Thursday, October 24, 2024

Rodger Chongwe Commission of Inquiry the worst – Kabimba


PF Secretary General and spokesperson Wynter Kabimba
PF Secretary General and spokesperson Wynter Kabimba

Patriotic Front Secretary General Wynter Kabimba has described the Rodger Chongwe Commission of Inquiry into the Mongu riots as the worst of all Commissions of Inquiry.

Speaking on both ZNBC Radio and Television last evening during a paid for programme with Frank Mutubila monitored by QFM, Mr Kabimba accused the Rodger Chongwe Commission of Inquiry of drifting from the terms of reference in its recommendations.

Mr Kabimba says the PF has leant a lesson from the Rodger Chongwe Commission of inquiry.

He pointed out that poverty and underdevelopment cannot be used as a basis for restoration of the Barotseland Agreement, stating that poverty is not only prevalent in Western province but in most parts of the country.

He says the PF will take development to all parts of the country including Western province which is considered to be the least developed province through decentralization as articulated in the party manifesto.

Mr Kabimba added that the Lozi people are in the minority in Western province compared to the other tribes in the province put together for them to demand secession.

He also warned that people should not dare the PF Government by stating that they will go ahead and secede whether President Michael Sata likes it or not.

He says such statements are treasonable.

Mr Kabimba says the PF is open to dialogue with stakeholders on the issue of the Barotseland agreement and does not want to make the same mistake the MMD Government made of shedding innocent blood.

Mr. Kabimba argued that it is not only through the restoration of the Barotseland agreement that western province will be develop.

He urged Zambians to ensure that the PF government is made accountable on the promises it has made in the manifesto.



  1. Finally George Mpombo speaks on Chipolopolo victory : “We have proved to
    mulligrubs and gongoozlers who thought we could’nt lift the cup. I took
    time before the finals to listen to some ultracrepidarian and
    polyphloisboian soccer analysts who were so inaniloquent over Zambia.
    President Sata has been so thelemic for the team.We went as underdogs but
    we managed to beat the slubberdegullion and sciapodous West Africans”

  2. The Commision is worse just like PF is worse than all the previous administrations. PF is worse in promoting homosexuality and failing to fulfil it’s promises.

  3. Kabimba,how did you access the report as you are not part of Cabinet? Or maybe its the UNIP way of the party and its govt.How about your report on the COI on ERB you chaired? I assume it will be the best in your eyes.

  4. That was very loud and clear.The terms of reference were also very clear for the Roger chongwe led commission.The outcome has not answered the specific objectives of the commission.Nevertheless,we are one zambia one nation,let’s find platform for talk so that concesus is marshalled over the issue.let’s not kill again,let’s build the entire nation.If some parts of the country feel disadvantage,let’s give them an ear .Kabimba had some points to make,but he should also have shown respect for the old man Chongwe.

  5. Why is Kabimba fighting his friends in the media? This is the beginning of a major fallout in the camp.First it was cabinet ministers failing to explain the communist manifest and now commissioners of BA64 COI.

  6. Mr record holding lawyer with the longest streak of losing cases to ever walk the face of Zambia, give us a break please.

    Before you attack a credible report produced by a credible lawyer with an awesome track record of winning cases, can we have your ERB report first.

     Your Commission was one of the first to sit. When are we getting your ERB report

    You though Chongwe was a cadre like you and the rest and he was going to just publish your boss pre-determined line. Sorry, Dr Chongwe is a professional and he told it as it is. 

    As MMD Chief Bootlicker, did I like his recommendations? Hell no, I didn’t. But was his report the worst? Hell no again. In fact it was the best and most object report so far. Lets see your ERB report before you labels others as the worst

  7. And where is your ERB COI report? Please its becoming a nightmare for professionals to work under your Govt.Am told a Catholic sister from UNZA has turned down the appointment of Commissioner at ACC………You expected Dr Chongwe to sugar coat the taxpayer’s COI report.Show us your credentials baba.

  8. There we go again, anything by the Lozis is treasonable, next the police will be unleashed to kill.
    By the way how can one access the Rodger Chongwe commission’s report?

  9. kabimba u are jst useless lawyer so far the country has, yoself have failed to produce your report u wanted chongwe who is constitutional lawyer to dance to the tune of your fellow KAPONYA SATA

  10. I just totally agree with Wynter, The report is bordering on a Sudan-like outcome–That should not happen pa Zed…Lozis comeon grown up and lets be united as one…..

    • A Sudan-like solution is perfectly acceptable to some of us.  The South Sudanese are delighted not to mix with the racist Arabs up north.  Stick with your own is the way to go these days.  Even Scotland wants to go it alone after 300 years of domination by the tribal English.

  11. Wynter Kabimba as PF Secretary General should not pre-empty Cabinet or indeed Government reaction to the report. There is also no need to roast Dr. Rodger Chongwe. he has submitted his report to Government, let Government react, sensibly and I think with cool heads.

    The danger is not so much the secession or restoration, but it is how Government reacts to the report. Being dismissive is not helpful!!

  12. I think Dr. Chongwe brought out the real cause of the killings in Mongu last year, it was the lack of recognition of the BA. I dont’ see how we can investigate the killings and end up there as the terms of the commission stipulated without finding the root cause. If commissions are not exshaustive then they are just a waste of tax payers money. Dr. Chongwe brought out the truth which the pf cant swallow. Kabimba is a danger to the uneducated cos he can easily misslead lead the nation!!!!! He did not answer the questions asked during the interview.

  13. These are the effects of inbuilt, endemic corruption over the years. Leaders get resources and divert them either under the ground, on their farms, or into their girlfriends… at the end of the day we start to ascribe emotions to clear commissions of inquiry. Throughout the Mongu riots’ inquiry attendees expressed the BA64 as the bone of contention… so where has Rodger gone wrong??? He was expressing the overwhelming desire and demand of the respondents to the inquiry. TOLERANCE, PLEASE!

  14. Kabimba is naive. Just because Dr Chongwe’s report doesn’t please him and his boss does not mean the report is the worst commission of inquiry. What Dr Chongwe did was to find out the root cause and truth, tell the truth as it is. That is what the people of Western province want in all fairness. And that is what led to the Mongu riots of last year. Dr Chongwe has simply put the record straight, the truth of what the people want. Does Kabimba want Dr Chongwe to stifle the truth? It seems like Kabimba can’t handle the truth. Bitter as it is, fact remains that is the truth, and what is now required is level-headedness to tackle the issue at hand and reach a compromise somewhere. After that stressful and enduring exercise, is that the thanks Dr Chongwe can get from Kabimba? Pathetic!

  15. Ba Winter, Chongwe was just reporting what he found. Did you want him to cook the findings? That is the position of the people of WP, Now instead to insulting them that they are a minority or what ever, learn for this report to find lasting solutions to this problem, otherwise this problem will not go and will haunt as in the future.

  16. Oh dear, ba Winter is not helping matters at all….it seems our PF compatriots bit more than they can chew. It is quite shameful and sad to read such asperations being cast on a well respected Zambian like Dr Roger Chongwe….just as well he is not from anywhere near the Western Province, I can’t imagine the ridicule he would have suffered had he been.
    He has made a very sober and well thought out proposal: PLEASE STOP commenting about a report which is yet to be dicussed by Cabinet, and obligatory later made public. This was Dr Chongwe’s very humble advise, was it too much to ask from our leaders???

  17. I understand this Wynter Kabimba couldn’t articulately answer interviewer Frank’s questions on Telly…did has he not read BA64, if these are the legal advisers Sata surrounds himself with, then we are in very serious trouble. So Wynter wants Roger Chongwe to report what they want to hear; what’s the whole point of it…BA64 is about decentralisation and through it some issues of poverty and underdevelopment can also be tackled.

  18. Ba winter, are you saying lozis are a minority in western? What a dull idotaaaaaaa!

    Have you ever seen a tribe called lozi in western province? There is none. Lozi is a hybrid like Swahili. I am nyengo, and am lozi speaking.

    Get it in your thick head, lozis are one on this matter, and remember, that includes nyengos like me.

  19. Ba winter, are you saying lozis are a minority in western?
    Have you ever seen a tribe called lozi in western province? There is none. Lozi is a hybrid like Swahili. I am nyengo, and am lozi speaking.

    Get it in your thick head, lozis are one on this matter, and remember, that includes nyengos like me.

  20. I don’t usually agree with Wynter, but on this issue, he is perfectly right. The Commission of Inquiry went outside its terms of reference. They were supposed to investigate the Mongu riots.
    1. Why did they happen? Answer: the Police refused them permission to demonstrate.
    2. Why did the police fir live ammo?
    3. Who gave the order to shoot?
    4. How many people died and how many arrested?
    BUT, Dr Chongwe, out of the blues, comes up with commendation to restore BA64!
    Ati ni ba dokota ba Law, atase!

    • The Saint…who answered the first question? It has always been the Lozis contention that the BA64 contributed to the riots. So don’t just volunteer wrong answers. In fact you would do well to read the Report. I am eagerly waiting my turn to read.

  21. If the Rodger Chongwe Commission of Inquiry is the worst,then resources were wasted and Chongwe together with his minions in the commission must pay back tax payers money.Secondly,Frank is no longer frank,people expected him to give us a clip of campaign message when Cycle Mata Chilufyanya was in Mongu.Viva Chanda Chimba The Third.

  22. It appears Roger Chongwe has now been empowered by the PF Government to take the matter further on behalf of the Barotse now that he is being belittled before the report is even digested. He is quite armed with information drawn from the respondents, articles and documents on subject matter, it will be silly to brush him aside. Also quite simplicitic for Kamimba to suggest that Lozi’s are minority, hence have no voice. In fact never mind about numbers, a clear case is of David vs Goliath in the bible times, those that are perceived to be weak have the almighy God on their side. Just tread carefully we are watching!

  23. The Saint @34
    If the questioons you noted are the right questions that should have been addressed, then we don’t have a reliable government in place. You don’t set up a commissiopn of inquiry to address such questions. We have the invetigative wings for the public affairs and for the security officers. You should not rule out the B64 as a cause for the riot. By the way, since when did Winter become the govenment spokes person? Don’t tell me it was last “Summer”. Satas should advise him to concentrate on his party organization. IT IS WRONG FOR WINTER TO BE COMMENTING LIKE HE IS IN THE CABINET. May be he is a Mnister without portifolio, and we have not been told..since we’re under “Donchi Kubeba”

  24. Mr Kabimba’s assertion that the Lozi people are in the minority in Western province compared to the other tribes in the province put together for them to demand secession is laughable. He was last month laughing at VJ’s little aducation but it is apparent that Kabimba’s law degree has not created any mental ability traction in his head. Any one who has done simple secondary school civics will tell you that Lozi is a lingua of Barotseland and this language is basically southern Sotho spoken in the Free State of South Africa today, where Sibitwane came from. Nyengos, Kwangwas, Kwandis, Mbowes, Fwes, Mbukushus etc are collectively what is called Lozi. I’m basically Nyengo, Kwangwa and Mbukushu in one, Lozi!

  25. Yaba… out of comments…..and boring too, these chaps…..why not just admit that you are failures, pathetic failures as your name suggests…..

  26. I have worked with Wynter and I can verily confirm that he is a very dull senior lawyer I have ever met. I pity him. I think if he kept quiet he would come out sounding like intellectual. His serious pomposity and boasting yanjala does not help.

  27. I haven’t read the report but I know that it must be the Best Report if Wynter Kabimba says it was the Worst. The man is just a cadre gone berserk.
    Someone ask him, has he even read the report yet when his President hasn’t even turned a page.
    I’m no lawyer but this stuff is grade school material to make up an educated mind. Granted, Chongwe and his team were tasked to go and enquire from people about the cause of the fatal Mongu riots and then make recommendations. The people told them the cause was non-restoration of BA’64; Chongwe presumably reported that in his report. He then made recommendations to restore the BA’64 the way he saw it fit, ostensibly to avert future dreadful riots. So how did he step out of line? Sounds like Kabimba has already made up his mind.

  28. The PF has unleashed their attack dog in Kabimba, but they should know that it’s not the barking that is going to solve the problem of the BA’64. What Sata needs to do is sit and engage the current Litunga with Kaunda on a round table and get some British royal representative to mediate and talk this issue out in a mature and open manner.
    I know the PF wanted a report that would blame the Rupiah, George and their entire MMD government over the riots and the consequent killings. But somebody school these guys that the killings are ‘effects’ and not the ‘cause’. Chongwe I believe went out to find the causes and make recommendations and he did just that, bitter pill as it would be for the PF to swallow.

  29. We told you ,that this man is hyperselfish,and tribalistic here we are money spent on his friends through useless COIs and knowing Satana and Pa Fwaka party he gets shares from these people through his dog selling children or his numerous girlfriends.No wonder miles sampa is at finance Ministry it is now plander time.Donchi Kudabwa you were told.Viva RB,Viva Chanda Chimba

  30. Where does SO CALLED barotseland starts and ends ? if the thinking of claiming parts of other provinces then its a non starter.

  31. SAINT – you have warped sense of analysis! Why did the people want to demonstrate?. Police cancelled a permit to allow people to assemble and discuss issues around BA64 abrogation and underdevelopment. Why do you bury your heads in the sand and deny the fact that the king is naked.

  32. SAINT – you have warped sense of analysis! Why did the people want to demonstrate?. Police cancelled a permit to allow people to assemble and discuss issues around BA64 abrogation and underdevelopment. Why do you bury your heads in the sand and deny the fact that the king is naked.

  33. Wynter Kabimba is one of the dullest lawyers around but so is Rodger Chongwe, that’s why the understand each other. RC’s COI report and recommendations were predetermined because 1) he was the lawyer for the Mongu rioters, 2) he went on record to say the BA64 was still a valid document and must be restored before even the COI started sittting, 3) one of the COI members was a member of Linyunga…whatever and therefore with vested interests in the outcome, 4) as the lawyer for the rioters, one of the things RC wanted was compensation for them, a recommendation he sneaked into his report knowing very well that he was gonna lose this in court. If he had integrity, he should have refused to chair or even sit on this COI.

    • OK, clever d!ck, why did you not advise your uncle not to hire Chongwe in the first place?  Sata being the flip-flopping master, he would have cancelled Chongwe’s appointment immediately.  Sata must be so dull not to have known what you are saying.  Else, Chongwe has delivered according to Sata’s wishes and we should wait for him to “reluctantly” accept to restore the BA64, albeit outside 90 days!

  34. kabimba may never have been to western province.if he thinks the under development in wprovince is like everywhere,why rate it least developed?,You will be like mr mubukwanu may big may,his home has become a bitter place because of 2 questions:

    1.why has the mongu kalabo road been cancelled becuse civil servants from kalabo walk on foot from one district to another, unlike anywherelse in zambia.

    2.Madam wina and Mr mubukwanu,you brought sata to western province and stood next to him when he shouted out loudly that the ba64 will be implimented,What is you advice to Mr sata now that the people are looking at you madam wina and mr mubukwanu,to tell them wy the sudden turn around.

  35. 31.1 Ricky Bobby;

    What tribe is the Litunga? The Litungas tribe is Lui or Aluyi. Their mother tongue is Siluyana. For us who come from Western Province we find it both frustrating and funny how non-Western Province people have become experts on and about ‘Lozis’ and the ‘other tribes’ in Western Province. I will tell you; it sounds Barotse or Balozi is a Sotho term that means ‘people of the plains’ in reference to the custom in Western Province of people settling along water sources i.e rivers, canals and oxbow lakes. Silozi in turn is a Sotho dialect and a lingua franca of the different tribes in Western Province. Most languages like Fwe, Subiya (with a click sound) luyana, Kwangwa, Mbukushu, Totela, Kalanga (sihumbe) are dead or spoken by a few very old people.

  36. Why do lawyers sound the same?  Is it low IQ?  Kabimba’s “treasonable” acts sound very much like George Kunda’s empty threats about treason when he was VP.  Treason is subjective.  Remember that Saint Mandela was also imprisoned for “treason” for 27 years.  One man’s treason is another man’s freedom struggle.

    Clearly Rodger Chongwe’s commission of inquiry has been the only one with integrity so far, where the outcome was not pre-determined.  That is why Kabimba and his boss are p!ssed off.

  37. PF government always reminds me of our minibus stations, and markets – where confusion is what is normal and the lack of it is abnormal.
    There is no order, no organisation, not right thing, no wrong thing, no system, no procedure, no nothing!! Everything goes, and everyones looks unoffended and happy. Flies all over, people buying food everywhere and nothing wrong is seen. That Market scenario is refered to as “Kaponya mentality” – I wish to believe that this is why people refer to PF as a “Kaponya” party; the lack of order, direction, definition, principles, etc.
    People with open and living mind will agree with me; Just how many mistakes, mishaps, empty talks, vibrational reversals to and fro, differing pronouncements from the same govt?? Is that how we have chosen to live???

  38. If the government can pursue their predicessors over say K3bn, how much costs are we incuring by the president’s mistakes of changing ministries everyday – changing and reversing back to the original state?
    Remember that when you change structure or even name of an organisation or institution, all about it chnages, including stationary.
    I will like to see in the future where incompetence by any leader including head of state must be chargeable in our constitution.
    There is no way we can see such unprecedented number of errors and mistakes with just about 5 months of the president and his PF rule!!
    This is not a good way of defining a future for ourselves and our generations ahead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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