Wednesday, March 19, 2025

RDA Director calls for speedy and quality works on roads


Contractors working on the formula one road in Kitwe and Mufulira have started sourcing bitumen from Iran and Kenya to speed up construction works.

China Civil Engineering who is working on the 34.5 kilometers of roads in Kitwe says the company had challenges in sourcing for construction materials after the supplier from South Africa experienced problem after its plants where gutted.

Site Agent Juntao Bu said the bitumen which his company sourced from Iran has started arriving in the country.

Mr Bu said his company has taken serious efforts to complete the works on schedule.

He said his company is also planning to engage other sub contractors to help with other works to expedite the construction works.

Mr Bu has since assured officials from the Road Development Agency who were on a tour of roads in the district that all road works will be completed by June this year.

And a Consultant on the Mufulira roads David Sefelino of Zulu Burrow said his firm has engaged some suppliers from Kenya and Iran to supply the bitumen.

Mr. Sefelino said his company has also taken measures to complete the works on time.

He has further disclosed that his company has also brought in other machinery to speed up the works.

The contracts for the 24.5 km Mufulira roads where signed in May last year and were expected to be completed end of November but the contractor has asked for six months extension.

The contractor has however done 50 percent of the works.

Meanwhile RDA Director Dr Michael Mulenga has emphasised quality and speedy works from contractors working on the project.

Dr Mulenga who is touring roads on the copper belt also demanded that the contractors follow required standards in the job.

He has also commended the road projects which he said will help people access public places.

Dr Mulenga said this when he inspected road works in selected places in Kitwe and Mufulira today.

The Mufulira and Ndola roads are part of the formula one road projects which is being undertaken in the Mufulira and Kitwe by Government through RDA is overtaking in Lusaka, Central and Copper belt provinces.

The projects were mostly signed by June last year and were expected to be completed in December last year, but contractors have asked for a 6 months extension citing shortage of construction materials.

The projects are meant to open access to public places such as markets schools and hospitals.



  1. The works on the roads in Riverside and Nkana East are pathetic.I have always been wondering what specifications they were given for the roads because what the contractors do is pour those small stones(whatever they call them technically)on the road and then as vehicles pass the stones get eroded!!then the contractors come back and put more stones!.Been thinking how many times they are going to do that.Shortage of bitumen kind of gives an answer to my questions.But hey one year to do 24km!!it really inefficiency of the highest order!!kudos to RDA for inspecting the roads,im sure they might have thought they will get away with their shoddy works.We need accountability for money spent.Keep it up sir.

  2. what’s happening in Kamwala South, Lusaka? We have seen contractors on the various roads in the city begin work except for the guy who was given the contract for Kamwala. Given, where are you?

  3. DO-GOODER if you are dull or incompetent in these matters you just keep quite we call that a double seal and its got nothing to do with your new found answer in bitumen shortage thats the design and its worked on several roads for several years.

  4. @Sherlock homes #4, forgive the guy; that is what happens when you learn to speak and write English before you learn to do anything else. It is the habit in our country of over-extended professionals who, after reading a page on something begin to speak in complex English constructs hoping their ignorance will not be uncovered. Meantime, I am still praying very hard that professionalism returns to our country especially in the area of the culture of maintenance for whatever we have. Perhaps then we will stop ripping out rail tracks and grading tarred roads as a signification of ‘development’…

  5. The consultant is also a contractor, enlighten me!!!!! How does david sefelino say his company has sourced bitumen from Kenya and iran and reinforced machinery , i thot a consultant supervises a contractor. Does kenya have oil or it is part of RB son’s deals, remember he might still be hidding their?

  6. Sherlock and Kalock,
    I might not be competent in these matters but hey one can see that this method is not working on these particular roads.Tell me how many times they are going to double seal.It takes only a few days before we see potholes on the road again.If you tell me they will continue sealing until the roads hold i will be satisfied.

  7. I’m a little doubter about these eye glasses while i purchased them. Once I gotten them they looked good. Just after putting them on once or twice, I’m thankful that we invested in them.

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