First Lady Christine Kaseba has implored parents in North -Western province to desist from marrying off their girl children at an early age.
Dr Kaseba says marrying off the girl child at an early age hinders girls from progressing further in their education.
She said this on Wednesday evening when she launched the Lumwana Scholarship scheme.
The First Lady advised parents to carefully balance the load of domestic chores that girls are given so that their ability to perform
in school is not impaired.
Dr Kaseba has also saluted the traditional leadership in the province for playing a pivotal role in speaking against early marriages.
She also says concerted efforts are needed to completely curb early marriages.
And the First Lady has thanked Barrick Lumwana Mining Company for rehabilitating school infrastructure in the three Chiefdoms surrounding the mining area.
She also commended the company for providing learning material to schools.
Dr Kaseba says it is pleasing to see the Mining firm provide scholarships to the girl child.
She also says such a move will greatly assist the girl child within the mining area to access higher school education.
The First Lady hoped that the holders of scholarships would progress to universities and colleges in the country.
Lumwana has been providing 100 scholarships per year in a bid to inspire the girl child to progress into high school level.
And Barrick Lumwana Mining Company Operations Managers Bob Collier thanked the First Lady for accepting the invitation to grace this year’s International Women’s Day commemorated on Thursday.
Perfect Marketing Manager for MCS. Your Majesty you are doing a fantastic job. Of also the first ladies this country has had, you the best
At mimicking everything that Vera Chiluba and Maureen Mwanawasa did. Go girl
Jesus started his ministry at age 30. Men should marry at age thirty women at age 25, that way you can safely have children ladies and be educated all in one.
Best first lady ever with high intelligence in combination with worst president with non functioning brain.
I could not agree any more, I am not getting married until I am 30 . I am now 28 and feel it is too early
Any woman that is forced to be married until they are 25 should be a crime and only in special circumstances should anyone be forced to marry until they are 30, when we are mature and certainly is a common practice here in the west
Men should be the same. I find it wrong hen men end up marrying their partners who are too young to say NO, I have had experiences in relationships and because of them It has made me wiser and more experienced to serve my fiance and he knows that, I am probably ready hence our engagement when I was 27. To have children from 29 or 30 as I will be will make me knowledgeable to be a good mum.
Trouble is Zambians think with village attitude
how is vubwi? has nick gone for charcoal burning today?
MCS has a choice nimukali mudala cant compare this beautiful woman to that clown called Dora Siliya
Vera chiluba is hat has kaseba the best of all the first ladies.what has kaseba done?just because she carries a name ati Doctor then u shake,only in africa thats were u can find dull pipo like u,wen u hear doctor u shake.
@The reporter. You must be the one shaking. The first Lady is a Doctor and that is a fact which deserves respect and not fear. Kaseba has not been there for 5 years to be judged. Judge after 5 years. Eating a tomatoe when its green and say its bad, wait until its ready to be harvested.
Fri Mar 09 at 10:10 am
Vera chiluba is the best of all the first ladies.what has kaseba done?just because she carries a name ati Doctor then u shake,only in africa thats were u can find dull pipo like u,wen u hear doctor u shake.
the reporter Akalijo bakaamba.balekeni ni nshita yabo tata!
As a Doc ,what more would a parent / child want for inspiration .For the mines thats good ,support the community .Education.the roads that you use etc
# 9 Bwana Mkubwa. Unfortunately a boy child will not have proper guidance as most men spend most of their time in bars with friends instead of families in Zambia.
@the reporter. You cannot convince me and say Vera was the best, best in what???? You cannot equally judge Kaseba under 5 years. Judge a fruit’s flavor after you have eaten and swallowed it, not when you have just looked at it and worse off when you have just plucked it when it’s still not reap. Judge her after 5 years. Respect her and not fear her, she is a Doc for a fact. Swallow it
#4, What do you mean by saying ‘Zambians think with village attitude’? Depending on what you have in mind this sounds like an insult to our families in villages. Please don’t be too excited.
@? 7 and 11,is this schoolarship coming from her (doctor kaseba ) or the mines?such dull pipo like u who like bootlicking make my heart blead.i gues thats why u say like its coz u are busy licking the buttocks of your bazungus.ha ha ha ha ha ha
My friend I run my own company, so who is leaking who here? Keep your comments boss, let’s keep on the topic.
Our first ladies always have the most beautiful hearts. I love Dr. Kaseba’s smile.
Wait a minute! Can one of Kaseba’s UNZA classmates throw some light how Kaseba escaped the Ridgeway Medical Campus to mingle with politicians under the cover of darkness. Sata’s original family has not been the same. Twashama ku bufi.
Thanks for the remarks the first lady, we are already doing it here in North Western Province, we just need free education to help us favour our education as a girl child here in North Western province. Thanks to Lumwana Minining, it is their duty to do so for the community where they are getting the diamond, copper and other minerals.
First lady’s outfit kwati chinyau! Your husband’s cabinet is harboring wife batterers!
You Zambians need to grow up! What makes Dr Kaseba the best first lady? Because she is a doctor? So what? Maureen Mwanawasa was a lawyer. Equally educated! Did that automatically make her a good first lady?? Grow up!!And for your own information there are many highly educated men and women in this country. All need respect regardless of their professions. Not everyone needs or wants to be a doctor or a lawyer or whatever. It doesnt mean they are less intelligent. Jeez!!!You people are so narrow minded it kills me. And for your own information, the best first lady does not necessarily have to be one who is educated but one who has a heart for the people.That is why some people feel that Vera was the best. Say what you want but the fact is she had a heart. A first lady is NOT a politician!
Imwe mwebantu Leave Dr. Kaseba alone, no need to stat debating whether best or not, In Christine is a genuine open and pure heart what you see is what you get.
dora ois more beautifull than mum
I love Christine Kaseba say what you want to say, she is worth a First Lady, bitter it may be for some people swallow swallow!!!!!!1!!
I wonder why people just bring about baseless stories. Why should you discuss people anyway. Mind the way you bring out some stories. It is very immature.