Wednesday, March 19, 2025

President Michael Sata is expected to commission Mulyashi Open Pit Mine in Luanshya


Part of the infrastructure at the re-opened Luanshya Copper Mines. Copperbelt, Zambia
Part of the infrastructure at the re-opened Luanshya Copper Mines. Copperbelt, Zambia

The 370 Million US Dollars Mulyashi Open Pit Mine in Luanshya is set for commissioning on March 27. At full capacity, the mine is expected to produce 42 thousand Metric tones of finished copper cathode per year.

The Mine has already created employment for over 1000 youths. Luanshya Copper Mines-LCM Head of Public Relations and Local Business Development Officer Sydney Chileya has confirmed this in a statement to ZNBC News in Lusaka on yesterday.

Mr. Chileya said that President Michael Sata is expected to commission the project. The project comprises three main open pits, a Heap Leaching Plant and an Agitation Leaching plant.

The Heating Section of the Agitation Leaching Plant will be the largest in Africa.



  1. MMD worked hard on making sure that the Mulyashi Open Pit Mine project came to fruition.  Mutati and RB must be smiling. 

  2. we want a new mine from sata & pf. sata should be feeling ashamed to commission mwanawasas’ efforts which he was insulting day in day out. so far, he has even failed to build toilets for his misisi guetto neighbours.

  3. PF, wothout shame, have continued to claim that MMD left nothing. And yet, they all we see are MMD projects. I am waiting for a time when PF will create its own legacy

  4. PF are you not ahsamed of your selves . On ther hand you are saying MMD left nothing but now tell me is this project your initiative or who’s?


  5. Jobs are created by companies working with governments. The govt. cannot therefore ask the Federation of Employers to create jobs. Let us be serious

  6. U chaps are very dull ! You expect PF to perform miracles in 6 months. Judge them after 10 years or so.

  7. its amazing how all u guys are callin for the presido to be ashamed of wat importance it is if Sata became ashamed i believe u would be thrilled ryt..? funny i tell u, lets stop wasting time and do wat we can do other than waiting for GRZ to do everything, THEY SAY U WILL ALWAYS HAVE A JOB IF U ARE SELF EMPLOYED..EVER HEARD OF THAT SAYING?

  8. Thank you mmd for bring this project am now riding on your back. yours faithfully kateka maiko 90days develpment-less wabufi saita.

  9. Okay good gesture. Guys did MCS went to Monze yesterday with the SDA man? I have not seen his speech in frustrated Watch dog, What s up? Or he postponed the trip. Can anyone high light on that issue

  10. Largest in Africa! My foot!!!! What do you have to show for it?! Just dirty compounds, polluted environments and miserable local people!

  11. its sad that people can be fed these nonsense PR stories. Employing people is one thing what you give them, is then again another thing, a person working for Baluba Mine and Muliashi get as low as K1700000, Honestly i see nothing that should make the President excited to come and commission this Chinese mine when miners are struggling to send their children to College (school)

  12. @Dag Mils you have a your mine and pay them miners more.Mine was to simply cheat them zambians to be at state house and enjoy myself. The 90days theory was a cindellera song to put me in state house after having tried many times but to no avail now my party is called PF-(Pe Fumo) and not patriotic Front .

  13. At least you people you are feeling what we used to feel about mmd when we were in opposition ala lesa ni malyotola, kabili insansa kulinganya 20 years tuleteka whether you like it or not mwakulabosa nge mbwa ishapena.

    • Absolutely; just the relief that now its someone else who feels the way we used to feel is great. When government changes in 20 years time, we would have been confortable enough to just read news papers, order breakfast, go to the gym, and see our days off on this paradise earth called Zambia. YES you heard me, MY ZAMBIA.

  14. Governance is a continuous process. We all know that MMD had been in power for 20years with 3 presidents changing hands.
    During their time there are certain things that they did right, but the undisputed fact is that for the 20 years that they were in power, they did more harm to the wellbeing of the country than good.
    Therefore their overall rating has been disastrous. On the other hand PF has been in power for 6 months, I strongly believe Sata can turn things round & set the country on the path to prosperity. It will be done

    • And Sata was part of MMD for 10years of the worst years of MMD, as number 3 man to Chiluba the master theif. MMD New Deal of Mwanawasa was the best. Chiluba and Sata MMD was the worst.

  15. Sounds like MMD supporters want RB to open a mine when no longer President :) As pointed out governing is continual. Don’t see where PF is taking credit for this and not sure I care if they did. If one accepts the good done then one must also take responsibility for mistakes made. As a person who grew up in Luanshya all I see is awful mistakes made. Zambia should have used the Anglo-American seven mining cities plan as a yardstick for developing the whole country and perhaps turned them in to university cities or other non mining industrial bases while maintaining infrastructure instead of letting them crumble.

  16. Zambians think PF can change things in 6months, it’s not possible. If HH thinks it is as easier as impregnating a woman, he is cheating himelf,it’s a pity HH will never have chance to rule this country so there is nothing to prove apart from retiring like the big man RB.

  17. @Dag Mils first run any business then you can come and tell us how much people should be getting. you see if one has always been an employee, everything seem so simple. “we mine you collect money then give it to us” well its not that easy. if it was that easy someone would have done it by now.

    • Hello Mr Muhammed
      we need COPPER PLATES
      Copper 99.98 % / and better…but min 99,96%
      with discount…. L.M.E. standard with registered and ( also Non-LME registration) GRADE A
      We can consumate 500 Mt up to 5.000Mt month
      weight of each size 125 kgs
      Sizes/dimensions: 914mm x 914 mm x 12 mm
      I hope your friend is able to offer
      We can take ex warehouse…in Africa K&K or MANICA expected..
      inspection by STEWARD or KNIGHT…South Africa SGS
      South America SGS
      We are also interested in CiF deliveries….
      we are not interested on UPFRONT Payments
      Martin Obst

      Dear Muhammed
      thanks for the mail…
      The commission split up for 3% totally will be devided into all parties involved….!!!
      Befor sending a SELLER we need a FCO and not only SCO…FULL FIRM OFFER is requested…

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