Saturday, February 1, 2025

The Barotse Agreement -a by product of British deceit



By Patriotic Zambian
The Barotseland Agreement has been in the news for many years now but I feel there are many issues which are not taken seriously when
looking at this issue by both the pro- and anti- groups.

When approaching the BA64 one needs to understand that this issue does not begin in 1964 when it was signed but has much deeper roots. It must be remembered that the British pushed for the BA64 because they had obligations towards the Barotseland Protectorate which they wanted to get rid of.

Herein comes the Lochner Concession.
On 27th June 1890, Lewanika and his son Litia, Ngambela Mwauluka and 38 indunas signed the concession, which ‘shall be considered in the light of a treaty between my said Barotse nation and the government of Her Britannic Majesty Queen Victoria’.

It needs to be pointed out here that the BSAC misrepresented that they were signing on behalf of the British government when in fact they were signing for a commercial concern.

The company was not granted administrative rights but received ‘the sole, absolute, exclusive and perpetual right and power’ to ‘search for, dig, win and keep’ any and all minerals in Barotseland.

Francois Coillard recorded what the Litunga and his council considered to be the extent of his territory; they made the very dubious claim that Lozi authority was recognised by the Lunda and Luvale to the North, the Kaonde to the North east, the Ila to the East and the Tonga and Toka to the South East.
[pullquote]Thus Barotseland ceased to be a separate entity in 1911 contrary to what a lot of people are saying today.[/pullquote]

In effect then, through the Lochner Concession, the BSAC assumed the whole of what was to become North-western Rhodesia; it’s authority and control over all the peoples named by Lewanika rested solely on its agreement with the Lozi; no independent agreements were ever signed by chiefs of the Lunda, Luvale, Ila, Tonga or Toka, who nevertheless had to submit to BSAC overrule. Talk of being sold down the river.

Lewanika’s copy of the Lochner Concession reveals that he hoped to obtain development aid and external protection without any reduction in his internal authority. ‘The company shall not be allowed or obliged to interfere in any matter concerning the Litunga’s power or authority over any of his own subjects.

In the companys copy of the Treaty, the emphasis upon development under Lewanika’s supervision and authority falls away; secondly, it is merely noted that the ‘Company shall not be obliged to interfere’ in the internal affairs of Lewanikas state while nothing is said about the Company not being allowed to do so by the Litunga.

When George Middleton, a lay preacher, revealed that Lochner was an agent of the Company and not the British crown, Lewanika was livid with anger. He wrote for assurances to Queen Victoria.
‘I am troubled by this and should the report spread, there will be trouble and excitement in my country and people.’ His protestations and his
repudiation of the Lochner Concession were not taken seriously by the Bristish authorities in Cape Town and London.

The official view was that the Secretary of State did not have to express approval or otherwise of the Lochner Concession since it did not concern any
exercise of powers of government or administration by the BSAC.

Lewanika’s protestations reveal not only the extent to which he was influenced by missionaries , but also raises the question of the extent to which he understood what was involved in the concession and its significance.

Lewanika claimed that he granted the concession because he was made to understand that it was the equivalent of a treaty with the Queen.

As a result of the North-western Rhodesia-Barotseland Order-in-Council of 1899, the BSAC soon exercised overweening influence in all of North-western Rhodesia and, specifically, in Barotseland.

By this Order in Council of 1899, Lewanika and the Lozi state had lost their sovereignty to the Queen and Her Majesty’s Government. No evidence has come to light to suggest that at the time Lewanika was formally told of the Order in Council and of its significance to him as king and to the Lozi state. But the Colonial Office informed the BSAC of this in very clear and direct terms.

The order superceded the Lawley Concession, and through it Lewanika’s negotiations and his concessions were operative only in as far as they are ratified by Her Majesty or are not inconsistent with the Order in Council.

In the second place Company rule steadily ate away at Lewanika’s power inside Bulozi and he suffered humiliation after humiliation and made protest after vain protest.

The operation of the BSAC had great effect on the social and economic structure of Bulozi. Slavery, tribute labour and tribute were abolished and instead paid labour and taxation were introduced. The missionaries pointed out that the instrument of change in Bulozi was no more Lewanika but the ‘new Government which has become the instrument of transformation.’

By an Order in Council of 4 May 1911 Barotseland/North-western Rhodesia; North-eastern Rhodesia were amalgamated as one territory-Northern Rhodesia, still administered by the BSA Company.

Thus Barotseland ceased to be a separate entity in 1911 contrary to what a lot of people are saying today.

On 1 April 1924 the Administration of Northern Rhodesia became the direct responsibility of THE COLONIAL OFFICE. Herbert Stanley was appointed as Governor and Northern Rhodesia became an official Protectorate of the United Kingdom, with the capital in Livingstone.The capital was moved to Lusaka in 1935.

When the Crown assumed full power of Government over Northern Rhodesia in 1924, the Order-in- council which constituted the administration of the territory, enjoined that nothing in the provisions conferring power to regulate the natives shall be deemed to limit or affect the exercise by the King of Barotseland of his authority:{1911,1924,1929,1936,1953 Laws} N.B. Article 41 of the Northern Rhodesia Order – in – Council of 1924 reads:

1. It shall not be lawful for any purpose whatever except with the approval of the Secretary of State to alienate from the Chief and people of the Barotse, the territory reserved from prospecting by virtue of the concessions from Lewanika to the British South Africa Company dated the 17th day of October, 1900 and the 11th of August 1900 and the 11th of August, 1909.

2. All rights reserved to or for the benefits of natives by the aforesaid concessions as approved by secretary of State shall continue to have force and effect.

This, in theory, was how it was agreed to work but as can be observed above, neither the BSAC nor the British Crown saw need to adhere to this agreement as signed.

Thus in 1924, the British government inherited the responsibilities of the BSAC and the attendant issues accompanying the Lochner concession.

The Zambian independence issue caused apprehension since Lozi’s claim to a special status within Zambia as within Northern Rhodesia depended on the nineteenth century treaties with the BSAC and the British Government.

In 1964, at the time of independence, the British wishing to absolve themselves of their obligations towards Barotseland and knowing the unviability of a stand-alone Barotseland state, pushed for the signing of the BA64 so that the new nation of Zambia would take over their responsibilities.

Although given special dispensation for local government administration from the date of signing of the Lochner Concession, Barotseland was never considered as a separate country from first North-western Rhodesia and later Northern Rhodesia. It was a protectorate within another Protectorate, Northern Rhodesia.

As a British Protectorate, it was governed from Livingstone and later Lusaka.Geographically, Barotseland has always been drawn within the international boundaries of Northern Rhodesia and its boundaries have always been shown as provincial boundaries by the British. This is unlike Basutoland, Swaziland and Bechuanaland which were always shown within separate international boundaries. The present boundaries of Western Province are more or less the same as the old Barotseland contrary to the claims of people today who want to extend them to the railway line and Copperbelt

Lewanika’s granting of rights to the BSAC to the extent he did was illegal and cannot stand up to international scrutiny by today’s standards. It is not acceptable that he could have granted rights in areas where he had no jurisdiction and expect that the people in those areas are just going to accept with their arms folded.

In calling for the restoration of the BA64, the tribes which came under BSAC rule as a result of the Lochner Concession must categorically be taken as
separate from the old Barotseland. The BA64 is a by-product of the original deceit by Frank Lochner on behalf of Cecil Rhodes and the BSAC. With the knowledge we have now, we cannot allow an injustice of 1890 to be legitimised by an agreement of 1964.


  1. This makes so much sense.Lozi’s its not KK, MMD or PF that screwed you its the Brits.They just wanted to come and dig our copper.Indeed the Litunga had no authority to sell out other tribes he had no jurisdiction over.I think the Lozi’s owe us an appology.

  2. OK. FAIR piece. Am half Northen and quarter Central and quarter Northwestern Province. My wife is half Western quarter Northwetser and quarter Angola(those across the border marriages -Jimbe). Am serious, that how mixed I am, so really this tribal thing, then this talk of session it just confuses me, my children have names from all these provinces, where then do I pay my allegiance. My loyalty is to ZAMBIA, I believe. GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

    • 007 no one is talking about seccession, and you’re not mixed up. The trouble with is Zambians we think marrying a Lozi means you cant have your Lozi children? All over the world, nations have intermarried. Americans have married Indians, Pakistanis have married Lebanese. IT DOES NOT TAKE AWAY THEIR COUNTRIES. Therefore, the fact you may have a Lozi owman does not take away Barotseland. That’s simple to understand aint it?

  3. well articulated article,so then folks there u have it,its one zed one nation….it will be foolish of anyone now to continue whinning about BA64

  4. Thanks for the history but it still doesn’t take away the fact that Northern Rhodesia’s living KK and the Barotseland’s Litunga of the time signed an Agreement in 1964 called Barotseland Agreement of 1964. Deceipt or not, the truth is the entire of Africa and the country we call Zambia today was partitioned by Europeans, thata includes the British. If you call The Barotse Agreement, a by product of British deceit, you might as well call the entire international boundaries African countries share today among themselves a by product of ‘European Deceipt.
    The truth is you can’t respect today’s Zambia, minus respecting the BA’64 – decipt or not.
    Of course no Agreements were signed with and b other ‘chiefs’ because they were non-starters. Please stop misleading people.

    • Jigga. I have no time with such morons. He cliams to be a Zambian – by British deceit. Is he a Zambian. Must be one of those elements from the ancient logical (illogical school ) who are now national white elements trying to gel back into civilisation. His reasoning is resonant of an archaic african nationalist. They used to believe that the rest of the nation had no sense to reason. Unfortunately, his resurrection happens to be at a time when information technology has given contemporary youth a better sense of context. The Queen of England, shall never be deceitful – on whose behalf, the signatories appended ink, my dear dull chap from oblivion.

    • Get a life…Western Province belongs to Zambia and not Lozis…you are just renting land out there…PERIOD.

  5. Thank you patriotic Zambian for shedding more light on this. All the comments and hot air on this issue could have been put into more productive use. A “little” research goes a long way – whoever said that an illiterate can rule a country.

    Wow – sounds to me like you get stitched up and you look for someone else of your own to stitch up…

  6. One Zambia one Nation is the real deal. Tiende pamodzi….
    So BA64 is like the letter that Leon Schuster has, purporting to come from Queen Victoria, it’s laughable.

  7. Thank God someone has told these people who actually were initially ‘donchied’ by Cecil Rhodes!! The agreement/treaty was and is an illegal document technically and the Litunga is a fraudster! Did he for instance speak to Mwata Yamvwa before he claimed to be king of the Lundas in NWP?? We wont even talk about the toka leyas and tongas or worse the lambas!!! Sadly they have been ‘donchied’ for over a century and want to take it out on us in 2011, The ‘freedom fighters’ are not serious and obviously dont understand the consequences of treason – a reminder: sentence to death by hanging!! RB was totally justified in his actions and infact was much softer than what is in store for the ‘galant freedom team’ under the cobra!

  8. Go on and debate, who gives it a S**t….Baroste is a and canot be recognised Lewanika lied…other tribes were not consulted moreover even as u debate provide territorial bounderies, provide evedence that other tribe will accept to be under yo Litunga??

  9. I totally agree with this data as a historian. Can we have such circulated in the print media more especially 1. The Post 2.Times of Zambia and 3. Zambia Daily Mail ; say of every Friday for six months.

  10. Entree, tricks and stupidity from you my brother. I can’t believe that you can be ignorant to write such stupidity. Its the likes of you who are responsible for this unreasonable dilemma that the country has found itself in. How can you question the validity of an agreement that even the British High Commissioner has acknowledged, just because you think you ‘know’ anything. Let me tell you one thing Mister, Lozis don’t even need any explanations any more from nobody. We have adequate rights to make our own decisions about our destiny as a people and we reserve the right to consult who we want or don’t want – and you are not among them. So, please take your trash aside and bloddy shove it! Uhm!

    • ## Barotse Son
      U have just opened yo mouth and nothing sensible has comeout other than just crying like everyother Lozi chap…Bring out issues…Dont think that lozi is more superior than other tribes….Find ways of using yo emotions to build Zambia other than being Backward

    • *****. Im a very reasonable Lozi but cannot be reasonable with an ***** who think the legitimacy of Zambia ‘s independence arose from British so-called ‘deceit’. Do you agree with such lewd thinking?

    • @Barotse: It appears you are very bitter and determined to undermine the very first and well articulated piece of histroy. Northern Rhodesia existed before 1964 and we are all aware that there has never been reference to Rhodesia, Barotseland and Nyasaland nor Rhodesia and Barotseland. You question whether or not the Queens empire is capable of deceit? The truth is in the pudding as they say. When the British colonialised a 3rd of the world they were ruthless and deceit was without doubt one of the key elements of convincing the natives into handing over power and land. It would be useful if you can put some articulated facts to your arguments rather than insulting people who have contributed sense…very good sense to this debate and I must admit, it does not look good for the advocates.

  11. If the Lozi’s and Tonga want break away from zambia, economically they are shooting themselves in the foot. I would love to know,which Bright Spark started this nonsense.

  12. All what this article has managed to do is give legitimacy to the fact Barotseland Agreement is real and does exist. Fun how the author fails to mention KK, who was an accessaory to the Agreement on behalf of Northern Rhodesia.

    If this whole thing was as simple as deceipt by the Brits, why did KK go all the way to London to sign on a deceipt agreement.

    You can spin this thing all you want, but the fact is Zambia was formed by the joining of Northern Rhodesia and Barotseland. The Brits cheated everybody, that’s why the colonised today’s Zambia – we all know that.

    As for people who keep spinning this thing to secession, you have been lied to. BA’64 is about Unity – abrogating it is what amounts to secession.

    • Jigga. Im afraid that even among young educated Zambians, the power of logical thought is still a scarce resource.

    • Well put. People have not yet worked why the British ‘witnessed’ as opposed to how they normally hand over colonial territories. Their Barotseland debates in parliament are visible online and yet few of our countrymen seem to want to read how this game played out :)

  13. Interesting data, Hope this BRE issue will be over now. Lozis any comments, i understand a 2012 barotseland constitution was released a few days ago..Check it on Zambian watchdog lolest

  14. Arrogant Lozis, what are you going to do with the sand, make glass? the nearest processing plant is Kapirimposhi. By time you get there the sand will have sifted through to the ground so will have lost the money you used to hire the ox-drawn cart. Enjoy life as it is people and let the sleeping lions lie.

    • Umutunse. Thanks for your question. Barotse sand is not suitable for glass making that’s why the factory is in Kapiri Mposhi and not Mongu. The sand that Kapiri Mposhi use is available within the town itself and is also used for sand filter in water treatment and thats why water treatment is being done using Kapiri sand. Lozis through their parents signed an agreement. That agreement still stands today. Dont expect Lozis to just ignore such an important responsibility from their fore fathers. I know there are sertains individuals who have no respect for what their late parents used to advise them, we Lozis are not like that. We honour the word of our fathers in all things.

    • Lozis are not only arrogant,these chaps are horrible tribalist.!!! Loook they’ve their own church-New Apostolic,why? Because these dumies think they are superior than other tribes.I deeply regret,I once went to New Apostolic.After all we’ve selfish  lozis studying abroad wasting tax-payers money-that’s zambian money! And you’re busy crying to be independent…you’re pathetic,why Barotse is not sponsoring you?

    • @NYC… Hahaha, you cracked me up man/lady!

      “…Loook they’ve their own church-New Apostolic…” That’s very fun. You must have had a bad experience going to the New Apostolic. This BA64 thing is bringing out the animal in people.

      For the info, I thought New Apostolic was headquatered in German/Switzerland. Or was that part of Barotzeland as well? Don’t know much history but I thought it was UCZ that was founded in Western Province or am I dreaming too.

      Really no need to get emotional as that just clouds and blocks out your reasoning brain cells.:((

    • @ Jigga
      I don’t know why you can’t  get the sense acording to the context…In zambia 98% of lozis go to New Apostolic Church…that’s what I meant man…You know very well you can’t own a church you lozis…you only have sand.You’ve tribalised New Apostolic Church by appointing Deacons and priest only lozis…and you appoint them according to the type of job they’ve…silly tribe, that’s why are very black like coal.

    • @NYC, hahaha, you just wouldn’t stop cracking me up, would you? How this whole BA64 moved from being an Agreement that requires articulate debate as to its validity and its restoration to New Apostolic Church to being “…very black like coal…” just astonishes me. Wow, its crazy man! So which church do Bembas and/or Tongaz go to and how is that gotta anything to do with the BA64 or how dark the colour of one’s skin connects to the BA64?
      Just listen to yourself brother? I have a strong feeling you have an inferiority complex to mention how dark a someone’s skin is.
      You must be an albino with no melanin pigment, are you? Else is this another case of a Kettle calling a Pot black?

      Please try to argue intellectually if you need to be taken seriously. Are you a Deacon an NA Church?

  15. Let it be known……………people with brains do research………..files can always be found somewhere……….ask yourselves why the British are quiet about this……….

  16. ## Barotse Son
    U have just opened yo mouth and nothing sensible has comeout other than just crying like everyother Lozi chap…Bring out issues…Dont think that lozi is more superior than other tribes….Find ways of using yo emotions to build Zambia other than being Backward

    • ***** You can’t build a nation on lies. Be truthful and then you can move forward. BTW Have you noticed how this country despite being in existence for almost half a century have failed to make a real score for its own people, even when Botswana and others have made strong in-roads. Would you care to know why, my Dear Brother *****? I’ll tell you why, it’s because of *****ic likes of you who are not ready to be truthful about the past.

  17. Nothing new here. Plenty went on prior to Lochner but the author is well within his rights to put his swing on things. Before you make up your minds read, read, read, listen, listen. listen and learn, learn, learn. I’ve said before… When the heat dies down on this and people start to understand it there will be plenty for all Zambians to be proud of. Much is missed when people are ruffled… On a much lighter note the British used to threaten to deport the Litunga to London. I find that hilarious :)

  18. The writer of the article is full of deceit not the british to twist actual facts to this nonsense. What do you expect from with “Donchi Kubeba” and a person who hides behind the name of Patriotic citzen? Of course such garbage in disregard for the facts. Coward kolwestan!!
    Gentlemen, you can fool some people sometimes but not all the time!!! Times have changed and it is time you recognized that it is time for the truth not twisted facts to suit your small egos/ambitions.

  19. So Barotse boundaries were NOT international boundaries as some claim instead they were provincial boundaries within N/Rhodesia. Now the debate can go on!

  20. And away we go, fighting over what? Well, well, resources. If 13.5m people cannot live in harmony in a land 5 times the size or Britain; what are the reasons? poverty of the mind. We are discussing issues that need not be at the heart of development; wasting time indeed while our friends are busy scheming how best to exploit the very Diamonds that Baroste people do not want to share with Zambians. Happy to participate in the copper boom and wealth; but prospects of Diamonds are too good to share with the rest. We want to be like Botswana; hence the fight for Baroste. Go on bane, kill each other, when you are finished, we will take over our Zambia.

    • Kibinda Waba Kabwa My Brother this is not about diamonds. Its about heritage and being truthful. There was an agreement signed. It cannot be ignored. Let all be truthful, discuss this agreemnt amicably, and we shall move forward together to better all our lives. But KWK never move with a liar as a friend, never do it because if you try, you will realise how painful it is to leave your wife with a friend who will end up sleeping with your wife. That parable is meant to express to you the importance of truthfulness in friendship or agreement. So if you want to have friends whom you are not willing to be truthful about, fine. Then don’t complain when they hit back at your unfaithfulness. Such things cannot be ignored unless one is a fool.

  21. This excellent historicvcal analysis makes sense and hopefully, it will help lay to rest the unnecessary tension and anxiety about this issue. What is needed s for us to work together as a untiary state and develop all our provinces for the benefit of this and our future geenrations.
    Government officials also need to be a little more sensitive when commentign on this matter.

  22. @ Barotse Son – Truer words have not been said. It is entertaining though. Already reading the posts above it is clear how many already have decided that this is brand new info that proves some case or another. I guess we’re all lucky that the other plan didn’t work out as the Southern Rhodesians were trying to ask Barotseland not to join Northern Rhodesia but to join them and add Katanga to it and offering them the same autonomy….how ironic they chose to partner up with the ones who shafted them :)

    • Well my brother Im not sure about the Katangese. Im engaging with one brother above who seems to believe in peace and unity at all costs no matter the stupid circumstances and Im at pains to explain that limits and standards of behaviour are a necessity of proper social and Im hoping it makes an iota of sense. Boy, what a heritage we have got from our fathers, both errant and right. I guess we need people like you who can chart the middle path and bring both sane and insane together for a potential way forward. But lies can no longer be legal tender.

  23. The Barotse people should continue fighting until we have a decentralised system of governance for all provinces. failure to that it is aluta continua. Viva BA64!

  24. @23, well they joined up with Northern Rhodesia and the rest is history……or some folk story you can tell your kids at bedtime. You can also teach them about colonisation and your proud identity as a ‘sovereign african state’ (within a legally binding republic). Do all this wearing an imitation of victorian english dress and having your ‘king’ as the butt of jokes in England as he declares his might in british guards uniform!!! JOKERS. Your agreement based on ‘donchies’ by your king who also got majorly donchied by BSAC will not stand in any international court and will be superceeded by the only legal document – declaration of Zambia as an independent state on 24th oct 1964!!! quit while you are ahead boys.

  25. I imagine Lewanika seating on his stool facing a white British crook and saying …all this land from here to that area where you get alot of honey and that area where you find people who keep alot of animals belongs to. If you want you can even get that area which has alot of butale or Minerasl, it is all my area. Just leave those thieves up there alone, they are stubborn and can attack me.kekekekekekeke 

  26. “Thus Barotseland ceased to be a separate entity in 1911 contrary to what a lot of people are saying today.”…. If this were indeed true, what then necessitated the signing of an agreement at independence in 1964? Besides, what now takes the precedence, the Lochner treaty of 1890 which you claim was based on deceipt or the more recent BA64? I take note that the issue at contention is not the Lochner treaty but the BA64. And if the BA64 is that vulnerable as you seem to imply, why then may it’s legitimacy not be challenged legally in the courts of law and put the issue to rest once and for all?

  27. A good attempt at analysis of selected data. Exhaust the Orders – in – Council that defined what Barotseland and Zambia are today. What were the real motives behind these orders? Who pushed the British Govt to seek for arbitration that pushed current borders of Zambia and, DRC and Angola from following the Zambezi river to the present lines of latitude and longitude. We need to exhaust the data in this discourse, rather than select that only further our case or that make the other people appear ridiculous.

  28. @ Barotse son, which part of the article dont u understand..? dont just open u mouth bcoz u have let emotion take control of ur brain…reason with us..the majority we are saying ONE ZED ONE NATION and what do u say..? listen to urslf….u are not any superior than us in fact we are probably superior than u but we wont say or show it…u see now thats what i call wisdom

  29. Patriotic Zambian must ask his forefathers why it was vitually impossible for northern rhodesia to go to to go to independence without signing the barotseland agreement. Yes you are right in saying that the british wanted to get rid of the barotseland protectorate. However they and the nationalists of Northern rodesia made a mess by throwing Barotseland to combine with N R to form zambia! Your fallacy is that you dream and imagine barotseland as being part of zambia for ever. the Litunga refused to sign the barotseland agreement because he and his people wanted to be indepencnet separately. it willnot help to try to bring propaganda. we do not want to be part of zambia any more. you a bunch of liars and indescent.

  30. I personally don’t consider any of the agreements to be legitimate where the premise is that sitting down in Europe means you own Africa. However, it is of interest that not everyone who came had an evil agenda & most Brits have no idea what is done in their name. Well intentioned British MP’s brought up the abrogation. How it was responded to/ dealt with will tell you how much some figured burying it would mean Zambia would split one day. 
    Come on Brits. Speak up. Are you of the same mindset as your racist peers of yesteryear (and I mean peers) or are we in a different world yet :) I believe we’ re in a different world. Zambia will not split and no matter how much we debate we will overcome and no matter how red faced they should be the Brits will not blush…not publicly anyway :)

  31. Yes our forefathers, did not have to sign the barotseland agreement. in that way Northern rhodesia would have been on its own, while we would be on our own.
    Our grave mistake was to institute a democratic process of togetherness with a people who did not only know what democracy was but also fell short of the understanding and implementation of treaties or agreements.
    This mistake was the signing of the Barotseland Agreement 1964 which brought the Nations of Barotseland and that of Northern Rhodesia into the birth of the Republic of Zambia in October 1964. There are 73 tribes in Zambia of which 32 are from Barotseland as follows.
    Zambians are now fighting for survival. they are trying all manner of crock and dick to distort things. but it is too late,.

  32. Patriotic Zambian
    Lets imagine that the barotseland agreement was not signed! Barotseland would not be part of zambia today, and zambia would not have barotseland!
    Again lets imagine that cecil rhodes never came in the picture here. Would there be a zambia as we know it today? rather than thinking the colonialists made a mistake with the barotseland agreement, rather we should be ashamed of ourselves as zambians for falling to honour the agreement that formed zambia. what the barotse peoples are asking for is for that document to be recognised and enshrined in the constittion. thats all
    what are you people afraid of? by snubbing the agreement you are actually dividing zambia. if that agreement was in the constition, the’d be no need of suceding

    • I think you people are turning a blind eye to a very sailiant point in respect of the other tribes that occupy the territory claimed to be Barotseland. The Tongas, Luvales etc. Have their chief’s or indeed the subjects accepted to be lead by the Litunga? You are trying to justify the very issue you are advocating against!

  33. thanks for the piece of information that what i knew but i got confused in the process of issue coming up with it

  34. To all barotses
    do not worry about the propaganda that will mashroom in the next few weeks. leave these people to decieve themselves and comfort themselves by their own misunderstandings or short commings.
    by the time they wake up, they’d have to come to us and beg for oil,red mercury, platinum,rice, mangoes,diamonds, gold and wisdom.
    Now we have learned the crokedness of our ZED friends and they never again crook us. their time is over.

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  35. All border were made by european thats why even the border between zambia and malawi families are divided by these borders but why cant your kaunda come out in open if ths is true

  36. Let sleeping dogs lie.What will happen when the Zulu’s of south africa demand their former subjects which include lozi’s to go back to kwazulunatal and serve them?There are tributes dating back to the 1700s that the Lozi’s haven’t been paid to the Zulu chief.

    • I thought the Kololo massacre kinda eliminated most of those from South Africa….hmm..there is also the matter of money owed to Barotseland for sending people over there to work in the mines. I believe it’s quite a significant amount in today’s terms. I could be wrong :)

  37. The above is irrelevant in any case all agreements have some sort of history. The bottom line is that the barotse agreement is a valid document so whatever we try to put across does not change that. Patriotic Zambian do not be like winter kabimba. that agreement is real and live.Am not lozi but i have seen it published in the media.The genesis of how it come about is not important as all that was overtaken at the inception of the agreement.

    • One can argue that the article is very relevant in that in History of Rhodesia (Northern and Southern) and Nyasaland there is very little, if any, reference to Barotseland. Why is this? I suspect it is due to the existence of the various agreements referred to above which for all intent and purposes, Northern Rhodesia includes Barotseland. Something that is evidenced in the rule from Livingstone and later from Lusaka. The truth is that those now championing the BA64 are cowards and greedy individuals. Cowards because they have seen an opportunity to abuse democracy while they were mute in during Unip days and for most of the MMD reigns. Greedy because they also want to be leaders at any cost even without a tangible plan for the territory. I have not seen an articulated article in support

  38. Just put more money in the Lozi’s pockets they will be happy and content.On a seriuos note this barotse issue has the potential to explode into civil strife.The govt of the day should be seriuos in the way it deals with this.I think all this has been brought on because the Lozi’s feel neglected.There is no developement in the province.Maybe a federal sysyem of governance should be instituted in zambia then each province can have some autonomy.

  39. This article lacks truth but full of pathetic lies. Why did KK sign the BA 64? Why is Zambia 47 yrs old?
    The writer can’t even review him/her self and the stupid failure of not mention KK who is the main culprit of these lies.
    The fact that KK signed the BA 64, then it TRUE that Barotseland is a post Nation.
    You will never run away from truth and truth is Zambia is the Union of Barotseland and N.Rhodesia. The BA 64 issue is getting too hot for the Zambian govt to handle.
    Without BA 64 then Zambia does not exist period. Senseless article and full of lies.

  40. I agree with the writer as this is in agreement with what I was taught by Matumba Mainga Bull who has a PHD on the Lozi kingdom history .

  41. For all those in support of BA64, the BIG question in this article is which area can you call Barotseland? The Lozi chief lied to the British that he owned all that land from southern, central, CB and NW. Ladies and Gentlemen let us not take for granted the peace we are enjoying. I always say that we should think beyond Sata and his Gvt. If you hate Sata for I dont know reasons, just wait for his tenure to end and vote in someone from your area instead of campaigning for anarchy. 

    • I take it you assume that the British were told :) Rhodes had already technically been handed all those territories by a treaty in Europe which the British were party to.

  42. The writer, why fail mentioning KK? All those supporting this article, please ask yourselves…..why did KK sign the BA 64?
    Did KK ask all tribes of N.Rhodesia to unite with Barotseland.
    The power that KK had is the SAME power the Litunga had. How do KK know the boundaries of N.R and yet not the Litunga of Barotseland?
    What about Katanga, Barotse and Undi’s kingdoms? These Kingdoms knew their landmarks. Zambia is a Baby, a child of Baroseland and N.Rhodesia.
    We have facts, letters from 1908 of King Lewanika, Kaunda and the British govt. BA 64 is REAL,you can’t HIDE it ANYMORE, Truth is Truth.

  43. TO all the lozis,its clear u are just plain selfish just bcoz u feel theres a rumour that u myt have diamonds or oil u have now become jumpy,thats selfishness to the highest degree…u will cry all u want theres no agreement that says ‘at a later stage barotse will become independent of zed’ so just suck it in,by the way u guys u are not even indigenous zedians and yet u are making this nuch noise…i repeat we as a majority we say one zed one nation and not 2 nations

    • Simple logic stipulates that an agreement was signed in 1964 to birth the nation Zambia. This simply implies Barotseland and northern rhodesia (from Cecil rhodes) were two separate entities. Whether you like it or not Barotseland did exist and still does exist especially now that GRZ does not want to enshrine it in the Constitution. Wake up simple minds!!!1

    • Very good written post. It will be spitorupve to everyone who usess it, including yours truly . Keep doing what you are doing can’r wait to read more posts.

  44. wn u sign z agreement zr ar terms to accept en follow.wn one of z terms of z agreement is nt followd,z agreement z abrogated en nthin mo 2 BIND parties concerned.BA64 was signed wts terms btwen 2 parties en z british wr intermediataz.who hasnt followd terms of z agreement?why force us lozi to stick to a rotten abrogated agreement.zoz who ar agenest us succeeding ar jst foolish en dull.foolish u kolwez wts yo foolish article.ataa masipa amina.

  45. @Jigga: Don’t confuse people on this forum, the article clearly identifies/confirms ignorance on the part of the Litunga. There are inter-marriages in Zambia now. Am married to a Lozi and am from the East. What happens to my wife, is she a foreigner in Zambia. It is greedy people that pushing this empty agenda. Zambia is for all Zambians, Lozi, Tonga, Ngoni, Chewa etc. We will never support this nonsense.

  46. You lot are making me laugh. What’s all this stupid bickering over pre-historic agreements. Most of us were not even born when this stuff was going on. Who cares now. Its time to move on. I was born in Mansa. My dad was from Malawi and my mum is Zambian. I ‘ve lived in Manchester England the past 27 years but I am a proud Zambian. Let’s focus on today’s issues and move forward. One Zambia One Nation.

  47. Information is power. This is good. We now know the truth. Many tribes were cheated and they have made no fuss at all but one group of people who always want to consider themselves superior over others want to make a lot of noise. Zambia is not South Africa where you have States within the State. We should never allow other tribes thinking they are superior to others because that just divides people and is great root of many problems in war torn countries so we need this sorted once and for all. Let the people who signed treaties with cone men produce signed documents that they spoke to other tibes and let the other tribes produce those documents. MMD and UNIP were right about this issue and we need a law passed about how to handle this for the way forward, time to move on to development.

  48. I am happy Lozis are being told the truth. Their apetite to grab other people’s land is incredible. They think they are superior that any other person in this land. Good for you!. I am Lozi too but zamasimu kulobala anilati; litiseza buzwa nibuloi

  49. Now look who are insulting the lozis,wow all lozi chaps dont be greed its actually amazing to see these chaps who feel themselves cry over BA64,if anything u guys are a liability to zed as a nation….we are one zed one nation,if u want to be independent go and find land elsewhere plus which area are u going to call barotseland..? ur crooked litunga lied and lies really do back fire…why did he lie to the brits..?

  50. Thanks for the DATA. That is exactly what I knew but I thought my history was not correct. Now that you have enlightened me I believe you. The Litunga did not consult other kings like in the Tonga land, Bantu botatwe etc. That is what I researched in my research paper for MA in education

  51. Who is foolish t accept an account from a scared rat in the hole. What you say you *****s Barostseland exists. Why was there an agreement in 1964 on the same in the first place if Barosteland ceased to exist in 1911?Viva Barosteland, It is common sense bafikala. Lon live the Litunga, Viva Barosteland, forward with the mission.

  52. On not consulting others tribes there is an explanation. The Lozis conquered the Kaondes Lambas and Tongas etc (hence the extension of the boundary as dipicted on maps) and grabbed their cattle, wives and land. Thats why they are mbuyas to lozis even to this day. This was made to burry the hatchet. However, having said so, I do not support sucession of any group from the unitary state, Zambia. They are a lot of things that have happened that makes it impossible for it to be restored to the origional position. In legal terms they say it has been frustrated by lapse of time. One Zambia One Nation.

  53. The white people in zambia have been marginalised. They are the owners of this country since even the lozi people who also just came from south africa can claim to own the land. Lets give back zambia to the whites.


  55. A treaty is an express agreement under international law entered into by actors in international law, namely sovereign states e.g. Northern Rhodesia and Barotseland. A treaty may also be known as an agreement, protocol, covenant, convention or exchange of letters, among other terms. Regardless of terminology, all of these forms of agreements are, under international law, equally considered treaties and the rules are the same. This means an agreement signed by Kenneth Kaunda of Northern Rhodesia, Her Majesty the Queen of Britain and Sir Mwanawina King of Barotseland under international is a binding document.A party to an agreement that fails to live up to their obligations can be held liable under international law.

    • A contract or even treaty can be set aside if found to have been made fraudulantly, or through misrepresentation and several other reasons. This to me sounds like misrepresentation.

    • A contract or treaty based on lies can never be honored in any legitimate court on earth—- unless, of course, it is a Litunga sanctioned court!!!!


  57. Your failure to put your name shows that you are biased or advancing an agenda against the BA64.
    If you dont have the …. to put your name then your article is toilet paper.

  58. these are moments when history works, they were not wise enough to see what cicil rhodes wanted from them. lets live as one pipo. viva one zambia one nation.

  59. This atticle is utter nonsense, only PF members, your President and his minions support this document. People are busy asking u a simple query, what did Wamuyaya KK sign in 1964. This issue is hot, u wont divert us with all this fake atticles. Y was your President with his stinking mouth go round saying, THE BA 64 IS REAL, Y.This atticle is direct from the PF gvt, they want to divert the minds of people. If i may ask who are u? U hid your name. My brother or sister, its to late, KINAKO MWANA MUSHEMI.

  60. Nice history although not entirely correct. anyone one who has some basic history education will know that BSAC was mandate to arquire territories and sign treaties on behalf of her Majesty. seletse Khama signed his treaty this way,are you saying it was null and void? if the other tribes didnt recognise the Litungas authority,why did they not fight? the Ngonis fought the brits.
    Slavery in Barotseland didnt end with the coming of the BSAC! among the notable things Livingstone recorded in his diary was the lack of slavery in Barotseland. He even went further to praise Lewanika as the wisest king he came across in africa.
    Ladies and Gentlemen,just state facts. Dont insult the Litunga.

  61. son of barotse you are stupid you dont understand? and you are just moved by the wind “umungulu.” you read the records are there? the problem is that you dont read do a research you will see sense in the article

  62. go on fight for what is yours God know’s that we are tired of livin’g with these bemba’s who think street vending is the only solution to the unemployment levels that the country is faceing,why not the tonga’s are behind you its no longer 1 zambia 1 nation.

  63. Barotseland finally lost the battle.yes they hv lost a battle to be part of zambia the day when sata showed no interest on restoring the BA64.Barotseland freedom mathematicians nd scientists finally got da solution last 4 u barotses jubilate dont waste yo tym with those hop***s th**fs.writer of that article is the most dull one will ever cheat us wether they lyk or not its happening un and britain officials will witness the official declaration in MONGU Possible ths month. kinakoooo!!!

  64. It is best to stick to issue of whether the BA64 is valid, abrogated, can be enforced or nullified than call all Lozis’ stupid. It is important to note that some fallen Lozi heroes played key role in negotiationg for Northern Rhodesia’s independence. These prominent Lozis’ even travelled to Lancaster House here in the UK to lobby the British Government to grant Independence to the two parties among them was the late Mufaya Mumbuna, “Ka chembele ka UNIP” and Sir Mwanawina’s young brother, Late Godwin Mbikusita Lewanika. The entourage including the late Rueben Chitandika Kamanga. The Zambia National Anthem was composed by the Late Johnathan Lichilana was among the first 100 Zambian Graduates at independence, the notes of the Anthem are similar to what was the Barotse National Anthem.

  65. You will note that the Zambia National Anthem sounds a bit similar to the SA, so you do not have to look further to seek connection. Also the name Zambia is from Zambezi river or Liambai which passes through the Barotse plains. So if Lozis fore-fathers were that selfish would the have sacrificed to fight for Northern Rhodesia to get independence? The agreement is also not about secession, but cementing the two parties Northern Rhodesia and Barotse it is a marriage certificate. On that score there is really nothing Patriotic about the writer of the article who fails to disclose his name, he is in fact a coward. With permission from the relatives of the fallen lozi heroes mentioned above I could avail the photos of the visit to London before independence of Zambia by prominent Lozis.

  66. Good evening

    You do not need to read the article above to understand that it was nothing but British foreign interests that gave birth to the Barotseland agreement.
    I only pray that the day shall soon come when we Africans shall finally wake up to realise that united we stand and divided we fall. Until we truly unite and rid ourselves of our constant infightings, until we bury our foolish pride and arrogance towards each other, we shall remain politically, economically and mentally enchained in servitude to our colonial masters.

    In fact, we should hang our heads in shame that half a century down the line, we are still debating about a document that was drawn up for the sole purpose of dividing our people and gaining control over our Motherland.

  67. If British obligations to Barotseland were non binding why did they consider it necessary to trick KK into signing an agreement under which he undertook to take over their responsibilities? Who created Zambia’s borders and why hold these demarcation lines as sacred if you are not prepared to respect other creations of the same character(s)? The only country (state) that existed prior to arrival of Cecil rhodes was Barotseland. All other jurisdictions existing today were created by the white man.

  68. Sad, really sad! By definition, a King is supposed to extend his Kingdom. The idea that Lozis want to break away from Zambia is incomprehensible. North Eastern Rhodesia was not made up of a single tribe or Chiefdom which is now unleashing trouble towards the Lozis. For the Lozis to infer that we are happy to belong to any clan ruling Zambia at any one particular time is unfortunate. They had a powerful king; or they still have a powerful king, which ethnic grou are they breaking away from that is threatening their Kingdom? There is no conspiracy amongst all other Zambian tribes to descriminate against the Lozi. We the Solis, under the very nose of the seat of government are living in as much in abject poverty as the Lozis. We are not stupid. Please stop the seccetion; forget about BAE64.

  69. Frankly I am very dissapointed.This article tells me PF government is not taking BA64 seriously.I thought that their silence on this issue of late meant they were busy considering how best to solve it.Alas,they are busy trying to find insincere ways of riding the issue.Please maturely and transparently solve this problem.Its real,its coming,rightly so for the Westerners.You promised during campaigns,what has caused the U-turn?KK signed the agreement,why is he quite when there is police brutality and murder of Westerners whenever they protest?This partly explains why KK doesnt receive as much recognition as Nelson Mandela in statemanship.Its very childish for the PF to take such direction in solving a contemporary problem.Shame,I fear for the worst

  70. Number 66 Gilbert Lubinda, do not expose your ignorance in law! Can a treaty not be denounced by parties to it? Please serve us your massive ignorance!

  71. This is how wars in Africa start. Al Bashir also said the same thing about Southern Sudan to Garang but what do we have in the South of that country today, an independent country. The whole map outline & ethnic composition of Zambia is a sad joke that will never work. You cannot put Ngonis, Sothos and Kasais in one country & expect it to be sustasinable in the long term, never. All Lewanika said was my land begins “kwa mapazulelo a lizazi” (where the sun rises) & Lochner kept on walking, rising with the sun everyday until he landed in the Copperbelt where he initially intended to be. The entire British colonialization of present day Zambia was a deceipt so we have no business retaining the status core, let’s revert to the time before the deceipt, this marriage born of deceipt is over!

  72. For all those trying to drag KK into this mess…you need to be grateful that at least he sacrificed time and life to unite this country.Every country in the world honours its forefathers but you choose to blame him even for your own ignorance.As a Zambian born I will always respect our leaders beginning from his excellencies KK,Chiluba,Levy,RB and now Sata.Each one has always had a unique style of leadership but contributed to the development of Zambia one way or another.
    I don’t even know who this so called Lewanika has done for Zambia.Whose interest do these chiefs promote anyway?
    By the way,bring on the case to the United Kingdom.I will fight for Queen and country (as I have pledged) to defend the crown.

  73. Let us focus our energy in investing in our country and develop the areas where we come from. Let us stop tribalism. Our brothers the Lozis have, like any other Zambian tribe benefited from every proceed coming out of the One Zambia one Nation.The Fact that there is still some piece of written history that mentions Litunga of the Lozis does not mean that other chiefs from the rest of what is known as Zambia to day did not exist. Other tribes and their Chiefs existed even before the so called Nothern Rhodesia. Micheal Sata’s rejection of the recemmendation of the Chongwe Commission must be commended. The next phase will be to look at the consititution of the so called Barotse movement. If its constitution is at variance with the zambian one then it should be deregistered in Zambia.

  74. You folks better get your MoJo on and get it together. I grew up in a Zambia where we got together as a collective with a common purpose regardless of your tribe or where you come from. If you team up together you can achieve a lot. That’s the essence of being Zambian. Lozi, Tonga, Bemba etc who cares? If you do the right thing you will get you respect. Let’s not get back to the colonial days when the British divided us so that they can have their wicked ways. We need to be a unit. A force. After all we are all one and the same, So what’s the problem? History is in the past. It’s done. Only stupid Cows can go on about it because they have nothing better to do.

  75. A good debate requires mature and sensible contributions. The auther of this articles has raised sailiant points that can not simply be dismissed as pro-Zambia propaganda. If anything its the 1st article to provide some historical meaning and I would challenge those undermining the article to flaws and offer alternative views. Two key questions that seem to be avoided by the pro-advocates are 1. The other tribes in the affected area, what is there view and are they happy to serve under the Litunga? 2. What is the economical plan of those who are now in Council? No economic plans will result in exactly what we are seeing in PF. And Zambia has resources both Human and Minerial. If point 1 above cant be answered then forget about the wholething as it smells of arnachy…

  76. Its a worry

    Calm Down. Tribes this Tribes That. What is going on? 21 st Century and we are having Stone Age style arguments. Let’s focus on the the real issues of Today and move on from per-historic Mambo Jambo – We have a lot to do in order to move forward. Is this what Zambia is about? Bickering over mundane issues. Some things never change. Maybe I ‘ve been away for so long. Very concerned and disappointed by this NON TOPIC.

  77. What fight for independence did Lozis do, they were just cowards who never did anything, actually for them they never wanted independence because it meant the british stopping paying mineral royalties to their chiefs who who the Litunga planted the whole western province to undermine other ethinic tribes. To the Lozis independence meant regarding all chiefs the same, and no mineral rayalties hence it was not welcome at all. Lozis never fought for independence of zambia, actually the transport money which KK, Litunga and Late Musokotwane(Kebby’s father) used came from southern province where chiefs sold their cows to sponsor the trip, and that is well documented in archives.

  78. I think that this issue can be sidestepped and give even more independence and control to the people of Western Province.

    I would like to suggest decentralisation of budgets, obligations and rights to the local government level, even below the district level.

    50% of national revenues would be paid out directly to local councils, which would be responsible for basic services – education, healthcare, policing, utilities and adminstration.

    If this was put in the constitution, people would receive services no matter who wins the election, or who they voted for.



  81. This article makes a lot of sense and highlights the british trickery that was used to confuse the Litunga.Its is unfortunate that today some lozis have been made to believe that the Balotse Agreement of 1964 created a seperate state.If this was the case then Western Province would have been a seperate state in 1964 was it the agreemnet was signed.And what about the Nkoyas,Tongas,Lambas and other tribes.Where they part of this agreement?Can they accept to be subjects of the Lozis?This is a non starter agreement.Lets live together as one peole and forget this nonsense of tribes.My wife’s mother is Tumbuka,her father is Chokwe,my mother is Lunda and my father is Bemba what tribe are my children?

  82. @ Kpx, et al….Sorry for responding late gentlemen. I have read the article and I can tell you, do your own homeowrk and read articles available on internet regarding the Barotseland Agreement and the position of the British Government after 1964, and even today. The British High Commissioner is on record, check your POST newspaper archives for February 2012. So, British deceit, well – you might as well cut ties with Britain then. As for the Barotseland Agreement gentlemen, it is a valid document that is here to stay. And Im really disappointed that young Zambians can fail to apply logical thought to the matter. It is a sign that Zambia may take longer to develop than earlier thought. We are approaching 50 years after independence and yet we are still seriously lacking in objectivity.

  83. At least for once there is someone admitting Zambia as a nation is a joke. I mean, if an agreement that brought about our independence was shrewded in deceipt, it means the countr Zambia as we know it today is fake. For one, it’s ridiculous outline points to a patchwork drawn on resource lines and not the composition of its citizens. Tongas, Lozis Luvales/Kaondes/Lundas should never have been buddled together with those stinking Kasai Janjaweeds or abanthu ba Zwangendaba igwana, haaai!



  86. @ 29 lol! very stupid brits! so you mean they convinced the King to put on a guards uniform . . . i can imagine the words they used

  87. What the author seems to forget is the fact that as far back as 1890 Barotseland had an indentity as a state. There was no Zambia and todays boundaries were non existant. The people in the east were more of a nation with easterners in Malawi than they were with tongas or bembas. Barotseland was recognised as better organised region. It had courts and other government structures. Regional representation, native police and government employees.
    The author should know that from their dealings with British since 1890, the Rotse have always made it clear that they were a nation. They had to be considered as a country. Through negotiations for treaties up to 1964, Lozis presented themselves as a nation. It is this nation they seek to restore. This article has failed to argue against that.

  88. Fun how the proponents of the BA’64 are screaming like this article is now going to put this very complex issue to rest… like, oh, bingo the solution to the BA’64 has not been found.
    Not so fast cowboys! This is really nothing but a historical perspective. For all we know the entire of Africa was colonised by the Europeans, so nothing new there. At least the Litunga can take pride in the fact he was ‘deceived’… others elsewhere in Africa weren’t even consulted. Their lands were just grabbed without even some kind of a lie.
    Now to the issue about him, The Litunga not consulting other ‘chiefs’… well the surprising thing is why didn’t those other chiefs protest or complain when the Litunga was allegedly giving away their land to the Brits?

  89. Where were they in 1964 at the signing of the Agreement? How come only their descendants are now shouting in 2012 when they were quiet all this time. Truth is these chiefs, if at all they existed, were just dunderhead. They were numskulls boneheads still living like Homo habilis when the Bortseland Kingdom was civilised and thriving that’s why the Brits had nothing to do with such other chiefs – check this part of historical fact that has been deliberately left out in this article.

  90. If Barotseland was a state like Basutoland (Lesotho), Becheunaland (Botswana) and Swaziland (still Swaziland) why did it not fight for its own independence instead of being roped into the independence of Northern Rhodesia (Zambia)?

  91. Kolwesatans banabatunjoko suffer talking wen yo friends(PF)are busy puting mo money in there pockets. zats wy u not in peace wit ze waizi tilaibis laiki nyanja tongas and many mo bkozii of yo be true we dont lyk u at all wat do u want from us.Barotses are busy rebulding there kindom ask sata ask him wy he is quiet he knows no reverse,VIVI BAROTSELAND FREESTATE. we love our Barotseland kingdom!! kinakooooo!!!!!

  92. Can we PLEASE get over this topic and move on? Some of us are bored stiff by the subject. I think now that every i.d.i.o.t who has never had anything intelligent to say to felllow Zambians is thinking the Barotse Agreement is the easiest topic to handle since you can write bollocks and still get away with it. Let us move on. Lozis are more intelligent than this MF who wrote this article and didn’t even have the courage to tell readers what his/her name is. If the whole story was simple as this do you think Sata would be wasting his time studying the report? I have not time for this crap. This is for people who don’t know the full details. I’m more mature than that. Anybody who wants loves Zambia should wait for the President to come up with a statement, and not issue childish crap…

    • Where can we find this type of leadership and re-produce it for mass production of children like you. If only we had this type in Zambia, we would be miles ahead of many nations as a united front. Thanks brother, and I really didnt mean to insult but to appreciate you as a fellow Zambian who is mature and focussed. God bless you for closing this debate on a mature note.

  93. #112 You claim to be mature but you are calling the author MF.And your tribesman supports you…sick people.

  94. Barotse son of course I have very good stuff but it is no use throwing precious pearls in pack of swine.Sometimes one needs to keep their wisdom to themselves.
    You guys are dying to crucify someone for the sins that only your forefathers plus our British crown committed.You are like men who beat up their wives because their girlfriends have dissappointed them.

  95. Silly comment can not help any more. We don’t know what is coming forth and you just continue talking atrociously, when things are had lets remember God our creator, he is the only solution. Mt 6: 24-30.   

  96. “By this Order in Council of 1899, Lewanika and the Lozi state had lost their sovereignty to the Queen and Her Majesty’s Government.”

    No. The territory was never part of Her Majesty’s dominions. To put it another way: Southern Rhodesia was part of Her Majesty’s dominions. It was annexed by the United Kingdom. The territory comprised in the Order of 1899 wasn’t. It was simply a protectorate which does not affect formal sovereignty.

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