Thursday, March 20, 2025

Urban roads rehabilitation to be completed in the first half of 2012


The Road Development Agency (RDA) says it is optimistic that the urban road rehabilitation program will be completed in the first half of this year.

The agency, under the ministry of works and supply last year commenced the rehabilitation of urban roads in various towns in Lusaka, central and the copperbelt provinces.

Over 1 trillion kwacha was set aside for the entire project to cover about 300 kilometers of urban roads.

RDA Executive Director Michael Mulenga says despite most contractors not working according to the stipulated time, he is rest assured that all the major works will be completed in the first half of the year.

Dr. Mulenga says the agency is so far impressed with the works done by different contractors on most roads in the city.

He said this after conducting a tour on a number of roads in Lusaka’s Roma, Chelstone, Mandevu and NRDC areas and in Kafue yesterday.

Dr Mulenga has since called on all stakeholders to guard against vandalism on the infrastructure being put up.



  1. Kamwala south has bad Roads.Lubinda where are u?We need Zipas(Zaoga) and Libala Bisic road Road to be tarred.We are tired to drive in those road.Our consellor can’t even grade them.The roads are just too bad.I voted 4 pf therefore i expect those road to be tarred.We don’t went to destroy the image of our president.Our consellor doesn’t live in kamwala south.She was imposed on us and we didn’t want to dissapoint PF.Lubinda do those roads please or fire the consellor before she destroys PF image in kamwala south.

    • True Kamwala south. We haven’t seen or heard from our councilor/MP. I think they are getting too relaxed. We’ll make sure that they get nowhere very fast in 2016 it this continues. They can even call for a meeting just to update us on efforts they are doing.

  2. @1,i like your English. The makeni road is less than three months and has pot holes already,so ba Mulenga is this what impresses you? Shame on you.

    • #1 reminds me of proud of garden compound.i hope proud is still a regular caller to UNZA out of lusaka now.

  3. But why always working in the same areas? RDA ok go ahead and do the roads where you live. Look at Chalala just a few years old and it already have paved roads. Go ahead you corrupt thieves and pave your roads, we don’t care.

  4. kamwala south roads what is hon lubinda saying we voted for him and there he is flying here and there. bwana 2016 i not far you are let down how do just allow construction of roads end up half edging those who drive that we meet and discuss the way forward for the two roads which where done half way. i sugesst that we met at kamwala basic school and see how we can agree on fundraising money to finish up the main road from break point and the one leading to zipas. money is there but we need strong and courageous people who are ready to move this area into progression.we are just too many of us who are using the two roads. forget about the MP and we can do it on own

  5. Ok I was fuming and why not when year in year out I continue driving around craters in my residence compound and I continue drinking sewer infested water because of no piped water yet all this time rates are demanded from me. Angry, yes I am.

  6. Rda, a scum bag,Dr Mulenga tell us more about that bunch of thieves who were fired from your corrupt agency.Most these roads you are supervising were awarded malicously.

  7. Bamulenga RDA were you paid to be impressed by shoddy work by some of the contractors. You are a serious liability to the natin because you are benefiting as an individual while the nation is underveloping. Go home to muchinga and try farming, who needs?

  8. I wonder what excuse Lubinda has for the situation in Kamwala/Libala South. The man has done nothing since he became MP. I miss RBs development agenda. They were saying the roads were hurriedly and badly done, but what is new since we voted for them apart from moving mountans? Sad.

  9. I am very happy with the good work on my road, thanks RDA and keep it up. Oh, and it reminds me that RB initiated these projects, thanks to RB too, you have left a legacy of school projects, health projects, healthy foreign reserves, bumper maize stocks, and now bumper road projects! Oh, and this evening at 19hrs ZNBC TV news, the acting president Alex Chikwanda was praising ZRA for collecting bumper trillions of kwacha in taxes for the national treasury in 2011. Looking at all this one wonders which trillions RB stole, if not just a figment of mmembe’s fertile imagination!

  10. Great news provided it applies to Kamwala South as well! While we can’t wait for the government to do everything,its not right that we have to contribute ab residents because we pay huge amounts in taxes EVERY month! Its govts job period. However, they can be proactive by giving tax breaks/incentives to those who contribute to such community schemes. We should not be burdened twice!

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