Sunday, October 6, 2024

I will be reluctant to recommend to Cabinet the restoration of the Barotseland Agreement of 1964-President Sata


President Michael Sata
President Michael Sata

President Michael Sata has said he will be reluctant to recommend to Cabinet the restoration of the Barotseland Agreement of 1964.

President Michael Sata said this is because restoring the Barotseland agreement would also cause the other native authorities in the country to rise up and demand for secession a situation that would likely destabilize the country.

The president has also wondered why the Commission of inquiry into the Mongu riots has not indicated the benefits of restoring the Barotseland agreement.

President Sata was speaking at State house when the commission of inquiry constituted to investigate the Mongu riots of last year presented its report.The President has also announced the dissolution of the local government service commission board.

Earlier commission chairperson Roger Chongwe recommended that the constitution amendment of 1969 which nullifies the legitimacy of the Barotseland Agreement be repealed.

Dr. Chongwe in his submissions to the President recommended that after the constitution amendment has been repealed, the government should then consider restoring the Barotseland agreement of 1964.

Dr. Chongwe also noted that the Mongu riots were caused by the failure by Zambia police to issue a permit to the people of western province who waited to have a peaceful meeting.He also observed that the abrogation of the Barotseland agreement has led to agitation among the Lozi speaking people because of high poverty levels.

He further disclosed that the investigations also revealed that the police were very unprofessional in the manner in which they handled the riots and has since called on the government to consider investing in the non-lethal riot equipment.

Dr. Chongwe also observed that the former Vice president George Kunda lied to parliament when justified the use of live ammunition by police during the riots and has since called for the prosecution of Mr. Kunda in line with parliamentary regulations.He further recommended that the people of western province be compensated by government for any loss all damage that they could have suffered.

And the commission of inquiry on the Zambia national building Society (ZNBS) also submitted its report to President Sata and indicated that the institution has been running at a loss , adding since inception it has only managed to give 15,000 mortgages against the 2 million deficit of housing units currently being faced.Commission chairperson Mwila Lumbwe noted that the ZNBS also did not qualify under the financial regulation Act to run as a building society because of its capital inadequacy.

And the salaries commission in its submissions noted that cost of running government has continued to be high a situation that has caused problems in the remuneration system.Commission Chairman Professor Muyunda Mwanalushi also recommended that the special retirement package which allows some retired constitution office bearers to continue getting their salaries once they are out of office be reviewed.



  1. One Zambia, One Nation, no one should leave, instead, let us just sit and discuss how best Western province can be developed, but this doesn’t mean the rest of us should be forgotten.

  2. Remember Mr Sata you got the western province based on what has been recommended by yourown CoI. You promised the people of this province and they responded it is your turn. If this is not respected it will be taken as deceit. Do not run from your own shadows please, you promised. Now you have two three unhappy provinces…… wishing you the best sir

    • September 2011 Election results WESTERN PROV.
      Candidate Votes Received % Against Votes Cast% against Registered Voters
      BANDA Rupiah B 62,592 33.20% 15.86%
      HICHILEMA Hakainde53,176 28.21% 13.47%
      SATA Michael C 43,579 23.12% 11.04%
      Looking at these results, how did Sata win Western Province? Surely winning in Mongu and another place cannot equate to winning the province. So Sata does not owe Western Province anything other than what he owes every Zambian as President of Zambia

  3. As usual, the man at plot 1 can not be taken serious on his word – what’s the point of appointing a CoI if you are ‘reluctant’ to take their recommended ‘solution’

  4. For you Lozis there then lies the answer.Michael Sata told you that within 90 days,he would restore the Barotseland Agreement.He never told you about complications other Native Authorities would present if he honoured your BA.

  5. What rubbish is this!!!! You appoint a commission, they bring you the facts only to refute and be reluctant to act iwe chi Sata. Time wasters and money wasters…go to hell we are going to continue creating a state within a state.

    • He didn’t say he wasn’t going to Restore it, he said maybe for you to understand that he’ll look at the concequences of Restoring in relation to the rest of the country….

  6. Let`s just distribute development evenly to all provinces, but since Western Province lagged behind we can deliberately give it a bigger share in the National Budget allocation for the next few years. Why do you think people like Prof Muyunda Mwanalushi can never settle there unless he is promised to be a Ngambela.

  7. in Hausa they say…. ARABA….. meaning seperate us, let the Lozis have what is legally theirs, re-instate the Barotse agreement, if they wanna go why hold them at ransom, especially when no one cares about their plight….. let them have their Barotseland. Plus Sata promised this to them, let him keep his word.

  8. What is happening in Zambia under govt is very worrying. How come we never had such issues under KK, FTJ, LPM and RBB? The country is more divided than ever. Under KK we had our own problems (economic in the later years), under FTJ (same problems economic coupled by mismanagement), under LPM (same problems economic), under RBB (same problems, corrupttion etc).Whilst we had these problems under the four former problems, at least there was ‘unity’ or atleast peace in the country. The country is facing economic problems, and now with divisions under MCS. The cause of all these problems (divisions) is Sata and his pf. Look at the issue of moving district from one province to the other. Promosing people this and that which you dont fulfil, tribalist and tribalist appointments, etc. Katwishi?

  9. The President just like many Zambians is deliberately exhibiting ignorance on the Barotseland agreement. It is simply about decentralisation which is in line with the PF manifesto as we have been told in defence of re-alighning of districts. Someone is digging his own grave.

  10. u guys should read international news,,, see whats happening in other countrys in the name of dividing the nation, this tribe wanting this and that to be done by the gov’t, its like the peace ur enjoyng in Zambia is not enuf or appreciated. you want to bring anarchy upon Really want know how it is to live without peace? ask nigerians or go see for yourselves, then i think u will stop talking about this fallacy called ba lozi agreement or whatever it is and the hidden chaotic benefits it will bring to the selfish people wanting it so badly without considering the negative implications…

    • You moron. You are just a war monger. Have you ever been to any war torn country for you to say this utter nonsence. From your point of view, what makes you think this can bring about war. If at all the place (Barotseland) is not that much of interest to the economic or financial structure (besides the geographic one) of Zambia, then why not let go off. In any case, Restoration of the BA of 1964 is not all about secession. Read your notes, baneeee!!

    • l see from your flag that you reside in the US. The US president made promises that he has gone back on because thats what politician do when they are running for office
      I will close Guantanamo it is still open-l will repeal bush tax cuts they have been extended- we will engage cuba no engagement has occured 
      Welcome to the real world son

  11. The BA should be honored as per recommendation. It means that Western will still be part of Zambia but self-governing which is what all regions should be doing instead of sitting on laurels all day waiting for non-deliveries from Lusaka, it’s kind of stupid. Seriously, 47 years of patient waiting for Lusaka to lift Zambia has yielded zilch.

    • Digga you sound more What language do people speak in Senanga, Sesheke, Kalabo as far as the Caprivi and Northern Botswana? Do they speak your Primitive version of a kwerekwere tongue? Go and do your far.ting in Muchinga!

    • We want restoration of BA64.  Even the Scottish are fed up of English domination after 300 years.  We are fed up with domination by lunatics who cannot even run a kantemba or make a single appointment without disregarding procedure, protocol or rules, the thieving bastards!  We want to be out of this sewage dump!

  12. Sorry Lozis, it is DONCHI KUBEBA all the way, at least the Tongas did not buy into this slogan. Get on with your life guys, Barotse Agreement is a dead issue.

  13. You Lozis you behave like you are not intellectuals,just forget about this Barotse bullshit! It can never work and it will never work period!

  14. :( All i need is president michael sata’s email add,reason being my mother died 10 years ago and we are still waiting for her pay out.:(

  15. So you thought this BA64 was just going to go away right? Its only in Zambia such Politicians manage to get a single vote.So what was the point of wasting taxpayers money into this COI and publishing the whole BA64? You cant keep on lying…shame.

  16. “Dont Kubeba” Mean dont tell them. You dont tell pipo that you not going to honour your pledge. Did you think Sata was going to honour the BA. ney.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let the dreamer unfold we will watch closely, Sata at plot 1.

  17. Your own commission has said we restore the BA agreement of 1964 and you say you are reluctant to do so.
    Why did you set it up anyway?
    Wasting taxpayers money and raising false hope for people.
    This time Fire will burn.!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  19. Now that the President has already taken a stand on the recommendation of the commission, what use is the cabinet discussing it ? Looks like the President shoots from the hip all the time, no time to take aim !

  20. “President Michael Sata said this is because restoring the Barotseland agreement would also cause the other native authorities in the country to rise up and demand for secession”,

  21. “President Michael Sata said this is because restoring the Barotseland agreement would also cause the other native authorities in the country to rise up and demand for secession” SO SATA IS SCARED THAT THE TONGAS CAN FOLLOW SUIT…HAHAHAHA. SO THAT IS WHY HIS IS TRYING TO GET SOME PARTS OF THEIR LAND FROM THEM, SO THAT IN THE EVENT THAT THEY DEMAND FOR SECESSION, THEY WILL HAVE NO CHILUNDU AND ITEZITEZI, for sure there is everything to every action. ITS NOT ALL THIS DEVELOPMENT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT… the answers to re-alignments are just there plan and clear.

  22. Wasted resouces…all these other reports have been honoured, what wrong with this one…..Satanism at his level best……………All pipo on this blog please lets start including this man in your individual prayers…..its getting unpredictable….it might be worse soon.

  23. So are any Z.P Commanding Officers at the time going to be punished for negligence…Was this Commission of Inquiry really necessary? Has the President really read the BA64? 

    • Jay Jay you seem to be an unstable person. that other day you appeared very PF but today you are shooting at your saviour. wonders shall never end

  24. Kulya bwino imudala. The face has changed after 90 days. There is something sweet about that job. The wrinkles and jaribu marks have all disappeared! Yangu Tata eeeeh!

  25. I though I agree with the President and utterly reject the recommendations made by this commission, I would like to take my hat off and bow to Dr Rodger Chongwe for being truthful and objective to the work he set out to do and this is what happens when you appoint independent people who are professionals to do the Job. Kudos to Dr Chongwe, a real lawyer and a true professional who can’t be bought by any euphoria.

    By the way , when is Wynter Kabimba’s COI REPORT on ERB coming out? I thought his commission sat early before all the rest. Has the report also joined the queue of the PF council audit report that we are still waiting. Come on Wynter , step forward please.

  26. inconsistency..irresponsible & selfish leaders we have in govt now..what on earth..?why did you have a commision of inquiry when you knew you would refuse…?

  27. The Barotseland agreement of 1964 was published in newspapers recently. Is there any part of secession in that agreement? However all other pertinent issues of this agreement must be honoured through the decentralisation system. We are a unitary state. The bone of contention in Barotseland (Western Province) is underdevelopment. Take development to this province and you will have honoured the Barotseland agreement.

  28. SATA will never honour any of those promises he made during his campaigns coz he believes in politics of cheating and deceiving after winning election u can do yo own things.

  29. In short,no Zambian should ever trust SATA as he has proved on all his campaign promises that he not trustworth and explains why the clever people of SProvince do not trust his motives for aligning their land.Dont blame them they know the man better.He claimed to be man of action let him act, so far zero action. He is just abig duper of masses.

  30. Who were the members of that COI? I hope it was not dominated by Lozis? I guess the president has taken many issues into consideration hence his reluctance. For instance the Nkoyas are against the Barotseland Agreement. COI or not this issue must be handled with extreme care otherwise the country will be split into all kinds of “lands”. If it is mere decentralisation as some people are saying then it should be applied across the board not just one province.

  31. Next SATA is campaigning please dont go to his rallies.He is a comedian.None of the things he will promise you will be done.Please learn these bitter lessons.We told you the man is a fake. Dont worst your time listing to the man who has no shame of the lies that makes to the people.We have cheapened presidency in this country.


  33. I support The President on this one. The only problem is that because he is very dull, he keeps creating problems for himself. He knows very clearly that once he declares the BA-1964, the tongas will definitely demand to leave Zambia as well….and I’m sure Tongas have been waiting to hear from the Commission. In the hearts of hearts, there is no Lozi who wactually wants to leave Zambia. As for Sata promising to restore the BA agreement, I don’t condemn him if he does not restore it — you people who voted for him are the ones who are s.t.u.p.i.d to have voted for him on the basis fo such a daft promise which you knew very well he was not going to keep. IT’S YOUR FAULT. We warned you repeated about Sata. Where is BA now, where is the money in your pockets? Mwanya… until 2016.

  34. I still have the ink on my finger as evidence for voting and I voted for ……… I need to check the dictionary for appropriate words. It is not enough to be a man of action, what is important is to be a MAN OF GOOD ACTIONS.

  35. Isn’t this a waste of time and money. It was a smoke screen from the start coz the president knew what he wanted to do and hoped Chongwe would recommend the opposite. I also remember the president promising to look into the issue as he campaigned. Well the votes are in and what’s the position now? I however agree with the president’s position. We just need a decision on what is going to be done about it by the government. I personally think the best way is to renegotiate the agreement to Federalism and accord all provinces the same status.

  36. On a serious note, what do we lose by giving the Lozi their province? Let them breakaway so that they can rule themselves. Is this not the power of democracy?

  37. HEMCS does not care if PF gets to be the party that has ruled the shortest period. He already got what he craved for all his life – the presidency. Why care for landmark development and good governance of a vessel – PF – that he created to land him plot 1. After all, the end justifies the means.

  38. An agreement cant end at Grade 7Night Scholar Sata’s pronouncement.BA64 shall come to pass.It can take hundreds of years.But one day it shall surely come to pass.SP,WP and NWP have to be freed from invasion by Sata and his kinsmen.To hell with your decipt of one zambia.You cant force us to be zambians.We await you at this year’s Kuomboka

  39. This is what happen when you don’t take time to react to sensitive issues, you end up appointing wrong people as commissioners. Mr presidend take time you will not make mistake. Viva united zambia.

  40. Imwe ba Linyungandambo muleka umusalula mwatesha HMCS is repblican Prez issue of the Barotse crap is dead, anulled in 1969 5 years after indepondo,you will cry your asses out and no one will even pay attention, and then you tend to forget that there other tribes too in western province why would want a few greedy fools to be their overlords,also the commision of Roger Chongwe was not setup to scutinise the Baroste issue no so sorry,Lozis are so greedy they want to hols on to land which in an undeveloped state is useless

  41. Iwe ka ASSASIN what will a Bemba man be doing kumenshi ala ifiko,have ever seen a Bemba wearing a skirt ala, u copied a stupid tradition of scotsmen walishiba tabafwalamo bamba muli Kilt ama scots hope you lozis do not the same

  42. The president should have not responded in that way. It would have been wiser even to keep quiet and respond later after digestion. Restoration of BA is NOT about secession! Let’s not confuse this. Western province or rather barotseland is not the only province lacking development in zambia. All but 3 provinces are underdeveloped. Look at N/W, Luapula, northern, eastern, central and western. I agree with those saying the BA was not done in good faith. That agreement was done under duress! Who facilitated that agreement? Who set the terms and conditions? Where was it done and why? Let’s think criticaly

  43. MMD Chief Bootlicker, I thought you were crazy before the elections, and I thought I could never miss RB. RB had his flaws, corruption, extravagance, etc….but SATA, Sata is a lunatic. An imb.ecile who needs to be caged. He is so bad he makes me miss RB who I thought was the worst president we ever had! If I had to re-write the constitution, I would put a cap on the age of presedential aspirants. 60, maybe 65. After 70, chimo na overtime mu bola… should be retired……brain cells are rapidly degenerating at that age……best example, SATA!!!

  44. Roger Chongwe is a professional, did his part and put the ball in Sata’s court. Given Sata’s reluctance, I can see this issue going towards a referendum. Let the people of Zambia (including western province) decide.

    The middle ground or compromise decision is Zambia becoming a federation of provinces. Those who are keen at improving their province can do so without waiting for Lusaka to give the go ahead. This compromise is more likely than a costly referendum.

  45. Did the ‘other native’ authorities sign agreements at the dawn of Northern Rhodesia independence to become part of an independent Zambia? Which agreement would Chitimukulu exactly want to be restored? Mr Sata’s reasoning is very shallow and Grade 7 nightschoolish? If Lozis want this seriously, I would advise them to take the issue to the UN or the International Court. The Zambian govt doesnt seem to have any ground to stand on this issue. If what Sata is saying is true then there was no need for Kaunda to sign the document on behalf of Northern Rhodesia if he knew that honouring the Agreement would encourage other so called native authorities. Unfortunately this is the behaviour you expect from backward countries who never respect agreements or laws they draw to govern themselves.

  46. The people of W/P have just realized they were duped into voting the way they did. But with the issue at hand, the biggest problem is that the area claimed includes NWP, CB, part SP and it’s just not practical to implement the agreement. Sata better keep his cool and get to a negotiating table. He better go with KK who started the fire.

    • Stop the lies. Barotseland Protectorate is what is today called Western Province. Between 1964 and 1968 it was known as Barotseland Province. In 1968 when Kaunda dishonoured the Agreement he renamed Barotseland as Western Province. He then renamed the original Western Province of Zambia as Copperbelt Province. You people the ignorance of your country’s history stinks to high heavens. Your ignorance makes me feel like pukking!

  47. But his lies still yield results, go to Chongwe and Msanzala and ask if they have electricity now. These are new customers, rather new victims of empty promises!

    Donchi kubeba, let them vote while in the aura of the illusion!

  48. Its day light injustice to a people by a nation that claims to be Christian.People must fight injustice against humanity and other life forms

  49. zambians wanted change so badly and got the best alternative to the mmd. zambians please ask your mp’s for a vote of no confidence in the president. zambia has been a first in africa for alot please let in be the first african state to formally impeach a president

  50. This is Sata. Any man that has managed to father children from six women and married 5 times is deemed to be a lair. Among them twin sisters to Father Frank Bwalya. You Lozi, our brothers & sisters take your anger on Inonge Wina, she duped you as well. Where is she now?

  51. May the God of peace reign in Zambia and its leadership. Otherwise the devil is looking for windows to bring in confussion. My prayer to the current govt is to listen to the peoples where it is due and no division. I believe that decentralization will help settle the matter, not splitting the districts or taking away boundaries for economical development. A person will develop when they understand that they are part of the solution, not a door mart to the riches.

  52. The New Constitution should completely do away with the Barotse Agreement. This is a time bomb if not dealt with decisively.

    • There is no Barotse Agreement even in the current constitution nor the previous one. Please read the Agreement carefully. Among other clauses it calls on the Zambian govt to development Barotseland like all other parts of Zambia. Unfortunately Kaunda thought his task was to build one tarred road from Lusaka to Mongu. Today people are asking why? The late Father Duffy pointed out the same problem. He said a child in Kalabo, Lukulu, Shangombo, Sikongo, Mulobezi does not know what a tarred road looks like. In PF wisdom their first act within a week of assuming office was to stop the construction of the Mongu-Kalabo rd. The only road that was stopped in the entire country. Simply honour the BA by building infrastructure in the Province. You cannot wish it away. It is a legal document.

  53. The only position Sata is fit to hold is PF presidency—- not beyond that. Sata has a very, very, weird personality. Never in my life have i heard of a person of Sata`s calibre being voted President of a country. Its really unfortunate for Zambia. The only hope is that the Man is old and wont rule for a long time. Can you imagine if Sata became President in 2006? God is really great! He is simply showing Zambians why he never allowed Sata to be president in 2006.

  54. Time will tell :) The other native authorities thumb printed one line according to history. The line gave their land away to the company that ran the territory. History cannot be re-written. In order for Zambia to exist there was an agreement. We are all in breach courtesy if President numero UNO. I’ve said before time will tell who is actually going to stop kicking the ball to the next generation to resolve. Maybe not now but one day…

  55. I think the case for the incompetence of the incumbent administration has been made. Not by the opposition, NGO’s or indeed the bloggers but the PF Govt itself. Winter Kabimba has been attributed with comments to the effect that some cabinet ministers are incompetent. I am sure he is just shy of including Sata simply because its the boss with an unpredictable character. However from hereon I intend to remind the hardcore PF cadres and sympathisers, such as the Original Italian Bunga Bunga, who appear to go to sleep in the face of Sata and/or PF’s blantant failures and incompetencies yet swiftly forget as soon as someone innocent is fired or judged to be corrupt based on unsubstantiated innuendo.

  56. This fool has been grabbing privatized companies and today he says he is reluctant to implement what he had promised.Next he wants to grab ZANACO after RABO BANK has recapitalised it and its now performing so competitively.Lets hope you will survive the pressure you are inviting on yourself

  57. The President has taken the right position on this matter. Barotseland does not exist and it never did. The current borders of Westen Province are NOT therefore synonymous to this manufactured lie called Barotseland.

    When the BSAC granted the Litunga British Protectorate status, the area in question was just between Lealui and Limulanga only. Other areas in the region were not under the Litunga. It was only when the colonial government started creating provinces that the BRE influenced the current borders of Western Province and then started claiming that as Barotseland i.e ba lozi land.

    To maintain their lies, the BRE had our King poisoned on the eve of the creation of Kafue Province by the colonial government so that they can maintain the current borders of WP. All this is fraud!

  58. That’s what it means when you have chi punka as presido. Big fat old liar. Southern Province is next. Kolwestans have managed to divide Zambia. Ni donchi kubeba!

  59. CoI into Mongu riots. Dr Chongwe, most of your recomendations have either been trashed or rejected. In other words either you are useless as a person or the CoI was useless, or both. But one that will be accepted is the one that serves your vendetta. We have not forgotten that you have a bone to chew with Hon Kunda, isn’t he the one who refused to pay you those billions of Kwacha tax payers’ money as “compensation” for your “mischief” in Kabwe? Prosecuting Hon Kunda also serves the political interests of pf in their quest to decimate MMD and emerge as the supreme party in Zambia.

  60. Nothing that was promised during campaigns has ever or will ever be implemented. Was this a question of deceit or ignorance? Let the gullible people of BRA judge for themselves, I am just watching them, thoroughly amused and enjoying my popcorns!

  61. The Chongwe commission must have worked professionally and well within its terms of reference as reason for its institution. Its ridiculous to trash its findings after all the expense associated with all the sittings. Why set up the commission if you will not honour its its findings and recommendations which are based on the wishes of the people?? This must say a lot about this president.

  62. It is not true that all Western Province votes went to PF. Actually the bigger chank of these votes went to MMD and UPND.

  63. This COI report is not worth the paper it’s written on. 1) The Chairman RC was compromised in that he was the lawyer for the rioters 2) One of the other members was a member of Linyunga… whatever and could not have had an impartial view of the proceedings 3) RC said before the start of the sittings that the BA64 was still a valid document and should be restored – so why did he bother to proceed with the sittings 4) In the rioters court case, one of the issues he wanted was for the rioters to be compensated, which he has now sneaked into his recommendations following the premature pardon by Sata. RC should have done the right thing at the beginning and refused to chair this COI. Rubbish recommendations!


      Didn’t Sata know all the above?  Are you the head of intelligence and you kept info from Sata? Sata’s COI are always stuffed with people with preset agendas.  No surprises there!

  64. Sata is right, just as is Roger Chongwe!!! Chongwe has presented the findings as expressed by people of western Province & any others that felt like contributing to the commission. Sata is also right, IT IS NOT UP TO HIM ALONE TO ALLOW SECESSION OF A PROVINCE or any other entity. Zambia is one country, if a decision has to be made, THIS QUESTION HAS TO BE PRESENTED TO THE COUNTRY IN A REFERENDUM, if the referendum votes for secession, then so be it. So we are just at step no: 2, commission of inquiry has done its job, lets applaud it. Next step is for cabinet to discuss, then find a way of engagement with WP & the rest of Zambia, the final process would have to END UP AS A REFERENDUM, THERE IS NO WAY OF ESCAPING THIS FACT!!!

    • There is no need for a referendum.  It is not Zambians who have an abrogated agreement.  It is the people of Barotseland.  It is for them to decide how to proceed.  Chongwe is a lawyer and he knows what he read in the BA64.  The Barotse must decide their future – either acquiesce to Sata, or go back to BA64 as if it was valid and exercise their rights therein or throw out the abrogated agreement as invalid and do as they please.  They have a stronger case than South Sudan or even Scotland!!

  65. Kaponyaz are now quiet because the issues are now beyond shouting slogans. Let us wait and see. The Presido must behave in a manner fit for plot numero uno. The President must decist from making hard comments even before reading these commission of enquires. This is what happened in the Kingsley Chanda’s report. This says much about the president’s charecter.

  66. September 2011 Election results WESTERN PROV.
    Candidate Votes Received % Against Votes Cast% against Registered Voters
    BANDA Rupiah B 62,592 33.20% 15.86%
    HICHILEMA Hakainde53,176 28.21% 13.47%
    SATA Michael C 43,579 23.12% 11.04%

    looking at these results…how can you honestly say WP voted for sata because he promised to restore the BA… the way….can someone tell me which politician has ever delivered on their campaign promises….

    • My point is, MCS said he would restore the BA64 if Western Province voted for him. These results clearly show that they did not, therefore he does not owe it to them to restore the agreement as they didn’t meet their end of the bargain. The only thing he owes WP is what he owes every other Zambian as president of Zambia.

    • Dear *****, 43,579 votes was a substantial contribution to Sata’s winning margin.  If he did not get this plus some other stupid votes from SP and NP, Sata would not have won.  Candidates win quite often on swing/marginal votes.  Get your thinking correct!

  67. Tell your Presido, to silence the issue of Barotse Agre 64, if he can. The only thing that he will do is to sideline it in his term. We agree we were fooled, but he wont fool us for the second time. We are hpy coz we Barosians have a Legacy, eraze it if you want. Kaunda tried to remove it on Zambian curriculum, but has it died. The answer is NO. What we knw with our poverty, one time we shall b free. Kafue Advocate, you are just shooting you foot. BULOZI BWALUNA, SIZO SALUNA, BANABAHESU KINAKO.

  68. If any other native authority in the country had a agreement with the government, let them bring it to the table now. Sata must be ashamed of himself for telling stinking lies he knew he will not honour. He is the one who promised those people that he will restore the agreement and now for him to renege in such a blatant fashion even after his own appointed commission has recommended otherwise is most shameful indeed. See, in one breath he is threatening Eastern chiefs with derecognition, in the next he is threatening Southern youths with brute police force and yesterday he excretes excrement on an agreement he alone promised to restore within 90 days of coming to power. Sata is a joke.

  69. This is how civil wars break out in Africa. All doors are now shut and only the barrel of the gun will open them. With the agitation he has wraught in Southern, Western and North-Western provinces, Zambia has never ever been this close to the edge of abyss. The moment Sata was all cozy with the abrogator himself, KK, I knew trouble was coming our way. Well, this is war now and KK should know he is to blame for all this and that makes him fair game.

  70. I do not support the Barotse issue at all, but when politicians try to get away with lies and manipulation, I get taken aback in a very bad way.

  71. @82 Ricky Bobby

    You are very right. The C.O.I. chairman should have declared interest in the subject matter to protect his reputation but it appears as though he could not resist the temptation to cash in on this non starter issue.

    The President’s position is not different to positions taken by previous leaders before him because he knows that it can not be done. In WP, Nkoyas and others have refused to be associated with this old issue therefore the government can not just favor the BRE at the expense of the Nkoya Royal Establishment (NRE).

    We all want development in Zambia and such are issues we should be advocating for not trying to divide the country. The BA64 was based on lies, fraud and greed and it does not have the blessings of the majority of people in WP and Zambia.

    • Who are the majority people in WP?  Who are the majority people in Kaoma, even?  There are now more Lozis and Luvales in Kaoma than Nkoyas.  You have been away from home for too long.  

  72. The Lozis did not understand the “Donchi Kubeba” slogan. Not surprising though! It’s time to look at objects the way they are presented.

  73. We have already recommended to the President to create Kafue Province so that the pioneers of the provincial proposal can be honored and to put to shame the schemers who wanted to stop this revolutionary idea from taking place when it was first tabled to the colonial government in the 1940s.

    The Kafue Province idea was valid then just as it is still valid now and we believe we have reached a pinnacle and the only way forward is to complete the creation of Kafue Province for the sake of peace and co-existence.

    We believe that the President does even need another C.O.I to create Kafue province just like the nation did not need one when Muchinga Province was established.

    • I must give it to you: your idea is *****ic but it looks like that is what Sata is going to do, simply to spite the people of WP and SP.  But I can assure you that idiocy never prevails forever.  This will be reversed when sensible people take over govt.  Kaoma belongs to Barotseland, all the way to the Kafue Hook Bridge.

  74. What is really owrrying about this whole matter is that we seem to not realise that R. Chongwe’s recommendation is made out of the peoples’ aspirations – which are drwan from the agreement. People of Barotseland have been consistent all along. Who has been inconsistent from the beginning? What does this mean?

  75. with due respect to the above coments, Iam not suprised by thw words of Mr.president Sata he is just showing you his true pictures. I wounder Y he cols himself as a fundamental catholic, catholic dont behave that way, they honour what they promised and stick to them.Mr.President ont think you are most wise, inteligent, etc we are just watching you. Its just the matter of time.When you can to western-Mongu and Senanga I attended yo ralies and you promised the restoration of B.A within 90 days and today u are making a 360 degrees turn.Dont take things cuasual or think that you are rulling the children. Sir u will shocked one. May God have mercy on Mr.President, listen to people. A good leader is the person who listens to people.

    • There is something wrong with you.  It was foolish of you to believe that Sata meant what he said.  Every adult knows that Sata is a habitual liar.  I can’t imagine that any Lozi person voted for Sata.  It must have been the refugees in Kapulanga who voted for Sata, plus the Nalolo old women fooled by Inonge Wina.  Just get used to the idea of being shafted!

  76. Only God knows and he will provide for his people.God stands with the truth,those without truth in them are servants of satan.The world shall never be the same.strong under currents surgging,its time Jesus returns so that the sinner pay heavily.Let darkness overshaddow them.The silent drums.

  77. deep pain,deep deep pain.pain pain pain pain pain.our hearts are drumming,we are in the zone of betrayers.Let go deep in silence to hear the silent drums of our hearts.the tempo is day we dont know what will happen but for sure something will happen because God is for us all.time will come.Let the prophesy be fulfied.a Son of the humble shall shall liberate his people in the hour of their desperate need.we anchor our hearts in the strong foundation of faith and the truth.Dont forget all will die and not remember any single thing but the pain you cause to others will add to the weight of your grave.the drums are dead dead silent.

  78. Indeed Chanda Chimba has been vindicated.. He is no longer Chanda Chibwi as declared by MCS. For all peace loving Zambians and advocates of integrity, please refer to the Saturday Post dated 8th January 2011; Headline ” BAROTSE AGREEMENT IS VALID, SAYS SATA …and must be respected, honoured” Sata goes on to say that ” There is no honest person who can deny the existence and validity of the Barotse Agreement… Sata further went on to declare that ” The PF government will honour the Barotse Agreement without HESTATION because we have no problems with it. We see nothing wrong with it.” Yesterday’s turn around by MCS totally vindicates Chanda Chimba’s STAND UP FOR ZAMBIA revalations on Sata’s past turn arounds. I leave this to the Zambians to judge for themselves.

  79. SATA was on committee appointed by Chiluba to look into Barotse, he rejected it then and recommended the arrest of Litunga. Did you expect a different result this time. may because you trusted his campaign promises. It is not MCS who is foolish, but the people who trusted him.

  80. This is the side of Zambia that I will never be proud of.Why has this nonsense been dragged for so long?In the first place why have we given audience to these so called headmen in the 21st Century? Last week I asked who owns southern province.This week I am asking who owns western province.
    Do you still need the work of a football team to prove to you that unity is the key to development.Just because some animal skin clad elder out of frustration decides to create confusion like minded people follow.Who even knows these people apart from their witches and wizards?
    Now I do understand that some of you hate Mr Sata with so much passion to a point of going mental.It is like every time the man decides to do something you have already judged him.Why not vote him out?

  81. Aruta CONTINUA WITH BAROSTELAND, Bamuchinga were only born yesterday and are jealuos and witch minded persons. Nibaka bolala starting from the nieghest of tnem as it has probed to be. We cant trust the cobra, remember the third term period.

  82. This just one other way of how this government is wasting the TAX payers money……the commission, for what? Nonsense!!!!

  83. First of all good to see the CoI has finally presented its findings.
    Now it’s ironic that Sata would waste tax payer to constitute a CoI, and then oppose its findings. What was the prupose of appointing it in the first place? Just goes to show the man was playing to the gallery.
    2nd, what Sata is doing is nothing but fermenting chaos. This long can be prolonged now but it’s a ticking time bomb that will blow in our face. When a people is discontent, you can have the powers all you want but once they refuse to be governed, there is nothing that can stop in their way – look at the Taliban going against the mighty of the American Empire.

  84. . I keep reminding people to remember that so far prominent Lozi people and their sympathisers, including the Litunga himself, have not yet publicly joined this BA ‘ 64 discourse thus far. Once they do, Sata will find it difficult to govern Western Province. In fact he won’t be able to and he would only try to rely on the Police and the Army but people will defy him.
    What this government needs is acknowledge the Agreement in the Constitution, and then allocate even as a merger as 10% extra budgetary allocation to the Province for the next many years equalling the years dating back to Independence Zambia from this year.

  85. As for other provinces, well they don’t have a legally binding agreement for them to flaunt. Well, in fact they too if they wanted can demand their own self rule. That is their fundamental right… in fact what we want in Zambia is Decentralisation and the Federal System of governannce.

    Last but least, are we going to at least see the top cops like Solomon Jere who oversaw the Mongu riot killings resign or be fired? What about the political scalps who gave the killing orders? Are they going to be prosecuted? Fun that the recommendation to prosecute Kunda is based on him lying in Parliament, not him giving orders to kill.

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