The Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD) has said that President Michael Sata’s cautious approach over the restoration the Barotseland Agreement of 1964 is justified.
MMD National Secretary, Richard Kachingwe said that the recommendation by the Commission of Inquiry on the Mongu Killings that the agreement be restored is a recipe for anarchy.
Major Kachingwe said that the MMD is in support of President Sata’s stance on the matter because it will ensure Zambia remains a unitary state.
And the Southern African Centre for Constructive Resolution of Disputes SACCORD Executive Director, Oscar Tembo says there is need for the government to allow dialogue over the matter.
Mr Tembo however, noted the need for the country to remain a unitary state.
Meanwhile the commission of inquiry into the January 14 Mongu riots has recommended to President Michael Sata that the Barotseland agreement of 1964 be restored.
The commission has also recommended that former Vice President George Kunda, former Home Affairs Minister Mkhondo Lungu and former Inspector General of Police Francis Kabonde be investigated on the various roles they played during the riots.
These recommendations were made by the commission when it submitted its report to President Michael Sata on Thursday at State House.
Commission Chairperson Rodger Chongwe has also submitted that nineteen people died on January 14 2011, contrary to earlier reports that indicated that only two people died.
Dr Chongwe says five people are still missing while fifteen others were wounded.
He says the abrogation of the Barosteland Agreement by Government was the main cause of the riots.
The commissioner says this has also continued to create friction between Barotse Royal Establishment and the Government.
Dr Chongwe also says the police acted unprofessionally by denying people of Western Province the right to hold public meetings.
And in response, President Sata has said Government will be reluctant to restore the Barosteland Agreement because doing so will give room to other native authorities to also seek a breakaway from the country.
President Sata however, says Government will investigate the brutality exhibited by the police during the riots.
we have to find a way of ending satas’ lies. i suggest we take him on this one. he knew that he was not going to honour it, but poor westerners believed in lies, so did lusaka and copperbelt chaps. truly there must be something terribly wrong with our minds. anyway, we have a second chance in 2016.
could u pliz remind me better still, point me to a time when The President claimed to support the Restoration of the Barotseland Agreement coz if im not mistaken the President did at no time promise to restore this agreement!
In short Kachingwe you are supporting lies,these are the same lies that so you wacked.Poor sense of judgement on your part.How do you support lies.
Can someone Make me understand something here, was the COI appointed 2 probe the barotse restoration or the mongu killings?
Sherrif Sata, was a spectator saying sembe. Now he is in the field of play so lets see him score or create chances for others to score
Mongu riots and killings.
Barosteland Restoration issue shall die a natural death!! Mwanya!
you can say that again,cuz you’er not in our shoes.
#1 what proof that western believed in sata they did not that why never voted for him
most lozi no matter you say they will never vote for a northern will only did for chiluba because of wind for change.
Masipa fela…mina masholi…manyukunyuku! Wenye na boza mwanyanya… Nway no sane president can give away part of his country. Kaunda ddnt, Chiluba ddnt, Levy ddnt, RB ddnt, sata wont and I wont wen I come to power in 2021!
the inquqry was for the mongu killings not the restoration of the barotse period dull so UPND chaps dont make an issue out of it ,jelous will kill you oneday bantustans bye
And then HH sayz he will honor the BA when he formz government in 2051.
Its irrational thinking to even imagine Western Province getting special and preferential treatment at the expense of the rest of the country. What we need is an equitable distribution of the national cake throughout the country, particularly taking development to the rural areas of our country need pragmatism and prioritising.
The moment BA64 will be restored, we will have to kiss good bye to the peace and unity in our country as we have known it since independence.
I am happy that MMD has risen above partisan political interests putting national ones first and standing with govt on BA64. This is a very progressive stand by MMD to preserve the unitary state of our country.
One Zambia One Nation forever!!
May not now, and for Sata he ws just cheating okay stupid lozi chaps, watch your back however, iam pretty sure that if its not counceled this thing shall work in future and your chilren will pay own our behalf. Be truthful Mr president always and Zambia. I like your current stance, NO cosmetics.
GK,Mkhondo Lungu and Kabonde ki maloyi, bafunika ku nyongedwa(hanged)
Barosteland Restoration is a non starter the President is write let us just forcus on development for the country. People in Western Province must be treated as special or least but equal as the rest of Zambians, they must also open up for people who want to take development there.We should no even waste our time and energy to talk about things which will not help us and our future generatoin.
this is serious boy watch the future is bad bad, we have to solve this one its more development than you think it useless, with this agreement in place you could it masuku in the bush oneday, watch out
As a married man you propose to a girl – after a 3 month struggle, she accepts and what do you say” No sorry forget it, we can’t go ahead for it can cause problems in my marriage”. Dah !!!!
Why call for an inquiry when you have an answer already in mind – you just open a ‘pandoras box’,
now the ‘barotse people’ have read the agreement, the commission of inquiry has reaffirmed what is due to them and what do you do – you shelve it!! It is not wise to dangle even a brick in front of a hungry crocodile.
It was wrong to have had that inquiry in the first place….. Â
You know what, Zambia has no army at all, the country’s only semblance to an army was inhilated by Foday Sankoh’s rag tags in Sierra Leone. Now we have real prospects for war in Zambia because of Sata. This country, a silly butterfly shaped colonial designed patch work is not working. If you guys are still keen on sticking to this failed experiment, good bye, me and mine are going to disentagle ourselves from this nightmare, by any means necessary.
Those of u supotng the restoration first tek a look at barotseland map,it covers a lot of chiefdoms NW;Southen,central,copperbelt and part of wil northwesteners,southerners,angolans accept to be ruled by the lozis? Coz the lozis have already appointed a government wich comprises of only lozis. i think now u can see how the anarchy which kachingwe is talking about can arise, nd who told @Analysis corner that Lusaka and Coperbelt people voted on the promise of the barotse restoration? If u voted on that yourself, wat do u think the restoration would have brot 2 the development of our nation?.
They knew the outcome of the COI. They wasted our money and time…I dont know how much bucks we have lost in less than 180 days! a Chongwe bwezani mahafu!
the commision was tasked to look into Mongu killing
One would say that Sata is a Pathological liar, The majority of people follow rather than think for themselves. They do not use their own brains to work things out because its easier to follow a leader, even if they are being lied to and they may not know they are being lied to because they don’t check it out. If they believe lies they will also tell them. It’s akin to jumping off into space and hoping there is a soft landing somewhere below. That’s how I see things, anyway. Liars are blind. They cover their eyes to the truth and hope that people they talk to are as stupid as themselves. Politicians lie! So if you voted him because he promised the Barosteland Restoration, you are……….
There is no need to restore Barotse agreement.It will definitely bring anarchy in the country.Why should Lozi people rule over NKoya,Mbunda,Kachoke and the rest of southern,Lsk and CB?Ha ha these fellas are jokers.We don’t want problems in mother Zambia.Only a crazy president would restore the Barotse agreement.The people who want this Barotse are some UPND chaps who believe in tribalism.This is why they don’t want chilundu to be part of lusaka.They think southern is a country on it’s own.In modern world monarch is not allowed.In can’t see people going to Monarch governance.What Lozis should realize is that the only person who would benefit is litunga and the royal family.I know, most people from western don’t support Barotse agreement because some tribes will be inferior to litunga.
watch comment you fool, this not about tribes but agreement, okay we have leave room for discussion as we blogg, dont just yap, respect the other tribes thus why you are blocking the fruits of peace, dont think that every one thinks the same okay, NOW do agree that your president lied?
the snake tricked WP and they believed him. this is a gret lesson to everyone. next time vote HH and don’t go for recycled politicians.
When are you getting ride of this foolish grade 7 president?
Mention one country where all people in it likes the President ,let alone the laws.NONE.Thats life transorm the negative into positivity
Poor Colonial Governor Sata! He has spent the last couple of weeks chunking off big potions of Southern Province to other provinces and proclaiming that it was DECENTRALIZATION! Unfortunately when Real Decentralization with Devolution of power to a region looked him in the face in form of the Barotse Agreement the poor ex-colonial kanyangu could not recognise it. He mistook it for chaos. Education countrymen is very important and Specsavers too!
yes thats it
Any news on the importation of oil ,they said they were to many middle men, have they been cut off?
Luka bona kwateni.
the real reply is when the constitution leaves out BA64.Then all hell breaks loose.
all MMD seats will go to milupi in barotseland.
@ Field Marshal why do pipo who support BA64 refuse to think.? let me spell it for u folks.. what this means is that One Zambia One Nation will no longer be called that..and if u think government doesnt have an army to do the job shud u chaps bring about confusion then try us.
Think fellas think,why are these lozi chaps thinking highly of themselves..? Infact BA does not say Barotse will be an indipendent state,it talks about equal distribution of development so that shud be their cry and not the other way round…I belive whoever supports the restoration must be Lozi who is with me on this one..? even under 5 can say no unless he hasnt matured yet
It is sad that actually 19 people were killed 5 still missing and 15 wounded. MDD Government maintained only 2 people were killed. I can now understand the anger of the Marotse. Mukhondo Lungu, Francis Kabonde, Kunda and RB must be tried for this crime. They should also be tried for the Mansa killings.
So does it mean that these people wanting to break away will now need to have work permits to come and work in Zed? They also need a visa to go and visit their relatives?
after 10 years it will Kushi and Tusi in zambia Go on Lozi we will suport you they is sense in what you want never loose hope.
@ santiago who H are u a taliban..? do u know the consequences of this BA64 thing..? probally not and am pretty sure u havent read the BA64 it does not say Barotse will be a state within a state…dont mislead pipo
upuba weka..atase..why did u create a commission of inquiry..?
There is no need to praise Sata and his PF over this. Sata and his party have acted childishly on this issue. When this issue cropped up; the MMD mishandled it by labelling those who were calling for the restoration of the Agreement as secessionists. This culminated in the loss of life in January 2011. In the aftermath of this the BRE issued a statement in which they affirmed that Western Province was and will continue to be part of Zambia. What followed were insults from PF cadre bloggers that the Litunga and the BRE had ‘abandoned’ their own people. In comes Michael Sata declaring that the BA was a legitimate and legal document and he would honour it within 90 days of assuming office. ‘Only dictators dont honour agreements’ he thundered. Is Sata worth the praise? Big NO!
Sebituane you are a fool and a big one for that matter you cannot between lines that this was aimed at winning votes from that part of the country.Shut up and attend night school
In short, people from baloziland should never trust any politician on this one but rather find another way around it…. because no sane president would agree to dividing a country. Finding another way around = treason!
I am a Northerner, I am against the restoration of the Barotse agreement, but I want GRZ to pump money into Western province to develop it. I wouldn’t mind a pro-western province development budget for a year or two. make new roads there, build powerful new schools there, Open a powerful university there, Expand and equip the General hospital in Mongu etc and our Lozi brethren will see no need to think about the Barotse agreement. Lozis are wonderful people and I personally have countless friends among them. some are like family to me.
On a lighter note… Mpombo finally Speaks Out On AFCON 2012;
George Mpombo has finally spoken out on the Chipolopolo victory. He was caught rather unaware after attending court concerning his unretired imprest case..
“We have proved to mulligrubs and gogoozlers who thought we couldn’t lift the cup. I took time before the finals to listen to some ultracrepidarian and polyphlosbian soccer analysts who were so inaniloquent over Zambia. President Sata has been so thelemic for the team. We went as underdogs but we managed to beat slubberdegullion and sciapdous West Africans”.
Kachingwe, ziba zahao namunungu tuwe!
is chongwe telling us that pipo in southern,northwestern,central and CB provinces submited in favor of the restoration of barotseland agreement or its just about the lozis?
If Lozis are thinking of getting the Riches from N/western and C/B, then we are sorry.We will not allow it.They have stolen enough from us.
what are you going to do? thing because even the UN shall be own our side when time comes. Baloziland is a state dear it is even legal to acquire weaponary just to dicipline you. The best now is dialogue okay
“President Sata however, says Government will investigate the brutality exhibited by the police during the riots”. That was the only objective of the CoI, nothing else but selective justice to get at some opponents. With the unnecessary tension that is being created in the country, it will not be long before we also start shooting down our citizens, maybe even more citizens.
“Commission Chairperson Rodger Chongwe has also submitted that nineteen people died on January 14 2011, contrary to earlier reports that indicated that only two people died’. Mr Chongwe probably went to mortuaries in Mongu and surrounding areas and counted all people that had died that day from malaria, diarrhoea, TB, marital violence, witchcraft even, just to beef up the numbers and crucify George Kunda for denying him tax payers’ money.
Major Richard Kachingwe, no strategy pa body. Don’t you know that pf and post will twist that to their advantage and to your disadvantage? PF promised to deliver BRE to the Lozi people in return for their votes. Whether Kachingwe agrees with restoration of BRE or not best, the strategy is not to comment. Why should MMD help liars to sort out their self inflicted problems?
I am not Lozi, and my advice to the lozis is that since the Zambian government does not want to co-operate on the BA issue, let them pursue international legal channels.
It is good that the MMD has also denounced the recommendations of the Dr Chongwe Led COI.
Moving forward, the best thing to do is come to the negotiation table to map out fresh agreements that all parties will agree and support.
We recommend that the PF led Government should call for a national indaba involving the Nkoya Royal Establishment, BRE and others in the region with the rest of the country as observers and advisors to an open discussion on resolving the matter with fresh negotiations and agreements.
This is a matter that can be resolved if egos and pride are put aside for the sake of national unity and develop of Zambia.
Viva Zambia Viva Kafue Province
The western province is in the state of poverty because those that rule over them have absolute power over them and they have failed to move with time,that agreement is dead
Just let us share this country guys, give Baloziland the lozis, next luapula shilas northern to bembas estern ngonis southern tonga where is the problem? let we become a united states of zambia where by every one respects their home land, not the way it is Bemba claiming that the come chama and chirundu stupid, respect ur home area and always remember that Lusaka is for solis and lenjes you fools, this nose will continue till other tribes esp bembas begin retreat their cheap domince, watch out Zambia.
i d 1 ts
Fellow country men & women let us subject the question of the BA64 to a national referendum. It will put to rest this potentially divisive issue to rest.
Many countries have been faced with situations like we have and have called national referendums to help address such issues. Canada did the same on the question of Quebec and the UK is planning one on the issue of Scotland.
We have many pressing issue that need immediate attention and we cannot afford this distraction.
This BA64 cannot go on unresolved
There’s a lot of misinformation on this issue coming from the politicians, meant to misleading the public. How can Barotseland Agreement of 1964 document that brought about the unitary state of Zambia be viewed as a document that can separate the same country? Pure lies and propagranda!
All these lying politicians screaming ‘the country to remain a unitary state’ are lying… of course in the absence of the Barotseland Agreement of 1964 then the country Zambia cannot remain ‘unitary’.
If we aren’t careful there will be chaos in Western Province in the next general election… mark my word!
Typical Africans: Fighting about who owns the trees; while the world is busy developing. By the time you stop fighting about the trees; there will be new gadgets made for you do buy while you remain walloping on poverty. Kwati ifimuti fya blue ku Baroste, Ku Kolwestan fya black; ku N’gombestan fya red. ba kabwa!!
Mr poor thinker president ,why investigating police brutality in W.P when you are just preparing SP FOR THE SAME. Who are you blinding? may be your blind supporters.
The brutality came as a result of the failure by govt to dialogue and consult with stake holders just like you are busy doing.
Please leave this nation alone if you have failed to govern it as you cheated us.
These people are about to bring chaosin our peaceful nation,i don,t know why the lozi people are busy making noise about the barotse bcoz 4rom what i know barotse land was a nation comprisin of many tribes like the nkoyas under the leadership of the litunga so why are the lozi,s making noise?