Friday, March 7, 2025

Mweene officially receives his reward from Chief Kanyesha and brings Mkushi to a standstill


Zambia National Soccer team Goalkeeper Kennedy Mweene
Zambia National Soccer team Goalkeeper Kennedy Mweene

Business came to a standstill in Mkushi, yesterday, when they noticed that 2012 Africa Confederation Cup ( AFCON ) hero Kennedy Mweene was in town.

Both shoppers, shop owners, workers and soccer fans alike thronged the government administration offices in the central business district of this small Zink mining town to catch a glimpse of Mweene.

Mweene had travelled to Mkushi where he officially received two cows, among them a bull and 250 hectors of land by his Royal Highness Chief Kanyesha of Mkushi district at his royal palace.

The handover of property which took place at the chief’s royal establishment attracted many soccer fans who chanted victory songs as they demanded a hand shake with a Chipolopolo hero.

Chief Kanyesha told Mweene that he honoured him at the semi-finals because he saw victory coming to Zambians through him and the Chipolopolo players.

He however advised Mweene to put his gifts to good use and not to sell it to investors because it was his gift to him for his hard work.

He further assured the AFCON hero of his total support in the development of the land, adding that he would keep increasing the amount of land if he works hard.

And Mweene told ZANIS sports in an interview that there were very few people who are privileged to be honoured in the manner the traditional leader has honoured him.

He said the 250 hectors of land was a special gift to him which he will treasure and never sale it off to any investor.

He said he owed great gratitude to chief Kanyesha’s generosity, and that he was greatly inspired by the chief’s farming activities which move him to start utilizing the land as soon as possible.

Chipolopolo goal keeper said he was very grateful to Central province permanent secretary Edwin Zumbunu who worked tirelessly to necessitate smooth communication between him and the chief, before he finally received his land and two cows.

Chipolopolo team doctor Joseph Kabungo commended the chief for his credible gesture of honouring Mweene.

“ One day these footballers will have to retire and the gifts we are witnessing today, are a great preparation for the future of a player,” he said.

He further told ZANIS sports in an interview that Mweene’s humility, respect, and hard work owned him victory and made him reach where he is today.

Kennedy Mweene was accompanied by central province permanent secretary Edwin Zumbunu and Chipolopolo team doctor Joseph Kabungu.



  1. Bravo kennedy mweene,you deserve it.I see potential in you a nd I have been teling my friends that you deserve to be the next captain of the chipolopolo boys.and your highness,epashili pa kuleka.thank you.

  2. I applaud gift to Mweene thank you Chief  Kanyesha! however, I think it is a little unfair of the chief to single out Mweene from the Ghana game it was a collective team effort “Mayuka’s goal individual brilliance” 250Ha divided by 18players (14Ha each) would have been a nice little farming block/scheme for Chipolopolo 2012 AFCON Winners! Anyways makes No difference just my opinion! 

    • leave the gud chief alone. Let other chiefs do the same if so wish. Even top scorers, player of the match are singled out though they play as a team. So in this case, Mweene was the player of the match in the eyes of the chief.

  3. FYI just to give visual perspective people 1Ha = 10,000sq metres = 100mx100m (simpler even = 2 football fields) so land given to Mweene is equal to 500 football fields! come think of it WOW!!! too much land! where are the subjects? 

  4. Congrats mweene – you totally deserve it. But Mweene please remain faithful to your wife/partner. Now that you have fame and money, the women will certainly come after you – those who know exactly where a man’s weakness lies. So be careful we do not want to bury you too soon like a lot of zambian celebrities


  6. 250 hectors!! Whats he going to with all that land after he has finished snacking on those cattle, we know that footballers are not the smartest chaps off the pitch but i hope the wisely make use of their 15 minutes of fame.

  7. I realize what I am about to say is kind of off topic, but I am going to say it anyway! Here is a chief who appreciated the heroics of a young man and his compatriots in the process of bringing honor to the country. He didn’t see a Tonga man, all he saw was a Zambian “kid” working hard for his country. I wish all the “TRIBALISTS” who have made it their mission to encourage tribalism in our country can learn something from this great gesture. I am sure most of these tribalists didn’t even know there was a tribe called AmaSwaka in Zambia until now. That’s how shallow tribalists can be!

    Chief Kanyensha, you have made us Ama Swaka people proud for honoring this young man with such big gift. Let other Zambians (and chiefs) emulate you! Good luck developing that land, Mweene!

  8. hhahahahaha @Yambayamba, if all you see and think of is tribalism then you are a tribalist man. as simple as that. You seem to enjoy these tribal debates. You cannot be tonga, but you are tribalist man. Even racists think they are not racist man. Yes man you are off-topic on this issue, way off topic.

  9. “both shoppers, shop owners, workers and soccer fans alike…” all along i thought both is used to reference two things.

  10. @ Yambayamba. A tribalist is the person who appoints only tribesmate to cabinet, foreign missions, state house staff, civil service and head of parastals and only promotes a tribesmate as warrant office class II after singing a tribal war song/dance. Thought you have squinted view of tribalism and needed a simple tutorial

  11. @yambayamba. Feel sorry for you. One of your finger is pointing at Tongas as tribalists, but the rest of your fingers are pointing at you and sata as tribalists. I am sure the chief was motivated to give mweene the farm because of his experience of what tonga farmers are doing in Mukushi and they dont practice tribalism. they employ everyone arround. Look at your brother sata. All staff at state house are bemba. State house was not build by Bemba tax payers only. All tribes pay tax to maintain state house. Even money to pay apollo corruptly for renovating state house include money from Tonga Tax payers

  12. @yambayamba. Sorry my brother, you seem to have a wierd view of tribalism. I think sata is the defination of tribalism. Look at his appointment, they smell of tribalism. I dont understand why you would call tongas tribalist. They voted for chiluba 100% twice. No bembe has ever voted for a Tonga. I hope I have helped u to know the tribalists are. Sata is the champion of tribalism

  13. @yambayamba. Feel sorry for you. One of your finger is pointing at Tongas as tribalists, but the rest of your fingers are pointing at you and sata as tribalists. I am sure the chief was motivated to give mweene the farm because of his experience of what tonga farmers are doing in Mukushi and they dont practice tribalism. they employ everyone arround. Look at your brother sata. All staff at state house are bemba. State house was not build by Bemba tax payers only. All tribes pay tax to maintain state house. Even money to pay apollo corruptly for renovating state house include money from Tonga Tax payers

  14. Well Done Mweene, As elders have advised you, start farming at your young age, you will not regret. Ba chief Kanyensa, Twatotela, you have shown us your good heart. May the almighty expand your wealth and good life.

  15. I don’t really care if the land is excessive; the man deserves all the gifts he can get. He brought honour to this great nation and in my opinion he was the man of the tournament but strikers have a higher priority in recognition than goalkeepers… and Katongo also being a team captain probably deserved it too.
    Congrats Mweene, you have made the country proud more than these political sycophants who have so much excessive riches merely by dosing their way in an air conditioned building at Manda Hill. Goes to show hard work truly pays if you put in the effort and Mweene you are an inspiration to many kids out there.

  16. @16, Bemba man:

    I get your genuine statement about me. But my post is squarely in response to things that have been said about this topic since the AFCON. If you have followed this topic, I am sure you will appreciate where I am coming from. If you are not a regular to this site and take my statement in isolation, then yes! you can feel the way you do about me. But believe you me, I am miles and miles away from being a tribalist or racist!

    Worse things have been said about this and my statement is simply a response to that. Just do a simple search on LT using tags like “Mweene”, “AFCON 2012”, “Chipolopolo players”, “Chief Kanyensha”, and the like, and you will appreciate what I am talking about. Nonetheless, I respect your opinion, although it is so very presumptious!

  17. Well done Chief. Mweene deserves it. He should have been man of the tonament. He did not only serve two crucial penalties, but he also scored the best penalt in the finals and probably for the entire tonament, yet no one honuered him.

  18. @ Mwana’ Wakwithu adumbu muli uli. Blessings to you and our blessed Zambia. A Chiuta niaweme. Mweene is wise people haters above already

  19. o.k @yambayamba i get your point. but it seems these tribal insults on the blogs do really get to you. I can advise you sir, dont take them so much to heart. They are just for blog show. People can never say what they write on these blogs in their day to day interections with their fellow Zambians, be it bembas or tongas.
    whatever the case, the topic is about Mweene receiving his gifts, so lets stick to that.

  20. #7 and #8 Steel. Encourage other chiefs in Zambia to emulate Chief Kanyensa instead of asking him to divide that 250 ha. The chief has already set an example. Why cant others follow. That Mweene spend the money in Zambia developing his farm. He will offer employment and develop real etate. Imagine if all chiefs gave 250ha to each player. There will be develpment in Zambia and not just Lusaka.

  21. Congrats Mweene! Ba Mwami, hats off to you! Ba FAZ thank you for showing maturity and seriousness in handling this issue. I’m impressed that you provided an escort to Mweene. It shows that you care about these players. May the good Lord bless you. Finally, but not the least, many thanks to you ba Perm. Sec. Zumbunu for representing government and the people of Zambia so efficiently. I’m not Mweene but just a simple Zambian, yet somehow I feel honored and well represented as a Zambian. Nichali boobu, nichali chibotu.

  22. We always read that the so and so was accompanied by his wife. But mweene was accompanied by central province permanent secretary Edwin Zumbunu and Chipolopolo team doctor Joseph Kabungu. Is still he single.

  23. Mweene “Drogba you cant see me” you are the man!!!!! without you in goal we would not have won the cup BIG UPS!!!!!

  24. For a moment i asked myself why some wud want to exchange words i mean it’s not necessary. It’s congrats mweene,u and the entire chipolopolo have done us proud.thanks to the chief n i can only say other chiefs may not offer them land but am sure they have their own way of congratulating players from these chiefdoms. Well done chipolopolo keep up the good spirit,we love you.

  25. Mweene Is Tonga by tribe, and no one from Mkushi has protested nor brought in Politics in this issue, but if it was in that tribal province, it would have been on the Dogs site with a screaming headline ” Sata the dictatir has commanded the chief to give land to Katongo” a very stinge tribe.

  26. Mweene mwauche uchenjele. Not nga nabwela nkanusange uleshitisha chibuku nu kunchinjisha itaela ngo munobe litana

  27. These are real chiefs have never heard about him going to state house like these others .Gentlemen the so called chiefs emulate your friend twapapata imwe.

  28. Mo Taim lol! Kwena niwe mambala. Wandepula we.

    Ati imishimba aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !

  29. Are there any editorial mentors left at our news outlets? What is a hector??? As in Hector the Protector? Or did you mean HECTARE?? Nowadays when I hit that road hump in my reading I just fold away and walk away. I know we will say not mother-tongue blah blah, but hey, just look at news reports pre-2000 and you will agree with me that something has gone wrong somewhere.

    • @ 40 Kalok. I totally agree that there are no editorial mentors left. The editors are the same
      journalist who write these articles so what do you expect. It shows that the education system has gone down as it was not valued in the Kafupi era. In the Kaunda era a Grade 7 pupil was able to write an application letter while these days a Grade 12 pupil can not even construct a simple piece of composition. Its high time that the education authorities looked into this.

  30. from biblical principal the master has the right to give rewards the way he pleases. Go to Luke/Mathew stuff. The chief acted the way he exactly felt he should do and that was the right thot. .. refering to steel #7
    for example TP mazembe zambian players were rewarded by the congolese club owner HANDSOMELY. He dint hav to reward all… I am sure there are individual rewards the players are receiving too which dont hav to be accounted on team work spirit…

  31. @29, Bemba man:

    Tribal comments on the blogs do not necessarily get to me personally, but they worry me! Surely, all this careless talk can’t be just from without, and that’s what is worrying. I understand if it is just high school kids going at it during lunch break, but if you even have ministers like Chishimba Kambwili and Miles Sampa engaging in careless tribal talk, then we have a problem and it should worry us all!

    I am not sure if it is govt officials who have copied this trend from blogs or it is bloggers who have been emboldened by hearing our own ministers and presidents (yes! presidents, Sata & RB both) go tribal. Either way, if enough negative things are said about one tribe or another, somehow people start believing what they say or hear, and that’s the danger here.

  32. one thing that most zambians didnt pick was Renard’s lifting of Musonda after the match. they were touched to see the bond between the coach and players. why cant we build from that and show the world that we are way above skin colour and tribe? tribe in this age? please this is 2012 and not 1220!!!
    congrats Mweene you deserve the gift.

  33. That victory meant a lot to Zambia . But people easily forget the past bcz of the current fast life with so many economical problems .. Don’t blame anybody . God gave us this time to celebrate so let’s celebrate which ever way … Join the party or stay away. In life there’s people that make things happen , people who watch it happen & people who wonder what happend.. That’s w r rewards r different.. Stop wondering enjoy hommie.. Stop hating live nigga!


  35. @ 40 Kalok. I totally agree with you. How can we have editors of our news outlets not noticing simple grammatical and spelling mistakes? Are the editors and journalists one and the same? The notion that English is not our mother-tongue is a lame excuse which should be dismissed at all costs. It appears that our education standards are not the same as that of the pre-2000. It shows that the Kafupi era (MMD) never valued education they were more interested in enriching themselves. Kaunda set a proper education system which was admired by our neighbouring countries.

  36. No wonder most of our Zambian teachers found work in these countries. Nowadays a Grade 12 student is not able to write a simple application letter while a Grade 9 pupil would write it with ease. We need to revisit our education system so that we take corrective measures.

  37. walya iwe Mweene…. Fwe Ba lala i does not matter to whom we give as long as the recipient is Zambian that’s it…

  38. walya iwe Mweene…. Fwe Ba lala it does not matter to whom we give as long as the recipient is Zambian that’s it…

  39. walya iwe Mweene…. While others r busy reclaiming the land, We busy givin it out…..In fact fwe Ba lala it does not matter to whom we give as long as the recipient is Zambian that’s it…

  40. Thanks a bunch for sharing this with all people you really understand what you’re talking approximately! Bookmarked. Please additionally talk over with my website =). We will have a link alternate contract among us!

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