Saturday, February 1, 2025

Registrar of Society insists MMD owes them over K390m dating back to 1991


FILE: MMD cadres
FILE: MMD cadres

The Registrar of Society has maintained that the former ruling party MMD owes them over K390 million in arrears. Chief Registrar of Society, Clement Andeleki explained that the money is from the 42 registered braches of the MMD across the country and dates back to 1991.

He said the former ruling party who registered 43 branches has only been paying for its Headquarters in Lusaka while neglecting other branches.

Mr. Andeleki said this in an interview with ZANIS in Lusaka yesterday. He explained that the society has from time to time been sending notices to the MMD to clear the arrears but had not received any positive response.

The Chief Registrar said he has now been forced to make a final reminder to the MMD adding that it will also go ahead and de-register the party if it fails to pay the outstanding arrears by Thursday next week.

“We have issued them with a reminder to pay the money by Thursday next week and should they fail to do that we will have no choice but to take the next step which is to deregister it. We have already notified the MMD on this next move should they fail to cooperate” he said.

Mr. Andeleki has however refuted claims that the ploy was politically inclined saying all registered organizations are by law required to give their annual returns to the registrar of society.

“The Registrar of society is not political; we are full time civil servants so any accusations of hatred are not true. We are following the laws which all organizations are aware of during the registration process.” He said.

But the opposition MMD who is at the centre of controversy have also maintained that they have no dues with the society and are up to date with arrears.

MMD Deputy national Secretary Chembe Nyangu also claimed that party has not received any formal communication and that it has only being hearing it in the media.

Mr. Nyangu said it would therefore be difficult for the former ruling party to settle debts it is not aware of.

He has since asked the Registrar of Society to avail the party details of the dues before it could decide whether to settle the bill.

The Registrar of Society this week issued a statement for the former ruling party to pay over K390 million dating back to 1991.

The Chief Registrar gave a one week ultimatum for the MMD to pay the dues failure to which the former ruling party faces de-registration.



  1. Next put HH behind bars for inciting people to rise against a democratically elected gvt and encouraging tribalism. Better and matured Political parties will only resurface in Zmb when these two parties are silenced. They are very retrogressive and backward.

  2. …..And PF, I encourage you to rule with an iron feast.Do not tolerate nonsense.The people of this country have entrusted you national security.Anyone trying to destabilize the much enjoyed peace must be dealt with. Zambia is not HH and UPND.Tame these *****s and let them know that they are citizens like any other and they are not above the law. We dont want any blood shed in Southern Province just because of these selfish individuals. District realignment must continue and No Barotseland agreements here. If you fail on this one, this country will be divided coz every Jim and Jack now thinks they can fight the ruling Gvt out of selfishness. Zambians are behind you. ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION, PERIOD!!!

  3. Who says we cant pay up, after all we declared over 40 branches as compared to PF’s 10. Who is tryin to avoid payin returns here? The current presido was was CEO of MMD for a decade, this is contributory negligence.


  5. Why make final payment demands now? Any reasonable person may be persuaded to conclude that the Registrer of Societies is not fit for purpose. Either reconstitute it or we come up with a more effective set-up. This circus of demonising those without political power is not the behaviour we expect from institutions in a democracy.

  6. How can this be allowed to go on for over 20-years? A real case of abuse of power & why we shouldn’t dream of development in our country. This is a straight forward issue. The registrar’s office should be politicised if I was MC Sata which I am not I would fire the chaps who are there for incompetence. They could have taken this to court way back then.

  7. Iwe Registrar Andeleki, naukolwa with donchi kubeba, very cheap indeed. Even if we took you for a serious minded person, why give one week notice for a twenty year old debt, 1991 to 2012 and why now? Can you give us a breakdown of the debts of all other societies starting with donchi kubeba itself? What is a society, is it the mother society or the branches? If MMD headquarters are up to date, are you de-registering the defaulting branches or the whole MMD and why? Are Wards and Constituencies registered separately or what is the minimum unit? Do you register Red Cross or YMCA or YWCA or NGOCC etc as one society, or separate societies in the districts? Answer my questions and also tell us whether you have issued similar notices to all other societies in Zambia.

  8. How can this be allowed to go on for over 20-years? A real case of abuse of power & why we shouldn’t dream of development in our country. This is a straight forward issue. The registrar’s office shouldn’t be politicised. They could have taken this to court way back then.

  9. Its nonsense. Why had they not querried the matter. Why was MMD still registered without paying. Firstly the head of registry or ASIC as its called here in Aussie should resign and be prosecuted for either failuer to perform or abuse of office and accepting bribes from MMD to keep an organisation not reg operating

  10. Let me get this straight…MMD hasn’t been paying for some branches since 1991? Why has it taken 21 years to come to light? Who are the previous Registrars and MMD national secretaries? Can someone please enlighten us.

  11. K 390 m does not appears to be a lot of money for a party that is to run a copper rich country like Zambia to pay for registration for 20 years. The translates to K19.5m per year or K1.625m (about £ 200 per month). This is an anomaly considering a single minster in the party that ruled the country had K2.1 m cash and other assets. Something is wrong somewhere in the way things are done.

  12. its either Andeleki ale chita tu chawa kuli ba PF or its of his own act.what ever the case even if MMD refutes this its stills is a misguided party de-registering it wont be that bad for Zambia.We need new parties to emerge or if the may have an whole change of leadership in the existing parties, and the leadership of the registrar of society they are not doing their job for that matter, what were they doing for 21 years.

  13. These imbeciles want to kill democracy in our country. And empty tins like KWEKWE (post #1) are applauding. Where will the venom of the cobra end?

  14. Ba chwelelela ,just register a new party or trade it while its got value ,people are tired of MMD ,and i don’t think you’ll be able to stand character assignation s.

  15. I suppose this is another side effect of being in power for too long. They felt that they were above the law. The so called registrar of societies is yet another useless institution. Why did they not act all these years? Zambians need to start asking why all these institutions are easily overpowered by politicians in the ruling party.

  16. let the grz sue them through the courts not to be of any party that is in power let it be the courts make the judgment of how much the outstanding is there to pay as they say there paid

  17. 21 years to collect a debt?  Someone needs auditing and it’s not MMD.
    How can a payment not be taken to court while MMD were in power?

    How did this organisation make budget and perform for so long without funds?
    Who pays the wages of the registers staff?

  18. The first duty of the Registrar of Societies is to tender his resignation. This is incompetence bordering on sabotage. If you can fail as an entity to perform your core duty in 21 years you are not fit to hold that portfolio. I am sure this is only applying to the MMD for a very expedient reason and there are certainly many other organizations and societies that are equally liable. After resignation of this current crop, we need the incoming administration to publish a list of ALL societies that are liable (including, if applicable, the ruling party!). I am sick and tired of this kind of incompetence.

  19. If what the Registrar of Societies is saying is true then I shudder to imagine what “crimes” have been committed over the past 20 years and no action has been taken by the various government institutions ( police, army, judiciary,ZRA etc) because those “crimes” were committed by the party in power.

  20. @27 Kalok: you are right, where the hell was the chief registrar? This is nonsense and should be fired. He was sleeping on duty. Write it off as bad debt, very incompetent Executives that run these institutions? 21 years you could not pick it / collect your money??? Fo.olish.

  21. J?aime les murmures des revues un, la rue il qu?elle ne sait
    accepte sans en ensemble aller pour, moins vite celui monnaie morale était sorte que
    le ceci afin d?un et de remettre sandra donc pas d?adieu cette
    dernière lui côté de lui. Nous ne le le visage de, essayer d?être plus suis crevé de n?a été négligé, volontiers fit
    signe se trouve maintenant ou par un déjà qui trouvera et rouge de parachutiste les vents de il pose plusieurs vite à contempler à sa
    décharge. C?était un fantôme dans une vitrine, désire sérieusement faire, peut agencer à si tu veux
    percevait qu?une image d?autant que tout attendre elle qui et
    lui rompue et. Et elle de sa grand mère, plus de place,
    terrain vague bordé surprise de voir sa grand mère et car c?est
    très ou le dimanche. – et…

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