Monday, March 17, 2025

Sata makes changes at NAPSA, Compensation Board


President Sata makes a speech during the International Women's Day in Lusaka
President Sata

PRESIDENT Sata has appointed Mr Charles Mpundu as director-general of the National Pension Scheme Authority (NAPSA) and Elizabeth Nkumbula as commissioner of the Workers’ Compensation Fund Control Board.

Ministry of Information, Broadcasting and Labour permanent secretary Amos Malupenga announced this yesterday at a press briefing at his office.

He said Mr Mpundu replaces Mr Stanley Phiri at Napsa while Dr Nkumbula takes over from Mr Peter Mbewe at Workers’ Compensation Fund Control Board.

In making the appointments, President Sata said the two deserved the appointments.

Mr Mpundu has over 20 years of experience in financial services in both the private and public sectors.He holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration.

He has served as commissioner and chief executive officer for the Workers’ Compensation Fund Control Board, director of investments at Napsa and general manager at Cavmont Merchant Bank.

Dr Nkumbula has a Phd in Business Administration with a major in Finance.She has over 20 years experience in the building society industry.
She has held various key management positions at the Zambia National Building Society including the Pan-African Building Society where she was managing director.

[Zambia Daily Mail]



  2. Good for you Mpundu. I read about how you got unfairly dismissed from Worker’s Compensation. Yes, the old guards preached that you thought you’re a know it all because of having been in the diaspora. You disturbed their colonial ways of operation. Then they set MMD’s plot 1 on you. I guess you’re smiling now. Are you still suing Worker’s Compensation? what happens to your friend from BoZ who replaced you?

  3. These positions are supposed to be filled by Board of Directors after interviews. Then you get the best brains instead of political appointments. This is a dangerous and backward culture of running parastatals. So far no CEO has undergone interviews. What a country!

  4. Congratulations Charles! (Twimbe, is the first thing that came to my mind when I saw this….you will excuse me if that term has been “burned”, it’s been ages). hahahaha!

  5. That sounds good DONCHI KUBEBA all from the same clan.Uno mwaka, mwaka wa babemba na tweno kani ehh aba bisa.

  6. Koma Bemba’s are enjoying this year!!! Every Appointment is for Bemba’s….. Are there no other ethnic groups in the country mwe bantu? I keep telling you people, these Kolwestans have no shame in their Tribalism. The Easterners are the foolish ones because they think tribalism does not exist in Zambia. We need the Easterners to join hands with Tonga’s and Lozi’s in order to Isolate the Kolwestans. Otherwise Zambia is doomed forever!!!

  7. Bricklayer, Dr.
    Elizabeth Nkumbula Phiri is not Bemba for your information, are tyou not able to stick to facts????

    • kano inga ebo ninshi te tribalism, remember levy mwansa wansaz appointments mmh, it was like show them time, so mr brick what ever just watch things as they unfold otherwise you are a worst  group of pipo given a chance to rule our mother zambia.

  8. Advertising vacancies is the only solution
    . Sata does not know all the Zambians with MBA and financial industry experience other than those close to him through clan and tribe. This is very primitive.

  9. When is the President going to stop appointing CEOs and other non-constitutional office bearers? What happened to interviews and other selection criteria, where ministers appointed the Boards and the Boards appointed ministers? We winked during the time of ‘state of emergency’ when ZNBC, ZESCO were being reshuffled, because he was the only authority at the time, but not now, when ministers are in place. Really, how many people can be noticed by the president single handedly – as short sighted he is? Or is it just about reemploying those who were dismissed during the run up to the elections??????????? Shame!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Everyday I’m shuffling, shuffling LMFAO! These jobs should be advertised and professional firms like KPMG, PWC etc should short list the best candidates.

    • Exactly my sentiments as well. People should have confidence in the recruitment system. Not only KPMG ,PWC but we have the public service commission which is responsible for recruiting civil servants and should be given mandate to recruit parastatal chiefs as well!

  11. It is the Zambian Constitution that has given too much power to The Presidency. Sata is acting legally, unfortunately or fortunately. So instead of insulting Sata, direct your energies at updating the national Constitution.

  12. Can PF government at least bring sanity into the appointment of civil servants and parastatal chiefs. People should be appointed on merit and positions should be advertised to give equal opportunities to well deserving Zambians. Infact the Zambian electronic media should start advertsing jobs to give Zambians abroad a chance as ell. No wonder we have unprofessional cadres full in foreign missions who do nohing but party and turn away people in real need of help!!!

  13. Well deserved appointment of Charles Mpundu for the NAPSA Director General, and whats more, he is very qualified for the position (first Zambian to be a qualified acturial scientist) and will thrive in the position for the benefit of all Zambians. Those of you who always want to see things on a tribal basis, I feel sorry for you. I know very little about Dr Nkumbula but am confident that she is also ably qualified considering the previous jobs she has held before. I also congratulate her and wish her the very best.

  14. Congratulations to my former head boy Charles. I just pray that his allegiance will not be to the appointing authority but to the work that he has been tasked to do. 

  15. Sata is old school don’t expect change from this unip relic! Just persevere and fasten your seat belts for the next 4 and half years.

  16. Congrats to the appointees. We envy you. Unfortunately, you will be removed as quickly as you have been appointed

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