Sunday, February 2, 2025

Government rules out compensation for impregnated girls in Mongu


Home Affairs Minister Kennedy Sakeni
Home Affairs Minister Kennedy Sakeni

Home Affairs Minister Kennedy Sakeni says government will not compensate families of the girls impregnated by police officers in Mongu because it did not ask the officers to get promiscuous.

Mr. Sakeni said that it is pointless to call on government to compensate the girls when the matter involves individual officers. He said that the issue of compensation should not even arise because the law is available to provide guidance on the matter.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with QFM, Mr. Sakeni has advised the girls’ families and concerned parties to report the involved culprits to the police for the law to take its course.

He explained that the affected parties have all the rights and time to take up the matter through relevant authorities and not wait on government to act.

Mr. Sakeni said government can not just take disciplinary action against the officers because procedure has to be followed. The Home Affairs minister said that according to the report he has received, the involved officers are from Kanfinsa, on the Copperbelt province.

On Friday, parliament heard that some of the girls at Limulunga High School have been impregnated by some police officers that had been deployed to the area to crash the Mongu riots last year.

Monze Central Member of Parliament Jack Mwiimbu and Hope for human rights executive director Smart Chanda have both called on government to compensate the families of the girls.



    • Mr Sakeni as Minister of Home affairs you are 100% right on this issue, why should people ask for compensation from who, and for wt? did Government sent them for what is being said or they went for important assignment?

      The girls were not forced so Zambians let us be reasonable.

  1. C’mon guys! Just because police officers call themselves ‘BOMA’ doesnt mean that their items are grz properties!! Culprits will pay not boma yahsani!!

  2. The minister’s position on this matter is different from Police Inspector General’s.One the one,Minister is saying GRZ is not responsible for the promiscuos officers,on the other hand the IG is saying they will bring to book the offiers responsible.Which position should people believe?

  3. ba minister thats a good decision,you did’nt send the officers to go and impregnant these girls they did this at owners risk,each officer should pay for the damage.and don’t punish these officers cause some will even marry each other and secondly these girls balibatumpika by the saying that educate the girl child by taking her back to school after pregnancy meaning that these chaps are just opening their legs at anytime without resitance so baletombwa bad there not even respecting their teachers.

  4. NONSENSE whats the difference with other cases we hear of Our money as tax money must not be used to pay for such stupid things please this CASE should not involve US Tax payers we’ve ROADS ,MEDICINES and MORE TO SORT OUT

  5. Let the families just negotiate marriages for their daughters. Its most likely that the girls consented to the acts. Most teens are attracted to uniformed people of every stripe.

  6. Benze kunyengana babili and I hear all the girls are above 17 years. So let the law take it`s course on the individuals. Not a sate matter or tax payer`s money. Let the girls/women identify the culprits and take them to local court where they will be asked to pay K3,000,000 damage and K150,000 per month for maintanance of the child. Those who are lucky may get married. I hope they succeed because marriage can also be hell.

  7. This whole thing just depicts the loose morals among the police. Now they simply met another group of these girls with equally loose morals hungry for cheap sex. Phew! *****s!

  8. The govt cannot be responsible for every individual that works for it actions. It’s a private matter to be handled privately

  9. yaba..the pathetic failures at it again..!why can’t he find better words to say..?ati we didnt send them to be promiscuous..

  10. Some certain individuals maybe ugly in the outlook but very intelligent and vefry accomodating on how they handle some issues, but not this ugly big nose with drooping eyes.Where did Sata pick this ***** who can hardly handle a serious issue as the Limulunga saga.He clearly knows that the girls were forced to have sexs with those namscals out of fear of intimidation, and the stupid sakeni as a parent should have been the first one to sympasise with the families concerned, not to throw dust at them.Shame on you sakeni and shame on Sata who appointed you to that post.Malasambwa a munna,u yoca mwa lyangalilo.

  11. …imwe, it involves only 2 pipo 2 make a baby. in dis case a police officer n a school girl, so both of them agreed 2 have sex unless u say they were raped which i doubt very much. de officer z responsible not de gvt. he dd not go on top wit da gvt but alone let officers pay de costs simple n straight foward… minister u r talking sense

  12. The ‘it wasn’t me’ strategy of the ministry versus the ‘we’ll get to the bottom of this’ strategy of the police. Only one of you sounds concerned. The other sounds like he is saving face in front of his sniggering buddies in a pub.

  13. Let the parents of the girls take the officers kuma boma courts, they enjoyed it now it’s time to pay the price. Casual sex can result in the following:
    • Un wanted pregnancy
    • HIV and AIDS
    • Disciplinary action with certain professions
    • Broken marriage as this is infidelity

    Whatever the case, there consequences which should be borne by the parties involved. So the minister is right. Why use tax payer money to compensate people who consented to have sex. So the issue is between the two. The tax payer’s money should be used for other things like buying equipment for the cancer hospital and other social sector.

  14. The ‘it wasn’t me’ strategy of the ministry versus the ‘we’ll get to the bottom of this’ strategy of the police. One sounds concerned. The other sounds like saving face in front of sniggering buddies in a pub. Below standard statement – ‘promiscuous’ – almost fondly approving in manner as he pats the heads of these ‘mwaumes’…

  15. Moral decay in Zambia. People using their uniforms to have cheap sex. Even the tuma girls also, ninjala. Jail the foolish officers!

  16. Grz as come up clean wel don mr minister, tell diz gals to close there legs its too much school gals open up there legs can hw

  17. Barotseland will nevr jave any strret kids.the act of wide spreed rape by the police is very un acceptable especially camping policemen at a school where pupil were supposed to be doing their studies.They were denied opputunities to prepare for examinations a other pupils around the country resulting intheir poor performance.All acts of sex by police was done by rape that time in mongu.Girls were dragged out of their houses and raped by policemen carrying guns.To start with,the natamoyo who is the sanctuary of the people of barotse land must tell the police to employ all those youths from mongu and limulunga who poorly performed in their exams because police chased them away from their classes.The second is that MPs for mongu and lukuluwest must ensure all those Girls impregnanted by the

  18. This issue should not involve TAX PAYER’S bucks but the stupis individual police chaps.They are un prof.The are the custodians of law and order and they should be in the forefront maintaining peace and order but the went astray into impregnating school girls.Let them pay for their misdeeds by way of firing them from the police service..they do not deserve to be there.STUPID *****S, NONSENSE!

  19. This issue is quite interesting… for some reason I haven’t been reading the stories related to it since it started as I have been dismissing the headlines as jokes or tabloid propaganda.
    Is this issue for real?

    1. First how long were the cops in Mongu – how is it possible that the grils were ovulating right around the same time, that is if the cops were there for a short period of time.
    2. How can Sakeni say they report the matter to the Police when the same Police are alleged to be the ones who committed the crime?
    3. How can the Police deal with issue of pregancy out of wedlock – unless they girls were under-age, is there a crime there?
    4. How will the parents or girls even know the culprits who live in the C/belt without DNA proof? Can they even afford to travel there?

  20. by the police are enrolled by bthe police so that the fatherless children they are carrying have shelter and that those who contracted HIV will have their long illness well managed as they will be able to pay for their medication and the children have a stabble life.This will also help the women to identify the police officers who raped them as they will identify the people who raped them from the police schools they will be trained,in lusaka and kitwe.At that time,DNA rapistist officers will be requested and that parents of the pregnanted girls will be saved financial loss of keeping fatherless children of police officers who will be bragging for the painful distruction of innocent poor families.they should have gone for prostitutes instead of school girl children.policemen r

  21. Why compensate? Everyone who comitted a crime during that period was aqquited by Ukwa already! Anyway, if it makes you feel beter Ukwa will donate K50m to schools everywhere he visits! (Offer oly valid outside Zambia)

  22. By the way, it is the Kaponyocracy way of increasing the kolwestan population and infiltrate those silly Lozis so that if they try to give problems about separating we will tell them we have too many of our kolwes in your population to just let you go! Development PF style! Donchi Kubeba!!!

  23. The police must enroll all the girls they have raped ,defiled and impregnated.Over 200 girls were thhreatened into sex un fortunately leaving 30 pregnant at limulunga and un known number of STIs.Their enrollment must be un conditional.this is the only way to raise the dignity of the raped school girls.this is serious.

  24. Where the Girls in school uniforms, what time was sex being done, Night/Day?. If it was at night and outside the Police camp, then its obviously concential and the Girls might have been paid. To be realistic, people who have never been to Mongu and see how small girls patronise that town area will want to even kill those Police Officers but those of us who have gone there and seen how cheap these girls parade themselves will definately understand that the Police did not commit any crime, they just wanted to relieve themselves. There is alot of moral decay in Mongu town centre area with plenty of brothels and among those brothels is one which is owned by a pastor frm a certain pentecost church. The rooms are dirt , wit young gals going in and out all the time. The MP must go there to see.

  25. @jigga.the only way is to enroll all those girls raped for defiled beacuse in barotse culture a child is not allowed to be pregnant and dont keep ilegimate children.All these school girls must be trained as policewomen in lusaka and kitwe.definately,these rapists wil;l be identified especially those who raped children to the point of compensation can cover for a life lost to HIV caused by rampant rape cases by the police.Enroll these girls as police constables so that those faceless baby bastards have shelter.lozis nevr keep bastards because they are a dispointment.otherwise ,all the chilrden will be used in ritual vitumwas.all of the by the time they are 5 because they are children of shame.

  26. Policemen raped school girls!.they better employ those girls s policemen to solve the matter so that those girls have shelter of ther own to raise those bastrd babies orelse they will go in vitumwa,go in nakuwana or fed to crocodiles because lozi parents dont keep bastards and their are no streetkids in mongu and they will never be.empoly these infected poor girls who were raped by the polce before their brother who are in the police will avenge their sisters by indiscriminate shooting on other policemen they suspect to have insulted them by raping their sisters.they will not sit back that they should be seeen that they failed to protect their crazy lozi cop can can cause alot of carnage.

  27. For those wondering what the Angolan army is doing in Mongu, they have been following this story and have also gone to ‘sow’ teir seed’! After all, Col Ibu will just say “The pregnant girls you are seeing in Mongu are probaly just fat & were probably made that way by Banyamulenga rebels in that are! No need to be alarmed! Everything is normal…”

  28. @ Jigga – can help with answer to number 1. Strangely enough women who live together in groups have menstrual cycles that sync. Don’t know why but ask around. It’s pretty common.

  29. Sakeni looks like one of those newspaper pictures `Wanted for murder and rape`. He can not fit in a picture `wanted for genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity`. Eish! Butata ahulu meni!

  30. Sakeni you are wrong!!!! Govt created this conducive situation by housing the cops in such close proximity. THE GIRLS DIDN’T GO ON A RAMPAGE IN A POLICE CAMP!!! You need to be educated on what is called PUBLIC LIABILITY & GOVT’s DUTY OF CARE TO STUDENTS, whom you have exposed to these men. Yes , each officer is answerable, BUT GOVT IS ANSWERABLE FOR HAVING CREATED THIS SITUATION. LEADING UP TO THAT TIME, these girls were not falling pregnant like flies

  31. What has the former VP got to say about what happened to the yooug’s woman in Barotseland beco’s last he said what the police did was ok.

  32. Questions to answer: Is this vicarious liability on the part of the Government? is this rape? Is this defilement? Is consensual sexual intercourse involved?

  33. @#5 how old are you? you must be ……..The Ministers point and that of the PIG( Police Inspector General) are not contradicting. The PIG said the offenders will be brought to book but did not say the families will be compensated. When one is disciplined for his action it does not mean compensating the offender.

  34. If it can be proved that the girls were raped theN govt has an obligation to compensate. If they were defiled govt should compensate. If it was consensual a problem arises. It would mean every govt employee would put his employer in trouble every time he impregnants someone. Lots of conspiracies would arise from couples that want govt compensation

  35. Is it any wonder that the Western World laughs at the continent shaped like a question mark?
    People should be responsible for their irresponsibility!

  36. So all civil servants can do as they please using the GRZ’s name and get away with it simply because GRZ “did not ask them to”.

    I love my country. The servants we have elected into office think they can respond to us as insolent as they like.

    The correct response would have been to apologize first, then explain that the affected families are free to take legal action against the officers in question. 

    Let us also keep in mind that these girls also consented and probably wanted to fall pregnant, hoping to get some money.

    Still GRZ is running the country and they should act like it and be diplomatic in their responses and actions.

    If they keep it up they are guaranteeing their own defeat in 2016.

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