Friday, January 31, 2025

Bishop Mambo expresses sadness over the practice of homosexuality in the Zambia


Chikondi Foundation President Bishop John Mambo
President Bishop John Mambo

Church of God Bishop John Mambo has expressed sadness over the practice of homosexuality in the country.

He was speaking in a telephone interview with ZANIS in Lusaka today, Bishop Mambo said that Zambia is a Christian nation and such practices should not be tolerated in the country.

Bishop Mambo urged the government to engage the church and the civil society in fighting the vice that is slowly corrupting the country.

He noted that homosexuality is not in the Zambian culture and God created man and woman for intended purposes.

Bishop Mambo added that foreign rules should not corrupt the country’s good morals in order to eradicate poverty by involving the Zambian people in illicit activities.

He said that government should not accept donations from any donors who are advocating the performance of homosexuality in order to be assisted.

Bishop Mambo appealed to the public not to entertain such acts as it is forbidden in the bible and added that as a country we should emulate Christ.

He was commenting after two men from Matero township were found to be involved in homosexuality activities.



  1. fornication is also forbidden in the bible, but its found in your churches all over the place, choir members are not only about singing gospel music you know… over night prayers are actually nights of sexual orgies inside and around your chruches… leave the homosexuals alone!!!
    Please do not force christianity on everyone, non christians are also amongst the Zambian citizens!

  2. Better get ready for the New World Order with one World Goverment, than poke your nose in what other people are doing behind closed doors…

  3. the masses should be awakened about the New World Order otherwise you will wake up one day and there is no country.. Use your talent of talking to people to make a difference in their lives and stop trying to control their lives with FEAR

  4. No sin z greta than th otha but som sins lik sodomy bring curses to the land!wetha christian o nt,homosexuality cnt b alowd in this land.even science dos nt agree wit t.this practic z against nature!!thez only 1 religion dat allows homosexual,abortion…t z th secret religion.tak heed dat u donnot advocate anythin dat comz 4rm th kingdom of deceit!

  5. Mambo is the worst hypocrite in Zambia. For a bishop he should know better that fornication and adultery are actually forbidden in the 10 commandments but he is the one who enjoyed canal knowledge of a girl in Northmead and when caught pants down he claimed it was his grand daughter – add incest to the list! The serial adulterer saved time in Mozambiaque for misappropriation of church funds. If I needed moral conduct advice, Bishop Polepole Mambo would be the last I will go to.

  6. Does the bible not teach us to do to others as we would do unto ourselves, and to live amongst other humans as equals and not judge other because of their Tribe, Ethnicity, nationality, religous persuasion, sexuality, gender, Skin colour. 

  7. Most countries world wide now accept Homosexuality as lawful. eg :- RSA UK USA and many countries in Europe and the Far East . If as Bishop Mambo suggests we stop taking aid from countries where it is legal and decide to prosecute people for private activities of this nature we can write off development aid and tourism in one fell swoop. !! Just because something is legalised does not mean everyone of us agrees with or practices it ‘ . It’s also legal to smoke and drink alcohol . Many people do not indulge in either but they don’t find it necessary to victimise those who do. Lets live and let live and not judge so easily. Homosexuality has ALWAYS been there. In every country in the world and It will not go away.

  8. if you are offended with what bishop mambo said then leave the country zambia is christian nation like it or not go where they allow homos not in our country dont polute it

  9. Well said all of you, homosexuality is unnatural and uncanny according to the Bible, in fact the Bible reports that some men in the first century were homosexuals and yet they changed and were cleansed. so even those who are today can change, but the apostle Paul cautioned Christians not to Demonise others but instead show them love and help them to change. It also says that do not be over righteous as this may make you big headed. I feel for you guys but please those feeling you have for fellow men are not genetic, you can change. At least for the sake of God and you can wait him to help you in the new world with a new sexuality. 

  10. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 ESV / 33 helpful votes
    Here is a list of things mention together in the same verse as homosexaul::
    Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God <<<My question is alcohol drinking is legal and fornacation is legal, so is greedness in a christian nation. While are we only picking only homesexual as a sin from this verse and leave these others out? God gave men free will to choose what they want to do thats why he didn't kill Adam and Eve when they sinned, Let the gay be gay. God himself will be the judge of man not man.

  11. If what I read in 1st. Cor. chapt 6 vs 9 makes Zambia a christian nation, l shudder what to name Colombia. Hey!! They all end with …mbia. It is just beer talking…

  12. “He noted that homosexuality is not in the Zambian culture and God created man and woman for intended purposes”. Interesting to know that the Bishop this is true.

  13. Women have a spercial organ 4 that stupid thing in yo pants en u just decide to be putting it in yo friend’s anus u disgust me.Not evn using the Bible 4 reference u can tell how foolish some pipo cud be.Chard up in here…

  14. Funny that the same people that KILLED 100 Million “AFRICANS” during Slave trading days want us to accept their vile practices. That number is for the ones Killed on the continent. Let me not even mention what numbers died on their way to the ‘ new world .’ 
    Back to this vice called HOMOSEXUALITY, now they are attacking young boys and even babies. All sexual predators by the way need to be shot, time for talking and jail terms is up. Let’s trade with China and the middle east in terms of building and how to handle this issue. Those places fix vices like this swiftly. Read the foolish history of homosexuality Zambians ubutu lost us our continent before let it not be so once more.

  15. Mmembe and his post shall pay for their advocating of this INHUMAN VICE. Why does it always have to be a Bemba in anything that is linked to theft. Now he wants to help corruption by these men stealing men from the already limited pool for ladies hahahaha. SATA should say something. He blubbers on about splitting the country into districts and new provinces but is silent on something this delicate really?

  16. Bishop Mambo, how many things did God say we should not do and do? In case you dont know, let me remind you. The bible prohibits drinking, smoking, shaving, mixing colors in dress, eating pork, telling lies, women to be pastors, the list is endless. It also allows things like slavery, oppression of women and killing babies and women in times of war. Using your argument on Zambia as Christian nation, we should outlaw smoking, drinking and shaving, which by the way you did in this picture. We should also allow slavery! Please Bishop, keep your ignorance to yourself, after all, you receive funding from the U.S, Church which has accepted homosexuality. Double standards from a person who has no morals. Leave gays alone, they are humans beings with rights.

  17. Senior Citizen what type of slavery did the Bible allow. Study history first before you let Zambians and Africans follow you blindly. It was translated wrong. It was called servitude, were one was bound to a person for employment or to work out. A debt. Just don’t throw things out randomly research first.


  18. Mwanawakwitu
    Your ignorance of biblical literature is ferocious. | No scholar of biblical studies or biblical interpretation would agree with your argument that the world was translated differently. If you read Gerhard von Rad, one of the most respected O.T scholars in history, he would not agree with your argument at all. Servitude and slavery are two different Hebrew words and they mean two different. But even if you read the New Testament, Philemon was a slave and Paul calls on slaves to obey their masters. If take it that you are an armature of biblical studies, and I would leave it to that. Remember, the Hebrews were slaves in Egypt and some members of the early church were slaves too. In case you dont know, social norms change overtime. What was acceptable then is not today.   

  19. Homosexuality is non zambian. A man or a woman deciding not to marry is equally not zambian. Lying to oneself that he is holier than thou is obviously sacrilege. Imagine the people that will line the que to hell.

  20. By the way, what do we mean by non-Zambian? What is Zambian and what is not? What makes soccer, Banks, dollars, cars, and even dressing Zambian? 

  21. Wow! Senior citizen my knowledge of biblical history is ferociously ignorant. I am clapping for you. I might be a novice in most things but my cognitive processing is on point, thus I tell you this God himself chooses not that we enslave one another, that was human philosophy as you so eloquently pointed out. The above biblical scholar you pointed out is just like the missionaries that came and tried to teach the word of God on assumption ” Africans” Golden people had no prior knowledge of Jehovah. We did for even the bible clearly illustrates how Israelites chilled in the motherland at times not of their will but non the same they were here too…..

  22. Remember this senior citizen we are all sinners and have fallen short of the Glory of God. As a Christian I now first start by sharing that way to unbelievers that I too sin, only difference I was saved by grace and it’s a constant battle of repenting and making one encompassed in the word of God. Advantage is I know that am in folly and do something about it. Above people have stated that we are a Christian nation yet vile characters and things exist; yes the will, also these things existed in Jesus time while he walked. Thus God told to rule wisely and ensure justice is carried out. Let’s not forget this is a fallen world that still erodes.

  23. To the West bring manufacturing and fair internation trade. Then we shall give you all the gay Africans and south Africans you want. Give them citizen-ship in your nations as well. Please don’t sellout Africans because you smiling selves are too friendly. WOMEN stop perpetuating homosexuality due to your emotional and scared of being alone after the age of 30 ways; am talking to the weak try to use the crutch of independence women. Let me ask African women this, how is the search for partners working for your sisters in the US? 75 % of them are single and still the back the feminist movement. Wake up! Genocide I tell you is what homosexuality really is.

  24. Mwanawakwitu
    If you are sinner as you claim, do not be too quick to condemn others for who they are. Humility is a virtue of true religion and wisdom. Your ignorance of both social history and philosophy is clear in the way you speak. By the way, Christianity was brought to Africa by the missionaries! 

  25. Senior citizen, we knew Jesus and Christianity long before the missionaries got here. You are also one to probably think Shaka Zulu was a saint that was a hero in Africa because of the books and movies with a certain twist in them. Well truth be told, Shaka Zulu was a double agent put in south Africa to reduce the population so as the europeans would have no resistance. Had people not left the south due to one chronologically insane Shaka South Africa would not have been conquered; and the only nation with compromised common sense laws would not exist as it does today.

  26. I told you am a sinner, thus I alluded to it. But I am saved by grace and thus it’s my duty to share God’s word and apply his precepts. Homosexuality is an abomination to God, so you are telling me we should add other Sins to the multitude we already have in Zambia because Massa told you to? Cognitivity here, let U’s first develop, research this thing called homosexuality then make future descisions. Zambia laws and security internal agents have not developed enough to cope with the myopic view of citizen protection let’s say Japan would have. The day we have an Law and Order SVU type of unit operational in the nation then let’s look at issues like this. Our country has way too many important issues to be adding another head ache to the list.

  27. Mwanawakwitu
    Please spare us with your ignorance and conspiracy theories which lack any academic verification. You just proved a point to me; you need to go back to school and learn before you can sustain an argument. I am sorry, but I have to say this; you are not sophisticated enough to reason with. How on Earth would a normal person  think that we new Jesus and Christianity long before missionaries got to Africa? By the way, Coptic Christianity found in Egypt and part of Ethiopia is not the one Zambia ascribes to,  but Western Christianity which came with European missionaries. Your ignorance is extremely ferocious. I know that this is too big for you. 

  28. Senior citizen I do not have conspiracy theories. You are either not African trying to confuse people here but it wont work, for the Earth is not flat and people travelled back and forth between israel and the motherland. Or maybe you are one of those inferior complex Africans that think every thing western is the truth. No my friend it is you getting emotional calling me ignorant, no my friend I shall stand by my continent and defend our dignity. Have you heard of the Lembe tribe in southern Africa. Study them then come back and talk to me. We started civilization and marked the blue print for Israels early government system: read the tales of Moses :)

  29. @ Senior Citizen, read your bible too it doesn’t require too much intelligence : out of EGYPT I called my son. If Egypt is not in Africa then am moving to the moon lol.

  30. God abhorrs Homosexuality, so many sins were committed on earth but ony sodomy and homosexuality warranted a special punishment. In fact it was a cleansing so that the lands would not be corrupted by the homos.

  31. Also religion aside – as not everyone in Zambia is Christian – Sodomy is an abomination! Not even a dog or a Pig will stick its penis in anothers anus. Let’s not prettend here there is nothing more vile than that *vomit* bum bandits are sick in the head.

  32. Everyone should be allowed to do what they want to do that’s the end of it all., 
    If you are not gay so be it , if you are gay so be it God himself will judge

  33. The ignorance on this blog is amazing. Gays are jumans and deserve the rights. Speaking of which I should remind you of the fact that same sex attractions have been found among animals. So Lady learn before you use animals in your example.

  34. Alla, hiding behind ‘christian nation’ when we let Mwenyes build their  ka churches all over LSK, and the fat cat bishop is saying govenment should reject aid from donors who support Homosexuality.. easy for him as he squanders all the money from his church!

  35. Sodomy? Ptu ptu ba gay ba fiko. Uku chita umunobe pamatako nembwa bayi bepesha fye. Send them to Jail our law does not permit!

  36. thank the gods that I don’t live in Zambia anymore. the idiocy and ignorance is just staggering. no wonder we will always be poor if the thinking is so backwards. don’t heterosexual men have anal sex with women? don’t people watch that in porn all the time? the same porn that’s supposedly illegal? Christianity is an evil that needs to be purged out of zambia and a rational humanistic approach implemented.

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