Thursday, October 24, 2024

Wait for President Michael Sata and his Cabinet to read and digest the report-Rodger Chongwe


Dr Rodger Chongwe
Dr Rodger Chongwe

CHAIRPERSON of the commission of inquiry into the Mongu riots Rodger Chongwe has urged Zambians, especially the people of Western Province to be patient and allow the Government to study and digest the report and avoid making uninformed comments on the matter.

Dr Chongwe said it was unfair for the Nkoya Royal Council and the Kazanga Cultural Association to reject a report that they had not yet read. He said in Lusaka yesterday that it was unfair for members of the public to start making comments on a report that had not yet been made public. Comments by Dr Chongwe come in the wake of some commentaries by some politicians over President Michael Sata’s initial response that his Government would be reluctant to restore the Barotseland Agreement of 1964.

“So far it is only some summary recommendations that people are reading in the press. The best would be that hey demand that Government should expedite its part and release the report. In fact, they must ask Government to publish the report,” he said.

He said the public should wait for President Michael Sata and his Cabinet to read and digest the report so that they could react to it. He said some people were making public statements on the report out of ignorance which he said was not healthy.

“For now the report is still confidential as the only people who know what we wrote are ourselves as the Commissioners and the President. He appointed us and gave us specific Terms of Reference of what we were to do.

“It will thus be unfair for any association to make statements out of ignorance. The Nkoya Royal council made submissions to the commission so it will be unfair for them to turn around. Don’t blame the messenger before he report is published,” he said.

He said instead of making uninformed statements the public should demand that the should Government publish the report just like they did with the Zamtel report. He said it was clear from the public comments that Zambians were anxious about the findings in the report.

THE Nkoya Royal Council and the Kazanga Cultural Association rejected the recommendations of the Rodger Chongwe-led Commission of Inquiry into the January 14, 2011 Mongu killings.

National chairman of the Nkoya Royal Council Edwin Nkomesha said that those championing the restoration of the Barotseland Agreement are merely fuelling anarchy in Western Province.
Mr Nkomesha said this yesterday at a joint press briefing between the Nkoya Royal Council and the Kazanga Cultural Association.

[pullquote]“We are extremely disappointed with the manner in which Dr Chongwe presided over the matter. We never expected such a highly distinguished lawyer to mislead the President and the nation at large,” Mr Nkomesha said.[/pullquote]

“We are extremely disappointed with the manner in which Dr Chongwe presided over the matter. We never expected such a highly distinguished lawyer to mislead the President and the nation at large,” Mr Nkomesha said.

Mr Nkomesha said that the Nkoya people consider the Barotseland Agreement to be divisive and in favour of only one ethnic group in Western Province over many other ethnic groups.
“The agreement is null and void, so we should go for a referendum so that Zambians can vote because this issue cannot be confined to a family tree,” he said.

And speaking at the same briefing, His Royal Highness Chief Mweene Mutondo of the Nkoya people said since 1964, the Nkoya have been under pressure over the Barotseland Agreement.

Chief Mutondo says it is not just the Nkoya alone but other tribes, including the Chokwe and Luvale in Western Province, who have also been negatively affected by the Agreement.

He says assuming the Barotseland Agreement is restored, the benefits will not trickle down to other tribes in the province.

Chief Mutondo further suggests to the Zambian Government that a separate province, to be known as Kafue, be created in order for the sidelined tribes of Western Province to re-establish themselves there.
“We are only interested in development not quarrels, so those who want to secede can do so but we are not part of them,” he said.

Alliance for Democracy and Development (ADD) president Charles Milupi and Heritage Party president Godfrey Miyanda were yesterday reported as saying that the Patriotic Front (PF) Government cheated the people on the restoration of the Barotseland Agreement of 1964.

Receiving the report from Dr Chongwe last week President Sata said he would be reluctant to recommend the restoration of the Barotseland agreement as it would open a Pandora box.

Meanwhile an anti-HIV/AIDS Campaign activist in Kabwe has supported the move by Mr Sata to oppose the recommendations over the restoration of the Barotse Agreement.

In a statement released yesterday Anti AIDS/HIV Campaign Society Director Darius Chungu said Mr Sata’s move was a step in the right direction in maintaining peace and unity in the nation.

Mr Chungu urged and advised the Government not to restore the Barotse Agreement as it would destabilise the peace and unity Zambia had been enjoying since independence.

He said if the agreement was to be allowed then all provinces would ask to secede from the central Government and as a result there would be confusion in the country.



  1. The President should come out straight on this nonsenses. He need to sort it out and put it to rest. It is becoming ridiculous really

  2. The president said he was reluctant to recommend the restoration and went to give out reasons for his reluctance. However if other reasons compel him to do otherwise or the cabinet votes in favor, we could see the restoration of the Barotse agreement. There could also be suggestions for partial decentralization of Barotse and all other provinces. Lets wait and see

    • You do not know our President. Cabinet will do as they are told. We all know what the outcome of this commission, the President let it slip.  

  3. This barotseland nonsense should not cause the country sleepless nights. Should it be restored Zambia will disentegrate like Yugoslavia or the USSR.

    • Aren’t both USSR and Yugoslavia better off aqs individual countries than the monstrosities they were before?  Russians, Georgians, Kazakhis, Gryzgys, etc are all happy they don’t belong to a monster state.  Ditto for Slovaks, Slovenians etc.  A bad idea should always be allowed to die.  Look at Sudan.  The South Sudanese are happier because they don’t have to share their country with the racists Arabs.  Zambia should also be allowed to die so that Lozis stay in their own country while the thieving Bembas continue to lord it over Northern Rhodesians/Kolwes.

  4. Somebody tell me. Has Chongwe been paid his ‘shooting’ dues through the COI? His silence on the issue suggests otherwise.

  5. True indeed, those “some people” like Kachingwe who have been making unhealthy public statements on the report, out of ignorance and malice, ought to be ashamed of themselves. With Nkomesha and Mutondo, I wonder whether they even realise that Lozi is not a triobe but a body of many tribes such as Kwangwa (Prof. Lungwangwa), Nyengo (Fred M’Membe), Luyi (Masheke), Subiya (Kaingu)? I’m also doubtful whether they know that Sir Mwanawina himself, the signitory of BA64 was Nkoya? Anyway, with the Tongas on fire after Itezhi Tezhi was taken away from them, we’ll see where this Kafue

  6. Barotseland includes Southern,Western,North western and part of central and Copper belt.This means Zambia will be cut in two parts.It looks like Zambia is headed the Sudan way.It looks like new country will be born from Zambia. Anywhere who are we to refuse if people want it that way.

  7. Thinking about it does it mean people we have to relocate from there current stations like what happened in Sudan to go back to barotseland vice versa. It will be be quite complicated.Anywhere if in Sudan people moved also in Zambia people will move.Please learned open up our eyes.

    • Every man belongs where he wants to belong.  There are some white Bembas like Gay Scotsman.  You just need to conform and you will be welcome anywhere, whether Barotseland or Kolwestan.

  8. I don’t understand what this people want, they are just trying to bring confusion, what do they want, a cut from Zambia? instead of asking for development, this is nonsense Mr President should just deal with this once and for all in the name of one Zambia one nation.

  9. who said mutondo is a chief.mutondo is a frustrated induna who wants to be called chief.the main stream of nkoyas are with the BRE,the headman mutondo,my iliterate old man is losing it.the majority of nkoyas are in kalabo.even if we call for referendum,he still loses it because the referendum will only be restricted to western province and not the whole zambia.thanks very much mr a democracy numbers mutondo is not a spockeman for us chokwes and luvales.nkoyas are smart people.refugees like headman mutondo will soon be taken back to angola.even if you are taken to itezitezi,you will still be headman.some of you were created to be headmen.masipa ahao headman mutondo.

  10. headman mutondo is a fool.keep on parading your self for mercy poor headman.realistic nkoyas like us know what we that how you wish to open your dirty mouth letting down the great nkoyas of barotseland.mutono youe dullness is worrying because the lozi language is not a tribe.real nkoyas belong to the lozi language.

  11. Countrymen, I am sad with the turn of events which I blame on the trickery of some greed head of a private media organisation. Prior to the elections, we made a firm commitment on the restoration of the Baroste agreement under the devolution of powers. After elections, thinks started to turn wild for the government because of pressure from greed fellow Zambians. We were pressured to cut solwezi district and Livingston district and put it under barosteland. In turn we would be given unflinching support from the private media. Things were going on smoothly until we made a mistake to move chirundu and Itezhi tezhi out of southern province. We did not anticipate the united opposition we encountered from the people of southern province. We had to tactifully retreat from the grand plan.

  12. Roger Chongwe did exactly what we instructed him to do, but from the reaction we have got from southern province, it has become danjarous for us to pursue this grand plan. The idea was to restore the barotse agreement and make the chiefs in Solwezi and Livingstone report to the litunga. The media heads in the private media promised us that once the tongas opposed these plans, they would lebal them tribalists and regionalists to shut them up. As a caring government, we have veered off this grand plan and want to unite the country which was handed to us as a unitary state by the MMD. Surprisings, the private media is not labelling the baroste agreement activists as tribalists and regionalists, when they had the guts to call the people of southern tribalists when they defended their territory

  13. Reluctance

    an unwillingness to do something e.g
    I accepted his resignation with great reluctance.
    [+ to infinitive] Her reluctance to talk to the press was quite understandable. in other word ” I will do it but……

  14. reluctant

    not willing to do something and therefore slow to do it
    [+ to infinitive] I was having such a good time I was reluctant to leave.
    Many parents feel reluctant to talk openly with their children.
    She persuaded her reluctant husband to take a trip to Florida with her.

  15. These media heads are narrow minded hypocretes and I apologise to the Zambian people that it has take us so long to realise this. We commite to start afresh and build this nation and take it to higher highets. We shall not be dictated to by self centred ego stricken jounalists who have selfish interests. They claim to fight for the masses when they are only interested in furthering their own nests. The claim to fight for the poor when they want to have investments in millions of dollars. The claim to be communists when the live in very expensive mansions. We ask you fellow zambians to give us time as we sort out this outright blackmail. We can no longer be pushed against the wall. We are the government. Godfrey Mwamba

  16. The ignorance exhibited by many Zambians on the Barotse issue is very appalling. Dr Chongwe seems to be the only sane person in all this. Bravo to you sir.

  17. When the promise for restoration of the Balozi agreement was made during campaigns, was the Pandora box put into consideration?

  18. Thinking about it not a matter for the referendum….though my fear is that southern,Central, Western and North western and part of Copper belt may vote to be part of Barotseland and self rule themselves. This issue is very complicated people. what is the way forward now?

    • As proud as they all are of their heritage/ethnicity, no one tribe will want to be ruled by the Litunga. And if not being ruled by the Litunga, they will find faults with in one another and re-split along tribal and clan lines. At a local level just look at how tense the relationship is between Lundas and Luvales in Zambezi district and you expect them to be ruled by other tribes? No way!!!

  19. A question is so what? if Barotseland agreement is restored what will the people of Western Province benefit and If the agreement does not get restored what will they lose?

    What is it that the Lozi’s want? Development or secede? is it popularity or recognition that they are important than other Tribes in country Zambia?

  20. @ Silent Drum,tell me something,what exactly do u want.? do u want development in ur area or u to be an independent state.? untill we know what u want we wont be able to help u and hey didnt some1 tell u that any1 older than is like a father and hence u must have respect for him or her..? what have u benefited from all those insults..? shame on u,however, answer my questions

    • We want our BA64!!!!!!  Can’t you read?  It is either restored or we go our own way without you linjoko. BTW, you are not older or younger – you are just the keyboard tapper on a blog site.  If you want respect, go and talk to your dog.

  21. Mmembe has always lectured us that LIES always lead to more LIES to cover each other until the pile of LIES is unsustainable. Well, i have paraphrased his usual boring egoistic lectures.

    The point is lets wait for the LIE that he and Sata will use to cover this one and then we can see how long they will be able to keep the pile stable before it tumbles.

    • Ki nako!  Waiting for the dullard to make his mind will take forever.  We must force his hand now.  He committed himself.  There is nothing more powerful like an idea whose time has come!

  22. Barotse agreement is non starter.We can’t divide Zambia like that coz of few Lozis individuals.Nkoyas are right about this one.Barotse covers Lusaka,CB,Northwestern and Central.Who is going to accept to be ruled by Litunga?Ha ha I think these champs are making me annoyed.Why are they too selfish?Please Mr.president we don’t want Barotse issue in Zambia.Let the those selfish individuals understand that we are One Zambia One Nation.Kaunda,Chiluba.Mwanawasa,Banda doged it why should Sata implements it?Please Ba sata don’t leave us with problems we need One Zambia One Nation.

  23. Nev ers Mu mba is a lia r and a mon ey lau nd er ing ma chine

    Him and the de pu ty Mr Nz o y a are ste ali ng tax pa yers money. They also have a off ice sl ut , Caro li na Rod rigu ez who is also ab us ing the money. The Otta wa Zam bian mis sion are th- ieves

  24. On what basis was sata making a pronouncement that he would be reluctant to implement recommendations of the inquiry when he and his so called cabinet have not even thoroughly read the report?iskulu is a necessity in this life

  25. If we wait for these guys to read the document we will wait forever. What book has he ever read let alone a report. The man’s govt is a shambles. He speaks w/out thinking, appoints w/out checking. Where is the nation going to. He really needs strong and good advisers!

  26. Hey Rodger… good advice but the problem is not so much about the people of Zambia being impatient. Rather the problem is with the President himself who made a statement without even reading a page in the report.
    See Rodger understands the questions of human rights and land ownership as he was briefly stationed in Australia where he saw the plight of the Aboriginals.

    Now to the people rurnning their mouth out of ignorance, here is a clue about what all the fuss is about: Zambia was formed by the Union of Barotseland and Northern Rhodesia. The Agreement gave legitimacy to that union. In fact it is the very act of not honouring the Agreement that will give legitimacy to seccession, and not the other way round. Please get a clue!

  27. Sata waited for his time to start those divisions and for sure he will never rule forever so if some people are oppressed with wait for your time and reverse all what he will have done otherwise am starting to smell b**** l oo**** d

  28. Rodger Chongwe should not have chaired this COI cause was 1) he was the lawyer for the Mongu rioters and therefore had vested interests, 2) he is on record as saying the BA64 was still a valid document and should be restored before the COI began sitting, how could such a person be chairman of the commission when he already had opinions on the subject matter, 3) amongst others, RC was fighting for the rioters to be compensated, a recommendation he sneaked into the final findings, 4) a member of the Linyunga…whatever, was one of the commissioners – how could such a person have an objective view of the proceedings. RC should introspect and accept that his recommendations are tainted and not worth the paper they are written on. MARUBBISH!

  29. @kudyakusheta.if you choose to stop insulting us,you will nevr hear one.answers,benefit.the population on the western side of the zambezi river will have 3 districts at imusho,sikongo and liuwa kalabo being their main town,2.fully stocked clinics would be set up in those 3 districts becuase people in those areas my brother have never seen a nurse in their lives.3.a road would then be constructed from zambezi- liuwa-sikongo- imusho to join the to be constructed mongu senanga livinstone road ,people will never walk of foot for weeks. 4.a bank for the first time will be constructed for that isolated part of zambia so that teachers nurses will stops walking on foot for 3 days to get their salary in mongu. mushukula and sikongo primary schools to be up graded to high schools as pupils there wal

  30. If Balotse was a seperate British protectorate, why was SIKOTA WINA, ARTHUR WINA, NAKATINDI WINA, and all other Lozis participating in the struggle for independence for Northern Rhodesia? It could have made sense if they waged their own fight for independence from Britain. What was the Logic behinf that? Lozis, give me your well informed answer please.

  31. walk for 7 hours to reach the nearest school,build one library on that part of the zambezi,set up an air strip across the zambezi river to boost tourism at Liuawa national parkmsioma ngweze national park and promote the serengeti like migration os wilderbeasts across the zambezi valley 5.up grade the kazungula boader post to inhance the capacity of the walvis bay boarder point-very good route to namibia and Soutth africa.Up grade the border at sikongo with angola to allow for export of agricultural products of that place 6.set up an agricultural and animal husbandry resaerch institute to tackle insect and animal deseases 7.Set up a sports club atleast located in kalabo 8.creating a commercial rice growing scheme & promote cattle and rice exports to angola 9. dredging canals connecting ti

  32. We all know that the BA is valid doc but we all know that it must not be enforced. 

    Rodger shud have looked for a technical loop hole to discourage the enforcement in the interest of the nation. A good judge or lawyer knows what will be the expected wise outcome of a case and looks for loopholes to support that outcome which Rodger didnt.

    The outcome is supposed to be a clear no with good reasons as to why. THat was his job to come up with convincing reasons why it shud not be implemented and not to wet his legal appetite.

    He failed to read between the lines. SATA wanted someone to help him explain to the lozis why it cannot be enforced even though he promised in his election campaign

  33. lo every village in flood pains because our vehicles there canoes,we dont need vehicles there.strictly controlling endangered spicies of trees around kaoma and sesheke,etc the list is the plataeu part of barotseland. Setting up a university /university college .up grading ZEN nursing school to a diploma awarding college,diversify the curriculum of mongu trades,closing refugee camp in kaoma and turning it to a police training school.Transforming king lewanika high school to a boarding school and turning st johns and holycross to full time boys/ girls secondary schools,setting up an agricultural resrch institute in kaoma,promote tourism in fafue national park.improve frequency so that the people across the zambezi have access to radio , t.v ,and news papers.establishment of friut

  34. ha the list is brother,you cant believe if you go to some places in wp that they are in be frank,they have never even heard of lusaka or that there were eletions in friend have you heard of palces like lusu,itufa,mwenji,shenjo,songo.ahhhhhhhh,those places are iz zambia my friend.instead of blaming the barotse people be a tourist and take the david livingstone route,you will come back crying.imagine some have never seen any vehicle in their its like some people think they are more zambian than others.the population in those areas is very high un fortunately they cut out from everything called zambia.some have never had NRC up to their old age.please,instead of insulting go barotseland proper,you will be lucky to come back alive.

  35. Both my parents are lozi, my daughter is half lozi half tonga, my nephews are half losi, half lala, my niece is half lozi half nsenga, my counsins are half lozi, half bemba. My husband becomes alozi by virtue of marrying a lozi or the other way round, so what is the fuss. I a lozi am not confused but Ba Nevers is. All I need is development in western province.

  36. The mistake was with the Europeans when sharing Africa They did not consider the compatibility of cultural  ethnic groupings when making boundaries, the kingdoms should have been left to devolve in countries. DRC, Malawi, Zimbabwe Zambia and Namibia boundaries didn’t take into account the the ethnic compatibilities but sharing of mineral resources. take examle of European countries such as Germany, portugal, Britain, spain, Sweeden, Italy, poland etc they compose of mostly one ethnic groups with few imigrants. imagine Germany and france being one country!.  

  37. Fellow bloggers, this is a very hot and sensitive issue. I am not in support of the restoration of the Barotse Land. This will open the pandora box. I was just looking at the Barotse Land, will the following countries accept part of their land to be grabbed from them (DRC, Zimbambwe, Botswana, Namibia, Angola) cause this land extends into the mentioned nations. This will also allow other tribes to do the same. One Zambia, One Nation.

  38. Good guidance Dr. Chongwe, the Presidetn himself should now be guided to be speaking ina Presidential manner, he should know his staements now are Government policy and not mere talk. He should not have made those remarks when receiving the report.

  39. This BA story is interesting,those claiming for a breakaway,let them check on the Map,it goes into Zimbabwe,Angola and Namibia,so let’s say,fight for that land in Angola and these other countries and come to Zambia………lol………..

  40. Mr Roger Chongwe, for God’s sake the president has already decided what he wants out of your report! Are you that dumb?

  41. Dr. Chongwe, why is the Cabinet going to read the report which the president has already ruled on. Do they have power to overrule the president?

  42. What is wrong with Mmembe’s online post?There is only last week’s copy.I want to see how he reacts to this.Or doesnt he want people in the diaspora to know his position on the issue?Mmembe has had influence on many contested issues going on in the country.He is partly to blame

    • He writes and run the Pathetic front(PF) his stories are like Sunday school sermons. and his general readership are zombies hooked on lies.

  43. Lozis, how can you claim ownership for the land that did not belong to you. Who gave you the powers to dominate over other tribes in Western province? *****s

  44. We will meet Nkomenshya at the referendum. He is not the only Nkoya. We have roots to some Nkoya ruling houses and Kaoma shall be the centre of our theatre. He should not drag our chiiefs and our Nkoya in Kaoma and Lukulu and elsewhere into fighting his personal wars. Nkoya in Nkoya and Luyana is ng’oya. He can delineate us from our common heritage as Barotse together with the rest of Silozi speaking people.

  45. Sad times are coming to Zambia i fear that the ethnic awakening that is unfolding in the nation will need a steadfast leadership ( I for one have completely no faith in the PF hence (Pathetic Front) and a complete overhaul of our democratic system to take in account the growing ethnic tensions in our country that is threatening the very fabric that hold this nation together .

  46. Chongwe is telling people to wait until the report is published, why didn’t he tell Sata his master to reserve his comment where he said he is reluctant on facts of a report he had not read by then. If Sata read the report before commenting, what makes the public fail to also comment before reading it. Mr Chongwe tell Sata to control his mouth before you blame anyone. If Sata one day will learn to conduct himself like a head of state, then all zambians will respect him, but the way things are going where he just acts on rumour mongering, he respect will ever be accorded to him.

  47. Wow are Zambians going to discover that RB after all was a better option? How did we end up here – is this the best Zambia can offer?

  48. We’ll wait for the president to make up his mind, only to change it 24 hrs later. I have it figured out, decisions are made on odd days and are unmade on even days, on days that start with “T”, people are fired, on days that end with “Y” people are appointed.
    The amount of time the president going back on his decisions, he is effectively cutting his time in half. 5 is a short time, and yet a long enough time to run a country to the ground. 

  49. For well researched data and intellectual based talk, I stumbled across this blog today when I was searching for a copy of the Barotseland Agreement of 1964, check it out (mind the gaps and spaces):

    world wise web dot miliko.vacau dot com / barotseD.html

    world wise web dot miliko.vacau dot com / barotseQ.htm

  50. What this stupid senior lawyer has done is to create an extremely complex problem for the country. He stepped out of his terms of reference to present his side of the story on the issue and based on his preference state who should be prosecuted – and sad for him, he could find no reference to include RB — based on his refusal to give him state money. This stupid report by this very foolish man will haunt generations to come — watch this space.

  51. Dr Chongwe was not, and has never been naive on what the president and cabinet would have wished to hear. But being a world re-known lawyer and human rights advocate, he could but only adhere to extract information from sources and represent it as stated. There was no call for intepretation but to merely recommend (suggest) a possible way forward.
    The onus still remains on government, other stakeholders, and in particular old gaurds such as KK, to help diffuse the simmering tension once again in the land. There is no rubbishing away this report, but it needs to be discussed with very sober minds from all sides of the debate (if that is possible and practical!).

  52. I would like to congratulate the Nkoya Royal delegation for denouncing the Rodger Chongwe C.O.I. recommendations on restoring the old document.

    Dr Chongwe is not from WP so he has no idea what his recommendations would mean for natives like Nkoyas and others who do not subscribe to this BA64 propaganda.

    If his report’s conclusions were that the BA64 should be restored then it does not even need to be read before making comments on it because that is not a well thought out outcome without considering others in the Province.

    Kafue Province is the only forward right now. We need to have an open discussion on the borders of Kafue Province and what will remain of the current Western Province.

    We want peaceful development like H.R.H. King Mutondo has stated.

    • You will have to get Lozis out of Kaoma in body bags.  There are not enough Nkoyas in Kaoma any more.  They are outnumbered by Lozis and Luvales, with a dying language siNkoya language.  Good luck!

  53. Dr Chongwe release the full report so that we can make informed comments otherwise based on what has been released so far, we have rejected your recommendations because they are not considerate of others in Western Province and as lawyer we expected you to be fair, equal and balanced.

    The establishment of Kafue Province is long overdue and it is high time that the government acts to establish the Province so that we are not mistaken with tribalists and separatists.


    You must be one dull person, whoever you are.  Sata has always hated Lozis.  It is him who instigated a reduction of Lozi coverage on SABC radio because he wanted Bemba to be on SABC as he claimed it was a major language, regardless of its zero connection with Southern African countries like Namibia, Bots, Lesotho and SA.  Sata means harm to Lozis.  Get over it.  Your supposed saviour will kill you one day.  Either change your names and polish up on your Bemba or line up with your people and stand firm.  This is no time to dither!

  55. Too many do not understand… if you take emotions out of the equation then we will stop hearing one zambia one nation. Zambia could not exist if not for an agreement with the very same Barotseland some are pretending did not exist. How can that small point fail to register? Instead it is replaced by tribal spewing, fake secession scare mongering and people insisting Zambia will fall apart if this is restored :) Zambia is BA64 plus Northern territory formerly run by miners and taken on by Brits. Wake up.  

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