Friday, January 10, 2025

I will do it tomorrow….


By Mazala Zulu

‘I’ll do it tomorrow… that was my quick response when someone would ask me to do something that I didn’t feel like doing. I would find every reason to put things off for tomorrow.

Once I got to look at my life with brightness and found out how to achieve things for myself in life, I quickly realized, that that response was not going to work and that I was headed for being a classic procrastinator. That realization forced me to change the way I thought about my responsibilities and goals.

It’s so easy to say “I’ll do it tomorrow…”and you can say that everyday… that way you put things off indefinitely.

The first and most important step to achieving my goals was to change my attitude and thinking. I discovered that whenever I would say “I’ll do it tomorrow…” I was really thinking about how painful doing something would be.

Most of us, both as individuals or businesses have this kind of thinking. We tend to push things off for a later time. The only problem with this way of thinking, usually results in nothing being done because we subconsciously are denying ourselves the pleasure of fulfilling something.

Instead of thinking about the benefits and how completing a goal would improve our lives, or make things better for us – We focus on the painful process of completing a goal. We do this because we have programmed ourselves that change is difficult. We need to re-program our thinking, by always being aware of what we are thinking of.

For you to achieve what you want in life you need to choose to change your thinking (you always have a choice in life) and this will bring a new way on how you view and achieve your goals.

Saying “I’ll do it tomorrow…” was no longer allowed. Once I followed this process I got more done, I was quick and I was efficient.

There is no harm in changing your negative thoughts into positive. Give yourself a challenge, start today by doing something positive. (Call that client that you have been telling yourself “I WILL DO IT TOMORROW”. Say hallo to that person that you have been wishing to say hallo to but have been putting it off).

We all try to avoid certain things and put things off until “tomorrow”… but often “tomorrow” never comes and you never get anything done.
Now by applying this same thought process you’ll put an end to procrastinating and you’ll stop putting things off for “tomorrow.”

Stop putting things off for “tomorrow” get more done in less time. Become the person everyone wants to come to because they know that when they come to you, you always finish what you start. Start achieving your goals sooner. Stop procrastinating today. You are capable of achieving the greatest goals you can imagine… Don’t let self-doubt and procrastinating stop you from success.

Tip -When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change.


  1. Words to live by. Pondered over this a while and realised that to understand it better I had to assume that there was either no early parental guidance on responsibility and the importance of task completion or that if there was then probably that yoke was thrown off during teen years :) Well done. To change a mindset involves both external and internal analysis from one who has taken individual responsibility for the outcomes and consequences of their own actions (or inaction).

  2. Procrastination is a thief of time … no wonder Zambians are still poor – procrastination has stolen their wealth.

  3. All this crap is psyco-babble sometimes inaction saves you from being eaten by man eating lions keep still and every thing will be revealed.

  4. Its a Zambian thing; in fact, you could have also said, “polepole” or “take it easy” there is tomorrow. In fact, if you finish your work in the office, you will be made redundant. Unfortunately for the guys I work with, they think I am crazy about finishing things on time, and delivering. Yes you guessed right, all Zambian. This for me, is the greatest hindrance to our development, “attitude”. There is time for everything; and for some, time to celebrate begins as early as monday. Zambia, a christian nation!!

  5. Timely advise,i think of late i have had this problem,always putting things aside for later,i think i have missed business opportunites as a result of this,it’s all to do with poor judgement,you think it’s not important but somehow it is important so better do it and don’t pile up work for yourself.

  6. Nice article!! If we could all stop putting off things for tomorrow we would acheive a lot, in our personal lives and as a country. We need more young men like you to share these intelligent thoughts…you are leadership material…keep up the great work. God bless

  7. Grade 5 term paper. Some people work well under pressure others don’t putting off a task is not in its self bad.

  8. good old truths that remain true no matter how much time passes. Dont procrastinate, work hard, work smark, keep healthy, be nice to your close ones,… it comes down to having willpower to tur your life around and accumulte wealth.

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