Tuesday, February 4, 2025

RESOLUTIONS of the 2012 Barotse National Council held at Limulunga on March 26-27th


Traditional leaders from Western and Southern Provinces following the proceedings of the Barotse National Council meeting in Limulunga Royal Village in Mongu today.


We the people of Barotseland having constituted and deliberated as a National Council on 26th to 27th March, 2012 in Limulunga in the Barotseland Nation on the status and future of the Barotseland Nation in the Republic of Zambia, hereby declare this day of Tuesday March 27, 2012 at the close of our deliberations as follows:

Recognizing that the Barotseland Agreement 1964 provided the basis on which Barotseland became an integral part of Zambia and took the place of the treaties and other agreements hitherto subsisting between Her Majesty the Queen and the Litunga of Barotseland.

Acknowledging that the Barotseland Agreement 1964’s aim was to provide a safe guard against encroachment on the powers of the people of Barotseland to self government by Central Government of Zambia.

Realizing that the new state of Zambia, which came into being on October 24, 1964, never ratified the Barotseland Agreement entered into between Barotseland and Northern Rhodesia Governments on May 18,1964, and despite its non- ratification, unliterary abrogated by Zambia in 1969.

Aware that the unilateral termination of the Barotseland Agreement 1964 by the government of Zambia is a violation of the right of Barotseland to self determination and repudiation of the purported integration of the territory of Barotseland into Zambia.

Recognizing that successive Zambian governments never took steps necessary to ensure that the laws for the time being in force in the Republic of Zambia are not inconsistent with the provisions of the Agreement.

Aware that successive Zambian governments continued to undermine the modernization of Barotseland institutions and governance required to run an independent modern state as well as meddle in the national affairs of Barotseland, resulting in conflict in some sections of the Barotseland Nation.

Recalling that successive Zambian governments illegally administered and controlled Barotseland by intimidation and force since October 24, 1964 despite continued protests from the people of Barotseland against such transgressions, including futile calls to restore the Agreement.

Knowing that Barotseland’s right to autonomy on governance and political affairs is inborn and has been protected by treaties since the first encounter with foreign powers.

Rejecting the expectation or notion by the Zambian government that we surrender our autonomy as expressed in the Barotseland Agreement 1964 in return for economic development.

We now inform Zambia and the international community that we finally accept the unilateral nullification and the abrogation of the Barotseland Agreement 1964 by the Zambian government, which action has freed Barotseland from being part of Zambia.

In line with the Post liminium doctrine we can no longer be obliged to honor an international Agreement that the other party has nullified and abrogated, which has reverted us to our original status.


We the people of Barotseland declare that Barotseland is now free to pursue its own self-determination and destiny

We are committed to a peaceful disengagement with the Zambian government in the same manner that we attempted integration as a state within Zambia.

We call on the international community to support our legitimate right to self determination as a people and nation by resolving as follows:

1. That all the people in Barotseland shall continue to enjoy the centuries old harmonious peaceful co-existence by all the ethnic groups as had always been the case.

2. That the people of Barotseland shall not, in any way, take kindly to any individual, authority or groups of individuals bringing the institution of the Litungaship into public ridicule and disrepute by making derogatory remarks with intent to undermine the authority of the Litunga and Barotse Government.

3. The Zambian government to immediately refrain from committing actions of violence and intimidation against the people of Barotseland.

4. That no part of Barotseland shall be ceded to any other country.

5. The Barotse Government should immediately formalize the DECLARATION OF DISPUTE with the Zambian Government on the basis that the Zambian Government has violated and unilaterally abrogated the Unity Treaty whose purpose was to bind the two territories of Barotseland and the rest of Zambia, and also notify the SADC, AU, Commonwealth and United Nations of that fact.

6. The people of Barotseland shall exercise their right to revert Barotseland to its original status as a sovereign nation, so that the people of Barotseland shall determine their political, cultural, social and economic development.

7. The Barotse Government is mandated to, within 30 days, request the United Nations to oversee the transition process.

8. The Barotse Government should, within 30 days, put in place a transition process leading to taking over all government functions in Barotseland and the election of the KATENGO Legislative Council.

9. We mandate the Barotse Government to immediately engage the Zambian government with the sole purpose of working out transitional arrangements towards self-determination for Barotseland within the shortest possible time under the auspices of the United Nations.

10. The Barotse Government should embark on reforms to modernize its functions and enhance accountability and transparency.

11. The Barotse Government should immediately establish a Secretariat comprising of such number of Officers as required to run such an office

12. The Barotse Government should convene the next BNC at the end of June 2012 to receive reports on the progress on the above resolutions.

Submitted by:





Full Names

Position in Committee

Title / Institutions


Mr.Mutungulu Wanga Chairman Chairman / MOREBA
Mr. Mwangelwa Akapelwa Secretary Induna Mayunyi / Namuso
Mr. Mungandi Mungandi Member Secretary / MOREBA
Mr. Namiluko Imwaka Member Namuso
Mr. Lubinda Nyaywa Member Induna Amuikuteile/Mwandi
Mr. Chazele Mulasikwanda Member Secretary / BFM
Mr. Afumba Mombotwa Member Chairperson / Linyungandambo
Mr. Mwangelwa M-Lewanika Vice Secretary Member / MOREBA


Approved by the Barotse National Council, on this 27th day of March, 2012, as signed by:



Clement W. Sinyinda                                      Batuke Imenda

NGAMBELA                                                MUKULWAKASHIKO


  1. Hmmm…………………Scratching my head,all this could have been avoided had some old man controlled his tongue.

  2. Kolwestan,
    It is not as simple as you think and I am sure the people of Barotse understand the complexities of this issue. By the way, Southern province, dotn assume that the unlikely break away of Barotse givs you any political fortunes, unless you want to joing the Kingdom under the Litunga. It is good and commendable that the BNC was allowed to convene and deliberate without any unnecessary shedding of blood as it was on 14th January 2011 and people should acknowledge that. The other thing worth noting is the strong presence of former government leaders from the deposed MMD, including the Ngambela himself, are these people pulling the strings?? After all is said and done, what are the boundaries of the proposed Barotse, how come we hear Kaoma has not accepted, especially the Nkoyas??

    • The border of Barotseland was and is the Kafue River, not Tateyoyo as realigned in 1976 to create Lusaka Province and a modified Central Province.  The boundaries of Barotseland are those existing in 1964 when the BA64 came into being.  So take it easy if you are in Copperbelt; you are still in Northern Rhodesia.  Sata and his cohorts must beware of joining Sudan’s Bashir as international criminals if Lozi blood is spilled.  The Hague will be their final holiday home with Charles Taylor if genocide is effected on Lozis.  Just a gentle reminder!!

  3. You cant have it both ways… daring the authorizes in an open declaration of defiance and then wanting to have a “peaceful transition”.
    You have also acknowledged that Zambia NEVER ratified the agreement, how then did Zambia abrogate an agreement to which it was never a party?
    In other words the agreement died with the end of Northern Rhodesia. Stop wasting time on greedy and futile exercises

  4. It is also commendable that Government sor has reacted calmly to these resolutions, which under current laws are treasonable. I am sure that Government will take its time, not react on the spur of the moment, either by comments or action. Apart from the Government spokesperson, Government could set up a Committee of Ministers to be dealing with this issue; Defence, Home Affairs, Chiefs Affairs, Justice and Local Government reporting to the President fortnightly until an amicable solution is found. I dont think secession is in the interest of anyone, including the Barotse. Do you know how many professional Lozis would lose their jobs in Zambia?????? How long will it take the new Kingdom to put up its infrastructure and institutions?? Are we also getting parts of Namibia and Angola as it was

  5. no sense calling UN people you must wake up do not depend on this thieves ;) you BNC guys wake up let us wast our time to develop our country not dividing it futher:)) a black mind this white people came and destroy us and we are still destroyd and divided them they are feelin cool wake up guys please!!

  6. The UN has already made it clear that it does not support any part of a nation to secede. In fact, the persons doing that are all from Lusaka and now they have gone back to the city. Why is it that there are no women on the committee listed. The International community will be laughing at these guys. 

  7. If Barotseland has reverted to pre-independence status, does this mean that they are now a British Protectorate? Are the British aware of this?

  8. Whilst Europe is working on making a unitary Europe, there we are in Zambia working on dividing ourselves. Thats why we will never develop becuase of our retrogressive way of doing things. Instead you should be demanding for equal rights to rule and share the resources.

    • People of Zambia, Be real I am also a Lozi Subia man though Namibian.

      Barotseland has been troden upon by all the governments of Zambia. The first govt squandered millions of Pounds of Barotse Trust fund.

      Currently there is no tarred road in the entire province yet u say Lozis are selfish. The entire province is a remote yet u say lozis are not good. No exprolation of any kind in the province. Leave them to separate .

  9. I what the Ngambela is up to. He has failed to lead his kingdom as a traditional leader and he wants to create a country within Zambia.He is crazy. Lozis come back to your senses.We dont want war in Zambia.You dont even have the army to support you evil plans.Just dialogue with govt and tell what you devpmt you want  

  10. From honoring the BA to breaking away from Zambia. This is very extraordinary. We told you that this was never about honoring the BA 64 and you called us in MMD and RB all sorts of names, capitalized on the emotions and built campaign and election agenda on a divisive issue and thought you were smart.

    And guess what, you have inherited the divisive issue you so much capitalized on.

    This is no 90 days promise  you have broken everywhere.  You gave Westerners false hope and opened a divisive door wide open and lo, ‘n behold , the Lozis are coming in large numbers to enter that door .

    Are you surprised now?

    You have a real issue at hand. Even your Gutter boys at the POST wont help here.

    Have fan dealing with this one PF. I grab some more popcons

    • sata thought it was going to be any easy ride. now it is bad his not in the country, but the ears are listening.

  11. Very clear and wisely outlined position statement. I am not lozi and i very much understand the frustrations of the lozis. The problem is no Zambian leader has ever provided quality leadership on the Barotse issue . Our past and current presidents have trivialized the issue because they never thought the lozi leadership will ever take such as stand, which is weird because this is an Agreement on which establishment of Zambia was based and for it not to be accorded the seriousness it deserves it just doesn`t make sense. If this issue was to be mediated by an international agency such as the UN, Zambia will lose the case. I don`t blame the lozis for taking such a position. Zambia is a country that has never been at war and yet the country is run like a failed State. Good Luck lozis!

  12. Do these people know how many families they will destroy?There are a lot of Lozis married to nonn Lozis who live and work in other parts of Zambia.Do they think these people will agree to leave there confortable lives and to go and settle in Mongu or shangombo?What about the Lambas,Nkoyas and other tribes in western province,have they accepted to be subjects of the Litunga.The Litunga himself has properties in Lusaka,what happens to his investiments?There are a lof of professional Lozis working in other parts of Zambia.Will they be willing to abandon their profitable trades and go back to Kalabo,Mongu and Shangombo?Where are the Lozi lawyers,Engineers,Doctors and other professionals going to practice?How teachers who are Lozi does western province has?

    • I’m Lozi and i don’t support the Barotse issue but just thought of helping your exposed ignorance, Barotse is not just about western province.Google the Barotse map and the air your views wisely, thanks.

    • The people in other areas have not been forced to live in barotseland just like we have zambians all over the world who are married to people from many parts and are not forced to live in zambia alone. Let us discuss this issue sensitively and rationally.

  13. Very clear and wisely outlined position statement. I am not lozi and i very much understand the frustrations of the lozis. The problem is no Zambian leader has ever provided quality leadership on the Barotse issue . Our past and current presidents have trivialized the issue because they never thought the lozi leadership will ever take such a stand, which is weird because this is an Agreement on which establishment of Zambia was based and for it not to be accorded the seriousness it deserves it just doesn`t make sense. If this issue was to be mediated by an international agency such as the UN, Zambia will lose the case. I don`t blame the lozis for taking such a position. Zambia is a country that has never been at war and yet the country is run like a failed State. Good Luck lozis!

  14. Frankly speaking no matter how much a lozi man can be educated, he will still remain dull.After being independent for 48 yrs you talk nonsense at a meeting about going back to colonial era to be British protectorate.THIS IS DULLNESS!!!!!! MADNESS,RETROGRESSIVE!!!! CRIMINAL These  people must be arrested for TREASON. Do these pipo have lawyers?

    • iam very shocked to learn that there are people with such preposterous disposition in mordern society. before u comment anything acquaint with comprehensive knowledge on the subject and then when u comment u will look wise iam very shocked to learn that there are people with such preposterous disposition in mordern society. before u comment anything acquaint with comprehensive knowledge on the subject and then when u comment u will look wise


  15. Dont think the government is just sitting idly. A few thousand lozi chaps shall be killed in the uprisal that will follow and thereafter , peace shall prevail. IF YOU DESIRE FOR PEACE. PREPARE FOR WAR.

  16. Some zambians think their tribe is more superior than others and they like painting Lozi’s as being selfish and tribal.Some have even gone to the extent of developing only where they come from and employing only their tribesmen at the expense of the lozi’s.One Barotseland,One nation.Ukwa wake up,the Lozis are on yo government’s ass..

  17. Chiefdoms should have been abolished at independence. Is this Lozi declaration not treason? Just what do they hope to achieve by this declaration written very well by somebody who has benefited from free education provided by the Zambian government and probably has enough money to start big business in Western Province and provide employment and development!

  18. This Lozi Committee has no women!!! just my observation! So they must write to britain also to denounce their status “british protectorate”.

  19. West – oh sorry – Barotseland has always been a paradox. Whilst they want diversity and development, they resist the very things they desire. It will be interesting to watch how they will manage this so-called new nation in the making. Good luck guys! Cash is shrinking in the UK where you expect to get support from.

  20. How I wish I was president of Zambia to deal with this matter without hesitation!! Same issue year in year out! Just a document that was written by a white man has brought about all this talk, can’t we handle this issue with an independent mind and sober mind? It is not the Word of God that cannot be changed. Let us be one. Problems start small, but the consequences affect alot of innocent souls.

  21. Surprisingly, most of these “big names” live and have property in Lusaka. In the end it that poor woman and her children in Shangombo, Lukulu, Kalabo, villages of Mongu who will suffer.

  22. #14 & 18, I am told that the Lundas call Zambezi as Yambeji or Yambezhi. this is the rive name that Zambia came from. so let the Lozis go with their Mongu because Sata lied to them. The rest of the country will become Yambeji instead. The new Yambeji nation can freez any acount and properties of all Lozis in the former Zambia until after they see how Barotseland will treat non Lozi’s there. Let Sata and it’s vuvuzela toilet paper The Post sort this mess.

  23. If there is a signed document in place then the best thing the government can do is renegotiate.
    along the lines of Tanzania Zanzibar union which has worked without any problem, a bad end to this is in no one’s interest. GOD have mercy on us all.








    • Munugu wa mahao, you duaghter of a chipanzee and you dont deserve the air you breath. Keep on wiping the asses of the old ba bazungus since that is what you know best. Stupid tadpole.


  25. MCS and PF Government has for a long time been swimming against the tides of Barotse’s public opinion. its time he lent his lesson. Now let the Tag-of-War begin

  26. If what they want is just western province, just give them. Then fire and depot all the Lozis who are working in Zambia to create room for the people who are Zambians. Use the data base at the national registration office to identify them and then depot them

  27. Even the BNC are wary and avoided the issue of boundaries in the position statement because that is what everyone wants to know and that is where the real noise will start. Can they tell us where they intend to cover clearly. I agree with others, analemba ana fa, ti kali ku kamba po. Shame!!! If those indunas released more land to the councils to use for development, things would have been different in western province. Otherwise get ready to clap at every corner.

  28. The Barotse National Council should publish a detailed map of Barotseland so the the people can make informed comments. the map must include physical boundaries, towns,districts,chiefs and tribes just to mention but a few. I thank you.

  29. Interesting times! I have noticed that the boarders of Barosteland have not been defined.

    Is this an absolute monarchy or costitutional democracy they are persuing??/ Someone help!

  30. Please, the Barotse National Council should not be emotional because it is dealing with leaves of people. I wish God’s guildance in this matter.

  31. We will be read for these Lozi Indunas. There is no question this is treason. Chifundo chinapa nkwale…

  32. Now kolwestan will understand the need for education. Not the kaponya mentality of shouting for a bus whose destination is already known.

  33. Do not just blame the lozis, even our president is part of that, he spoke about that in Mongu and everyone heard him saying that, so it is time to do that was said by the head of state, Zambia.


  35. You can insult on this forum, deport the Lozis on this forum but nothing will change our minds. We have made RESOLUTIONS. Imagine its was RB who was in India and these BNC took place, what would have your President Sata have said.

  36. BNC if you are serious with this issue what are the boundaries of youe “country”?Publish a map so that we know how far your “kingdom” stretche!! We want to know if you will claim parts of the copperbelt,DRC and Namibia.The you will be sorrounded and annihilated forever!!

  37. This is what democracy means. All people should express themselves. Now, where are the progressive and educated people who claim to be Lozi who have always benefitted from plush government appointments and benefits? What do they say? They are always quiet.
    The BNC needs to answer how they will resolve all the other ‘mistakes’ made by the Litunga eg. I understand he signed away the Mining rights of the Copperbelt to the BSA. Who gave him the right to do so? Not the Lamba chiefs. Educated people please engange in this debate. How and when did this Barotseland come about? By the way, all the provinces have suffered from under-development.

  38. Always i tell pipo that TONDOLO musuma, dont bite more than you can chew and never promise what you cant fulfil. nomba tamumfwa! Mwebeene ati ekuchejela kanshi bupupu. ifilayo ukwabula pulani atase! nimyeba mu chakumyenu namumfwa

  39. Everyone is waiting for the map of Barotseland then the real fireworks will start. For now these resolutions should be regarded as the wishes of sad sweet dreamers.

  40. #47 Moonga Mulanga – Please dont ask the BNC the boundaries of our country. Ask KK the boundaries of your country. Right now, I dont need a Zambian passport. You can come and get it if you need it. I need a Barotseland passport. My wife is Bemba and she is coming with me to Barotseland. All our property that will remain in Northern Rhodesia, it will remain in her name.

  41. God help us resolve this problem.Lozis you are not breaking away from Zambia and stop wasting time for development purposes for your selfish ambitions.

  42. As a committed Zambian, I think this is no insulting, joking and laughing matter. There is a serious issue here. Let people with proper brains annalyse these issues and find solutions not school boys as I can read from the comments. WHEN THE SHIT HITS THE FAN, NOBODY WILL BE SPARED.

  43. Treason?How the hell do you define treason?For people to decide to say good bye and determine their own destiny you call that treason?Are you going to force your rule over them?Are you gonna be happy that way?Are you gonna meet their aspirations?Are you gonna protect their culture?Treason!You aint dealing with illiterate todlers

  44. The British signed mineral rights with Lewanika because the Lamba chiefs were not recognized at the time. The Lamba chiefs surrendered their allegiance to Litunga in order to be protected. Without Lewanika your forefathers would have been conquered by the British, Portuguese or the French in Congo. Thank God for King Lewanika instead of insulting him. Lewanika never claimed land and people without their consent. Thank you. 

  45. The BRA is not reversible!All questions over it should be handled by the high court of Zambia but the government of Zambia can call for a referendum of the people of western province with a simple question:Do they want to secede from Zambia?yes or no!Then we will pick it from there.How ever the truth of the matter is that they dont want anyone else to lead them except one of their own.My taking is that if a wife wants a divorce then give her!Let them go.Zambia will be much stronger.Its extremely hard to work with people of that region,what of the high witch craft levels?GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  46. R.u.bb.ish, and this is treason. MC is just giving them enough rope to hang themselves. Lozis should know that they are dealing with very smart politician, the only class room he has attended is “Life of being a politician”, so they need to be very carefull. Personally am disappointed, I was expecting their resolution to demand for education, health, road and other development, not these nonsense.  

  47. We are all matured pipo here and we know how conflicts starts.The small group of selfish lozis shouldnt be taken with jokes. The group leaders should be charged with treason and taken to Jail. With these intermarriages around, why should pipo advocate for this nonsense???? Where is the Minister of Homw Affaires? You shouldnt sleep sir and see these selfish lozis commit this crime? We HAVE ENJOYED THIS PEACE and we have nowhere to run too. MY APPEAL SIR ARREST THESE ***** LOZIS. Are u going to manage to chase all LOZIS around zambia?

  48. Latest information received** indicate that the yet to be formed cabinet and parliament of the Barotseland will include Tongas and people from North-western province.

    And a traditional ruler from Southern province has hinted that a meeting may be called for people of Southern province to decide whether they want to be part of Barotseland or Northern Rhodesia.

    The people of Western province through the Royal Establishment resolved to secede from Zambia.

    Part of the communiqué containing the resolutions said: ‘the Barotse Government should, within 30 days, put in place a transition process leading to taking over all government functions in Barotseland and the election of the KATENGO Legislative Council.’

  49. During the Barotse National Council which came up with the resolutions, people from Southern province and Nortwestern provinces actively participated.

    A member of the organising committee disclosed that Tongas contributed undisclosed but huge sums of money and cows for food during the four days meeting which ended on Tuesday, March 27, 2012.

    Asked why Tongas had so much interest in this meeting whereby even a good number of chiefs from the Southern province were in attendance, a member of the organising committee explained that because they are part and parcel of Barotseland.

    He explained that Chiefs from Southern province were invited but that other people from Southern province just walked in to the meeting without being invited because they were fully welcome.

  50. I mean are u going to chase all lozis around zambia back to WP? Its not normal therefore arrest the selfish MULENA and dont give them the fredom of expression. You should use our soldiers and paramilitary. CHAPWA!!!

  51. He said Tongas had the biggest tent at Limulunga during the meeting.

    The source explained that the cabinet and parliament will be for all Barotse people and this extends to Kafue River .

    Another source explained that President Michael Sata was given this intelligence information a long time ago that Tongas may go with their cousins and that is why he wanted to remove Chirundu and Itezhi Tezhi from Southern provinces and also to move Solwezi from North-eastern and Kaoma from Western.

    According to the source, the collaboration between Tongas and Lozis on this matter has been going for a while and asked, why do you think the BRE send a very powerful delegation to that Choma meeting which rejected the re-alignment of Chirundu and other districts?

  52. When the current Barotseland Prime Minister (Ngambela) Clement Sinyinda was installed, the only province he toured was Southern. He went right inot the belly of Southern province, Monze during his tour.

  53. Barotse,its all drama am loving it coz I know those chaps must just get jailed and believe no one in UN will ever have time to listen to u fools,they syria and Iran to think about…kekekeke

  54. The Barotse meetings included women and youth. The Nkoyas, Luvales, Mbunda, Subiya, Toka Leya etc. were all represented. We have women Litungas, and they contributed to the proceedings. We don’t publicize their names because we are protecting them. The boundary issues will be discussed, but the BNC is not asking for less than the current so called Western Province. This is where we start. So don’t have high blood pressure, we are not after your land. We just want to be free. We are capable of ruling ourselves.

  55. Most of the bloggers on this site are diasporeans…….but their chizungu/spellings leave much to be desired. Most claim to be very educated but the syntax splashed here says otherwise. One risks joining the ranks in mutilating the Queens language the more one reads these posts!

  56. MMD Chief Bootlicker, Spot on! I remember yourself, CAPITALIST 3E’S as well as INDEPEDENCE OBSERVER posting heavily on this issue when SATA and MEEMBE were capitalising to brainwash voters with fake promises for western province during the election campaign. I guess the reality has now come to pass. Zambia you asked for this mess from Sata.

  57. And Vice-President, Guy Scott said he had not yet been briefed on the matter for him to make a concrete statement, while Information Minister, Fackson Shamenda said he was out of the country and could not comment.
    Zambia has no leader and intelligence at all. How does the Veep make such a statement. White man Veep.

  58. Jonas Phiri, it is not a good idea to label the people of Barotseland as being selfish. We need to stop insulting each other. Our political leaders are to blame because they failed to honor the agreement that brought us together as one nation. What did you expect the Lozi people to do?Smile at Sata? We are educated and we know our rights. Zambia has failed everyone in the country. We are kindly repatriating your soldiers and paramilitary back to Lusaka. There is no war in Barotseland. They are most needed at the Congo border where you have thieves entering the country illegally. the only military we need are those with blue caps, the UN peace keeping force, not Zambian Army, period. 

    • Nduma you are a sad story to read through your understanding…..This is absolutely imature bo Nduma…. hatred seem to drive you…..goodness…

  59. We will allow the lozi self determination within our Zambian boundaries.. You lozis guys can go to Europe or china and get some technologies on fibre optics and various sand’ products..Coz u have plenty sand. This will allow you. We not allowing anything else coz Zambia never signed BRA. Go to Britain if you have any grievances.

  60. After 48 years you guys still want to go back another 48 years ago. Ba Litunga please leave my sister behind because where you want to go, nimumatololo. Mukayafwa nensala imwe CAREFULL. Dont want to start redefining things calling my wife foreigner and my kids half zambian.

  61. What exactly do you lozis want kansi?why not tell the gov what you want to be developed in your province its even too late by the time you will finish developing your so called state jesus would be even back by then.just a waste of time you wont even enjoy that peace you crying for.


  63. I shall wait and see will all the Lozis become foreigners soon, This is Zambia the real Africa iam watching from the terrances. God bless you all soon to be foreigners.

  64. Before one even preambles,the first any territory would want to show is the boundaries,were is the boundary for so called Barotseland?They should never even dare claim C/belt,for even historically when people even as far as Malawi and Tanzania used to trek to C/belt for jobs,the records for lozi migrations or possession of C/belt are not there.Lozi s and copper or mining do not mix.we want to see the map first,we want the map,dont just make resolutions and statements which dont make sense


  66. You set up an inquiry and the inquiry has stated tht Balotseland must be free from your encroachment on their freedom to govern themselves. Dont you get it? Go to school and get schooled in the art of listening. Listen to them or if you do not want try to listen to yourselves.

  67. I don’t support the way Sata and his nephew Wynter kabimba lied to the people of Western that within 90 days they would restore the Barotse agreement. We the independent thinkers tried on this very blog to advise the then opposition leaders not to promise everything that went into his heads. Sata and his nephew (Wynter Kabimba) should have consulted Angola and Namibia before promising BA1964 but as usual the man and some crowd of sycophants never listened, but now is the time to listen. However the unilateral declaration of independence made by the BNC two days is a criminal act and is not legally bidding. The announcement made by the BNC has the propensity to cause hatred and division not just in Zambia but in Angola and Namibia where that “Barotseland” extends.  

  68. There will be fire in the SADC region not just Zambia if they want the original Barotseland.

  69. South Sudan was only born after more than 40 years of fighting and negotiations. Rhodesia declared independence in 1965, they were isolated. Palestine is still negotiating independence.  Why is naked Sinyinda not seeking the same rights from Angola and Namibia?

  70. This is nosense. A joke of the year. But where is the boundary you Loziz? Give us the map of your country. I personally If I were president I would give you you Limulunga kingdom but if you touch copperbelt , Northwestern then it would mean total war guys. So get your Limulunga Kingdom. Ha ha ha ha…useless people indeed. Just work hard, all people in Zambia are suffering its not only Loziz.

  71. #87 well said….. they should have written first to the Queen of England and given people the bordering mark of Barotseland then they write to Namibia, Angola and Zambian government simultaneously and see if it would work equally write to SADC, AU and UN…taking advantage of the Litunga being based in Zambia…this is TREASON and all should face jail for now


  73. Its unfortunate to figure out that some pipo are just yaping without finding time to really analze what has jst happned in Barotseland. By the time you’ll come to realize how big this issue is, it will be too late for you. The BRE has already sounded a warning that they’ll not tolerate any intimidation from the GRZ. Just wait and see what happens after a month.
    Don’t vomit to impress the reader.

  74. Sad development. This is the end of any good will towards the Lozis. I see problems ahead for them. There is no pleasant way of resolving this issueI am afraid. It all goes back to the non-recognition by the Lozis of the Litunga’s claim to represent chiefs he did not conquer or lands he did not own. There is a petulance that needs to be quelled firmly, before it becomes a cancer. We are tired of retrogression. KK tried to deal with this issue quietly but you have too many dreamers among Lozi leaders. They see not sense in peace. Be careful that you wish for!

  75. Lozis,please do not waste your time.This is a non starter.My wife is Lozi and my kids have blood from Sesheke and they are proud to be Zambians.Boundaries please as well.

  76. Someone must be fooling these bozos that they have diamonds / oil or some rubbish like that. Unless the imaginary borders are of a “Greater Barotseland” that includes Livingstone and half of Angola

  77. Agreement is agreement.Those threatening violence should desist frm such pronouncements
    this matter affects everyone and read the Barosetland Agreement first before they start misquoting the law that seems to be justifiable on the outside.Viva Lozis

  78. Let our police officers deal with this issue FULLSTOP no politics nabatupasana balozi. We have the law of the land hence it should be respected. CHAPWA

  79. I have heard from a sister who is a teacher in Mongu that, there is noise there as other tribes (Nkoyas , Mbundas & Luvales) and their chiefs are extremely offended by this declaration by our Lozi people of Zambia. It troubles the mind, why Lozis did not determine the boundaries of the Barotseland they are claiming? Lozis will find themselves with a huge problem that will affect their standing in Zambia for a long time. Most Lozis will be scorned in business, commercial and professional circles. Some may even miss out on job opportunities and business partnerships. Zambians will from now onwards be very suspicious of Lozis. Some have a predicament of being married to Lozis. HEMCS is not a fool, he has allowed the Lozis to debate this issue freely and he will meet with them in due course.

  80. Where are these guys , the so called committee, employed. What positions do they hold. What qualification and where did they attain them. Are they talking about Zambia or Northern Rodesia!
    Freedom, freedom it also has limits especially if you stample on other people’s freedom. These might justy be kids gloves. Lets wait and see.

  81. So if this issue successed all lozi living in diaspora when they decide to go home, they should not land in zambia because they would be considered iligal imigrants, unless they will have proper imigration papers. Just thinking kekekeke complicated issues.

  82. You promised to honor the BA, do the honorable thing and honor the promise. You cannot force Lozis to stay if they want to leave

  83. misunderstanding referendum. you give referendum to Zambia as a country and not western province. if you give it to western province the outcome is obvious, a big YES.

    they want to go there way because they think western province has oil

    • You are a very dull chap!

      A referendum can only be done in Western Province nigga!! That’s the party that wants to leave. You don’t ask anybody else. Even in Sudan the ref was only in South Sudan not the North! That’s how things are done! Have you been to school????

      I will encourage you to do a lot of reading; history and current affairs especially!

      Silly mwento!

  84. Imwe Lozi Guys noone is forcing you to stay what you don,t understand is Zambia is one. IT bellongs to all Zambians and none has a right to seperate it ever. any attempt to do so is tantamount to treason simple.

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