happy to be counted as one but within our Southern Province without necessarily marrying your children.


  57. # 69 there is no point you have brought. You have diverged from the issue at hand. Your statement is pregnant with arogance and emotions. I hope your mind is not as you have shown yourself.

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