Maamba Collieries (MCL) Retrenches’ wives and Children have protested over government’s delay in paying them their money since 1998.
The women who gathered near Maamba Hospital on Monday said that for the past 14 years since their husbands were retrenched life has been unbearable.
Speaking on behalf of the women Josephine Simpasa said families have been reduced to beggars, Children have stopped going to School, unwanted pregnancies have increased, and some marriages have broken down.
“Imagine others have gone to an extent of killing a dog in order to eat, others have abandoned their families while others have gone without a trace,” Mrs Simpasa said.
Mr Simpasa disclosed that out of the 342 MCL retrenches 122 have died among them some committed suicide as a result of failing to pay School fees for their Children.
She appealed to government to address their problems so that they could be partners in development.
[pullquote]“Imagine others have gone to an extent of killing a dog in order to eat, others have abandoned their families while others have gone without a trace,” Mrs Simpasa said.[/pullquote]
Mrs Simpasa noted that MCL has been sold to NAVA Bharat and government should also pay them their retrenchment package.
One retrenche Jerome Chishimba who accompanied the women during the protest said President Michael Sata should intervene into their plight to ensure that justice is met.
Mr Chishimba said the previous MMD government be held responsible for the deaths of the 122 retrenches since 1998.
The women who busted into tears during their protest complained that they have suffered enough and they are tired of begging for food from people in Maamba who are also feed up with them.
Ba ma retrenches’ wives and bana babo that re protesting, pilishi pilishi, usachita masobela. The pate and itz gvt is aware of your ploblemsh. As soon asi district re-alignemnet business is over and the reshuffling of ministers is also over and the wrangle of the Barotse is also settored, then your retrenchment benefit money will be on the way..meanwhile gvt is bise addressing all of the above mensioned problemsh
sad news.pray n pray
So sad if we consider how much we spend on commissioner of inquiries, allowance just to be at Nc’wala were they are even entertained, workshops, the list is endless. can gov fail to pay 322 workers for sure imwe ….
I personaly do not agree with the sentiments made by these women. How can 122 people die of hunger or kill a dog to eat? since when did a dog become a cow in southern province? are telling me that in maamba there is no land to cultivate? where do these mean find power to pregnant women if they dont eat? why cant these men go out of the district and seek employement else where as am in north west province working you people? now stop being foolish you guys at maamba.
It so sad that one thinks this is a joke. if you have never been to maamba come and see it for your self or else keep quiet. It very unifortunate that we still have corrupt MPs in Government. They come here un noticed, meet maamba management and disappear. These people are suffering beyond recognition. The media is busy reporting just on matters that take place in Lusaka, copperbelt and Livingstone. Are these the only towns we have in Zambia? If you want the Truth about these people ask Wylbur Simuusa. He was once a Managing Director for Maamba Coal Mine. He knows about these issues and more, more especially on how workers are treated here. After coming into office he turns a deaf ear. And these are the leads we want in gov. PF its time to act. Or else you will be history too.
It’s sad to see a human being putting up a comment without doing a check on the matter.Maamba works worked when it was time to work and then when it was time for a pay out ,No pay out.I have seen it frist hand how the people of maamba have suffered.And bob says why don’t they go out of the districk to look for work?do you Bob know how old the man are now?(60 years old)with childern who didn’t finsh school because money was not paid out.I think am now emotional i must stop here.but just know that the people who are waiting for pay out have been wating for 14 years :-(
Seriously, it is pathetic that situations have gone to those extents. One question i ask myself is, were those people nurtured to survive only in Maamba? It’s not pride that makes me write like this but it is a serious concern to men whose duty is to provide for their families. Men, it is high time that you stood up and exhibited your strength not only in bed and intimidating women, but show your women that even without a stable job you can provide and keep your respect as a man. Not by means of stealing, but by the use of your brain. Honestly how do situations rich to extents of eating dogs. Stand up and gain respect out of what you do NOT because you are a man.