Saturday, February 1, 2025

Constitution committee trying to include gay rights-HH


UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema
UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema

United Party for National development (UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema has accused the technical committee tasked to draft the constitution of deliberately delaying to produce the draft constitution in order to enshrine gay right in the draft.

The UPND leader says the technical committee has made deliberate moves in delaying the draft constitution which was supposed to be released yesterday so that at a later stage they could include gay rights in the document.

Mr. Hakainde said the technical committed promised to give the people of Zambia a draft constitution on the 29thFebruary, 2012 but has changed following Mr. Ban’s visit to Zambia with his message of gay right which he said government want to include in the constitution.

Speaking on UNZA radio programme dubbed ‘the Lusaka Star’ this morning, Mr. Hichilema accused President Michael Sata and his government of supporting the proposal by United Nations Secretary General that the country should respect gay rights.

Mr. Hakainde stated that President Sata’s silence on the matter is an indication that he is agreeable to Mr. Ban’s gay rights propagation.

He noted that the coming of Ban Ki Moon to Zambia was well planned by government adding that President Sata might have known that the UN Secretary General was coming to Zambia to ‘preach’ the message of gay rights .

He said having known the mission of Mr. Ban, the President should have commented to either distance him or openly support so that people of Zambia can know the stance of Government and Patriotic Front as a party.

Mr. Hichilema stated that gay rights have no place in the Zambia constitution saying if government decided to enshrine it in the constitution, the country will not accept as it is morally wrong for a Christian nation like Zambia to allow such laws in the country.

He said Zambians should not accept aid from the West tied to conditions such as allowing gay rights.

Mr. Hakainde accused government of having blocked all opposition leaders including him from meeting the UN General Assembly to disagree with him on gay right but noted that he has written a letter to him to express displeasure on the matter.



  1. This muppet should hear the statement that has been given by Shamenda. He ought to be ashamed of himself.

  2. Gay rights ARE HUMAN RIGHTS – iwe chi-HH. No wonder you didn’t win elections, chichani chako! Why demonise gays who have never killed or insulted anybody! Sata is right to support gay rights…gays are Zambians like anybody else. If you don’t like gay people get out of Zambia. I’m sick and tired of all you Zambians who play holier than thou and yet you are thieves and murderers at night. Nobody should judge another except God…and the Bible says so! HH you will die in opposition with your backward mind…

    • iwe.who told u that these laws can exisit in christian countries like zambia?HH IS RIGHT LET 2016 COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  4. Opps HH thinks UN secretary General would read his letter
    ?Ha ha underfive with his childish behavior.What people should know is that, the president is for all Zambians.Therefore Mr.Sata should be very careful to make statements.What matters is the constitution.If people want Gay rights let it be so. if not why forcing the country to have gay rights?At the moment the rights of gays will depend on the constitution .Personally, i don’t support homesexual but i supports the rights of people.This is why democracy is not an easy path to follow in the country coz if u believe in democracy then u should respect the human rights of people.People should be very careful 2 talk about democracy coz gay rights will be respected if we are not careful.

  5. All of a sudden the Zambians in diaspora want gay rights in our constitution. What a shame

  6. We need people like HH in society who are principled and can take firm positions like Bob Mugabe. We dont need leaders who move with the wind. They wait to see where the wind is blowing and they flow along like straw. That is what PF has done. This is not their principled position, but a reaction to the force of the masses


  8. HH is right. The gay rights will be hiden in fine print. Africans have no reading culture. By the time the cosntitution passes, it will be history. Gay rights will be in the constitution and the PF would have received its promised cash pay out from gay sponsors who have penetrated the UN. I agree that HH will never be president because these powerful countries and bodies fund papers such as the post to destroy people like HH. I can bet that HH will be finished by mmembe very soon for refusing to give membe rights

  9. Mwaice….Mwaice ….. you are too shallow you wanted as to start talking about Homo na chief Homo alimu country kumuleka aya….. then listen to chief GRZ spokes person Hon. Shamenda.. period… if you hav a problem with your orrientation then its upto you…..

  10. The whole lot of you people are low thinkers. What wrong has HH done in condeming the vice? Zambia is a christian nation and it shall remain so for as long as we live. The point HH is trying to lay across is that why is our head of sate MCS quiet about this? Something somewhere stinks!!!!!!!! viva HH

    • read and understand what your HH said, do not interpret. HH said govt is delaying draft constitution so that they could include gay rights.  

  11. Statement by Shamenda does not rule out the tricks the technical committee is purpotted to be doing to include gay rights. HH still has a point. Why should Shamenda trivialise this issue anyway. Why smile at someone speaking off side unless you are thinking alike.

  12. It reminds me of Mazoka in 2001. He said he was going to give free education to all and he came under heavy attack. Spears were coming from all angles. Neustead Zimba was the first and then the whole MMD government which called it a pipe dream. Now everybody is singing free education. HH be firm. Fore warn these blind PF followers. They should not react after sata says, I am accepting these recommendations for gay rights

  13. HH just keep quiet, the Govent has not yet stated its position on this subject.You are just saying things from your head and coursing pipo to panick. A leader of your level is NOT suppose to behave like this. You a total disgrace and u will never rule this country

  14. KA under 5 hh should not put words in the mouth of the ELECTED PRESIDENT he has been in politics before hh was born so he knows wat he is doing , he want to force ba MCS to commend so that he can have an issue i think now he have become irrelevant to zed politics and for yo free advice u never never rule zambia. uleyako nakubaba shop kacholwa iwe

  15. this imbecile continue leading yr Harakat al-shabaab al mujahideen UP and Down Tonga tribalists party. no wonder ur aging fast coz m seeing a lot of rinkles on yr face becoz of jelasiiiiii

  16. I don’t support Homo’s. Now we ought to understand what we as Zambians want. we ought to define clearly “OUR meaning of Democracy” Not imposed. what Do we want?
    1. We say we are a Christian nation. But we also allow polygamy under ciustomerly law. Is this not a contradiction??? 2. We say Human rights. what do we mean Human rights? Who defines them?

  17. uyu chikamba litole zoona,,wats wrong you iwe chi mwaiche??i can really see frustration in this i.diot,and his career is slowly winding up,bantustan is this the best you have?!!!


  19. The matter is dead, and non-starter in our country.

    Your pressure has helped to get our government’s position on this stupid issue.

    Thanks HH.

  20. Another one man party yapping non-sense.

    Trying to gain mileage on the apparent silence of government position is dangerous and usually back-fires. Government position was predictable – we are Africans and are by nature homophobic.

  21. @Gokigo Milazhe,am shocked at you,are you aware that even a dog can only sleep with a dog of the opposite sex.People like you will soon start campaigning for rights of those that sleep with animals because they are human.Have some brains and do not challenge God.You want God’s wrath to fall upon us?God destroyed sodom and gomora because of gaysm and lesbianism.Let me enlighten you a bit,descrimination on account of sex mean male or female but not sexual orientation.If you are gay,then i will descriminate against you because you deserve to be treated unnaturally becausse of your unnatural sexual orientation

  22. Drunkards shall not inherit the kingdom of God,kindly criminalise and quickly ban excessive alcohol intake as well while we are at it. Selective application of morality is immorality and hypocrisy of the highest order. So do not lynch and Ban that Ki- Moon fellow just yet. Each oneof us should look inwards and analyse our lives and before long you will realise that you have sins or short comings of your own do not magnify your neighbour’s.

  23. HH is right lgalisng homosexuality was one of PF MESSAGES THAT WOULD BE implemented in90 days. The visit of Barn WAS a deliberate calculation evoke public debate. MWILABA BWANG BAMUCHINGA Kolwestans. We have caught you with pants down ready to commot homosexuality in daylight at SOWETO .

  24. Even HH is a christian,What a dull fool, busy preaching hatred.with fools like him leading the opposition .God forbid.

  25. Ba HH, listen to Government Statement! This issue failed to win you votes in September, I doubt it will win you any supporters now. Where are the real issues????
    Government has now spoken and thats how reasonable Governments do, give people time to debate, you dont just rush to some radio station where the majority of callers are your sympahisers and make statements, you analyse people’s views and conclude the discussion with a policy statement, so next, please.

    2016 nipatali mudala!!!!

  26. HH the living fool who i prophesy will never rule zambia is at it again.Even Late Chama Chakomboka uttered sense when he opposed government on issues of availability of minerals in the country.This Zombie you look up to southerners is a total waste of human sperm , i wish condoms were readly available when this ape`s parents were mating.Too bad they bore a zombie…….

  27. HH personally made submissions to the committee that include Homosexuality law in the cosntitution and today he turns against his own submission. Learn when to open your mouth otherwise u may case yourself in public like this under five

  28. It is amazing how some people reason and argue, with so much disrespect to logic and wisdom.
    Homosexuality is wrong because it is SIN, and should not be allowed in Zambia.
    Shcking to see some people argue that religion should not be used on the issue; well suppose all zambians were all non-christians. Homosexuality would still be wrong because it is jusk like other wrongs like adultery.
    Human rights tell you that if two people agree to do something and it does not affect anyone, then it is OK. From this point of view homosexuality can never be right, because it will always, just like adultery, affect someone.

  29. #43 Contd..
    If you wife agrees with some man and the two decide to commit adultery, why are you as husband offended, when the two have agreed – why are you affected?
    This question is the same as, if your daughter or son or brother, or sister is involved in homosexuality why are you offended as parent or brother or etc??
    These two questions are the same – i.e. if it is justfiable for a husband to be offended with his adulterous wife by virtue of his relationship with the wife, then the father entitled to be offended by his homosexual son by virtue of his relationship with his son.
    Therefore, in the context of africa (and probably everywhere in the world) it is not possible to prove that there is no single person offended by an act of homosexuality committed by someone.

  30. #44 Contd..
    This means that if a person commits adultery it is not impossible in court to prove that there is atleast one person offended ; the husband of course (who is the closet relation will be offended). Therefore the act is an infringement and an offence.
    The same, if a person commits homosexuality, it is not impossible in court to prove that there exists atleast one person offended; the father/mother or children or siblings etc (who are closet relatives). Once this is established, then according to law, it is an infringment and therefore an offence.
    Can anyone here tell me that if two people committed homosexual acts and were discovered, they would prove that no single person would be affected or offended?

  31. #45 Contd..
    If the husabands are entitled to be offended by their adulterous wives because of their relation, then parents and relatives are equally entiltled to be offended by their homosexual relative because of the relation they share.
    My conclusion is that even when you choose to be weaked and remove God in the picture, society still condemns the act of homosexuality in the same way, with the same effects as adultery.
    Therfore let us not talk like empty tins!!!!!!!!!

  32. O.K can confess, I dont like HH, but I cant just condemn him when he says sensible things. Why do we have to support gays, is it because some whites support it? This is what makes as NIGGAS, supporting things that are against our culture and what we believe is wrong. Very soon we will hear about same-sex marriages as some FOOLISH Zambians will support it because our feverite political party seem to support it. For sure NIGGAS will always be NIGGAS

  33. This hh of yours is totally out of touch with zed politics,the sooner upnd replaces this man the better for party.

  34. Just like no normal society would say let us put in our constitution that stealing is OK.
    But let us pray for the theives to stop stealing.
    That would be total brain/action mismatch.
    Even Jesus did not condemn the woman caught in adultery; instead he forgave her sin and told her,
    “GO SIN NO MORE!!!”
    Jesus did not say because I love you I will embrace you, and you have the right to continue sinning I will still love you NO!!!!!
    That is christianity, not telling people, “you are free to sin, it is allowed, but I will be praying for you while you sin, its okay!!” – WHERE does that thinking come from, if at all it is called ‘thinking’??????

  35. This hh must be gay himself. Government’s position is very clear on this issue. ” No gay rights in zambia”. What is this finished and out of touch politician talking about? I feel sorry for upnd which once won the general elections in 2006, under the late great Andy to sink so low under this blind leader hh with no foresight.

  36. Here is what really sucks! Every time i check on this site, it is HH, it looks like a lot of people are demonized with HH, His failures aside why keep on bringing this trash! don’t you have better things to talk about. …. Some of the things that defines failure, i mean in reporting, it SUCKS! **p#&%€ for days!

  37. HH is right. The Constitution Technical Committee from nowhere has requested submissions from UN and will be meeting the UN team anytime soon. Reading between lines, whats the meaning of this. Shame that pipo still get duped by PF trickery. Big up HH because you can discern what many people cant see.

  38. HH could be right, and what is Shamenda’s word worth if they have abrogated virtually every promise that they made during their campaigns?

  39. Talking about the constitution, a very good draft from NCC is there to which the so called “committee of experts” (whatever that means) only needs to make minor adjustments here and there. But no, not in Zambia, some people just want their names to be seen as the architects for example they will be happy to see their names etched on the document like Mung’omba Constitution, or Silungwe Constitution or Sata constitution or even Kabanda constitution. Guys don’t be cheated and allow these clowns to waste tax payers’ money, the NCC did a brilliant job which the ‘committee of experts’ is envious of and has failed to outdo.

  40. Whether you like it or not, HH is relevant to Zambia. Whether he will rule or not is one issue, Providing checks and balances is another and he is doing that right.

  41. By the way the beauty about the NCC constitution is that it was not named after the chairperson (Chifumu Banda) but after a collection of selfless individuals. What could be better than that, ‘father’ Kabanda?

  42. As long as you continue thnking that Zambia is tribally inclined to Bemba because u are HH supporter, You are so wrong and u will never see HH at State house. Change now if u want to see HH there… He has imposed his failure on the entire Tonga tribe so that u blindly follow him. I miss Mazoka

  43. @ BEMBA MAN Thank you for not being like PF drones or UPND robots that think everything SATA or HH say is gospel truth. On the one topic I applaud HH. We in the diaspora stand up for Zambia and her Christian values of a husband wife na BA zimbuya. People advocating this online are either not African sensitive females or Zambian dudes born abroad. ThusAbash dual citizenships.

  44. The hand of the Lord has prevailed over Zambia and will continue prevailing. We will stay vigilante and alert and will not allow any abominations to be included in the constitution. We speak the blood of Jesus over the draft constitution and we declare that there will be no evil clauses introduced to the constitution. May the Lord give grace to those who are working on the constitution to resist the temptation of the love of money and not to sell our country to perversion, in Jesus name amen!

  45. May the lord judge every evil person  trying to sneak in abominations in the constitution if they don’t repent and forsake their evil ways . The blood of Jesus Christ is over our land, every Zambian and over the constitution.

  46. Gay rights are not welcome in zambia. The sooner the Government states its position on this matter, the better for everyone!

  47. # 3 Must be a vry dull person, he does not know how intelligent these politicians can be some times, just lookk at the U turn of govt on the Balotse Agreement. This whole Gay right issue will be hidden with a word that you dont even understand since you are bad at reading and thinking. # 13 you are the Man, Tell these dull people condemning HH

  48. some sperms i wish they were caged in the condom forever. un fortunately their parents only believed in bala n’gombe thats how they produced this dull bull. chi colour why critsing every thing the Govt is doing.. .jeolous chikamba so walefwa ukuposha ba ban moon muminwe.walafwa na denkete, ba geoge bush bali shile twaliku jubile tawaposeshe,africa cup twasenda tawaikete mambala ,viva president sata, first to get the africa cup,first visit by george bush,first visit by the un secratary general awe ba kalamba mulinshimbi.

  49. HH you could be right.  Since you know that Zambians and bad at reading, may I ask that when the draft constitution comes out, check out for the portion carefully and bring it out to the public, we shall quash the homosexuality vice out of here.

  50. Indeed gorvement.must include Gay rights in the draft Constitution, Why not?HH you will never be president of Zambia,If Zambia is a Christian state How Many people are in prison after commited different crimes? All Zambians are holy accept Gays and Lesbians? Dont judge coz u will be judged as Well.

  51. Am shocked, there are still some *****s who can say an individual will never rule this country. Lets hope these are not the same *****s who were saying Sata will never rule Zambia. I warned them but they didnt want to listen. I want to warn these *****s who say HH will never rule Zambia, get it or leave, HH is the next republican president. You will come and tell just like your fellow *****s came when Sata was declared winner.

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