3.1 billion Kwacha has been released by Government to settle retrenchment packages for all the 2-hundred and 9 former Kapiri Mposhi Glass Factory workers (KPG).
ZANIS Reports that KGP was shut down in 1998 and workers have not received their terminal benefits until now.
Kapiri Mposhi acting District Commissioner Urgent Mazuba who was flanked by officials from the office of Administrator General in the Ministry of Justice said workers started receiving funds yesterday.
And addressing the former workers at the Council Grounds Mr. Mazuba said workers who received offer letters for the purchase of company houses will buy the houses in lieu of their terminal benefits.
Last year 1 41 housing units were offered for purchase to former workers who owned houses at the time the company closed in lieu of their terminal benefits.
Zambia , THE REAL AFRICA !!!
LEGACY OF 20 years of MMD at the helm.
Don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Better laugh – its Friday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PF at work, thanks to presido Sata, he is working for sure.
and they want to come back in 2016. to steal from where they left?
This is a nation cursing itself
Do we were have a pension fund that really works?Â
Do we have a government and leadership system that works is the question.
Had MMD stayed in power, it would have been forget about pension for these people.
thank-you PF govt…u r really working. Hope critics wont overlook that fact that MMD failed & PF have done!!! bravo PF
I pray to God that these people are still alive to enjoy their benefits.
bravo ba presido, long live your excellencey
why is it that such stories are never published by the watchdog newspaper?
they are useless only good at attacks not praises were they are due.
Its an open secret that the Zambian Watchdog is a UPND machine (sympathiser) @THE DON
And certain people still feel PF are worse than MMD.
haha mbeleshi boy,you are my neighbor pa mwansabombwe
Look at the plight of all former workers of the defunct parastatals accross the country including Mansa Batteries!
For as long as its a result; and its practical,am happy. The figures got me thinking; 3.1bn, for 141 families, is about 21.5m ZMK; surely, for a family to wait for 22m it took all these years? And what is the value of a single car, or two cars driven by MPs in the previous government? Well, poverty is not because of lack of resources, but because of lack of resourcefulness (anonymous). All comes down to priorities.
Haters go hang yoselves……bravo pf..\:d/
This is a good start, please continue dismantlign these outstanding issues while the haters headed by HH continue politicking,, I hope the President will find time to shake his hand and assure him that he is an ordinary citizen but very safe under this Government!!!!
P.F at work!!!!!!!
bravo pf,plz look at o ther pending issues as wel.long live ukwa
Govt should also consider the former employees of Circle pharmaceuticals Zambia Limited (former Gamma pharmaceuticals) in Ndola, we’ve been seeing Govt officials but to no avail. DBSA promised to pay us the K5bn puls in salary arrears, benefits and other entitlements but they changed their minds later, we kept the plant in good condition and even the new owners have found it intact. so pliz any govt official reading this attend to our plight and assist us. the company was liquidated in 2010 without giving us anything at all.
Can you tell me who the new owners of Gamma Pharaceuticals are
@ #8 Mina…A journey starts with a single step!…be patient & congratulate the government for the step they’ve made
Nice one, now use the money wisely and no reports of divorces Pliz. Thank u of.
Well done PF. Where was the MMD government to let people go for 14 years without money?
The MMD should be made to pay interest to the workers. K22m 14 yrs ago is NOT the same in 2012. PF well done BUT MMD needs to be held accountable.
Just waiting to hear wat zambian watchdog will report.
Indeed !!!
Wasn’t mr sata in gov’t in1994? There are too many *****s with short memories!
my vote at work!
Donchi kubeba reloaded.
Inflation Pa Kapiri
Rod, yes Sata was in MMD in 1994, But today he is not MMD! He is Presido, and trying to make some things straight. The fact is, those people waited for their money for more than a decade, today they got it when PF is in Govt!
Viva Ba Sata this is a plus and weldone PF.Shame MMD how could you have failed to pay workers ,14 years is a long period no wonder people of Zambia voted MMD out of office.Kindly sir ba Sata consider other Companies that have not been paid like United Milling in Chingola ,Mansa Batteries e.t.c
We salute you your excellence President Michael Sata.You have good heart for the poor we shall continue to support PF
Thanks ba Presido, well done ba Pf. Keep it up, these are the stories we want to hear bacause people have suffered enaf. Happy friday bloggers!
Good work. Do the same to all that are still waiting for their benefits. After these create employment for youths then come 2016 you have it as well.
Dismantle all long outstanding arrears for civil servants also. This is wat has led to poverty coz the little money is held by govt who never pay interest for wthholding our mane. Good start, kip it up!
Thank you Sata,sometimes you think properly
This is good. The people have suffered. Please consider also the ex-workers of other companies that went under such as UBZ, Zambia Airways, Mansa Batteries, Chipata Bicycle Factory, Drum and Can Plant (Ndola), Mwinilunga Pineapple Cannery, and am sure there are more .Were all employees in these firms who were laid off receive their benefits.
The policies of the MMD (under late FTJ) were mainly responsible for the mess, and our own MCS played a strong and influential part.
There was great improvement in corporate affairs and governance under LPM(MHSRIP), and our MCS was not part. I can only say HE MCS is simply correcting his past. Well done though.
thank you pf and our beloved president HE sata.man of action indeed.long long live sata,haters will keep hanging themselves.i wonder how it would have been not having a presdo like sata.thank you and God is blessing you alot more
14 years of waiting imagine, those MMD vile thugs had amassed so much wealth in the same time scale to care about these poor former workers. PF at work mopping up where those crooks plundered.
Where is that Senior Citizen or the other loud empty gongs on this thread?Â
@the don, watchdog is nt worth commentin about coz its full of tribal hatrade and promotor of hate speech.personally. I don’t visit dat useless site lest m contaminated
Gentlemen, while it is tru MCS was part of that lost decade 1991-2001, he was not President. Im not a card carrying member of any party but let us give praise where it is due. This is good for KPG country
Waiting to hear wht ba watchdoggers have to say. Ba swine !
it has to take 14yrs and PFgovt to do it.Shame on MMD and Arabee.
Journalists have let us Tazara workers down by not bringing issues surrounding retirees to the fore. In Tazara, retirees do not even have knowledge of how much is due to them let alone when they will receive their miserable packages. Had it not been for PF government showing signs of helping out many people would have died from depression and loss of will to live- still its not enough
Iseni muchite report enchito yenu!
I did’nt realise KGP had even opened again. I was on the UK team that started the factory in 1973 & stayed till 1976. We heard it had closed & thought it was finished. Where are you Ben Chiwama, Willi Piri, Stan Kasamba etc etc. David Jones UK.