Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Energy Minister Christopher Yaluma is not being sincere, says Oil Transporter.


Lands, Energy and Water Development Minister Christopher Yaluma.

Baseli Ba Liseli Resources Limited says Energy Minister Christopher Yaluma is not being sincere by stating that his ministry is not aware about the project to set up an oil pipeline from Lobito Bay in Angola into Zambia.

BBRL executive director Wamulume Kalabo notes that the minister’s reaction could be as a result of misplaced facts in one daily newspaper that a deal has been signed between Zambia and Angola.

He adds that negotiations to sign a deal between the two countries will commence now that an MoU has been signed.

Mr. Kalabo notes that there has never been a time when the government has been overlooked in the planning for the Project and has maintained that the process of project implementation will continue.

Last Friday, ZDA and BBRL signed an agreement to facilitate for the construction of the oil pipeline at a cost of $US2.5 billion.

The signing ceremony was attended by the ministry of commerce, trade and industry permanent secretary Steven Mwansa.

Mr. Yaluma has since expressed ignorance about the project and declared it null and void saying his ministry was not consulted by ZDA.



  1. Ba minister where have you been??? …. you could have done better than that cos the entire nation is aware about this prospective deal …. wake up! or put your facts right! this is your ministry and you need to be proactive

  2. Left hand, meet right hand. Right hand, this is left hand. 

    Now please tell each other what you are doing. 

  3. this man has so many ministries under him so he is confused. Mr Minister i can see you being fired in the near future

  4. What is wrong with the PF govt. Dont worry Bo Wamulume Kalabo, Barotseland will sign the deal and here we go. The PF has no agenda. We are not even taking the deal to Lusaka but Mongu period. If they want, the minister should go and jump in the ocean.

    • You should look at the benefits rather than the job lossess. in this project its certain that the benefits will outwegh the lossess.

    • You two are certified dunderheads. The jobs created will be in ADDITION to already existing ones with no loss or impact at all to any other jobs. I recommend you watch more Sesame Street and Muppet Show to catch up on the basic principles of mathematical and numerical addition. Stop watching all those crap Nigerian movies. My four year old daughter would look like an Einstein in her class next to knighted foo!s when you attend her nursery school for refresher courses.

  5. Can the minister confirm that zambia is charging malawi for the 5million litres Cobra donated to Bingu’s funeral. It is very sad if we are charging a donation and my malawi friends are laughing at me in the diaspora that they never asked for that fuel and yet PF is doing a donchi kubeba on them. marubbish yakanthu

    • Going by the cost of fuel per litre, how can we afford £5M pounds towards a funeral for a foreign president when we were raising money for Mwanawasa and Chiluba from the general public. Zambia just had to lend Malawi some fuel to address the current shortage there and to ensure the funeral ran smoothly.

  6. This is the kind of govt that will attract massive investment into the Zambian economy……….

  7. It is possible that the Minister is not aware of this project. After all even the MoU signing ceremony was attended by a PS from a different Ministry.

  8. Indeed the MoU signing ceremony was attended by his very own PS but Yaluma is clueless about what is happening. It was the same with Sebastan Zulu being in South Africa and Sata being the authority that is supposed to have granted him travel leave remained clueless and had to cancel the commission report function last minute because Seb was out of the country. Sata claims he has a lot of governance experience but surely, he is a lot of bull in terms of administration and the same goes for his angels like Kambwili, Yaluma, Sichinga etc.

  9. Its only in Zambia where a Minister can behave in such a manner. This Yaluma exihibits such primitive attitudes. No wonder some foreigners describe Zambia as a failed State. Zambia is now 30 years backwards under this ignorant regime!

  10. Fire the minister. He is not in sync with the happenings in the country. He has no eyes with which to read print media nor internet news. Additionally his ears are blocked for he has no ear to the ground. These are people that don’t pay attention to what other people are saying. I will not be surprised to learn that he has no knowledge of what is happening in his ministry.

  11. The Project looks is good on paper but the reality is that is not possible to pipe a finnished product like petrol and diesel on such a long pipe,when even the crude which is piped through tazara is been vandalised and saphoned.With the a product like petrol it will be worse off.anyway i hope kayaaaa

  12. A free lesson for the Minister. The MoU is not a binding agreement. Its a framework for negotiation and the parties can walk away any time. The reporters are also showing their ignorance by calling it an “Agreement”!!

    • I totally agree with you. I first heard the story on radio Phoenix and they said an MOU unlike the print media which has called it an agreement and in the process they have confused poor old Yaluma.

  13. President said “when I appoint grade 2s, don’t blame me”; come back home!! Well, I agree with him on this issue. Bwana Minister could have referred comments to chief government spokes person as he was trying to get a united response. Bane we are getting tired of putting up with this mediocrity. We are PF; and PF we shall be for life. However, a spade, is a fckn spade; get your house in order.

  14. Independent, whether it is called MoU or Agreement should not be ano issue. THE issue should be abt getting oil from Angola which may be cheaper in the long term than getting it from Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia??? Honestly, ZDA is autonomous and linked to Ministry of Commerce and not Ministry of Energy? Why should we oppose even good ideas? Piti full

  15. Ba Yaluma,
    You need to get your act together, it is called collective responsibility. Government officials do not disagree in public, if you are not aware, refuse to comment and ask for more time. you should be fired for this mess!!!

  16. If one needed a reminder, there it is!! Dysfunctional, disorganised, disjointed, whatever – lawlessness all over

  17. Awe mwandi just go ahead. what’s the fuss? It will bolster economic development and job creation. what’s up ba minister. Just liase with your colleague at commerce.

  18. These baseli chaps did jump the gun and ZDA are also in breach of the two processes as laid out in the ZDA and PPP Acts of the Republic of Zambia. This appears to have been an unsolicited PPP project which it clearly states in the act should be firstly endorsed and supported by the sector ministry before evaluation can commence. This is a few steps before you even get to the point of signing MOUs or committing gvt to anything. Another stage which has been ‘jumped’ also includes the advertising of this bid to see if there are similar projects being developed (even in the case of unsolicited bids). This allows for the government to chose the best in terms of proper feasibilities, finance models and indeed value for money or publlic benefit analysis. CONTD

  19. # 17 You are absolutely right. The project looks gud on paper.However, issues of thefts and vandalism shud be considered as part of environmental impact assessment.We are talking about piping ready to use petrol/disiel from as far as Angola!! These boys selling fuel on the roadside will have a cheaper source of the product!!!!!!!! And remember what is happening in Nigeria where the unemployed youths are helping themselves by syphoning fuel along the supply line.

  20. CONTD, If this bid still beats the other similar submissions (if any) then it can be evaluated on its own merits and if it is in line with the sector ministries strategic plan, it can proceed to approval stage through the PPP evaluation process – PPP Technical committee (consisting of PSs, including the sector PS, ZDA etc) and finally PPP Council of Ministers chaired by chief planner Minister of Finance! Perhaps Hon Yalumas only crime is the manner in which he registered this breach but on principle he is CORRECT. Please understand that not long ago the Ministry of Commerce also ‘signed’ another energy pipeline deal (also in breach), without the sector ministry. Now just how much oil will there be in Zambia facilitated by Ministry of Commerce without the Energy sectors approval CONTD

  21. In as much as some of us have our misgivings on the style of our current leadership, let us not promote total breaches in the system that is the only permanent protection we have as citizens. There is an attempted arm twisting of gvt by promoters in this project which has resulted in this fall out and ZDA are squarly to blame for this. The sector ministry, apart from the law being clear on the need for their endorsement, is the only entity that knows exactly how much fuel is required over what period and also has the technical capacity to guide government and project promoters on many other aspects to make projects like this successful. For instance, what is the extent of the technical feasibility (if any) has been conducted? CONTD

  22. Hon Yaluma, Im sure grasps the fact (more than Bob does) that this is a very important strategic project and therefore you cannot go about it in the same way you can facilitate a bicycle factory in Chongwe!! It has far reaching consequences if mishandled as it clearly has and front and centre of this drive should be the planning ministry. In as much as private sector is an important partner, process has to be followed with no short cuts! There are more than two promoters of similar projects on Angola Zambia pipeline projects for instance, binding the gvt to any one of them at this early stage without proper evaluation by the sector ministry is stupid and almost ILLEGAL! Well done Hon Yaluma

  23. Risk assessment will be conducted. No bank will finance the project unless as many risks associated with the project are identified and remedies put in place. Theft, fire, security, etc will all be exhaustively assessed before the money to construct the pipeline is released. it’s standard business procedure.

  24. This is the prblem of being led by old chaps who can not keep up with modern communications simply because they can not oparate a blacberry, Iphone, etc.

  25. I agree with Minister Yaluma, an energy deal of this magnitude, even at MOU stage should have been presided over by the Minister of Energy NOT Minister of Commerce. Someone was overzealous

  26. I like Yaluma…. the other day he corrected you media that fuel to Malawi was a sell and nor donation. Now he says that those crooks are offering themselves a huge contract to construct pipeline, while the Chinese can do quality, cheaper and fastest job. That Kalabo must be arrested.

    • I will have two please. Oh, throw in a few jilijilis for old times sake. Damn, will miss those packets of portable intoxication. People used to wonder why I was always smiling. Anyhow, have now graduated to the CHIjilijili – the big one in the bottle. Stop me if you can.

    • I know Hon Chris Yaluma for longer than 15 years. He never takes anything for granted without proper consultations. He is a qualified electrical engineer. Give him a change. Too long Zambia have been exploited by Banda and his henchmen. At least money are being invested by the Worldbank and corrupted leaders charged! Give the PF a change and then we can talk again.

  27. Keep up the fantastic piece of work, I read few articles on this web site and I conceive that your website is rattling interesting and holds bands of fantastic info.

  28. Hon – Minister of mines and energy, christopher yaluma, stop behaving like kcm spokes person.We honour you as a public servant.

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