Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Don’t take advantage of President Sata’s threat to dismiss civil servants, MUZ cautions employers


THE Mineworkers Union of Zambia (MUZ) has advised employers against taking advantage of President Sata’s threat to dismiss civil servants who may go on strike to offer workers low wages and poor conditions of service.

MUZ acting president Charles Mukuka said in a statement issued in Kitwe yesterday that MUZ will not agree with employers who seem to take advantage of the ‘heat of the moment’ to offer members ‘funny salary hikes’.

“It is common knowledge that undertakings or employers have unique productivity and unit cost profiles and their ability to pay differs from employer to employer, due to numerous factors. Our research indicates that most companies are generally performing well,” Mr Mukuka said.

He argued that the salary levels are not uniform in all companies and this leaves collective bargaining as the only option to improve salaries for workers.

“And we even wonder how an employee getting K550, 000 can continue surviving if that salary is increased by the current inflation rate of six percent. We fear that the threat to fire civil servants who may go on strike might trickle down to our mining sector,” Mr Mukuka said.

He also dismissed claims that the industrial action that has taken place, or is due to happen, is an attempt by trade unions to blackmail Government. Mr Mukuka said MUZ is taken aback by President Sata’s threats to dismiss workers who will resort to strikes, to compel Government to meet their demands.

[pullquote]“And we even wonder how an employee getting K550, 000 can continue surviving if that salary is increased by the current inflation rate of six percent. We fear that the threat to fire civil servants who may go on strike might trickle down to our mining sector,” Mr Mukuka said.[/pullquote]

He said it should be noted from the outset that while in opposition, the Patriotic Front (PF) campaigned on a platform of putting more money in the pockets of workers and creating jobs. Mr Mukuka said these promises have heightened expectations from Zambians who expect the PF to deliver.

“We would also like to observe that we have in the past commended the PF for promising not to interfere in collective bargaining. However, we feel that directing the bargaining units to match inflation in salary adjustments amounts to interference, as it takes away the guarantee of collective bargaining which is a fundamental right of any bargaining unit,” Mr Mukuka said.

He added: “When this pronouncement was made by President Sata, trade unions started facing unnecessary hurdles during collective bargaining processes as most employers capitalised on this chance to offer mediocre salary raises, regardless of how good their performance may be.”

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. I wonder what example the government is potraying. Being the biggest employer & a third party inteverner suppose to lead by example to private sectors. If govt dismiss striking workers these others wil take advantage. A gud collective bargaining must take place & remember an employee has the right to strike as long as in good faith.

  2. give us direction 6months u ve nt settled yet atase ba pf,just start implementin yo programes so as to deliver your amount of threats wl do,we need good working conditions period

  3. Sata don’t take civil servants for granted nayiwe! They voted for you then wachinja nzelu, what you are doing is same na kunyela pa mbale pamene wadyela lunch and during supper ufuna kudyelapo again. Buchenjeshai bwa nkoko pungwa tasakamana. Hop you or your advisers read this to open your mind. 2016 is near, the clock is ticking.

  4. Sata don’t take civil servants for granted nayiwe! They voted for you then wachinja nzelu, its too early for youto do this.

  5. The Civil servants are to blame. How could the believe Sata and vote for him when we all knew that this man Sata is a pathological liar and a tin pot dictator.

  6. The president was against unlawful demonstrations not salary increments. The gvt and unions are still negotiating so why demonstrating?

  7. Sata is supposed to be the last person to talk about this,,,,he is the one the union can appeal to when a dead arises. now with his venomous mouth already open…..kaya what the unions will do be he needs some lesson from the workers so that he learns the hard way he is not immortal

  8. Just how many people is Sata going to threaten? He has literally failed on each and every promise he uttered during the campaigns, the only thing remaining now is useless re-alignments of provinces and districts, stinking tribal appointments, sending patients to Millpark and Morningside leaving UTH in tatters. This presidency, and mark my word, will be the worst ever this country has seen.

  9. # 9 KWEKWE. There you go again with emanciated thinking. Who is threatening who? Negotiations are going on, PF govt has made it difficult for Unions to bargain for workers because Sata directed bargaining units to match inflation rate as modus operandi in negotiations which is inteference with unions. Employers have taken advantage of that and offere megre salary increases. Sata has set a stage for strikes by workers. These threates to fire civil servants will soon engulf the whole nation. Sata should be the last man for workers to turn to but is already sacrificing them in advance. Where is credible leadership in all this “Govt of Kaponyas by Kaponyas for Kaponyas’.

  10. Tunazigon’a. We told you that this man you are putting in office wont implement any of his promises. When UPND talks, you accuse it of being tribal. This man in plot 1 is more tribal than UPND. Just look at his appointments, they are stinking tribalism

  11. Zambians must painfully accept that Sata is up to no good? His drream was to ascend to the highest office in the land and now that he has achieved that, there is nothing he is going to do. You have been duped by the biggest conman in the country!!! What a shame that we are going to experience stagnant growth for the next five years. Where are the development policies? Where are the governemt projects? Hoe does the ruling party be consumed with attacking the previous government. What good will that be to Zambia?

  12. What do you expect? Its a shame!!!! Just what I feared most for my dear country is what has started happening!

  13. When RB took office he didnt have the luxury of making the noise that these pipo re making,immediately he was in office he was met with the global melt down,i shud to think what this country would have been they came in office at that time with the way they are running this country.

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