Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Criminals won’t scare away tourists – Lubinda


Foreign Affairs and Tourism Minister Given Lubinda
Foreign Affairs and Tourism Minister Given Lubinda

Foreign Affairs and Tourism Minister Given Lubinda said that the recent criminal activities experienced in Zambia’s tourist capital Livingstone, will not scare away tourists from visiting Zambia.

Mr. Lubinda told journalists in Lusaka today that his ministry is saddened by the recent developments in Livingstone but has pointed that criminal activities will not affect tourists inflows in anyway.

The minister has however called on law enforcement agencies to quickly bring to book the suspected criminals who killed a Spanish pilot resident in Zambia and a security guard at a named lodge in Livingstone.

A day after the killings, the bandits broke into a Bureau de change and went away with undisclosed amounts of money in different currencies.

And Mr. Lubinda says government has not yet reacted to issues raised by fugitive Henry Banda’s lawyer Robert Amsterdam.

He said the statement issued by Patriotic Front Secretary General Wynter Kabimba on Henry and his lawyer does not represent the stance of government but that of the PF.

Mr. Lubinda has therefore indicated that government will soon issue a comprehensive statement regarding Henry and his lawyer.

Meanwhile, Mr. Lubinda has announced the appointment of a new board for the Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) in accordance with the ZAWA Act Number 12 of 1998.

The nine member board include Larry Kalala as chairperson, Mark O’Donnell, Peter Kasanda, Andrew Nkunika and Younus Mitha.

Other members are Hannah Barron, Chasiya Kazembe, Senior Chieftainess Mbowanjikana of Senanga district and Chieftainess Mwape of Nyimba districts.

Mr. Lubinda urged the board to review working relations with community in game management areas, review finance sustainability of ZAWA and ensure massive participation of all players.



    • You are right the flying squad is agently needed to clean our city from these heartless bandits. Can the PF or any concerned investor put some money on these wanted criminals. soon than later they will be caught There are hiding in their girlfriends homes. shame those who whats to get rich by killing others. This is not the meaning of more money in your pockets you evil chips

  1. I agree with KCI, send Flying Squad to Livingstone, it could uncle Bob in Zim playing tricks on us to woo more visitors on the other side when the UNWTO comes next eyar!!!!

  2. Crime WILL scare away tourists, you fool!  Nobody wants to come all the way from Europe to be shot in Zambia.  And why can’t the Chief Colonial Cop in Sata House come up with solutions?  I thought he knows it all!!!!

  3. Possible tourists have already gotten hold of the information about the crimes in Livingstone. The American Embassy has already put up an alert for Livingstone. Summer, the tick of livingstone’s tourism, is just around the corner. There is need for more and faster damage control, otherwise, we will lose a few dollars from this sector this year.

  4. Sir, hope you will read my comment. Risk is about “perception”; and perception is very volatile. I would encourage you to quickly bring the flying squad, as KCI has said. Any perception of risk is taken very serious in the West. Firstly, a flight to Livingstone is very expensive; then consider the threat to lives; believe you me, change your language and start talking security.

  5. I agree that the perception carried is what tourists make their decisions on.

    That said, Zambia Police have reacted disastrously slow. Quickly provide and announce a significant reward for information leading to arrest of these clearly amateur criminals. Someone knows someone who has been spending recklessly in bars and taverns and normally doesn’t.

    These amateur criminals have friends and relatives who will be happy to provide info for even a mere 2 million kwachas to help themselves out of poverty even for a day.

  6. Worse things have happened in other tourist destinations around the world but tourists still flock there in droves. Case in point Bali.

  7. Lubinda has pointed that criminal activities will not affect tourists inflows in anyway. What a lie! I as a local tourist I am scared to go L/stone until things cool down.

  8. What a statement to make. Where did you find this guy? This violence will spread quickly through the travel industry that Livingstone is unsafe and tourist WILL go somewhere else!

  9. #10 Zambia does not have the same volume of tourists that Bali has. In addition our tourism industry is still emergent and has always been overshadowed by our neighbours’ industries in SA, Zim, Namibia and Botswana. Africa has an image problem globally and any instance of violence occurring in African will be judged more harshly than anywhere else in the world – sad but unfortunately for us true. Even SA despite receiving more tourists than practically any other country in sub-Saharan Africa is losing out as it is perceived as being a violent place. Lubinda is just playing politics here, if he was so nonchalant about tourist numbers, then why did he do a bungee jump in order to show that doing so in Zambia was safe? 

  10. One notices the capacity of a leader during a crisis, that is if a leader realizes there is one afterall. Lubinda your statement is far respresenting a working govt. Your 90days theory is over and you need to say things which instill confedence. What you needed to say was govt was going to work flat out to eliminate such cases and issue strong warning to this thugs. could it be they are people who have the money in the pocket thoery on the wrong side? that is what happens with messages which are not well throught through.

  11. Why is Wynter Kabimba so much at large. He seems to be teh Govt Spokesman. Is he too powerful that cabinet ministers can’t control him?

    • He is the chief party cadre, a.k.a. minister without portifolio but having an arm in every ministry. He is there to make sure that the PF manifesto is delivered to the people. All of this is in the PF manifesto. Need to widen your reading a little boss

  12. #13 Kaponya still…, you are correct. In addition the ministerial statement is way off the mark. Crime will lead to the dwindling of tourists of the small number of tourists that visit Zambia. Even calling Livingstone the tourist capital of Zambia is joke because there is nothing “tourist capital” about that town. I have been to tourist towns outside Zambia and it it clear from the time you land that they are tourist towns. Zambian tourism industry is still a baby in napkins.

  13. Zambians never do such Crimes, this should be either from Zimbabweans or South Africans, bring back Flying squared. To teach them a lesions. Livingstone residency please be on the lookout. These bandits want to tarnish our image of being the safest country in Africa???

  14. Go ahead just bury your head in the sand !!! And hope the tourists will keep pouring in after they hear that there are gun-totting lunatics running around killing innocent people in Livingstone. Do something NOW !!!!! So that the criminals will get the message !!! and the tourists will feel safer !!

  15. I hate da habit of America!they hv ored put up an alert?they cnt jst observe da situation 1st?evry nw n then we hear of whites shootg blaks in America,do we put up unnecesary alerts?Ba given naimwe sort out da root cause of ds issue instead of runing to mek headlines in da media!

  16. “”He said the statement issued by Patriotic Front Secretary General Wynter Kabimba on Henry and his lawyer does not represent the stance of government but that of the PF.
    Mr. Lubinda has therefore indicated that government will soon issue a comprehensive statement regarding Henry and his lawyer””.
    Now the war is beginning btn summer and given. Wait and see. But Bravo Given for making that clarification.

  17. we have no confidence and trust now in this government..we scared ..we don’t know what to do and where to run to!

  18. High ranking politicians must refrain from making presumptive comment on matters that relate to serious crimes such the one that resulted into the slaying of the Pilot in Livingstone. The investigative Units must be allowed to carry out their functions free from any form of political directives. Usually CIDs in Zambia are very efficient in tracking down perpertrators of murders. Lubinda is not the wisest soul in PF and therefore must keep off his fingers from the Ministry of Home Afairs and learn to keep silent for once.

    • I beg to differ. Politicians only make foolish announcements because the police are too unassertive, too laid back to tackle crime aggresively, fiercely and pro-actively. Even when provided with solid leads, they will tell you there is no fuel or no vehicle or any other useless excuse that delays action to successful arrest and investigation crime. This is not poor leadership – it is NO LEADERSHIP at all.

      Zambia Police – ZP – zabwino palibe

  19. Chieftainess Mboanjikana (Mulena Mukwae Mboanjikana ) is not in Senanga but Kalabo District. She overseas Kalabo District that also hosts the vast Liuwa National Park

  20. And why is the so called home affairs minister quiet? It was all over the place talking nonsense with anything to do with people of western province. May be it will get involved when someone tells it that the villains are from western Zambia.

  21. Actually criminals will scare away tourists. Tourists are not some party cadre fanatics , they are usually very civilized and reasonng people. You think i can go to kenya with all the bullshit happening from the somalia insurgens? You are mad lubinda.

  22. Me being from Europe;  Yes, tourists will be scared… if they are able to read this news. However, this gruesome act was only picked up by some Spanish and South African media so far. In case the maniacs attack another accommodation then it will be big news as then it is no longer an incident.
    To #1 and others: You are right, bring in your Flying squad and also some forensic professionals.
    First question to be answered is “why did the killers choose this specific restaurant”. Was is because of it’s location (quick get away?) or busy restaurant on a Monday evening?
    Cell phones: some were taken from clients at this restaurant, these phone can be traced (when switched on) and records are kept by phone companies.

  23. Is there a likelihood that govt can come up with a different stance on the issue of henry, than that of Kabimba?

    • Dear Dodo,
      It is hard to prevent such crimes. However all around the world one can expect maniacs to terrorize citizens and therefore the government should be prepared to lock down the entire area after such an attack. That’s where trained army professionals should come in.
      The attackers? They never left the area of Livingstone, they most probably have been hiding somewhere as making it over the border to Zimbabwe would be a high risk. 
      Lessons learnt; the very unfortunate Spanish man (ex-military chopper pilot) and the French woman took on the attackers. But this can only be done by trained martial arts people. Being brave does get you killed,  it is simply not worth it.

  24. This story will scare tourists for probably another ten to fifteen years. Stories of this nature linger in the minds of people. And it’s never an easy task to eliminate a negative image. As they say: Prevention is cheaper than cure!

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