Monday, March 17, 2025

Finance Bank Records 1 Trillion Kwacha Deposit Base


Finance bank

Finance Bank Zambia recorded a bank deposit base of over one trillion Kwacha as at March 2012.

Bank Managing Director and Chief Executive, Barkat Ali says the deposit base is a testimony of the confidence that customers have in the bank.

And Mr. Barkat says the Bank has set aside about eight billion Kwacha for technological advancement.

He says since the reversal of sale of the Bank last year, stakeholders have been working at putting the bank back on its growth track.

Mr. Barkat was speaking during the opening of finance bank Manda hill branch in Lusaka today.



  1. Use this second chance wisely. There were some pretty ‘interesting’ plans for you that were well blocked but that is not a license to become untouchable. A lot of people could do with second chances and never get them so… My two cents done.

    • Use English please, l do not understand your primitive language. Deposits have grown because political influence peddling……… This is wrong and can only happen in backward countries. You are equally a backward person to not see anything wrong with this. Primitive cadre!

  2. FBZ when will us you long standing customers ever get to benefit from your loans. your policy is to on give loans to civil servants. pls emulate barclays

  3. Local ni laka. Rod its better to have our GRZ funds stay in our local banks than put them in foreign one. Bantu balibe chabwino!

  4. Good for Finance Bank. But can we spread Govt deposits to other local brewed banks such as Natsave, Investrust, Commerce/First Alliance, and of course, good old Zanaco

  5. now where if fred to do us a headline on this success story from our ‘indegenous’ bank………..those of you who are behind in your evolution classes, indegenous people in Zambia niba mwenye. chifita is not indegenous anywhre……

  6. I cant really understand why people still Bank with Finance Bank if the helm are still the same just trying to aline their pockets. I did a good research on this Bank for my MSc and I hope issues have really changed to warrant such big deposits, if they are not from GRZ. Staff salaries are a nightmare far below normal inflation.

  7. Just be careful with the publicist put out there lol What this statement might be saying is that Finance bank has managed to get Govt to bank with them – NOT that the general public have suddenly developed interest in the bank. Who in their right mind would bank with a Bank so badly managed that YOUR money is at such high risk? Finance should first work at putting in place proper structures and systems to mitigate and reduce its exposures. As things stand, if there is change of govt, ur money has a high chance of disappearing –  pipo open ur eyes :) 

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