Tuesday, March 18, 2025

ZESCO MD promises to deal with load shading


ZESCO Head Office

ZESCO Managing Director Cyprian Chitundu says the power utility company is working out mechanisms to alleviate load shading.

Mr. Chitundu says the demand for power has increased in the recent years due to economic activities stating that this has resulted in power shortages.

He explains that the power utility company will now focus on ensuring that it provides quality and reliable services to the customers.

Mr. Chitundu states that to improve efficiency, ZESCO management has therefore devised measures in the short term to counteract the challenges currently being faced in service delivery with priority to reducing load shading.

The ZESCO managing Director has since called on ZESCO employees to work hard in improving services to the public.

He has also cautioned ZESCO employees to refrain from engaging in all forms of corrupt activities adding that management will not take kindly to discipline those who will be found wanting.




  2. Maybe load shading, but what about load shedding?

    “He explains that the power utility company will now focus on ensuring that it provides quality and reliable services to the customers.”

    Uhh….. so “now” you’re going to do that?

  3. why don’t you let your actions speak for you….what value is in promising when you cannot honor your words. we will wait

  4. Chitundu and your Ukwa, you need to put your act together and start producing results. The time for promises was during the campaigns…batch of useles people!

  5. Mr chitundu, Ukwa promised us that under his government there would no load sheading, how many lies are going to listen to…..

  6. Lies, lies, lies!!  Lies before breakfast, lies at lunch, lies at supper!!  The Pathetic Fools and their cadres have no clue how to run govt.  They should just swallow their pride and revert to MMD plans to use Chinese money to build new power stations.

  7. Indeed there is nothing substantial that he has said.Just a political appeasment.The thing is,ZESCO supplies most of the energy to mines and exports a large amount.The Zambian staying kwa Kanyama or kwa Misisi gets the left overs while those staying ku PHI,ku Kabulonga are assured of continued daily supply.The rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer

  8. Ba Zesco mwachilmo sana, fake promises all the time. Chipata has benn having load shredding 06hrs to 19hrs 4 times a week and then you bring abnormal bills. Shakalipile

  9. this man lies as if we a kids . why do just like talking too much insteady of finding ans to our problems . ZESCO should invest in another power outlet facilite and like the kafue gorge now . what kind of education are we learning when we are just going round the problem .MD in his explanation is total failure we need people who are bold and say eneough is enough lets put up another generation facilite unless yuo are stealing from us . i know it needs alot of money but as a counrty we need to move forward when there such demands na dpeople pay for electricity no just dreaming f increasing with solving the issue at hand.

  10. USELESS ZESCO USELESS ZESCO can we put up another competitor now . give the chinese to set up a geneartion station and and ask them to just be feeding lusaka and copperbelt. let us divide these generation outlets for the good of zambians on our own we are failures selfishness like RB and family may The good LORD deliver you

  11. Chitundu; its a costly mistake you are making. Invest time in “public relations” rather, communicating the real problems of power generation, what happened in the 1970s? 1980s? show people what Kaunda did with reference to demand and population levels. Show people what MMD did not do, with reference to population; then explain how power is generated, how its done, and how long it takes, and when Zambia can expect decent results. Tell people, it will be 10-15 years before Zambian electricity gets back to normal. This, Mr Chitundu, is the way forward. Invest in telling the people the truth. Its just like PF is making the same mistake; keep explaining what happened, and what you are doing about it. If you need help, please get in touch we can help.

  12. To illustrate, if I have hungry kids while am farming, as a parent, I need to be very strong to explain to the kids why eating seeds will put us in more trouble. Better they have a single meal in a day while we plant the fields; and when harvest comes they will appreciate the tough love made prior to the harvest. PLEASE EXPLAIN, AND KEEP EXPLAINING; DONT GET TIRED. Same goes for roads, water reticulation and sewerage systems. In Zambia we believe in manner from heaven, through prayer. But God, (fair play to him) does not build things through prayer; its through sweat of individuals. Be part of the people that can start telling Zambians this hard truth; its inescapable, its real, its truth, its in black and white. tell it as it is!!

  13. “…demand for power has increased in the recent years due to economic activities stating that this has resulted in power shortages.” POWER SHORTAGE IS DUE TO POOR PLANNING AND NOT DEVELOPMENT. THE NEW COMPANIES DID NOT COME UN ANNOUNCED. OR THROUGH THE BACK DOOR.

  14. There is what is called demand side management….. Visit the ESCOM website of south Africa and you will see how proactive other world class utilities are!!!! When one hears that ZNBC DG has been replaced, then they make statements in the post and all media!!! Are we deemed this shallow as zambians that we are not expected to read between the lines and realize that someone is window dressing?? When you say we are dealing with load shedding, first sate how you will do it and why you have not done it earlier since you held the position of MD before!!!! Simple!!!!!

  15. Why are TONGAS and HH insulting the President? He will be arrested soon. He may never be President of this country. I miss MAZOKA.

  16. Kibinda Waba Kabwa, very well spoken. If only the truth be told and all will be well. Hard as the truth maybe the better. This culture of unrealistic promises is not good for governance and service delivery

  17. so far Mr. MD you have not said anything apart from the usual empty promises that even the last zesco management team used to say. The problem is that you only load shed one area. It seems you only know how to switch off Kabwata site and service. Everyday is no good. you are spoiling our electrical goods. Does this mean only households in Kabwata consume electricity? What happened to once a week spread across the town or country? your engineers must follow a schedule not just one area please tapapata!

  18. # Donchi, You are as foolish as they come. This country has 72 tribes. Are you saying people from other tribes cannot see that PF has failed lamentably. You are a frog faced tribalist to associate all adverse comments to Tongas. Foolish Kolwe!!

  19. Ukwa i know has allowed his child at Zesco…..ati Eviromental section with no qualifications we also know that Sakeni has done the same we know…… abuse of office

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