Leader of opposition in Parliament Felix Mutati has said that the opposition will not support any legislation that may be tabled for endorsement to legalise homosexuality. Mr Mutati said in an interview that the country must be allowed to be guided by biblical principles and the existing law against homosexuality.
He has challenged Government to categorically state its position on the matter.
“Our position is very clear, we will go by what is currently in the Constitution. Anything below that will be abrogating values. Zambia is a Christian nation and Christianity is against homosexuality, so any position to change the status quo will be a tough one,” Mr Mutati said.
Meanwhile, some church mother bodies in the country have condemned suggestions by United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon that there should be no discrimination of people based on their sexual orientation.
The church mother bodies have stressed that the message from the UN chief is inappropriate to Zambia and several other African countries because homosexuality is illegal.
Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ) executive director Pukuta Mwanza has charged that Mr Ban’s “diplomatic” message on homosexuals enjoying their human rights is aimed at persuading countries where the practice is illegal to legalise it.
[pullquote]“We expected a message of hope on various challenges of poverty, diseases and increasing international trade but now the visit by Mr Ban was diluted by his message of gay human rights which is not appropriate to Zambia because our laws do not allow homosexuality,” Reverend Mwanza said.[/pullquote]
Reverend Mwanza said in an interview yesterday that EFZ is disappointed that Mr Ban is attempting to champion practices that are contrary to biblical values in a Christian nation.
He reiterated that homosexuality is also against Zambian traditional and cultural values.
“We expected a message of hope on various challenges of poverty, diseases and increasing international trade but now the visit by Mr Ban was diluted by his message of gay human rights which is not appropriate to Zambia because our laws do not allow homosexuality,” Reverend Mwanza said.
Reverend Mwanza urged Government to continue working towards reducing donor dependency saying some donor funds are being offered to the country with “strings attached”.
He commended the media for reporting on the matter and that Zambians must debate this thoroughly and objectively.
“I advise Zambians to wake up and work hard so that we can reduce on donor dependence so that we are not given donor funds with inappropriate conditions that are contrary to our religious and traditional values,” Reverend Mwanza said.
Independent Churches of Zambia (ICOZ) president David Masupa said the Christian church in Zambia will remain intolerant to any messages for homosexuality. Reverend Masupa said Government must take a strong stance against such calls and ensure it is not influenced to legalise homosexuality.
He said in an interview that various interest groups must however be allowed to debate the matter as this will effectively reflect Zambia’s position on homosexuality. Kingdom of Yahwah spokesperson Daniel Nyendwa has accused the UN of advocating homosexuality in Zambia.
Mr Nyendwa said the country and its leadership should not accept calls to change “natural laws”.
[Zambia Daily Mail]
Tell them brethelen
Is this even up for debate?
or maybe buretheren?
How do you make 3 errors on one comment wechipumbu we?
If Zambia is a Christian nation then why is fornication legal? Why aren’t you proposing the criminalisation of drunkenness? Of aldultery? Of lying? If no sin is bigger than the other then let us treat all sins equally. All must be punished equally. If not, then you are discriminating against a particular group. This is why it is irrational to base legislative decisions on religion. It does not apply to everyone.
The sin of substituting the vagina with an organ meant for defecating is not defensible my dear. Dont even compare homosexuality to other evils like adultery, drunkeness. Its socially and religiously unacceptable, period!!!! Even if the Government gives he rights to these sub-humans, society will never accept their evil activities, never!!!! Certain things are just out of the law of nature. Next we will be demanding rights to marry parents and siblings in the name of human rights and mutual consent.
Leave out the beer bru!
Foolish man # 5, he thinks he can teach us better than we understand things. Whatever the case all those issues you have pointed out are punishable offenses, if today you find me on top of your wife, you ll definitely take me to court, if you find me drunk and start talking about how your wife does it with me in bed you ll again take me to court, what are you saying? dont think you carry a pocket of wisdom with you.
Spot on Maz …please enlight them
Maz,you sound like you don’t live in Zambia. Adultery, drunk and disorderly, sodomy,purgery(lying) are all crimes in Zambia and people are charged and taken to court for them. Zambians will not support the recognition of gay ‘rights’ in as much as they entail recognition of their unions or open display of their weird affections. However, they are free to pursue careers, education and other human undertakings without hinderance
But why is mr Sata and his government so quiet about his non-sense?. Looks like they first want to hear people’s reactions before they can openly raise a thumb to homosexuality. How I wish people had listened to Chanda Chimba III and Dora Siliya!!!
because as you have put it, its non-sense
I think only children’s rights should be fault for by others. I have not seen any homos and lesbians fighting for their rights in Zambia. Let them come in the open and fight for their own rights. How do we know they even exist? So far it is Cameron and Ban bringing this topic up. I have not seen any other Zambian championing this shitt.
ka Bum Ki fimo fimo is crazy. We will never allow homosexuality
Whats the comment from the other church body? I mean the Zambia Episcopal Conference? Whats the stance of our Catholic Bishop? Cardinal Mazombwe guide us on this one.
Who invited Bun Ki anyway? Inferiority complex makes us give every foreign fool audience in Zambia. The same foreigners brought Christianity in Africa and now they are going against there problems.
#5 MAZ don’t worry when the UN Secretary General comes and asks us to legalise Fornication we shall protest.
half the pastors cited above including Mutati should be more concerned by the immoral conduct of THEIR children and focus less on trying to impose their views on Zambian society.
iwe ka Ban Ki Moon ndiwe bululu wa ka given…? manje tizabalana bwanji pilizi napapata!
Wise words: “zambians should work hard and reduce on donor aid”
PF are for aid….Guy Scot was bragging of his govt getting donor confidence.RB was the man,I remember how he lambasted them.
Homosexuality is a non starter in Zambia. The govt should state their position and end this nonsense once and for all, or the question is, are they for the idea?
Zambians what is really going on….first it was Hillary Clinton visiting pa Zed, Anti-Christ George Bush, now Ban K-moon….I definitely smell a rat here…..did you guys know that Zed has plenty of Uranium in Isoka and Americans are there already…. we have become intellectual analysts, witch hunters, too corrupt and we are not seeing what is happening around. Do we know that American will always show interest in a country where they can rip…hey Chinese are doing the same…WAKE UP and stop criticizing each other, debating on what you know and do something…I think we still suffer from colonization and blinded
Anti Politics, you are a f .o. o. l. Mr Sata has never supported homosexuality. What he said was that the law is there. And in Zambia the law is against homo. In your limited understanding to you he meant that he supports homo. You are such a lair and evil too for you to distote what was said by someone.
The you tell your hopeless Sata to come out in the open and state his position instead of you defending him and quarelling with innocent wise Zambians.What do you think?
This is a non-starter. Lets not even waste our time by politicizing this issue. No one is supporting it.
@Maz #5, we are not a fundamentalist state – and do not mix moral shortcomings with criminal acts. There is a separation of religion and state despite declaring yourselves a Christian nation; God forbid the day we will become a cleric government – that will be the undoing of many a freedom. That said, I do not think we should even dare to introduce a bill to discuss homosexuality in the first place. Let those who practice it go ahead but not thrust it in our faces. I do not see heterosexuals thrusting their acts in our faces (that is why we have obscenity and sedition laws that are active still). As I said, if a complaint of sodomy (that homosexuals would like to call rape) then let it be treated according to the statues of law that remedies injustice done to one by another. I rest.
Well said.In addition to that rape can only be committed by a MAN on a WOMAN.Other acts are deemed to be indecent assault.
Bush is not antiChrist. this Ban Ki Moon is an antiChrist who want’s evil practices against our religion and traditional culture. We reject and we will remove his name on that livingstone One stop building where he laid the foundation stone.
@ # 12 Linda:
Fornication is legal in Zambia! You cannot be taken to prison for having premarital sex! If you did then the entire country would be behind bars! My point was that if we are legislating according to the Bible then let us go all the way. Ban fornication, drunkenness, gossiping, insulting, lying, boasting, bragging, working on Saturdays, being jealous in addition to homosexuality. Ban all that the Bible says is sin. Doing otherwise is discrimination against the group practicing that particular ‘vice’.
So you agree thats its a vice, good boy/girl
@ Kalok:
I was only trying to point out to the people giving religion as the reason why we shouldn’t consider being gay a crime. I’m fully in support of separating religion and state. There is a cultural argument to be made against the gays but I have not really seen a cogent one expressed.
We agree more than we disagree. No one is calling for gay marriage. They are merely asking for the removal of the clauses that essentially say ‘the state of being gay is punishable by not less than 14 years in prison’.
My friend choose to fear God.
Please let these Homosexuals come out and state their case, we have to have an idea firstly who they are and how many they are.
Why?? So you can stone them to dead…They are humans just like you and what you do with your partner in your bedroom is non of our concern!!
Bestiality (sex with animals) is not genetic but a choice, just as incest is not genetic but a choice, just as pedophilia is not genetic but a choice, just as homosexuality is not genetic but a choice. They are all in the same group of abnormalities and abominations. Period. The UN will do well to learn from us on this one and begin to put systems that will help overcome these abnormalities. Knowledge is exchanging of ideas from all corners of the globe, it should not be one-direction.
The devil at work. How does the entire UN chief preach to legalize sin in a Christian Nation. Can he also tell us to legalize theft,fornication, corruption, etc. He is a big *****. He should respect our principles as a country and avoid such talks here. Can he preach the same in Iran, South Arabia and other Arabic Countries? Doesn’t he know that Zambia has embarrassed Christianity values which are against such vices just like Moslems.May God deliver you
#23 Maz, I have always followed your comments to establish what kind of a person you are. Today you have given me a hint when you said “working on Saturday”. It spell it all knowing what kind of majority people seventh day Adventists houses.
Back to the topic, Zambia is governed by the constitution made by the people. It is clear the people do not want homos so I do not see how their rights are going to find there way into the constitution. Even the PF MPs will not support such a bill in parliament for those of you that hate the PF
we told you taht pf was going to bring gayism and divsion in zambia..CC3 told you pipo..Chanda Chimba 3 is vindicated..
You are a small light in pitch darkness. Do they even know what an argument is? Do they even care? For them the Bible has done the thinking for them. The point is simply remove the homophobic law and gay/lesbians will still be subject to the sexual laws at par with hetrosexuals! Christians must realise that even voiceless minorities like gays have rights and should be left free (without threat of imprisonment) as long as these rights don’t injure your enjoyment of your rights. There is a problem of everyone thinking they are moral experts when they lack basic principles for making moral evaluations.
One word springs to mind here PRIMITIVE
How is this man allowed to be blithering to these great lengths, anyone?
To go to these lengths and oppose what is clearly a 21st century trend, People should be allowed to be what they are and this should be legalized, if you are not gay as I am not why stop people that are born that way? There is no difference between someone born to be using their left hand and someone born gay, are they an outcast because of that trait?.its not a matter of being ‘right’ to me,the bible also says judge not, lest ye be judged.
Anyone opposing this is a bigot.
As a natural trait it’s impossible for it to be wrong. You may as well argue it’s wrong to grow hair, or blink, or breath……….
It seems pointless arguing
… maybe the problem is that there is a deeper problem here – sex. We still can’t talk about sex openly let alone gay sex.
That said, the issue that gayness is genetic is probably debatable, for now, let us say that it is a choice, a preference, just like group sex and bestiality.
No one will know what you do behind closed doors. The problem is that homos want some kind of award for being gay. That is the issue.
We have gays in Zed, and we know them and we let them be – but the problem comes when they want to start marching down the streets wanting to be recognized — for their personal preference.
This is what we don’t want.
Good morning
I hear you Mr. Mutati and I hope this is what every Zambian leader is saying. I do not expect any other language from the government. This matter should be dealt and done away with once and for all.
What Ban Ki Moon did is tantamount to a declaration of war on our African values, customs, religion, future and way of life. My country men and women, let us open our eyes and see the threat! Are we going to bend the knee and roll over just because the UN says we should legalise gayism in our country? Or are we going to stand up and puff our chests as proud, patriotic Zambians who want to safeguard our way of life?
I am closely watching to see what PF government will do.
This is rich coming from someone who is based in Germany…how has a gay tolerant society affected you in any way negatively…yes Felix Mutati is the ideal leader for Zambia, the poster boy he fits the bill … with his string adultery and cheating disputes on his wife.
Life outside natural and divine principles is painful and full of contradictions. We cannot not waste time as Zambians debating issues that are self defeating….We all have to learn to accept abnormalities in societies and courageously do something to overcome them. Homosexual is abnormality!
Ban Ki idio.t came with his wife a sign that he is having normal vaginal sex. Cameroun’s wife is always pregant a sign that he enjoys normal sex. Why are these fo.ols telling us to start screwing each other on the ass when they have female partners. I think boka haram should deal with then next time thry come
I think there is zero reason why homosexuality is wrong i think Zambians hide behind that curtain of ‘Christian Nation’ REALLY? I say God isn’t against gays if you read the bible you’d know …. heres proof
Matthew 19:10-12 10:
“The disciples said to him, ‘If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry.’
Jesus replied, ‘Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. For some are eunuchs because they were born that way; others were made that way by men; and others have renounced marriage because of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.'”
So no more arguing this at all, as someone researching my PHD I think and I repeat what I earlier asserted PRIMITIVE
mwaya kutali nama studies yenu
Ba Mushota, you are a disgrace, dont even misquote the scriptures, read Genesis19 vs 1-36. e.g vs4 and 5 says “Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom—both young and old—surrounded the house. 5 They called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.”
This clearly shows you that These cities were destroyed because of homosexuality.
@18 No no nonooo,
Ok, I’m a f.oo.l, natotela. But why is your president keeping quiet on this important issue? In most cases, silence means ‘yes’. The whole country is looking to him and his government to state their postion. I guess that is why u voted for him – he is supposed to be a leader!
iwe chipuli is this an important issue to you?
mushota, Not your business! and others who support this abomination. You practise your homosexuality outside and not in Zambia. Let Ban Ki Moon take his message to North Korea, Iran and Saudi Arabia. He will only escape because Osama is no more.
Who told Mutati that the Government will table lwas to legalise homosexuality. I have not fully read Ban Ki Moon’s speech and from what I gather, he was asking for respect of one’s sexual orientation. Homosexuality is still illegal in Zambia and will remain so. Those accusing the President of supporting the cause are ill mannered and do not understand diplomacy.
If your child is born gay do you press the denial word right away? refuse to accept your own child? Oh dear where is the elite, the smart, the good thinkers, I do not want Innuendos.
Why do we not muster an agree we are backwards and It is not funny at all, believe me, why refuse and destroy people’s lives?
Indeed there are instances in the Bible of what appears to be homosexual love. Here the love takes center stage, not the sexual preference. These include the love between David and Jonathan and the love between Ruth and Naomi. As written at 1 Samuel 18:1,3-4 (King James Version): “And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. . . .
No one is born Gay. It’s a myth. Please do your research. The same applies to incest, bestiality and paedophilia. These are abnormalities
Then Jonathan and David made a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul. And Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was upon him, and gave it to David, and his garments, even to his sword, and to his bow, and to his girdle.” And later at 2 Samuel 1:26, David proclaims: “I am distressed for thee, my brother Jonathan: very pleasant hast thou been unto me: thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women.” In the book of Ruth 1:16-17 (New Catholic Edition), Ruth speaks these words to Naomi: “Do not ask me to abandon or forsake you! for wherever you go I will go, wherever you lodge I will lodge, your people shall be my people, and your God my God. Wherever you die I will die, and there be buried.
@ # 31 Nine Chale and other Zambins in Europe and the Americas:
Why don’t you stand up and puff your way right out of Germany. Why, of you so hate gay people do you continue living in a country that dares to treat God’s creations (regardless of whether or not they believe in Him) with dignity. Isn’t it the height of hypocrisy for you to condescend to Zambians living in Zambia not to accept progress when you are enjoying the fruits of it? Are you not going to hospitals paid for by gay people, are your children not being taught by lesbians? I’d you are so proud of our infallible culture, why ate you not living there?
@ #35 Chiwempala:
Homosexuality is not illegal in North Korea. Homosexuals in Iran are hanged to death but the country has a peculiar law that allows people to change their sex. This forces otherwise gay people to undergo surgical operations in order to still like people of their own sex but do so freely. One of the leaders of the Iranian revolution decreed that God (Allah) allows it because just as some people are born with physical disabilities, other people are born in the wrong gender. That these people can go through with that speaks to the strength of their attractions to members of the same sex. It also says a lot about how people use religion and culture to destroy other peole’s lives. If you want to educate yourself search for ‘Transexual in Iran’ on Dailymotion.
I absolutely agree that fighting for the rights for same-sex marriage is going too far. If Parliament enacts law that you have the right to consensual sex within your home, then you have the right to bigamy, you have the right to polygamy, you have the right to incest and you have the right to underage sex, you have the right to adultery. You have the right to anything.Those of you fighting for lesbian and gay liberation have plainly gone too far. We are opening the floodgates…next I will not be surprised if they demanded the right to be naked at work and we would laugh in their faces and tell them that there are special camps at which they can flash themselves.. Gay people unashamedly seek special treatment rather than equality.
bonki a big fool. is he gay? gayism should start with him and his country we dont want stupid manners here. what right are people talking about?go to hell with the gays. anyone advocating for gays right is a big fooool like bonki.
May be we create a small country for gay people since we have seen districts being created and Baloseland agreement coming up
No one is born Gay. It’s a myth. Please do your research. The same applies to incest, bestiality and paedophilia. These are abnormalities.
What does the ass of a person who is genetically gay look like? If you are genetically homo obviously nature and genetics must have made some modifications to accomodate you.
@ Mark:
I don’t know about actual asses butt our prostrates are positioned just so, that we really enjoy someone cumming through the back door.
Mushota stop twisting the word of God. David and Jonathan did not have a homosexual relationship. You homosexuals of course twist the Bible to suit you, the Bible cannot contradict itself, homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God
@Maz the prostate normally sits above the base of the penis below the urinary bladder.Where is yours?
Guess the concept of Donchi Kubeba is bearing fruits.Zambia goes HOMO
No upright personz will ever table a motion to “legalize” activitiez of poeple with different gender orientation. #6 The PF government and The Post are quiet becauze there iz NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT. Whether this issue goez to paliament for legistlation or not we will still have individualz of a varied mindset about cohabitation.
fwabupuba we cnt accept that
Hey Ba LT, this HOMO GAY nonsense is boring, let people live with ZAMBIAN NORMS AND VALUES. Some acts are Taboo in our ZAMBIAN Societies including “BLO.W.JOBS, THREE SUMS, KISSING (ATI ULENDISHA AMATE?)PU.SS.IE EATING etc.”? yet some of you do them ? So why tell the whole world that we suck each other with My Wife, husband, girlfriend, boy Friend or your own sisters???? WHO HAS COME IN PUBLIC THAT I WANT TO BE DOING UBUCHENDE??? People do it in silence so Crup your publicity on this homosexual matter, and don’t worse ZAMBIANS time.
What you do in Darkness only God will Judge you. “IFYA KULYA UBUSHIKU FIMONEKELA KUMALUSHI.”
#45 You contradict yourself when you say; ” No one is born Gay. It’s a myth. Please do your research. The same applies to incest, bestiality and paedophilia. These are abnormalities” But am sure you agree that there are people born with abnormalitiez?
I do not think it would be in anyone’s best interest if we detour from topic and start playing semantics here with each other, but suffice to say when talking about complications human beings are born with, the accepted norm is to use the word ‘disabled’. You say John is disabled or was born with a disability. You don’t go around saying John was born with an abnormality. ….Now back to topic. Where were we?….
Zambia is a Christian nation and Christianity is against homosexuality final!!!!
@Maz,you have a strong point,but if I was a judge,I would consider homosexuality to be a greater offense than fornication.That how a right thinking member of society would look at it.
@Maz ,imagine bawiso stopping behind shoprite being f,,,,,,,,,kd by ur uncle in da ass.Go ahead ,u will regret why you tell God that you made me incorrectly.The whole country will slaughter u one by one…………Banki is chinese ,y cant he lead by example…..
This moon ,will not even save you..Go ahead,ifyabupu ba fye…
@Maz you were not born but shiiiiiiiiiitteddddd
Mugabe said even a dog knows a difference,so you are worse than A DOG.
PF i supported u with all my family,friends etc.If you even try to debate ,THEN MCS Must GO .NO TWO WAYS ABOUT IT.
Good Mr Mutati and God bless you, this is what we call leadership what about all the other opposition parties and all the churches we need your statements immediately at least MMD has spoken.
Ka Mushota akakashi kandi walandako sense on this topic, i didn’t know you are a pastor too hahaha…Anyway my point is that we should not legalise homos, imagine mad people like mushota they have nike as a boyfriend , what can stop us well meaningfull people to enjoy the fruit nike is enjoying?
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon says he knows that the Government of Zambia has formed a principled position in promoting and respecting the human rights of everybody, regardless of age, religion or sexual orientation, in line with the fundamental principles of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights to which Zambia is a party.Ban Ki-Moon made this revelation when he met president Michael Sata at State House on Sunday.
There is a BIG difference between LEGALISING and DECRIMINALISING. I am against criminalising people whom we just do not understand. Many years ago, people used to kill schizophrenics. There are tribes that killed babies born with 6 fingers. I agree with MUSHOTA, but not calling people primitive, it is just ignorance. Adultery is not legal, neither is it criminal. Why can’t we just say the same thing about consenting adults who decide to do things to each other that we do not understand? As for anal s e x , this happens even between hetero s e x u a l s !
@Maz .Wanna remind u that the Devil is no creator,whatever a thief,nincoompoomp like u is owning ,does not belong to you for as long as u deny God as ur cretor.You dont deserve to live,God will punish u and youe entire generation,u will c cursers from all angles all days of you life,until u repent for insulting blasphoemously God almight ,Why is there no gay in UAE,or middle east?
Many people here who call themselves Christians would have cried ‘Crucify Him’ if the had lived in Jesus’ times. It is quiet clear that many Zambians have NEVER learned what this means, ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice.’ Remember that the measure you mete is the measure you get.
According to press statement issued by Eimear McDermott of the UN Communications Group, Ban Ki- Moon added that human beings are born with equal rights and that he has been urging the world leaders of many countries, in particular those where people have been discriminated against, and even punished and criminalized, based on their sexual orientation, to form and uphold principled positions that protect the rights of all.
Following his official visit to State House, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon made a statement to the press emphasizing that he was happy with the discussions and extremely impressed by the progress being made in Zambia in promoting democratic governance. He also commended Zambia’s progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), noting that the discussions with President Sata had touched on how the United Nations can continue to work together with the Government of the Republic of Zambia in realising the MDGs.
The Secretary-General added that he had invited President Sata to the Rio+20 Summit in June. The Summit will provide an important opportunity for world leaders to discuss sustainable development, climate change, water scarcity, food crisis, energy shortages, gender empowerment, and global health issues.The Zambia government has not yet responded to the statement by the UN on the rights of gays.
During the run up to the elections that brought the PF to power, the issue of gay rights became a hot issue. Famous journalists Chanda Chimba repeatedly explained that if the PF won, they would legalise homosexuality in Zambia because they have been sponsored to do so.Chimba was demonised and even sued.When British Prime Minister David Cameron said in November 2011 that British international aid will be tied to respect for gay rights, Zambia’s foreign Affairs minister Given Lubinda reacted sharply and told off Cameron.
But it was the same Given Lubinda who was escorting Ban Ki-Moon when he was promoting gay rights in Zambia.Lubinda has also not said anything probably because he knows his cabinet has since resolved to support rights of the game community.ZW
I am a christian (Catholic) and straight, I will not discriminate based on one’s sexual orientation. All people are made equal before the eyes of the lord. People must not be bothered about how others enjoy sex which is god given to be enjoyed by all. Besides the state has no business in what goes on in people’s bedroom. Why are some men so scared of how others have sex….there could be zillions of homosexuals out there so scared of the reality.
If there are no gay dogs, pigs,chickens,goats,mention all animals.why shud we have gay men( man is also an animal). Gaysim is not genetic, heriditary or mental problem.It is a diverse sexual orrientation created by demons from the pit of hell. Thus can not be treated by conversional medicine. Its only treatable by spiritual therapy. IT IS NONSE TO LIGALISE DEMONIC TRENDS TO THRIVE IN OUR COUNTRY.THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN TO ZAMBIA. LET BAN KIMOON KNOW THAT.
A warning to the PF Govt you are not fighting against Zambians but against God and his word and he will fight you back he will cause your ways to be slippery and remove you from power, Zambians will not even do anything but Jehovah Nissi will fight you. Like Nebuchadnezzar you need a writing on the wall and dreams from God to speak to you strongly not even soothsayers will be there to help you, God can do anything when you provoke him through your your evil and wicked intensions.
Thank God what is done in secret and darkness is being brought to light.God indeed will fight for Zambia and for his name in Jesus name. Watch out PF this is the beginning of your downfall and how great your down fall will be, you will lose favor with Zambians and you have already lost favor with God.Who can ever win against God, learn from Nebuchadnezzar.Zambia shall be saved from wickedness and evil in Jesus name.
‘Therefore, God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie…because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanging natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way, the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion’ Rom.12:24…
The New World Order will have a tough one imposing this ONE on the natives of the black continent….they should have never introduced the bible to the africans which removed all sense of reasoning!
This is the beginning of SATA’s rule and his government. Mark my words.
It is ironic how people use the “Christianity,Bible & God” argument when these same tenets were brought to Zed (and the rest of Africa) barely 150yrs ago!!
But if we are to accept the Biblical argument then aren’t we supposed to follow in Jesus’s steps where he condemned no sinner but rather prayed for them!!
I know Mr Sata to be fast at commenting on issues, even before he read a COI report. However, he is suddenly very patient on this Gay rights comment from Ban. even before the election, he was very unclear when asked that he had promised the donors to legislate GAY RIGHTS. iS THIS THE SAME MCS or what?
Pafwaka cadres please respond
this issues calls for level headedness. Sin is sin. for instance in this country, drinking tunjilinjili is common but this does not leave up to christian values at all. However, we have to leave with it and alcohol will always be there too. In this case homos should be left to do what they do best without any discrimination, key is that we should not put it in our laws. I know this is a christian nation, but moslems are free to warship without being attacked, so should be the gay community. Let us leave them to be and God he will decide on their fate just like all the straight people will be judged too on that day.
I thank God that Mother Zambia was declared a christian nation by the late former president HE Dr. F.T.J. Chiluba. This declared may sound petty to some people, but i want to advise mostly all Government leaders to respect this declaration and uphold it. The peace well being of our country is dependent on maintaining the biblical values and once this is done then God’s divine favor will rain upon our beautiful nation. Mr. President and all cabinet ministers, if you want favor from both Zambian people and God who ushered you into your offices, never should you legalise Homosexuality as proposed by the UN Chief but respect the prevailing laws of the land.
Christianity was forced upon africans with THE GUN & THE WHIP because it was also rejected. How soon people forget the yesteryears! Very soon Zambian gays patrolling the streets of London, Amsterdam and Capetown will be a thing of the past. Viva Gay Rights! Viva Human Rights! Viva Gay Pride! Viva Equal Right! Viva Hilary Clinton! Viva United Nations!!
# 30,34,38&39 MUSHOTA. Your Bible quotes are correct but do not reflect your explanation correctly. The quotes made do not suggest or render any of your suggestive opinion let alone all that advance the cause of sexual oriantation. In Matt19: 8-12 Lord Jesus was dealing with the dispute of the Pharisees about divorce v.8 gives the context clearly unlike your quote from v.10. Among other things Jesus points out why others can not marry such as Eunuchs born that way and those castrated (common practice that time). Indeed Eunuchs can not marry and others who had renounced on account of their commitment to the Lord’s work.
LT, my humble suggestion is stop putting articles about homosexuality. To me, it appears like you are funded to support this debate. My appeal to fellow believers on this blog is to quit LT if they post any more homosexual material. This whole debate is now fueled by these so called Online papers. People be careful! God is about to judge the world soon. REPENT!!!
Jesus Follower , it is important that Christians speak out and send a strong message, keeping people in the dark over the wicked plans in our nation is not the best. If wicked people are using it to promote their wicked Agenda God will judge them. Christians need to pray and act. God bless you and God bless Zambia and righteous political parties and leaders.First they came for the communists,and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists,and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews,and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a Jew.Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.
Jesus said in the light of marriage as is expected to be, not everyone can accept this word. In refering to marriage Jesus made it clear that any departure from it is wrong. The condition is best for people and be kept that way accordingly for the sake of our souls, and tends most to prepare us for, and preserve us to , the kingdom of God. Then talked about bearing one another’s burdens, our weaknesses and consider peace and hapiness for others more than of your own (your other quotes in 2 Samuel about David and Samuel and in Ruth). In the gospel there is kindness and relationships what seem to result when love for one another is expressed. In all this there is no hint of sexual oriantation as you and other people suggest. Eunuchs existed but never agressively agitated for rights to marry
The issue of homosexuality we all know from the Bible that it is wrong.
Now, there are couple of other wrong things that are also brought out in the same scriptures, e.g fornication which also includes adultery, a vise that so many zambians including youths and old alike r involved in. overdrinking and drunkedness r also condemed.
The point i am making is we spend so much time disputing about homos, but forgetting all the wrong things that r taken to be normal in our society.
What the whites r for, the point we are missing, is human rights. no matter what u choose to do, fornicate, adultery, over indulge in drinking, smoking, secularism, atheism, u have every right as anyother normal person as wrong as u r independent of ur parents, i.e. say above 18 yrs old.
Even today people born given not to marry are with us as/and have always existed. Why should we begin to legislate for them, champion for them and prefer to have special treatment. As to ungodly and disoderly persons in society based on our moral values, it is proper that laws aremadeto restrain such people. This rational view is different with that held by Mushota and others as if there are laws that will hang those born given not to marry.
There is a B I G difference between LEGALIZING AND DISCRIMINATING….and please dont suggest that other peoples opinions are wrong…PHARISEES!!!!!
The word says:
Lev. 20:13, “If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them”
Rom. 1:26-28, “For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper.”
Anyone who thinks David and Jonathan had a homosexual relationship is extremely ignorant and have a very shallow understanding of the bible. The bible is a covenant book and when it talks about David and Jonathan it is talking about the covenant between them. Homosexuals use those scriptures to suit themselves but it doesn’t change any reality, they are still sinning but no one goes to hell because they were homosexual, people go to hell because they rejected Christ and anyone who has accepted Christ cannot possibbily be homesexual because they get the nature of Christ. To solve the homosexuality problem, you do so from inside out. No one is born homosexual anymore than anyone is born a murderer. Homosexuality is a state of a man missing the relationship he should have had with their dad.
95 good quoting of scriptures, both must be punished.
let us condem all forms of wrong doing or let people live according to what they want and if they accountable to God let me choose. but human rights should be same, whether u r gay, an adulterer or lesbian, we treat them same. the same law protect all. u base ur principle on bible then u should condem what the bible condem and not discreminate. or u r secular society then allow every to be what the want to be, its not u to tell them what to do. Full stop
They say character is formed in a child at about age six. It is a well known fact that when a boy get a close relationship with his dad when they were young, depending on their will power some of them will go after men without even understading and they will say they were born that way. It happens in girls as well, if she hasn’t got a strong will and missed out on relationship with their mum, they will go after women when are older and people will say she is naturally lesbian. These are lies from the pit of hell so for you mums and dads make sure you spend enough time with your kids if you don’t want surprises in future. No one is born gay anymore than anyone is born a thief. Anyone who can find the floor when they wake has no capacity within themselves to believe people are born gay.
You remember when people brought a woman to Jesus caught in adultery. Jesus stoopped down and began to write on the ground, then the accusers of the woman left one by one. Jesus stood up and asked her where her accusers were. She said they left. Jesus said to her, “Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more.” There is grace here and truth in what Jesus said. Grace said, “I don’t condemn you.” Truth said, “Go and sin no more.” We are a Christian nation and we love everyone but truth is timeless so we say no to legalizing being gay and with grace we say, if anyone practices it, we love them and we don’t cast them out and our prayer is that they will receive Jesus and receive deliverance from the curse of being gay. We walk in love and we are unstoppable because love never fails.
This attitude of yours is what the SG was asking for. He was not saying that we should legalize homosexuality. He was saying we shoulde treat these people with respect. Just like Jesus would have done.
Zambians must be cautioned that if they are careful under the leadership MC Sata, they may become unwittingly entangled in a grandiose project of Mr Ban Ki Moon. Mr Sata and Kenneth Kaunda are prepared to handover Zambia’s “virginity” to the devil using brazen means. Zambia’s moral values are priceless and must be defended at all costs, even in the face of threats of economic sanctions.
Zambians must be cautioned that if they are NOT careful under the leadership MC Sata, they may become unwittingly entangled in a grandiose project of Mr Ban Ki Moon. Mr Sata and Kaunda are prepared to handover Zambia’s “virginity” to the devil using brazen means. Zambia’s immoral values must be are priceless and must be defended at all costs, even in the face of economic sanctions.
Don’t lie, how do you expect our leaders to do such a thing or call them evil?? talk about homosexuality not our President and KK. This is why you don’t have respect for elders. You are behaving like a Homo yourself. What has this to do with SATA & KK? You FOOL go get fuc.ked in the ass if u want than insult elders.
What a load of crap. Mutati knows that his colleague Bradford Machila is gay and he is being a hypocrite here. He had an affair with Agness Katwishi and has kids outside marriage and he is talking about chritian values. My foot.
Everyday a child is defiled in Zambia and Mutati has no comments on that. Stupid *****
Zambians why are you wasting time on this issue. This one is covered in the UN human rights issues. We found homosexuality on this earth and we will leave it here when we die. It is not a disease to cure but a socially unacceptable part of our lives. Leave the gays alone and respect them. We have other solvable issues to handle. Politicians are not voted to provide moral guidance but for development and services. Go to work. We have a poor country to develop
Ka Mushota
You have seriously misquoted the bible. Please do not refer to those passages becoz they out of context. You are exposing your ignorance and misleading people here.
Serious minds must be bothered about eradicating poverty, improving health and providing education to people in a country like Zambia. Not to be bothered about two adults who decide to have fun by pricking their asses.
Finally George Mpombo speaks on Chipolopolo victory : “We have proved to
mulligrubs and gongoozlers who thought we could’nt lift the cup. I took
time before the finals to listen to some ultracrepidarian and
polyphloisboian soccer analysts who were so inaniloquent over Zambia.
President Sata has been so thelemic for the team.We went as underdogs but
we managed to beat the slubberdegullion and sciapodous West Africans”
Even a Dog knows were to put, manje a human being who claims to be more inteligent than a dog decides to put in the ass. Conclusion: A dog will laugh at u, pwekekekekeke… Pipo are sick ati sexual orientation!??? WHAT THAT HEY! YOU ARE LOST…. infact ndimwe ofunta!
Any HOMO wil have his dick cut off…
Mutati is sounding Presidential thiz days mwe!
Mushota do not quote the bible which you do not understand.You read Romans1vv26-32, Leviticus18v22.Its very clear on homosexuality.If people are mere friends its different from having sexual relationship. Ruth and Naomi had the relationship of mother and daughter in law that’s why Ruth eventually got married.Even David and Jonathan were married and they just were close friends just like you Mushota you have girl friends.
one thing is for sure, Christianity does not support or condone homosexuality, but been homosexual doesn’t deprive one of human rights.We claim to be a christian nation, and yet there are so many other distasteful things that are against Christianity and we do nothing about those, in short we don’t debut other sins, in the name of Christianity, why this, don’t you think its a little hypocritical.Nevertheless legalizing it would be against Zambia culture and the so acclaimed christian morals that we don’t even full understand or follow.
#113 Tondolo, our dear friend, God is real. You will do well to choose God. What will a man gain if he earned the whole world and all its freedoms but end up going to hell.
GRZ needs to state their position on this issue. As it refuses to go to bed. I fail to understand why this is such a very big issue, perhaps because we are being dictated to by others? Let them cut the aid if thats what they want to do. GRZ needs to find ways of being self sufficient. O atleast borrow from the chinease they dont care much about gay rights.
wow, still basing arguments on religion, the bane of this world, hating on a group of people because of commands given by an imaginary person in the sky. look at how stupid we perceive the muslims right now who are killing each other ku Afghanistan because an *****ic book that calls for the murder of infidels was burnt. i question the sanity of people who still insist that the bible and the koran and all that nonsense be our guides morally when the same books have genocide that is glorified. have u noticed that death in the bible as a crime is less spoken about than sexual transgressions? does this mean your God is more concerned about bedroom matters than all the killing of children and innocents in the world? innocents killed in his name??
The UN should kick Ban from office. He is a disgrace to diplomacy. He either does not know other cultural values of people or he is out-rightly arrogant.
Shame to the International Community if Ban is not reprimanded.
MPs be careful in parliament if PF wins this bill there will be sudden kafwafwa, there will pounce on you from behind.
Just make sure you use 2 bombasas during the debate.
Bloggers, please let us call a spade a spade.Mutati only regards Zambia as a christian nation when it suits him.Everyday kids are defiled in Zambia, Prisoners are raped in our prisons by fellow inmates,Mutati has kids outside marriage , an affair with Agness Katwishi, porn photos with Catherine Namugala and yet Mutati is mute about these things. He is talking about homosexuality because he wants votes for MMD President.We have Zambians having sex with fellow men from NGOs for few dollars, even policemen are involved in this vice for a few dollars and yet we turn a blind it.Let Mutati talk about his Friend who is openly gay– Bradford Machila. He served in RBs cabinet and no body talked about the evil of homosexuality then.There are important issues that needs national discourse than this
@ CULTURE VICTIMS YOUR COMMENT BELOW HAS ME REALING ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING hahahahahahahahahaha. But we built pyramids started civilization and already knew Jesus.
The New World Order will have a tough one imposing this ONE on the natives of the black continent….they should have never introduced the bible to the africans which removed all sense of reasoning!
British High Commissioner James Thornton says the free choice of sexuality should be regarded as human rights.And Mr Thornton says such rights needs to be respected by African countries including Zambia.He says it is sad that in some African countries homosexuals and lesbians are not allowed to express their sexual rights.He was answering questions from journalists soon after calling on Southern Province deputy permanent secretary Alfred Chiinda at his office in Livingstone.But Mr Chiinda just said the PF government has put infrastructure development at the centre stage of the country’s national agenda.HZ
May the Lord judge every abomination and it’s roots that wants to corrupt the morals of Zambia and the Zambians.God bless the Zambia, the Zambians and upright and righteous political parties and Leaders in Zambia
God bless you Mr HH and your family and UPND for your statement it is much needed in trying time for Zambia. Surrender yourself, your family and UPND and the lord will lift you up, he will fight for you and vindicate you and your party from every mudslinging that has been thrown at you. We need righteous and Godly leaders and political parties. Zambians are still waiting for the other Opposition parties and upright NGO’s to release their statements, silence will not solve anything.God bless Zambia, Zambian’s and righteousness political parties and leaders.
Press Statement 28th February, 2012
On behalf of the United Party for National Development (UPND), I demand that Mr. Michael Chilufya Sata gives the nation his and that of his PF party position on gay rights as advocated for by Ban Ki Moon – Secretary General of the United Nations.The nation must not forget that Mr. Michael Chilufya Sata, not long ago said that, ‘there are laws in Zambia that recognise gay rights….’. It should also be borne in mind, that Mr. Michael Chilufya Sata has been a flip flopping President. He has changed positions on many national issues such as windfall tax, street vending, Barotseland Agreement just to mention a few.
It is Mr. Sata’s past statements, his flip flopping habit and his deafening silence on Ban Ki Moon’s statement that is worrying. We demand that Mr. Michael Chilufya Sata as the head of Government gives the nation his position on this matter.The UPND believes that as an African and Christian nation, Zambia has no place for gay rights. The scriptures and our culture which are a guiding light in this country are clear on this matter. Further, our existing laws do not allow for this practice. It must also be remembered that as Africans, our culture which is protector of our morals does not permit this practice. UPND believes that for civility and national stability to continue in this nation gay rights must remain outlawed.Hakainde Hichilema President
Traditional marriage is under attack in Zambia.
zedians len to b seriuos, why ist that in zambia now those who cant debate isuz rush to this christian nation which was declared by a person who committed all manner of satanic deeds,his disciple in doin so (miyanda) wanted to remove a God chosen government through evil means, pastors in churches steal poor people tithe and sleep with young girls of their churches. Christian women grab other women hisbands,
Abash perversions and abominations, abash! Abash foreign ungodly perverted behavious, abash! Abash perveted leadership and political parties, abash! Viva righteousness, Viva! Viva upright and righteous leadership and Political parties, Viva! Viva People power, Viva! Viva Christian nation, Viva!
#126, the only belief the upnd has is stealing privatisation funds, selling zambian companies crookedly leaving most of our people depressed and dying before gettin their dues. This is far worse than homos who whilfuly engage in the act. God does not punish people based on what some evil hypocrite christian zambian says.
As a Christian you should hate all sin but no one can find justification for hating the sinner. The homosexual, adulterer as well as the fornicator are all precious soul for whom Christ died. We Christians can show him the best way of life by pointing him to Christ. Our Lord said, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). We are obligated to take the gospel to all.
GOD created man and woman to enjoy themselves and not the opposite .This is more HARM than GOOD PIPO carefull with a white skin we don’t need such foolishness or madness in our country they are more than ANIMALS. They want to develop SIN ati Human rights i don’t think so tell them to get the BIBLE and read it and hide their ignorance
dont knock it until you try it. i was like you until i tried it, now i am a follower. life can be amazing if your fears and inner hidden feelings are explored. maybe zambias in the streets will be happy if they try…….
I think all this is a distraction from the simple fact that GRZ is not working. Keep the people talking about re-alignments, and gay rights, and districts, before you know it 5 years will have passed, hehe.
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