President Michael Sata has called on Zambians living in Botswana to return home and help develop the country. President Sata said that if Zambians do not return to work and develop the country, other foreign nationals will be employed to help develop the country because the process is not going to wait for anyone.
He said Zambia has educated a lot of her people who have left the country to work and develop other countries instead of their own. ZANIS reports that the President was speaking last evening in Gaborone, Botswana when he met Zambians living in Botswana.
He said Zambia had trained a lot of doctors, nurses, teachers and other professionals who, unfortunately, had not contributed to the welfare of their own country. President Sata urged the Zambians to return home and contribute towards the development of the country adding that Zambia needed all the ideas it could get in order to enhance development.
And Foreign Affairs Minister Given Lubinda said it was important for Zambian living in the Diaspora to keep abreast with the happenings in Zambia. Mr. Lubinda said when Zambians are well informed of the happening back home they will be able to meaningfully contribute towards the development of the country.
He implored the Zambian people in Botswana to contribute to the welfare of their country.
I thought Lubinda said we should never come back to Zambia because there are no jobs. Presido Sata says we should come become back. Who did Lubinda represent if not the Presido?
I thought Lubinda said we should never come back to Zambia because there are no jobs. Presido Sata says we should come back. Who did Lubinda represent if not the Presido?
Mr. Lubinda has been bulldozed. Only a day ago, he told Zambians in Botswana not to worry about coming home. But seriously, the Minister should learn to consult the boss before making any utterances.
Does it mean we dont have man power here?
in the health sector? No currently we are at 50% capacity or even less if u look at it district by district
Another day.Another U-turn?
It was just a few days ago what Lubinda was telling Zambians in Botswana not to come back. The PF government has different voices on the same issues, you just never know who to believe.
And where are the jobs that Ukwa is talking about? there are not jobs in Zambia, the few jobs that were available have been given to Bambas, PF cadres and kaponyas.
Hey, Mashimba that’s open tribalism, stop it. Dont you see Bembas around Lusaka or wherever languishing in poverty? If you think PF is tribalistic, then you are just like them.
Government of contradictions, for contradictions, by contradictions. Fitch, what do you make of this inconsistency?
Which is which ? Lubinda told us not to mind going back but now the big man is telling us the opposite.Okotwafilubila.
Why don’t you employ us who are already home? Ukwa shut up if you have nothing to say… you are just a grade seven failure!
Tackle the high unemployment levels in the country first and let your government create a competitive work environment that will attract Zambians in Diaspora to come back. You do not even have to invite them, they will come on their on. There are some many graduates home and that should be your priority Mr. President. Rhetoric time is over, now is the time to work.
UKWA, could you employ the unemployed Zambians in Zambia before you can call us from the diaspora. You have so many qualified Zambians seeking employment.
Good call but first employ and empower all the unemployed youths roaming the streets. There are alot of foreigners already holding jobs that are supposed to be given to deserving Zambians. Those in the diaspora are more than welcome.
I really hope this Government one day could speak from one policy document than from their ever changing emotions. A lot of us really want to see this government build on what MMD left and succeed , but sending such mixed messages is really confusing the army that is supposed to help you win war on poverty and under development.
Maybe somebody in PF should teach Sata to learn to speak from a written speech and stick to that. There is a reason why every President worth their salt have speech writers.
The president need the discipline to be able to contain his emotions and outbursts. He is not running PF or Lusaka City Council. He is running the republic of Zambia and somebody please pinch him and wake him up from his sleep.
Lubinda was being realistic while SATA was rhetorical. Jobs are there in zambia, but you must be highly skilled. or else stick to your opportunity in Ba Tswanaland. Don’t be swayed by politicians people, they are just vuvuzelas( Full of air, nothing else.
The highlight of the presidential state visit was to open a secondary school in Botswana. When RB was commissioning such projects in Zambia the very same current president and his cadres had no complimentary words. Typical case of swallowing one’s vomit as we have seen in the six months so far.
They have to think of tapping all those who are not yet employed before calling on our brothers and sisters who are in the diaspora. Don’t we have un utilized human resources around?
We just cant come back without a definitive program or policy. Otherwise you have to give us three years to prepare. Talk is cheap
I know it must be a hard job but is anybody compiling a list of the contradictions and u-turns made by this Ukwa led govt?
Make the environment more conducive for citizens to come home.Many zambians are entrenched in their adopted countries so much so that some have even become citizens of those countries, to have them participate in their homeland you have to create an idea of duel citizenship.
what a cheap threat,go ahead and employ the foreigners……eish
That’s a poorly thought out statement Mr. President. Why must the Zambians in the diaspora worry about jobs at home when the people at home cannot find jobs?
we need assurance first
How much are you going to pay them if they return….? are you gonna do a counter offer……just encourage them to invest back home period, you have nothing for them here ba PF.
they are no jobs in zambia period.
Ifyamba at work
But ukwa hasn’t provided employment to his voters locally here. Now he is overruling lubinda on the matter of whether or not to return home.
Am sure he is confused that the people in Botswana are not cheated.
He is smelling bubblegum in the air. When he crosses back to Zambia he will smelling chibuku and tujilili from our toilets in the air.
Mr Presido, we have lived in diaspora for many years now and coming home is desirable but not essential at the moment. Politics back home are sickening, the society is too corrupt to come and adjust to. Make life condusive for both the rich and poor, not the rich getting richer on the expense of others. Dual citizenship would also attract coming home otherwise good luck in developing Zambia.
Such pronouncements have been made before, & they are usually ignored as mere politiking!
If one were to be serious, one has to give a breakdown & guarantee of what is on offer.
Cry my beloved Zed! It was just on 12 March 2012 that this fool claimed that it is not his job to create employment and that this task specifically was for the Zambia Federation of Employers. Which Jobs is he specifically reffering to here? What will become of his cadres that he promised to employ that day? I bet no one in the PF sees these inconsistencies.
Employ foreigners where? By foreigners does he mean non-PF & non-bemba people? What a clown! I bet Lubinda was sitting there thinking how stupid he was not to charge people to come and see Ukwa Live Performance! He could have made good money for party and country!
Most of zambians here are health professionals.so he was referring to hiring health professionals from other countries including Pakistan!.Already someone said Mansa Gen Hospital is full of DRC doctors who are not experienced that is what is at stake here.Of course we have lots of engineers here and hair dressers who wish to come back to Zed if all is well.
The story is really half-baked by Lusaka Times now I know you are bought – you have cleverly trimmed down on the actual events. The meeting was acrimonius and at one time the audience murmured in disapproval. The Zambians who attended were very disappointed after looking forward to the Head of State to meet his people. Instead, he literally insulted us and our hosts, making a mockery of how we have allowed ourselves to be exploited and build better roads for them. You mean when the Zambians in Gaborone return then Zambia will have better roads??? He even said Botswana only has “5 shops”…my God, for anyone who has visited the shopping malls of Gaborone, they have more for just over 250,000 people in the capital compared to Lusaka which has 3m people.
kekeke, wandepula kwena!! ati botswana has only 5 shops yaaba. Nowonder he is now called ukwa by many.
Stop falling all over yourselves ba PF government!
Zambians will come home if and when they want. It is their home, they are not foreigners. Some will also come home for assured jobs, if they can be paid the same remunerations as foreign workers, exactly as it is being done here in the diaspora – equal pay for equal work. They will come if the labour laws protect their interests in the same way the expats are protected.
Hmm so one has the choice of going home as a Zambian or giving up citizenship and going as a foreign national. Nice one Mick! You think of everything. My hero :) Psssttt… I think they mean dual citizenship not dual option for which nationality will get the better conditions. I’m coming Mick! Coming to get your job before you outsource it :)
Cobra at it again. The drug is now working much more than during the campaign. Mr President there are so many Zambians in the country who do not have work. Those qualified individuals employed are paid peanuts. Solve those issues first before you open your mouth to invite those in the diaspora. Just encourage them to invest back in the country. Do you know how much they get paid outside the country. You cannot pay them. Ifyamba ba Cobra. Remember 90 days are over work up and start creating jobs for the unemployed Zambians. Do not allow junior officers to issue working permits to foreigners for jobs that can be done by Zambians. We have Zambians well qualified and appreciated abroad. Shame PF. You thought it was easy to govern. Employ specialist speech writers to write official speeches.
Oh, he is back, any reshuffles or dismissals so far? George Chellah what is latest from Nkwazi house?
forgive me oooooh, me na not no lubinda na issue statement against oooh..chineke na ruling na difficult than being na opposition, me na learn lesson now oooh..2016 i will not stand oooh this job na need people like hh with brains..me na surrender now.na see too many flies in ma head and na give me problems to make good statements. i regret now for standing oooh.
Very strange they fired all the Management that was Zambian in Zamtel and those people have to go out to find jobs now all are away. Now they are calling others from outside. I would say I have not seen such bad goverance there is no plan and no thoughts behind any activity. SAD SAD SAD GOD SAVE ZAMBIA
First things first – please ratify dual nationality then we can negotiate on exchanging knowledge with the government. Knowledge is not cheap.
If i was his relative, i would return because i would be assured of a job. Now that I am a mere Zambian, i wll not
UKWA UKWA UKWA.The other day bo Lubinda urged Zambians to remain in diaspora because there are no jobs for them in Zambia.Today you say the exact opposite.The other day you also defended appointment of cadres.Guess when those in diaspora get back home they would first have to be cadres before they can be employed.I say again,lets have Bollywood in Zambia to film this best commedy of all time
Mr president i have very high respect for you. But on this isue i don’t believe you me and my husband just come back late last year before elections after being away for 10 year.
My husband is highly educated with so much experience up to now he is been waiting for a job from You Mr President since he brought he’s CV at your office some 4 monthes ago.
So it’s very annoying to read that you are
Asking people to come back home while your office is full of people ‘s CVs and there are no jobs to offer them.
You send CV’s to State House?
Please ask your husband to use his high education to make something that will help Zambia.
He needs a different plan.
Sorry mate don’t insult us for leaving the country.When you were in MMD you and the leaders MMD really pissed us off.You diverted funds to ICASA and denied us pay.We were then fired and had to re-apply.meanwhile people where dying in the poorly equiped UTH.Do you think it was fun living in a dilapidated highland house after studying for 7 years,watching people die because we had run out of meds, IV fluids and or canulas? Do you think it was fun stealing from high cost just to save a patient.All the while watching you and the late Chiluba wasting millions of Kwacha.You didn’t care then and you don’t now.We are here to make money so we can support the family we have back home and in future we will come back and build descent hospitals.For now aluta continua
i lke this.straight to th point.u cnt employ smet=one without u providing th equipment he or sh needs.am studying in australia ad am nt on govt sponsorship.wud hv loved to go back to zed ad work bt whn i see alot of my fremd loittering th streets of lusaka doin nothin,am nt for th move anymore.am beta off doin th shit jobs as sme may call thm ad pay my rent,put food on th table ad evn support one or two family members back home thn stay in zed ad do nothing.atleast am call myself a working class.period.we shal cme whn we wnt ad he th predident cn nt force us to go home whn he cnt provide for th pipo tht ar unemployed.pipo shud learn to think b4 thy talk.so dissapointed wth th PF govt.am evn happy i wsnt in zed to cast a vote in favour for thm.
I would go by Lubinda’s realistic statement. Mr Sata should know that we are aware of the desparate situation as far as availability of jobs is concerned in Zambia. I will not take the president’s speech seriously and will not leave my job here to go and languish on the streets of Zambia.
#14 MMD Bootlicker, Really? What success are you talking about that the MMD left behind? The masses of Zambian professionals left the country during the time your MMD was in power and your leaders failed to develop the country as a way of reducing the exodus, come on be serious.
When zambians in the diaspora come back they will just add on to the existing high unemployment level. Zambians outside can only come back wen all are employed and their is a deficit in manpower requirements here. Make money for yourselves and family coz there is nothing for you here.
Confused Zambian
Lubinda said something else,anyway the first cut is the deepest
THE call for Zambians working abroad to return home yesterday took a new twist when Foreign Affairs Minister Given Lubinda asked Zambians living in Botswana and other countries abroad not to feel pressured to return home in what appears like a major policy shift. “Our policy in the PF is not to ….. will be done at our own time. However, the minister’s statement is worrying in that it clearly shows that the PF government has no clue as far as job creation is concerned.
Employ the foreigners that’s your business who are you threating can you afford to pay us? just employ those young boys and girls there before they aslo run away. nonsence leader
Dr Jugular, you have hit the jugular!
A typical statement from an a man who is African, And I mean African in thought, character and mindset. If it was an elite person, he will say WE WILL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO ENCOURAGE PEOPLE TO COME BACK. And this is our policy………
take me serious at your own peril.
honestly speaking from the business perspective they is definently less money in circulation and its not a good and healthy sigh to be seeing at the moment i feel sorry for the jobless at the moment
Ukwa Chronicles pt2. Lubinda clearly has better brains than his boss; he correctly pointed out a few days ago that diaspora Zambian’s can still contribute greatly to mother Zed via their remittances. He also correctly stated that if you have a well paying job or successful business abroad, better to stay there while building a house back home for your eventual return. Now the chief clown is contradicting his own Minister? Ukwa, you & FJT fired junior doctors when they went on strike demanding better working conditions; now you want them back?? You seriously need to have your head examined or better still just keep quiet and let your able henchmen speak on your behalf.
These guys can’t even read from the same script from Christ’s sakes, it would be suicide to believe any of them…
I thought Given Lubinda understands the PF policy and his statement was cleared to be issued.Contradictions,Winter Kabimba remaind Given Lubinda about PF policy before we get more confused.Those outside Zambia are doing well,give us job,we laboured with u during the campaigns,now you want want to give those who did not even vote for u.
Come back to Zambia when it is over run by Angolan soldiers?
He said botswana has only 5 shops.
He saw the shops at the Grand Palm Hotel where he was staying and concluded those are the only shops.
”Fi” more money in the pocket ”fileisa lisa ”
employ foreigners where? Which jobs? Why not reduce the current levels of unemployment before you employ foreigners? Rubish!!!!
I dont trust you mr prisident, you failed to fufill the promises, bring back KAMBWILI to labor, maybe i might come back with MY DEGREE
UKWA indeed. Why were PF cadres angry with HH for spelling out the truth. Such things only happen with UKWA, Mr. Ibu, Diffikoti and Bikiloni. HH you are a genius. Its a mappet show.
I am ready to return but the position Im applying for is currently occupied by Ukwa. Are u going to vacate the presidency when I return? His answer can be shared by many other faithful Zambians employed in govt and other companies. Who can believe can believe him when he just sent Joe Chilaizya and Dr Martin Malama to foreign countries. If there were jobs,he cud ve deployed them within the country
Do whatever you want Michael. I have a job over here with a solid 401K, one you cant give me if I came home.
What I know is that foreigners are usually on expartriate conditions which means they need to be paid more than their Zambian counterparts. Now if Poverty Facilitator (PF) gvt has money to pay these foreigners why then are they threatening civil servants with dismissals should they reject gvt offer of 4% salary increment? Yet during campaigns they told civil servants that nobody in the civil service will get less than K5m but this time they are saying we are giving you 4%. Guys from the Diaspora just stay where u are we are coming to join u soon. There is no future back home.
Chimbwi no plan 1. ratify dual nationality 2.Create an environment that attracts professionals and others in the diaspora to come back 3.Start looking like you actually know something by following a policy 4. Realise you are governing a nation not kaseba’s toto!
Does any of the PF supporters still sense some direction with their ever policy shifting leaders? Is this the experience PF supporters meant when saying Sata was experienced? Going by what he has done in the last six months or so, he has experience but not good experience. The experience he has is not fit for his current job. some day we would like to believe just may be just the president will behave and conduct himself as a president. No wonder his cabinet never meets. For sure no progress would be made in such a cabinet meeting with people shifting their policies on a daily or hourly basis. What a shame, another wasted five years. In business this would be called lost profit oppoturnity. But since PF is for Kaponyas they own’t see the oppoturnity
Ukwe, Ukwe please save us the lies. Which jobs in Zambia? You fired highly qualified and experienced people at Zamtel and replaced them with your cadets and Bemba failures like Mupanga and all of them have found jobs in the diaspora. Look at what happened at Zesco and all the other parastatals were you fired qualified people and replaced them with Bembas and PF cadres. First sort out your mess before you ask others to come and join our misary back home.
ukwa and his usual commedy. tizayamba che kusekako ife
As Zambians both locally and abroad – we seem to reach a point where we admit that we have failed to create jobs for ourselves. I am shocked at the reaction to both Mr. Lubinda and Mr. Sata’s statements. We are used to working for OTHERS and not for ourselves – that is why we are stuck in jobs abroad and are scared to go back home. All global companies were started by individuals (in most cases just one individual) in their own countries under difficult circumstances – just read the stories of Sony, Microsoft, Apple, Cocacola etc even Ford.
Now us Zambians we want the government to CREATE JOBS – How can govt create jobs – govts create enabling environments to create jobs and we have a very good environment now in Zambia. COME BACK or STAY THERE but CREATE JOBS – INVEST IN ZAMBIA.
Please someone educate me how did Sata come to be known as UKWA Lol!
Mr. President Sir, when you get back home, Could you broadcast to the electorates that jobs are abound in Zambia, such that you are even considering employing beyond the country’s boarders.
Just the other day, PF cadres kicked the butts of Willie Nsanda and Samuel Mukupa for failing to come through with the promise of jobs. They vowed to continue with the trend. “Better beware Mr. President.” It appears that Lubinda`s pronouncements were more sane and measured as opposed to The presidents delirious comments
The meeting last night was dramatic such that we felt there was no need to have gone to listen to our president. The High Commissioner made a mistake of letting the highly charged ZACOBO chairman to introduce the President. The c/man put the Cobra in a tight Conner that you could see tension on the faces of people on the high table. King Cobra was non apologetic as usual when answering questions posed to him, no one was really answered to their satisfaction.
What answer do ypu expect if someone can be asking that there was a storm and CBU was affected what are you doing about it?Open more Universities-when there are so many including my former small town Kalulushi.The miones in Kabwe.Chirundu consultation who is he to be consulted about initiating districts in zambia and someone is here wants to be consulted…the list is endless..fake questions.We were bloked by the same useless question we want tax/customs/duty reduction not “”my sr is not registered by zambia nursing council coz she trained in SA-even in Bots some SA trained midwives are not registered
Who made this charactor the chairman. Chairman of who and for who?
I was in that meeting from the beginning.Chack comments from the other article about HH and his 50 +1 % issue.LT delayed in publishing what happened yesterday at 20:00hrs.Sata and given were provoked by one chap called chairman for pipo living in Bots.He did not know what he was doing at all!
He insulted the president by his remarks from kazungula boarder to intercity-out of context.Please do not blame the presido.That chairman could have said something at vote of thanks not starting by insulting someone who has called you for a meeing.
Shombe malakata, so then President was so annoyed that he also had to insult the Botswana people and government???????????????? Please let us assist our president to be and act like “Head of State”
Sata, never consistent this PF. Now that they’re in power these guys they come out blank and to some extent dull. Why not employ the people already here in Zambia? Is Sata even creating the jobs? By the end of 5 yrs with this man Kaya! Really; he is blank when it comes to the major issues he should be sorting out..
Lubinda and Sata have contradicted themselves. Now i know why other people are worried about instability of our policies. Shame…
I see, it is sad if the president was provoked, but as a leader it is expected that he controls his emotions so he still delivers what is expected of a president.
Trully there are no jobs to come back home for. Unless we all become cadres!
They should be writing speeches before hand
Let him employ foreigners!! This guy can not work with his own people and he thinks he can work with foreigners in the long term. If my memory serves me right, this chap fired the same doctors he is talking to now, when he was minister of health many years ago. I hope he can make good on this threat. It is time Zambians learned the importance of working with different cultures and most important, the need to develop local human resources. Honestly speaking PF does not seem to have a solid policy on human resources (and other matters!), and they are too dull to consult on what to do
Heh! Heh! Heh! You voted for him. He didn’t put himself in power.
76 & 77, you are putting all this into context… Thanks.
Inconsistency on the part of the President should not be taken lightly,one day this will cost the country massively,can this issue be included as one of the grounds for impeachment-food for thought.
even my farm workers do not contradict like this. So lubinda will now be shifted to which ministry?
LOL I don’t know what to say. Ladies and gentlemen do what you gotta do. Live your life and plan accordingly for your future.
What happened last evening at the Meeting was a total disaster where the President got very emotional and didn’t address as expected, Yes the Chairman of Zambians living in Botswana went overboard with remarks about renovation of state house while nothing is being done for most of the buildings in Zambia, and the tedious process if one is crossing to Zambia.
Over and above this we expected him to be the hard of state and answer the many questions asked in way that would have left everyone happy and not lambasting everyone that dared to ask.
it was a total shock for most of us anyway.
Supporter, I honestly do not see how a Head of State can be so insolent and insult his hosts as well??????????????????? Total disaster and there was not protocol officer to guide the proceedings> Aint we a laughing stock now for those who invited their Tswana spouses and children to the meeting????
Sata is just being Patrotic while Lubinda was not. No one in their right frame of Mind you tell you go back to your Motherland.
In the USA, Where I live, people ask me if I would go back to Zed. I tell them yes just to show my patriotism to Zambia. Even if I know I may never return but I would and settle in Zed but I always visit and support my Family and do alot of projects to uplift the living standards. I also donate money to Charities working in Zambia to help the poor. This is how I show my patriotism.
Sata, Lubinda, State House, Foreign Affairs knew beforehand that they would have to table this matter in public and all what was required is 15 minutes of preparation and brainstorm on how to tackle question in relation to their manifesto but what happens everyone goes to Botswana with their own scripts and messes up. It must be hard work nowadays to be a civil servant in Zambia as you spend most of your time mopping up after these politicians.
If these guys can not seem to have consistent statements regarding such a simple policy issue… you can forget about this government implementing something as complex as dual citizenship.
The only President who lived abroad was RB, and he never said such silly things like KK, Chiluba, Mwanawasa and now Sata. People can develop their country even while they are abroad. BUT I am not going home as long as people like him are in politics.
You’re absolutely right.
I just hav one question for the president: Is he going to provide jobs for all those living in diaspora including those jobless ones who are in the country, coz as as I am aware no job creations hav made so far ever since he stepped into office. Shame on him!
There are already a lot of Zambians who unemployed, why ask for more people to flood the labour sytem.
Ukwa needs to expand the employment opportunities in Zambia first before making any such rubbish noise.
The Satas and the current leadership are too arrogant & too nationalistic to understand why someone would be based abroad in the first place…they would rather market their policies to the white man & give him handsome tax relief package than implement diaspora friendly policies.
Not everyone of us who is based abroad is an EMPLOYEE, some Zambians are business owners and these chaps in government should show some respect and humility to everyone not just the Chines…people who will create jobs are the private sector not government..awe.. this is not 1964.
Learn from British PM Cameron who is bending backwards through policy changes to encourage everyone abroad to invest in Britain to reduce youth unemployment & also implementing policies changes for the SMEs to stimulate growth.
You have more than 60 percent unemployment rate in Zambia, and you want to entice people who have taken the initiative of paying for their education abroad and getting better paying jobs. Besides, you have to suck up to people like Sata in order to get a job in Zambia. By the way, it takes more than a job to lure people who are accustomed to a lifestyle in the developed world. There is no freedom out there in Zambia. You could end up like lawyer Ngenda or Shamwana for defending other people’s rights if you’re a lawyer. If you’re a journalist, you will be turned into Sata’s mascot. Well, sir, keep your jobs, or you can go ahead and give them to foreigners as you wish.
It is clear that President Sata is passionately in love with the British as he worked at British Railway Stations (I believe possibly Paddington) in London. However, the English have a wise old adage which states that: “CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME”. Sata must first clean up his house, its corridors and varandahs before enticing Zambians to return home. He must improve working conditions and upgrade salaries equal to SADC (preferably South Africa’s) standards. Zambians woriking in Botswana have experienced the respect Govt accords to its working class. Yet Sata showers Zambian workers – including Ministers, P. Secretaries, Directors & senior civil Servants – with insults and ridicule. People expect decency in the political environment of their country. No Donchi Kubeba” gimmicks will work.
Sata just says anything that comes to his mouth akapepa mbanje.
I’m coming back as fast as I can ……….. I’m tired of living in the UK these days . Worked to death, taxed likewise and treated with scant respect by so-called work ” colleagues ” . Yes the money is there , but it’s not all a bed of roses overseas , no sir . I can return a big thing able to buy cars and houses cash, and eat in all the top Lusaka resturants or remain a nobody here in UK . Far better to enjoy the friendly Zed lifestyle and be a big fish in a small pond than be a kaponya wage slave in UK work till 67years then languish in an old peoples home ……..
You don’t represent the majority of Zambians. I have friends who are very successful in the UK, US, Canada and other parts of the Western world.
I think in the grand schemes of things – life is about being happy wherever you are! Success is defined by individual satisfaction. My grandmother in my village was a very successful woman. In the 1970s and 1980s, she did not own big cars, her house was not electrified, but she had so much food, fed all of us well, there was peace in the house, we ate natural foods and fruits to the extent that all my brothers and sisters have never suffered serious illnesses through our entire lives. Above all we all went to school and are living in Zambia with very successful and happy.
#97, he worked at Victoria station, scrubbing floors.
This is Dont kubeba policy… GRZ (Sata and Lubinda) say something different on the same issue..It is as good as nothing was said….Dont kubeba …every question has a YES and NO… so filter what you wana hear…
#101 Chimbwi
Speak for yourself…the problem with you chaps is; you are preprogrammed at school and university on how to be very good loyal house servant and not how to be business owners you are not keen to learn how you can make money work for you. This is something you acquire from self education and its freely available.
So don’t blame the system if you are tired of climbing that geasly pole….just WAKE UP!!
If you based in the UK, why is your location coming up as US!!
Why is it that some bloggers keep refering to BUFFO*N RB, the man had no leadership qualities whatsoever, we voted for these guys as that was the only choice either them or the corrupt MMD or the Southern Provnce based UPND of President HH…given a choice today i think people would vote the same or spoil the ballot papers.
Ha, ha mr presido, I cant even try, I would rather pay higher taxes here but have power, water,security and all the little luxuries of life 24/7, than coming to corruptland…sorry bwana…!!
#105, and you think this capricious and tragicomic government is better? We’re not in support of the MMD. But what you forget is that Sata is more MMD than RB. He symbolized everything that was wrong with the MMD before his departure in 2001. The fact that he formed PF doesn’t change his character. He is still the same man who was convicted of embezzling public funds, and he is the same Sata who was suspected in the assassination of Paul Tembo hours before he was supposed to name him as responsible for the disappearance a colossal amount of public funds. Any alternative would have been better than mbala iyi.
Deep Throat,
Please stop making counter accusations which if were true the previous MMD government would have used it to quash Sata once and for all. You are liken to a crying toddler in a pram who keeps throwing out all the toys given to him by his mother…give me your alternative choice….if you can’t or please put a cork on it.
This is just another talk show by the Kaponya Govt. in general and SATA in particular. This all UNIP mannerism. They would rather employ foreign nationals on far better terms than the Local nationals with the same qualifications. I am not sucking my thumb on this issue am a living testimony. I left because my fellow graduates from west Africa with the same qualifications were given K50 000 and a return air ticket every two years for up to four people per family then while I earned humble K2500. SATA was part of that crap. These guys don’t advertise they just appoint their relatives. If they advertised Govt jobs they would get a lot of Zambians applying without the cheap talk from Michael Chilufya Sata. I know a lot of Zambians who are more patriotic than these opportunists.
What a circus of people in PF Sata says this and Lubinda says the exact opposite. These guys are sick I tell you. I end here!
Jay Jay
You can’t see what I am trying to communicate?. There are people who have witnessed Zambian politics from a vintage point, and I can claim to be one of them. This is not electronic hallucination. Anyway, we both can agree that this country needs to move away from all these cadaverous politicians and elect a 21st Century leader who understands the dynamics that move the world today. We need a leader who can go to the World Economic Forum or any other global forum and discuss governance (i.e., economics) competently with the smartest minds from all over the world. We need someone who understands globalization and tap into it for the benefit of the country. Sata makes Rwanda’s Paul Kagame look intellectually obese.
After watching that live show from president Sata, now I understand why RB wept. If HH had won RB wouldn’t have wept.
Doesn`t Sata know that is tribalistic leadership style is discouraging Zambians living abroad from re-locating to Zambia. And by the Sata says, he will employ foreigners ——-what a comedian!!!! The man has failed to create jobs for the youths who voted for him —and now he is talking about giving jobs to foreigners —what a joker for president.
No 108
Time has indeed changed from you being a die hard supporter of this grade 7 UKWA. The Zambian Government comedy will be the best seller this year… the can make some money when the win the Oscar for the best comedy of the year. We warned you that this Chamba smoking UKWA of your had no clue…. you said he has experience. If he managed to fool educated people like you can you imagine with the kaponya’s at Kamwala
Guys Lubinda was right, there are no jobs in Zambia no wonder there are so many unemployed people. Moreover, there is no job security in Zambia right now as people are being hired and fired left, right and center. Enjoy yourselves in the diaspora to avoid unnecessary high blood pressure
Guys, Doctors and other highly professionals like Nurses can not be picked from the streets. They are a lot of professional jobs in Zambia like ones mentioned. You don’t just pick them. Countries like Bostwana and many others, including European countries gets professionals from other countries because, its takes a lot of money and time to meet their demands. Its not cheap to train human resource. Truly, Most Zambians who work abroad have worked in Zambia before migrating… Zambia cannot develop if we just depend on government to create jobs. People who are working outside Zambia has a lot of experience such that, if the put their resources together can create employment and develop Zambia.
Zambian Government has educated us almost free of charge. Lets take for instance Training a docto
Guys let us not run away from the responsibilities of developing Zambia, Government alone and its President are just their to guide us, but the onus is on us to take charge and move forward. Putting resources together is the most important key to any development. Fine Go abroad and eat your chocolates and ice creams and see if you will have respect. Instead you should go abroad to and invest in Zambia and develop your areas of expertise, and collectively development will be enhanced.
H.E. Sata disappointed the Zambians at his meeting thorugh rhetoric, intimidation and did not motivate them. I wonder whether Zambians are inspired by the PF govt. Can ZNBC show us the full meeting of H.E. and the Zambians so that all can know what happened?
There are graduates in Zed who have no jobs and Sata wants us to go back and be refugees in our own country. I need a few assurances Before I start parking my bags to return to Zed.
By the way which foreigners is he going to employ – his Chinese friends , PF cadres, or relatives???. Serious lack of seriousness .
Diplomatic chaos, the President travels to Botswana without any Protocol officers, what a shame, this is total confusion…..
# 115
Lets do away with this annoying “I Told You So” syndrome…you make it seem as though the voters were spoiled for choice; Blue corner there was BUFFOQN RB and in the red corner Mr HH whom do you put your ‘X’ against. Instead of heckling everyday on the sidelines like a cheeky school boy on the playing grounds…..we can do with your valuable professional input and contributions on here
On the plus side though I wouldn’t in a million years see envisage BUFFOQN RB holding a Press Conference abroad open to everyone as opposed to faithful Party cadres and taking questions.
Mr. president. I am not coming to Zambia any time soon until you create jobs for thousands of educated Zambian who are still in Zambia. On the question of developing Zambia, I think you are not informed that those living and working abroad have helped a lot in as far as developments in Zambia are concerned. You just can’t go on a foreign trip and start promising people jobs when you have failed to create a single job to youths who voted for you instead you go and bring back those folks who retired ten years ago. Who are the foreigners who can accept your poor working condition? Zambia is our country, but we are much better here than you can imagine Mr. President. If you wanted us to come back and help develop the country, you can’t just fill all the gov’t positions with your relatives.
Deep Throat
We were aware of the old man’s limitations beforehand; what we do expect of him to do though is recognize those limitations and compliment them by taking on specialist advisers to guide him through, that’s what is expected of any great leader…as Buffett eloquently put it “Diversification is a protection against ignorance”. Yes there is a lack of brainpower in the cabinet, but where it exists the President seems to be hell bent in publicly overriding their decisions or statments ie. Dr. Nkandu Luo on Street vending & now Given Lubinda on this.
Deep Throat,
So what do we do then?
1) We can sit it out till 2016
2) Support another Presidential candidate who shares our vision.
If we opt for No. 1, what’s stopping the Sata choosing to stay on or worst still a BUFFOQN Kambwili or Wynter who seems to be saving himself for something BIG… taking over and being elected as President, all it takes is PF implementing populous short-term policies than appeal to the “uninformed” masses just before the elections.Option 2 is the best way forward and there is no better time to start but now to start. Since some of us are too honest to be politicians lobbying and supporting that 21st Century candidate who understands the dynamics that move the world today is the only option.
LMFAO, hilarity all the way. Some of you take life too seriously. In the truest sense, I think Sata was just metaphorically speaking and wasn’t saying it literally. Come on, ofcourse he (Sata) knows that, there aren’t that many job opportunities in Zambia, but he just couldn’t come out and agree with what Lubinda had said a couple days before. It’s politics bane…take it all in stride and laugh a little. Remember, you can always vote the current President and the PF government out in 2016. You literally were brainwashed and mentally tormented by your MMD so-called government. It took you nearly for 20 years to realize it. Surely, 5 years of PF shouldn’t be bad huh? Atleast, Sata makes everything interesting. And oh…just where the hell did the word UKWA come from?
This current crop of politicians of yester-year are mere cavemen who will only club down any innovative and creative policies that will stimulate growth and reduce unemployment as evidenced Mr Sata empty threats in Botswana. Although I haven’t seen the composition of his team for NOW my money is on Elias Chipimo.
Atase ba Presido Bo kaponya fwe which hom, for what and how much money will you pay us. k1000,000 awe just improve the country naimwe.
SATA the king cobra is man of the moment now, i followed his speech in Botswana, it was excellent, he urged those zambian refugees in botswana to come back home, how does someone stay in Botswana 20yrs and has nothing at home to show, not even a ka make shift house. How many twana’s stay and work in zambia aren’t you ashamed as refugees???? Come on the PF govt, welcomes everybody even the fugitive son of Ruppiah comeback home, blood is thicker than water we won’t jail u but need answers to few questions only. SATA needs support from everyone, no political propaganda, the man lives a simple life and has no lust for money like RB, Kafupi etc
#126 you are a big Clown.There are no Jobs in Zambia.
Just stay uko kwine! We shall receive your died body at KK airport! The only thing you can do for your country is showing how much you know on LT when you can’t even buy an underwear for an orphan at an orphanage! We shall shame you all,we shall change our country!
Ba Sata are u telling us the Zambians in Zambia cannot be employed? Are Zambians in Zambia inferior or dull. How can u jump from Zambians in foreign lands to employing foreigners from outside Zambia?
I never usually agree with Chief Bootlicker but he is right the President need to start reading and if he is still difficulty to correct and teach then ministers should not just make statements but wait for the President to outer something so they act like they are a unified government its becoming now the order of the day with one subject being spoken differently by cabinet ministers and the President himself and its embarrassing to say the least.
which Zambians have you employed…?all kolwestans..
Having been in Zed in the last few days and seen the mess I have had a chance to speak to a few kaponyas on the status quo. The truth is that the kaponyas are really happy with the current president. They are happy that he has allowed street vending and pirate taxis to operate freely. They are the people that voted enmasse and feel happy. We can blog all we like about ukwa this and ukwa that, the truth is that his biggest constituency (the kaponyas) enjoy this state of confusion. And truth be told, these are the people that decide the fate of our country, like it or not. So for now it is just a wait and see. Also, the bottom line is, he can afford to talk down to the Zambians in Botswana as long as his major constituency is happy. Sad really but true.
that’s y hh was the best candidate
The performance of the PF government thus far has been a grande anti – climax after the euphoria of victory five months ago has fizzled out so quickly. This government will take Zambia back several years within a decade of being in power. They are just a pack of clowns who must leave center stage expeditiously. Almighty God we pray you save our nation so we can stand tall and proud amongst your chosen!!
I dont know who or what to believe anymore. Lubinda says we must not come back, while Sata says we should!!! Like most Zambians who have been working outside for a number of years, I am eager to contribute towards job creation. We honestly do not want to come to Zambia and demand jobs, but rather create jobs. They are enough professional resident Zambians without jobs and yet Sata wants people working outside to come and take the few jobs available. Does not make sence. I acquired a piece of farm land in Zambia where I have emplyed three Zambians and every month I send their salaries. Imagine 10 000 Zambians in the diaspora given an opportunate to invest back home. Ghanians in the diaspora contribute 10% to GDP cos of good policies. Give us opportunities and will contribute immensely.
@# 134 Tell It Like It Is, you are right! The poor Zambians who fell the pain voted for Sata! So bloggers continue blogging in your comfortable chair. SATA rules!
@Jay Jay,you must be a bemba chap.How do you start thinking of Chipimo even b4 you see his team or hear of his ideas.You arechaps who are destroying this country because you think with your tribe and not brains.Think widely and without any tribal inclination.Mwanawasa was’nt bemba but did better than any bemba president.Vote on merit imwe a bemba.You call your friends triabal when you are No.1.Maybe try Situmbeko Musokotwane
No 126
Maybe its high time UKWA started becoming serious with his mouth. his careless mouth is becoming a threat to the interests of many Zambians.
Since when did you become ‘Distant Drums’? I am the original and the only Distant Drums based in London and you are just a fake one in the US. Please stop it!
Clearly the president lost composure, something we all know he is weak at. If you want to make the president look stupid, just step a little bit on his ego and he loses it.
Secondly and sadly, the PF has never had a policy for zambians in the diaspora that is why they cannot speak with one voice. They need to sit down and come up with a policy which they can then refer to when questioned.
Thanks for the encouraging words HEMCS. More cash will be in our pockets any time soon!
I have read what the President is saying and many of you sound to have missed the point. He is saying Zambians who are in Botswana should come and develop Zambia otherwise, he will be prompted to employ foreigners who have similar qualifications like those who are in Botswana. Meanwhile our those who are in Zambia he will do the same.
Dont Kubeba!
Eagle-Eagle, are you referring to the article you read or you were there at the meeting???? The LT article has been heavily edited. Us who attended the meeting are not talking about a doctored article but what we heard from the horse’s mouth and the atmosphere
Three months ago, anyone who disagreed or criticised PF and Michael Sata was not thinking properly or was a bitter loser or tribalist. Going by the comments from the month of March on Lusaka Times, one can see that people have began to see the deception. All those who called us names please apologise!!!!
Keep it short and simple (KISS) as define SATA:
Speech writer needed for Presido
Attention to policies and facts
Trust and truth
Avoid emotional outbursts!
How can you ask zambians to come home when you cant get jobs for the ones who are qualified but unemployed. you mr president should be telling zambians to leave zambia and look for jobs outside of zambia. we live in a global village where development can happen from outside zambia
Ifyamba bamudala. dont forget you were in Uk doing the sweeping that could have ben don back home?why in Uk and not zedee?ist not cos of the some K1 you are talking about?Please some one should learn to write a speech before this man bloos the the insults to all zambian out there.i was in zambia last year decba, Lusaka; streets are bad. you have to be carefull when walikng or you step on someone’s items being sold.every street you will talk about with no expection of cairo road the street i new was reserved by the year 2003 when i was last there. what is Sata talking about? back home i have five of my own sisters educated with out jobs, why then should i join them and become jobless when i can help them with the little that i get this side? someone should talk to this man oooooooooo
It starts with a request…..
I will come back if you pay me 5 times what im getting here ( lets see here im getting at least twice what my counterparts get and much better working conditions), so for wasting my time youll have to pay more, failure to which you can employ foreigners.
Come back to what?
smeone once said ‘u cn only go as far as u r exposed’ its scary….. wht poverty can do….. to our mindsets. what you appreciate, you attract…. nw the CHIRWA ISSUE its sad… no govt wil develop Z. ITS THE CITIZENRY AFAR & within. we pray for our leaders, for it is a command. but we put our trust not in worldly systems…. but in God above. dnt lock the students up reason with them…. they are the future. ‘imitikula empanga’ what leadership z it that rushes to lock up students. subsidies will surely hv rippl effect… ask not wht Z cn do for u… but wht u cn do for Z.