Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Come to Zambia, Zimbabwe’s brick company urged


GOVERNMENT has urged Beta Holdings, a Zimbabwean pan-brick and tile manufacturing company, to consider establishing a plant in Zambia because its products are of a bulky nature.

Minister of Transport, Works, Supply and Communication Yamfwa Mukanga said Government is happy that Beta has decided to enter the Zambian market formally by signing an agentship agreement with a local company, Kumalinga Trading Limited for the supply of its range of products.

“This will also ultimately provide the much-needed employment opportunities for Zambians not only in the production process but also in the value chain and the distribution process,” Mr Mukanga said.

Mr Mukanga was speaking on Thursday night during the official launch of Beta Holdings products at Lusaka’s Hotel Inter-Continental.
“Initially, Beta Holdings was supplying its products to the Zambian market without a structure, focus and back-up service. Now you have the agency-ship to provide the structure and back-up service for supplying Beta Holdings products to the Zambian market,” Mr Mukanga said.

And Beta Holdings Limited managing director Godfrey Manhambara said his company is proud to be contributing to the Zambian economy, creating jobs and being part of the Zambian community.

“As we move forward with operations, I look forward to our future here, the breaking of the ground of our manufacturing plant one day and the use of Zambian soil to create our bricks,” Mr. Manhambara said.

He said as the Zambian construction industry continues to expand, adding structures to the landscape, structures in which people will come to work, play and relax, Beta Holdings and Kamulinga will be part of this expansion.

[Zambia Daily mail]


  1. Ya Ba now we even have to import Dirt. Clay is everywhere in zed. I’m seriously starting to believe the whites that say Africans are not as intelligent forgive me guys but things like this are just shameful. Why cant GRZ get national housing Authority to start making pan bricks. Importing compressed dirt Ya!!!

    • Man you are 101% right. We had Nega Nega brick factory in Mazabuka but that ***** we called Chiluba with his cohorts destroyed it. The guys who bought the factory took all the machinery to S.A and even came back for the  scrap metal. 

  2. But we have a company, if my memory serves me right, based in Kalulushi on the Copperbelt Province that produces such kind of bricks! Hopefully this company from Zimbabwe has entered the Zambian market to enhance health competition in the industry.

  3. this is the sinking titanic country that has invated Zambia. our country is the sinking titanic. how many zambian companies are in zimbabwe? but there are many zimbabwe comapies in zambia. zambia is a passive nation. welcome zimbabwe to a country with no national airline and where many people’s brains whave been destroyed by beer that they have no vision to start their own companies but to import dirty from zaimbabwe..

  4. Wasn’t Chibiliti who bought that pan-brick plant at Nega Nega?  Also the Kalulushi-based Zambia Ceramics or something , now owned by Mark O’donell, also make bricks.  Nothing new here.  We just need more competition.

  5. Hey rejuvinate the Chamba valley brick making company. We do not need to import this from Zimbabwe i guess. I know Harare is nearer to Lusaka than either Chililabobwe or Kasama or even Chipata BUT the fact that we could save forex, employ Zambians at every level of the value chain warrants the need to rise the challenge. PAN bricks could help stabilise cement prices as people could use more of them than concrecete blocks iff prices they are cheaper.
    Well Zambians that are rich and cqn invest in this basic technology, there goes the chance again!

  6. @chiwempala, Zimbabweans have the prowess of the Chinese. They see opportunity everywhere and in all circumstances. Zambians appear to just see gaps in employment opportunities… that is why the only clamor in Zed is more money in pockets from employment that MUST be created for them!

  7. This is utter rubbish. I can raise millions of US$ to open a brick making company in Zambia. I have in the past tried to identify suitable sites for small to medium hydro, solar and bio mass projects but have always hit a brickwall because officials want bribes before approving a project. Right now I have several projects sent to ZDA. Why should the president go to Botswana and insult people in the Diaspora who are doing everything possible to bring investment to Zambia?

    Give me any infrastructure project costing no less than US$100million and I will raise the necessary funding, instead of inviting Zim’s based factories to relocate to Zambia.

  8. Kal, you’re very correct . I have known Zimbabweans even in the diaspora where I have travelled they are achieving certain things like buying houses and doing some form of business. Also they are more united than us. When Zaim went down Zambians should have rushed to buy property there and buy some other businesses. But we slept and Zimbos are coming to Zambia in volume numbers for business. We are even begging them to build plants in Zambia. We can’t even support fellow Zambians like the one who thinks he or she can be able to raise US$100m for projects. Shame on us.

  9. zambian things expensive for nothing the govt never helps to reduces prices low manufacturing intiative. ZRA is like a disease which scares everyone no one would business free without ZRA ASKING FOR THINGS THEY CANNOT SEE

  10. Whats to be excited of a company openning a branch in Zambia? When you could have found investors to open a plant here …. desperado!

  11. Good afternoon

    please may you assist I am working for a company called Numatics SA.
    I would like to arrange a meeting with your maintenance manager, Cold end maintenance, and maintenance engineer. please ma I have their email address , names & contact details.

    your assistance will be highly appreciated. My company as a distributer of Pneumatics, Airtac,Bimba etc.
    I would like to meet with the people mentioned below.

  12. well am a consultant and an expert in clay brick making projects, e.g in clay machines,energy efficient kilns for small scale project. am reedy to assist any company or individual who wish to start a brick factory. by providing easy technology.for more information about my profile send a request at email [email protected]

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