Thursday, March 20, 2025

Zambia emerge as favourite among other African countries to get a US$354 million US funded Water and Sanitation project


American Ambassador to Zambia Mark Storella about to give an interview to reporters in Lusaka
File:American Ambassador to Zambia Mark Storella

Zambia has emerged as favourite among other African countries to get a US$354 million United States funded Water and Sanitation project to be implemented in Lusaka.

Discussions over the funding of one of the richest water projects are almost concluding in the Washington DC where it has emerged that Zambia has scored better in fighting corruption, good governance and freedom of the press.

US Ambassador to Zambia Mark Storella told journalists that his government will soon sign a memorandum of understanding with the Zambian government following the successful project proposal by the Zambian government for the funding of the Lusaka water and sanitation project.

Ambassador Storella said his government looked at various proposals from other African countries and picked on Zambia because of its stance in fighting corruption and promoting good governance.

He said the project is expected to be one of the highly funded water projects in African and expected to improve sanitation in the city thereby improving the health standards of Zambians.

He said the board in charge of funding will be sitting on March 27 this year and agree on terms and how the fund will be disbursed to Zambia.

[pullquote]Discussions over the funding of one of the richest water projects are almost concluding in the Washington DC where it has emerged that Zambia has scored better in fighting corruption, good governance and freedom of the press.[/pullquote]

Mr. Storella noted that the project is as a result of the partnership and mutual relationship between the two countries which expects that they will continue.

He said the America government is committed to helping Zambia improve the health of her people by providing clean drinking water.

He said his government will continue funding projects in various sectors of the economy.

When asked about the global fund, Mr. Storella said the Zambia government made a mistake by misapplying funds and failing to account for money meant for improving Zambia people’s lives.

He however noted that government has made amendments and has since paid back about US$7 million to correct the mistake and hoped that the new administration will remain focused on fighting corruption.

He said the American government and its investors will support Zambia as long as the funds are correctly applied.



  1. Good news for Zambians. We are moving forward in development. Those with bitter hearts and hates will collapse with HBP. Go Donchi Kubeba Go PF government

  2. This is great news indeed. However, I want to add by saying that the funds should be deployed to improve access to water in towns where there is a challenge especially rural areas. The line of rail syndrome must be stopped. Let the funds improve water supply in Mongu by connecting the line to the Zambezi, in Mansa and Mpulungu, and Chilubi Island and in Kasempa, Mwinilunga and in Lusitu in Lusaka province? The rest must go to Mumbwa, Mpika, Kasama, and Luwingu as well as Shangombo, Senanga and Lukulu. No line of rail please prof.

    • Comrade, this is not our money, so we must accept the conditions on which we are given this money. Lusaka does need sanitation too. Look at Chibolya, Misisi, Marrapodi and so on… We have to start somewhere, otherwise your point is very good and valid.

  3. This is a good thing. Many Zambians do not realize that there is a strong correlation between democracy and development. This is why we should strive to develop a society that is inclusive and protects the rights of ALL citizens. The US and other friendly countries know that if they make a contribution to such a country, then those funds will go a long way to alleviate the hardships of the people. But if we embrace tribalism, corruption, dictatorship and other perverted forms of governance, these countries will take their money elsewhere. Big thanks to the US

  4. This is a needful thing for the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise … God bless the United States of America, God bless Zambia!!!

  5. Good news indeed! However, I would add that this should not be something to encourage us to wait for handouts. Let us be a hardworking nation and where possible provide basic necessities for our people, rather than waiting for other governments to help us. Thanks to the USA and congrats Zambia for the good governance.

  6. Americans dont just give such amounts of money to a country am sure there is something they ve discovered abt zambia maybe minerals or oil through their agents,hillary visited zambia,bush was here,i ve heard that ban ki mun is coming aswell..carefull lest we get ripped off like angola through a civil war ie the secession of western province..anyhow good news for zambia.

  7. I am curious. What is the sustainability of this project? It would be great to know the details. Next you will hear filters and additives are proprietary and can only be sourced from some multinational in the USA… don’t say you were not warned.

  8. #3 Please note that these funds will be used in Lusaka only. These are project specific funds and you will read above according to the Ambassador … “US Ambassador to Zambia Mark Storella told journalists that his government will soon sign a memorandum of understanding with the Zambian government following the successful project proposal by the Zambian government for the funding of the Lusaka water and sanitation project.”

    If we start using this funds to Mongu, Mwinilunga, etc. we would be diverting the funds to other unapproved projects and risk losing the funding. We have to take it one day at a time, Rome was not built in a day … good luck.

  9. I like this BUT : When asked about the global fund, Mr. Storella said the Zambia government made a mistake by misapplying funds and failing to account for money meant for improving Zambia people’s lives.
    Well said ambassador, let’s spread this money to all provinces so as the US government gets mad and stood giving funds on development for a year then get more. I prefer Chinese investment ’cause the take resources and don’t live your country in war situations. They even bring you China towns :)

  10. Dependency is the root of all evil in Africa. Why do we still have to rely on others to do simple things like water projects in a country that has been independent for over 40 years? As an American Zambian, I can tell you that the USA does not do these types of projects for free. There is something in it for them, trust me!!

  11. And we are supposed to rejoice we came tops!!!
    These chaps still treating us as children or pupils, liken to the master informing the pupil that he/she got 80% average in all subjects and has won a juicy lolly pop selfsame reason China will be the dominant force in the future as it treats as a partner.   
    Wake up!!!

  12. Kwanini tunangoja mpaka tufanyiwe kila kitu?Wachina ndio hao wanaendesha migodi zetu,wahindi ndio wenye biashara timamu,South Africa ndio wawekezaji kwa aslimia kubwa ya biashara zambia na hata anga yetu inatawaliwa na ndege za kigeni.Je hii picha mbovu kwamba wazambia hawawezi lolote ndio mnataka?Kweli zambia yetu ni ya watu wavivu na wasio na mwelekeo.Kama uchafu mijini zetu imetushinda pia huu mradi wa maji pia utatushinda.Walaghai na walevi watupu humu zambia.

  13. This project has been on the drawing board for sometime now and would like to thank both RB regime and Serpent Cobra Sata PF goverment for ensuring that we get the funds without whose effort we would have not acquired this fund. This is one of the Millenium Challenge Project the US is funding.

  14. Zambia continues to receive more aid than most other countries in Africa but still remains the same, no change no matter how much money is pumped in! I hope the PF government will change this so that we start seeing development reaching the people it is intended for. People living in ‘kwa ….’ should also benefit like the people living in ‘ku …..’

  15. Im definitely disappointed that since 1964, so much capital investments are being targetted at Lusaka city at the expense of the periphery. The US government are not sincere with this. Its incredible that we should be instructed to focus on one town at the expense of other towns. This is ridiculous.

  16. US354m is K1.8 trillion. This money could easily have been realised from windfall tax in one year. we have the capacity as a country to fund our programs if we had a serious govt. Let PF say we do not have money. money is there but is being wasted in non priority areas.

  17. nothing is for free if you haven’t noticed grz gave the USA strategic land to build one of the biggest embassy in africa

  18. Poor Zambia!! You stand in a line of beggers to be told by some rich passerby that you come out tops as the “best begger” When will reach the levels of countries like India who have told the Brits they no longer need their aid

  19. Too bad only but good for this dirty city called Lusaka, anyway the all town smells with faeces & urine in corridors.
    Fwebakukopala tatwanyantapo umuafi yesu.LOL Good for you ba Lusaka!!!!!!

  20. Well done ZAMBIA, chipolopolo has effect everywhere, now we need accountability for this funding, we should see change in Water Sanitation. Let there be control. Councils do your work.

  21. What are the details in the small print? We do not want military bases in Zambia, or camps to unsettle neighbours using underhand methods or military means. Zambia must know that the West gives nothing without a sting in the tail.

  22. Strange blogs above. Somebody comes to Lusaka, sees you are poor and you need help and offers to help, you call him names and that he wants something in return. The americans have simply seen the same things you see. difference is they want to help you. Please appreciate. if they go help some other begger, what would you gain.

    The truth is, we have failed to manage ourselves.

  23. Damibiso Moyo was right in Dead Aid…the more we depend on these chaps the more we move backwards…so how much did the miners make in profit in 2011?? That’s top secret even the president hasn’t got a clue… these chaps are turning over billions in dollars and giving us peanuts in tax. If we put our minds together we can raise those little funds instead of being mentally enslaved to these guys and their “chains attached” donations.


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