Saturday, March 15, 2025

Barotse Royal Establishment council to study President Michael Sata’s position on the Barotseland Agreement


Members of the Barotse Royal Establishment
Members of the Barotse Royal Establishment

THE Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) says it will sit as a council to analyse President Sata’s position on the Rodger Chongwe commission’s recommendations that the Barotseland Agreement should be restored.

BRE member Prince Siisii says the council will have to consult all its members before coming up with a concrete position on President Sata’s decision.

He was reacting to President Sata’s statement that he would be reluctant to restore the Barotseland Agreement as recommended by the Chongwe commission of inquiry.
President Sata on Thursday rejected the proposal, noting it would “open a Pandora’s box”.

And the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation reports that National Restoration Party president Elias Chipimo and former UNIP stalwart Malimba Masheke say it is too early to make a decision on the Chongwe commission’s findings.

Mr Chipimo said the President should have taken time to study the report before making the statement.

General Masheke said the agreement is not about seceding but about devolution of power and development.

Get Involved Zambia director Father Frank Bwalya advised President Sata to tread carefully on the matter.

Alliance for Democracy and Development president Charles Milupi said the agreement is about unity and development.

Mr Milupi said other chiefdoms cannot raise any claims on the agreement because they have never had any such agreement.

He said it would be wrong for any other chiefdom to make such claims.

He said the commission of inquiry appointed by the President to look into the Barotseland Agreement restoration was highly competent and the President should have listened to it.

Mr Milupi said recommendations made by the commission expressed the views of the people and that President Sata should have taken time to consider the views before taking the position that he did.

On Thursday, the commission presented its report to the President in which it recommended, among other things, that the Barotseland Agreement should be restored.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. … but is the recommendation not outside of the remit of the COMI? However, it’s interesting to note the BRE is NOW fully behind the linyungandambo and barotse freedom movement on this issue…

  2. It was Sata himself who vowed to restore the agreement during the run up to last year’s polls. It was at no one’s behest that this same clown set up the Roger Chongwe commission. For him to turn around and reject the findings even before studying the report is what clearly amounts to “opening a pandora’s box”. This newest toilet acrobatic from Zondwe has potential to stir up civil war in this country. And it’s not as though he has not caused enough trouble with his moves to dismantle Southern Province. This man is trouble for Zambia, our future is bleak and of Zambia comes out of this episode with the dick-head intact, it will only be by the grace of god.

  3. This matter is not for comedians. Roger Chongwe Commission wasted alot of taxpayers money to produce a report which is rejected in seconds without analysing it. KK is still alive and most UNIP old folks are there to explain what happened. Am told Barotseland is older than Northern Rhodesia. VIVA BONDATE. GOGOGOGOGOGOGO FORWARD.

  4. Again, all is not lost, the President can issue a fresh statement for the sake of the way forward and progress. The BRE, Charles Milupi, Elias Chipimo and all those who have made comment really are trying to assist the President.

  5. People must advocating for this so called agreement are safe and sleeping in airconditioned houses. Let the common man in sesheke speak for himself. this is how conflicts in Africa starts and the ones pushing will be having parties all the time while the common man will be homelesss and in refugee camps. Aleni!!!

  6. Milupi: ..the Commisssion was ‘highly competent ‘ Marabishi!!

    It is the most biased commission ever! Rodger Chongwe has been and is a lawyer for the people that have advocated for restoration of the BA64 and what he has recommended is what the people he represents wants, so?
    President Sata shud hav thot of that instead being spoked by the result of the commission.

  7. The Royal establishment should wait for the official response from the Government instead of reacting to the President’s statement. “Would be reluctant” and will not restore are two different statements. Come on people.

  8. What is wrong in provinces ruling themselves?. Any learned people to answer. Each province can have a president who then report to some honorary country president.This way people will be committed to bring development to the people on the grass root.Just like the soviet Union split.

  9. father bwalya that is great comment.there can be no war from restoration of BA64.BA64 is not for seperation.please follow those recommendation beacause they bring peace,the commission report is a plus to BA 64.those who dont understand the BA64 can seek for its interpretation from the courts.BA 64 calls for one zambia one nation but with the litunga still retaining his authority on as indicated in the aggreement.please leaving the BA64 from the constitution may have dire consequences.

  10. all well meanig zambians must support the commissions report including the constitutional revievw commission because the submmissions at the commission of inquiry are the submmittions of the people of western province to the wholistic long lasting constitution.withiout it the constitution will still be leperious.

  11. Honestly speaking why can’t this your president take time to stand and consult on these recommendations but just goes ahead and issue a statement. This is lack of wisdom and it will be proven to be costly for this nation.
    Christians please bee on your knees for this country otherwise the rate at which we are moving indicates there will be problems in this nation that will make all of us suffer because of Sata.
    What an old man with no nzelu.

  12. We told you lozis, how do you leave your tonga cousin vote for Bemba masholi. .  Have you forgotten the old story about these KOLWESTANS.  Wake up in 2016! 

    • I thought that you being black would never entertain anyone calling another human being monkey.or are you happy for me to call you gurs apes???

  13. It is a common knowledge that in the zeal and haste to move things forward, mistsakes can easily be made by anyone, let alone our President. It is impossible for him to be the sole fountain of wisdom and so he really does not have a choice on the BRA and the Southern Province, but to SIT DOWN and LISTEN VERY CAREFULLY INDEED…..power comes from the people, it does not mean the majority only, but often times its the minority that can easily tip the scales of power. Lozis, Tongas, Nkoyas, Mbundas, Toka-Leya, Lenje….you name them, all have the same freedoms od expression, and even protest if need be, as any other tribe in this beautiful and diverse country.

  14. What is this barotse issue i think its just not necessary with all these intermarriages forget it one Zambia one nation sata may be wrong in somethings but barotse issue he is right my cousins the lozis lets be reasonable.

    • The restoration of the Barotse Agreement shall not stop you from marrying a Lozi, Tonga, Tswana or an Amercian. This is about governance not social interaction.

  15. My people, please let us not insult our president but rather advice him on where he has gone wrong.The fact of the matter is that he issued that statement too early like other well meaning Zambians have said.He should have studied the report first and consulted widely before coming up with that statement.Mr president, please do the right thing by listening to all stakeholders in this matter.

  16. Before and during election campaigns the whole country heard the President to be who is now the President of our country promise the restoration of the Barotse agreement of 1964.Mr Sata said that he was not afraid of restoring the agreement like his predicesssors were.

    Why has our President reneged his position and developed cold feet after the report supporting his position to restore the 1964 agreement has been presented to him? If he does not fulfill this election promise, I am afraid we are headed for troubled waters.

  17. For how long can someone keep on fooling and cheating the people???? I know one day God will redeem Country…………

  18. For how long can someone keep on fooling and cheating the people???? I know one day God will redeem this Country…………

  19. As a bye-theway, what is the relationship between the President and Chishimba Kambwili. Four ministerial movements in just 4 months of being in government is embarassingly too much for the country and unprecedented.

    What is going on here? The man should have quietly been removed like the former Chimwemwe MP.

  20. Can anyone please educate me on what restoration of Barotse Agreement entails.If is above development and devolution of power as Milupi puts it,then even the other 9 provinces of Zambia need the same.It is not only Western province that is underdeveloped,its the entire Zambia.Bembas are not economically better than Lozis now that President Sata is in State House.Let us all Zambians work hard together and develop our one country.After all there are many hard working Lozis everywhere in Zambia and I do not think they would want go back to Barotse Land once agreement has been restored.One Zambia One Nation!!!!!!.Don’t listen to HH and the likes…….

    • Home Grown Zambian, come to the Kuomboka and learn something about the whole entire history of this country, and what One Zambia One Nation means.

  21. # 13 you are a fool so what tribe are you?you maggot without morals get a life you foolish tribalist take your tribal hatred to Your Zambian Watch dog website shetani iwe

  22. the isralites had to leave egypt despite being there for hundreds of is the bemba block of zambia who are opposed and are fully jelousy of our barotse no wonder they deliberately underdevelop the lozi homeland.its common knowledge bembas are natural lozi harters and vice versa,BA64 not about division but its exclusion is actually declaring its independance ,BA is an international treaty where all parties must feel justly treated.WP= no bridge,no roads,co college/university,no mordern market,no girls schools,no banks,no running water,colonoal housing units through out,no mordern market,no airport,no stadium,all but only1 district in connected to power grid,no TV,no radio,No news paper.heeeee,the list is endless,reduced to the poorest in zambia honestly!. Mind you ,this is at the ti

  23. this is at a time some province are 2 universities straight up.we are not fools.God knows no special tribe,especially amoung the blacks.why are some people crooks,some are even using the church to tell their lies,especially pentecosts.

    • My Dear modern day Christian is a cloak for greed, lies and manipulation of others. True christians stand for truth and righteousness. Jesus spoke against the injustices of the Romans to the extent where His disciples thought he was going to try and be an earthly king. How many Christians in a so called Christian nation have spoken against the machiavellian tricks of historical attempts to bury the history of Zambia by excluding the role Barotseland played from Zambis educational system? We have no REAL Christians any more. However, we can trust in God to do justice to this cause, one day.

  24. The tragedy of our time is having a heart diseased perpetually lying and urgly turbor charged rocket mouth dick-head for president. I still fail to understand why some people fail to see that this man’s trbally bigoted appointments and
    Dangerous provincial realignments have put this country on the edge of the abyss, we’re literally sitted on a time bomb, any thing can happen.

  25. Insults and hatred will never bring development to this country.why cant zambians wake up and start working towards developing zambia as a whole,rather than calling each other names

  26. can some one tel me what was the commission for. was it for the riot and killing of people or was it for the restoration of agreement? Sata has refused that because he formed that commission to investigate the riot and killing of people. But Rodger chongwe commission came up with the recommendation of agreement restoration.

  27. @Terminal Mutima Patient: I have been following your conrtibutions. They are so insightful and objective. We are on the same wavelength. There is hope for this country, still.

  28. So BRE was behind this demand all along. The speed at which they have reacted tells a story.
    As One Zambia One Nation we should be demanding for development to take place in all parts of the country. As far as I know there are Lozis living in all provinces of the country just like other tribes are living in other provinces.

  29. ‘President Sata on Thursday rejected the proposal, noting it would “open a Pandora’s box” ‘. Now look who is talking! Isn’t he the one who opened the pandora’s box in the run up to the elections? Isn’t he the one who opened the pandora’s box by appointing a CoI on an issue that he barely understood but just to get at political opponents? Just look at the threats by police in Southern province on innocent youths, are the police and authorities not threatening violence on innocent youths? Tell us what Zambia police knows about controlling riots apart from shooting. So it will be another CoI on yourselves, eh? Watch this space….

  30. Sata will be the worst president Zambia has ever had. He makes RB look like an angel. His hate for Tongas and Lozis will not take him anywhere. GOD’s justice is always final. One day the B64 will be restored and the two districts from SP will be given back. Sata has missed an opportunity to be the best president of our life time. MAN OF ACTION as others call him! He could have taken advantage of that tag to move development into undeveloped provinces like WP. Start new mines in NP and hydro-electric stations, more cotton ginneries in EP, improving the germ industry in SP and CP, the list is endless. But alas! he has decided to elevate tribalism so that bembas should become masters of Zambia. Boers failed in SA what makes Sata think he can pull it? Very sad ending to a promising president,

  31. #27 kuntakinte, my friend the two are one and the same thing. What do you think caused the riots and killings if not the BA? How would you investigate the riots without getting at the root cause? Chongwe is a lawyer and naturally he is inclined to come up with a complete report. Anyway, didn’t you follow the proceedings of the CoI? Just to remind you, the very first day the petitioners told Chongwe and his CoI to go away if he was not there to talk about both the riots and BA, and that they were not fools. I don’t remember the appointing authority disbanding the CoI, which means tacit approval. And now that the people have spoken someone wants to select only those “conclusions” which target his opponents!

  32. For the very first time and I hope the very last in the history of our democracy, Zambians willingly accepted to give their vote in return for the proverbial pieces of silver in the form of fantastic stories of “more money in your pockets within 90 days”.

  33. “Mr Chipimo said the President should have taken time to study the report before making the statement”.

    “Get Involved Zambia director Father Frank Bwalya advised President Sata to tread carefully on the matter”. Now this is serious, if the catholic Father who murdered a chicken at a public PF rally can go out of his way and publicly advise his ally!

  34. #15  ???Kasonde
    I thought that you being black would never entertain anyone calling another human being monkey.or are you happy for me to call you gurs apes???Ouch!!!

  35. There is no pandora box there, the agrreement must be simply restored, why is this president never have time to think before speaking out. Thus why now he can have UN secretary general ban talking idiocy in a christian nation he want peoplpe to practice that evil of homosexuality Stupid ***** if those practices are there lrt them be ever secretive ,nonses we may be poor but we have our national morals men hei

  36. this president should employ professinalism in his works, remember learning helps us to build own our natural values and where are his advisers

  37. Now the true tribalists have manifested!!! It’s all about this and that for our one tribe while the rest of the country cries unity.No,no this is not rocket science.All what one needs to do is study their goal.Why is it that this one group has no loyalty to the nation but to only to their primitive grouping? 

  38. If I were Mr Sata I would tell these crying babies that the nation’s priority is elimination of poverty for ALL Zambians and not just one bitter grouping.How do you even win people’s votes if you exclude other people?
    Secondly ,if I were Sata I would never never try and appease any primitive tribes.Zambia is dynamic and has gone through many changes for it to start recessing.

  39. pippa,pippa you appear to be more primitive yourself,that why we have to go because we can not associate oureslves with fools like you.lozi speaking people are not a tribe.lozi is a national language of identity for will never find any tribe called lozi inwestern province all we have are lozi speaking people.lozi is not a tribe but a language of the rotse.

  40. ever realised that bembas find it easier to lie and cheat..?its all morally right in their time don’t vote for such kolwestans..

  41. A recommendation can be accepted or rejected by the powers that be. It is therefore surprisng to see that some people want the recommendation made by Chongwe and his bunch of commissioners to be accepted at all costs. This is selfishness of the highest order. Whatever happened to the spirit of “give and take”?

  42. Pippa, what is recessing? Is that an English word? Which tribe are you calling premitive? Please define premitive.

    I figure from your flag that you are Britain, right? Listen to this: Britain colonised Zambia, formerly Northern Rhodesia and Barotseland (you never read this later in the history books because it was deliberately left out). Now can you imagine the British turning around and say there’s no more Independent Zambia because the country is still being colonised by Britain – whatever independence agreement was made between Britain and the current Zambia is null and void because the paper it was signed on is not worth the salt?
    For your info you have been mislead that BA is about seccession; actually no. Rather it’s about honouring the past that gave birth to curent Zambia.

  43. Plse bloggers read the Saturday Post of 8th January 2011 for you to understand why BA has to be honoured. MCS promised the people of Barotseland the BA. Otherwise Chanda Chimba will be vindicated… period

  44. y did the president assign the Roger Chongwe Commission if he cnt respect it and y is KK quiet abt da issue??? somthng z nt being told 2 us..

  45. Mr president,you short yourself in the foot by promising to talk to the lozis,after they voted for you,you are now not willing to talk to them,your crediblity is questionable.

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