PATRIOTIC Front (PF) secretary general, Wynter Kabimba said that the PF Government was not in any way turning the country into a one-party State. He was reacting to assertions by some quarters over his role and the relationship between PF as a party and the Government.
Last week saw the suspension of the political party status of the Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) – which ruled the country for two decades until September last year – on the grounds it has not been paying its annual registration fees.
The party’s 53 seats in the 158-seat parliament are safe for now while a court challenge is heard but the move is raising alarm bells with all the wrong people.
Ratings agency Fitch, which earlier this month downgraded Zambia’s outlook to negative from stable, said the development only increased concerns about the government’s direction.
“Even if the decision is overturned by the courts, Fitch highlights again the risks associated with sending a negative message on matters relating to economic policy, property rights and respect for the rule of law,” it said.
However, Mr Kabimba said as chief administrator of PF, he would ensure that the Government implements the socio-economic programmes as promised during the election campaigns
He said it was his duty, under the supervision of President Michael Sata, to ensure that the Government implemented the socio-economic programmes as the party would be judged based on the successes or failures of the State.
Kabimba says the ruling party will deliver its social contract with the Zambian people and advised members countrywide to focus on implementing the manifesto.
“Let me explain the principles underlying the relationship between the party and the Government as they stand now. Principle number one is that in 2011, it is the PF that went out to the people during campaigns with a social and economic programme which was contained in the PF manifesto period 2011-2016.
“We said to the people if you vote for the PF as a party this is the programme that we are going to execute with the Government we are going to form, so the social contract if you want to put it that way which led to the PF winning the elections, or which made the people to vote (for) the PF was on the basis of that manifesto between the people and the PF,” he said.
Mr Kabimba said if the Government failed to deliver by 2016, it was not the Cabinet that would be judged but PF as a political party.
He said it was PF as a party that would go back to the people to seek another mandate and not Cabinet. ”
So put another way, put in a legal form, the party is the principal and the Government is the agent, there is a principal-agent relationship between the two institutions and if you agree with that principle it means the Government is answerable to the party in the execution of the social and economic programmes,” he said.
He said because of that relationship, the party was interested in the day-to-day implementation of the socio-economic programmes.
“Now the chief administrator of the party is the secretary general and, therefore, that is the office that creates a link between the Government and the party.
“The queries from our members and from those who voted for the party regarding the implementation of the socio-economic programme go to the secretary general and not Government officials.
“It is the duty, therefore, of the secretary general to find out from those that are implementing, how the programme is progressing and give answers to the members and supporters of the party,” he said.
Mr Kabimba said it was for that reason that, as secretary general, he was not part of the Government establishment.
He said it was his duty to remind his colleagues in Cabinet to stick to and implement the socio-economic programmes as the basis on which the party was voted into power.
“Is this tantamount to interference with Government as it is alleged? It is the duty of the SG to do so. Is the secretary general a minister without portfolio? From what I have said no! I do not enjoy any Government benefits, financial or otherwise, I do not sit in Cabinet.
“My outstanding role together with the president of the party as my immediate supervisor is to see to it that this programme is implemented because in 2016 the party will be judged on the failure or success of this programme and at that time Cabinet will have been dissolved and it will not be there to answer queries from the people as in facing the judgment,” he explained.
He said by that arrangement, it did not mean that the party was taking back the country to a one-party State. Mr Kabimba said today, Zambians were not judging the MMD as a government but as a party having failed the people of Zambia.
“We have learnt a lesson from the history of the MMD and do not want to fall in the same pit,” he said.
[Times of Zambia,Reuters]
The wars of attrition in Zambia are quiet frankly jokes. Is this really newsworthy?
Indeed, pathetic! This guy is becoming irritating
calm down love its only 6 months wait for 2016
why cant u tell the truth kabimba?
tell them heters My SG.
Kantashi, you must be ashamed of yourself. better confide in someone else than this CNP.
KABIMBA don’t worry about being judged in 2016. You have already been judged and in 2016 you will going to your village. We are already tired of your mick-mouse government.
I am tired of this prick.
I september 2011 you voted for me and i won, not you, so shut up!
Oh my God,i hope this man does not habour presidential ambitios.That would be a serious.Just looking at his picture iv goose bumps!
You know that liberal democracy is dear to Zambians and your reversal political rubbish has no room in our value system. Dare do it, you risk a critical mass and wave of unparalleled resolve against tyranny and baloney filled in your head. Take not Zambians for fools or granted as pawns you can cross the lines with easy. power belongs to the people and we fear not man but God who takes the soul away. Leadership come and leadership go but Zambia is ours to defend passionately.
Rubbish. Just politiking to replace a sick cabbage in India
You have lamentably failed test on all these: In 90 days PF will put more money in your pockets, create better high paying jobs for every kaponya, PF will stop leaders seeking foreign medical care ending the culture of leaving local hospitals death traps to poor Zambians. New Universities and hospitals will be built in every chiefdom around the country, no descent personal would deny the right of Barotseland agreement to be recognized which PF will honor.
You have lamentably failed test on all these: Zambians are getting a low deal from their precious resources and no normal person would fail to see the need for introducing windfall tax on higher commodity prices. PF will introduce windfall tax on minerals to address socio-economic challenges the country is facing. Chinese are infesters and PF will chase them together with Indians.
It sounds like he is still campaigning – some one really needs to tell PF that they won, and winning comes with the responsibility of leading, controlling, managing and developing the country.
Less talkie-talkie, more workie-workie.
Answering stupid questions to satisfy the shallow but aggressive is not campaigning. It is simply giving the fools what they want so that we may move on with what really matters.
God’s people cannot be taken for granted or indeed taken for fools to be lied to with such impunity we have come to be spammed with by this circus regime. Zambia is a country of intelligent, sober but patriotic vigilant democrats who understand their rights and indeed what they deserve than this drivel.
Kwena Zambians ba PF baliminyunya iyibi sana! Zambians were completely dribbled very badly by PF – full stop…
Not only one party state but also one tribal state Bemba to the exclusion of other 71 tribes
you are right kabinda
Please focus on development, we are tired of the politicking!
this fool is still talking?? Kanshi can someone remove his voice box coz he thinks we listen to his BS and believes he is presidential material. Kwena mu PF muletwitako when you are having your pot-smoking parties. You dribbled those young illiterate Zambians, bakabova naba tutu banenu and think the tide is still the same? You really are a joker chi kabimba red lips
Kabimba is an incredible LIAR. PF Govt systematic harassment of MMD and UPND are signals to reverting Zambia to One Party State. PF plot to destroy MMD reflected in (1) persecution of RB’s family; (2) concocting fake criminal charges on Dr. Musokotwane, Maxwell Mwale, Dora Siliya, Gabriel Namulambe on bicycles used as campaign materials; (3) buying of some MMD politicians (Muteteka, Mutati, Dr. Kalumba, Masumba) to issue anti-MMD statements;(4) challenge of all MMD & UPND seats where PF lost. To destroy UPND, PF Govt (a) embarked on fragmenting Southern Province in order to drive a wedge between Ilas and Tongas; (b) threat to investigate HH wealth and linked to parastals sold when Sata was No.3 in FTJ’s regime. All such actions lead to One Party State if Ukwa cheats death in India.
There is truth in what Winter is telling us. If someone is pointing to the moon and telling you that look at the moon, but you decide or you are just fixated to only look at the pointing finger and thus you can’t even see the moon, tough luck! Inadequacy in comprehending things is a problem. Some bloggers’ reasoning is questionable. Reasoning can sometimes be better than emotions. emotions are instinctive reactions, for hate or for liking. You need to control emotions otherwise you can defecate anywhere, do sex anywhere, insult anywhere, etc. If you use emotions every time you respond to other people you end up causing trouble. In the case of Kabimba’s statements he is reasonable and telling the truth.
Within 6 months of PF in power, they have successfully managed to suffocate the flow of investment into the country. Within 6 months Zambia is a de facto one party state with civil servants like Andeleki being ordered to destroy the opposition. The so called plunder cases are those of people suspected of having stolen bicycles and again targeted at opposition MPs. Within 6 months tax reliefs given to companies such as Varun by the MMD govt have been withdrawn and therefore these companies can’t expand. There is moral struggle in the country fighting for the soul of the zambia which these thugs want to destroy. We will not let this happen – not in our life time.
So the social contract has effectively been breached. The PF campaigned and promised a lot of things within 90 days, many votes were gained as a result of this, sadly few of these promises have come to pass.
Mr.Summer Kabimba your statements are vague.My free advice to you:Please implement National Development Plans NOT pf manifesto.Analyse 6th National Development Plan which MMD left in place.Modify it to incorporate pf’s aspirations only where necesarry.Its not too late to regain public confidence.Greetings to UKWA and trully wishing him quick recovery
… ‘Oh no, we’re caught up in a storm of our own making!’ cried the Captain. ‘We forgot to check which way the wind was blowing before we collectively pissed in the wind. Someone give me a towel.’
@richard, totally agree my man, You do not have to re-invent the wheel here. You are obviously in economic shambles and have a document in your posession done by some of the best brains in the country. MMD fell short in the trickle down aspects however, their economic plan was solid. Kabimba and crew it is clear that your real motivation for office was not to change anything but just envy and to taste the perks of power, you clearly had and have no idea, hence the endless politics and campaign. Please use the SNDP and incoroporate your less ‘lofty ideas’ and you will realise that you can actually put ”mo ‘real’ money in our pockets”. Meanwhile, you and your fellow thugs can shut your pie-holes, actually do some work, and stop barking, bapompwe!!
We agree with most bloggers that a government of Kaponyas by Kaponyas for Kaponyas have crafted a philosophy of DECEPTION as a VIRTUE. Kabimba’s concept of principal and argent is defective in modern day open politicts. How does Kabimba control PF cabinet to which he is not part of. This vindicates those of us that contend the view that PF govt is based on autocratic rule under ‘Onemanupstatemanship’ and Kabimba is its spokesman. As others have said Zambians do not need to wait till 2016 to judge PF, they have already weighed PF on scales of governance and so far are failing and come 2016, elections will end PF silently as their deceptive mantra goes ‘dont tell them’ vote for truth and not LIARS.
How did you know about the details in the report in the Chongwe commission of inquiry on Mongu killings and comment negatively if the party is not supposed to interfere in running of government? The Acting President thinks his colleagues are lunatics for advocating for the introduction of the windfall tax. Why should we not levy this tax if it will pay for drugs in our hospitals, build schools, repair roads and improve sanitation facilities and other countries in similar position as Zambia have implemented it and improved the national coffers? We have a wrong generation to lead Zambia.
Has MMD sent the cheque yet? They too are playing their part to the hilt and hiding behind the storm. I disagree with their being tossed from parliament but find their irresponsible arrogance matches their many opponents. Birds of a feather. The whole lot of them politicians the world over. Hope the next generation puts the people first.
I think politicians must think other people are so dull that they can say anything and it will be believed. (Though we do have gullible one who see sense in anything that their leader says). The Priciple agent relationship he is explaining is the same Party and its government relationship under Kaunda.
One aspiring candidate in case Ukwa doesnt come back.
LT u a better site unlike the ZWD Bantustan site. UpN’Down party spewing hate on HE I deliberately put the Shadow Cabinet on Tumfweko’s article abt MTN and also posted it twice on the Watch Galu who have failed to publish it. Mwe bantu compare the current PF cabinet with Tonga party. I am still challenging Obatala Chi Senior Citizen to come out on this 1
The chief fool is now talking….
kabimba and your party are not straight forward,no one can trust you. why cant you advise your president to work on the dolla,MWANAWASA WAS A GREAT LEADER, MHSRIP
@ Aussie Engine whatever U call yo self U a in cohort with Tonga Bullshit dung! Can u comment on the Bantustan cabinet dont pretend that U ve not seen the list. Tulelolela
Just create jobs and stop yaping yaping…
The Party and its Government! We have heard this phrase before in a one party-state led by UNIP. Wynter, perhaps you were young or your memory is too shallow, we know all about governance better than you understand it. I now figure-out why Ukwa left you in his government because you are power hungry. In case Ukwa does not return from India, and please God forbid, you will not impose yourself on the list of successors. We are watching closely. Ukwa will return and get you fired from his party which he founded alone. We are not going back to one party state!
They are just going back on their original plan. They thought they can silently ban MMD but they have failed.
Kabimba alias “LCC taverns”, just zip it. Even your main support base the street vendors know that you have not failed to implement your manifesto, but rather you have U-TURNED on anything and everything that you promised during campaigns. In short, LCC Taverns, know that everyone including street vendors are now clear that you and your boss lied their way to power and you will feel the wrath of the cheated.
Fuseki iwe chi summer, son of satan.
Kabimba is right. This principle is working well for ANC in South Africa. Some one has to keep an eye on the ball lest you forget why people voted for you. Besides,those in power were sponsored by the party to deliver on their behalf. Reasoning don’t just be haters.
Zambia is better off as one party state to avoid complaints about employing cadres
All you talking negative pabuteko pa butekoba . Tuka mimona ba Mumbwe ilyo ubuteko nga bwapwisha planning no ku komena bakabolala ba bululu benu. Ring road mu Lusaka injkata. enabling environment njikata. Viva PF.
Mukalanda mukana
80% of the people that blog here do not vote! Prove me wrong!!
What’s up with Kabimba’s Hitler moustache? Doesn’t he have a better role model than Adolf? Yet another reason I don’t like these Pathetic Fascists; you vote them in but they come with different agendas and then don’t want to leave power.
Mr Kabimba and this kind of thinking is what you hope to lead Zambia with? You have actually shot yourself in the foot. Despite your denials, your evidence actually proves your intentions of establishing one-party state system of governing – the party and its government. Just how do you as PSG supervise the Cabinet. In democracy there’re only three arms – Executive, Legislature and Judiciary. How will you supervise these three? If you attempt, that that will be worse than one-party system. It will be dictatorship. Maybe that’s your aim.
kabimba, you are the worst lawyer on this planet earth and politics is not your calling, this is why you struggled in your political career.
Kabimba madiness is true you ant convince me, my boss is also mad. Each time I go to him sobberly ia find it hard to communicate. Madiness is our policy. I advised chief madiness to send troups to Mongu. If mongu residents will acts madly we shall work together. Tongas are too sobber we cant work 2gether.
Winter,don’t try to smear us with mud, your 90day socio-economic programme has been a failed to achieve anything apart from reshuffle after reshuffle of the cabinet.And don’t go round the issues,and coin words the truth is as per your assertion the Party PF is Supreme to the government,[ the party and it’s government] meaning that you are No.2 to Sata as it was in the days of Kaunda and UNIP that the Secretary General of the Party was No.2. Deny it.Winter to assure you come 2016 you guys are going to your villages,and the demise of PF, period.
Mr. W. Kabimba, what is exactly is your role or juristication??? You seem to have ‘authority’ over every issue and event happening in Zambia, PF party or government issues. Please clarify, We did not vote for such confusion or over lapping powers. You seem to ‘own’ more power than ministers. Remember you are PF CEO and not a minister. Or maybe we are missing something. Please be progressive clarify your job discription.
The PF Secretary General. You have worked hard to make PF great and strong. I appreciate your hard work and dedication to your party activities. You have done a lot. Please soldier on and do not be discouraged by people who have failed to make a grade in politics. They are enjoying what other people have fought for. You are a principled person. May God help, guide and protect you. Latham Chalwe. Mansa