Monday, March 17, 2025

UNZA Council warns against strike


The University of Zambia Council has said that any withdrawal of labour by UNZALARU members will be premature under provisions of the Industrial and Labour Relations Act.

UNZA Council Chairperson Sherry Thole in a statement released to QFM News has since urged all members of staff acting under the reported go-slow to desist from the activity in order to allow the collective bargaining process to run its course.

Mrs Thole says the Council has not received any official communication from UNZALARU regarding the reported go-slow.

She states that the collective bargaining process between the UNZA Council and UNZALARU is still on-going and that to date, no dispute has been declared by either of the parties.

Mrs Thole was reacting to some media reports that the University of Zambia Lecturers and Researchers Union has resolved to go on go-slow until government revokes the 4% increment awarded to grant aided institutions.



  1. Pipo r in a hurry to hav more money in their pokts!200days of pf in power is more than enaf!comissions of inquiries r a waist of money cos MCS dosnt apreciat!let da money go to pipo who dsev it!!

  2. It is Zambian tha have brought University standards to kaponya ways of life. We must lift the university into academia again. We need Unza for development.

  3. Full of nonsense, thus why iam not coming to lecture at UNZA after my post doctoral research, i will stay here in the diaspora LOL

  4.  Nubian Princess, “University of nonsense and squalor!” You should avoid such simplistic rhetoric, lest you insult sleeping dogs, mind you a kapokola was murdered last week. Utuna monk atase wanya nokunya. 

  5. Meanwhile Ukwa and his cronies like Sebastian Zulu,Chongwe,Wynter Kabwamba etc are getting top kwacha through useless COIs.Go for more UNZALARU we are behind you.

  6. These guys are demanding for more money yet they do not even do any research.  Not all research needs money. I am yet to see  quality articles published  by UNZA academicians and graduate students. No wonder it is ranked one of the worst universities in Africa. Moreover greedy management is busy misusing and abusing the meager resources for personal benefits. What a shame!

    • Mulondwe Muzungu, I think you need to get facts right before you say something. What makes you think that UNZA lecturers are not carrying out research? It is not only through publications that you can tell that people are carrying out research. Besides. lecturers need not self publish. Find out how many seminar presentations are taking place in the University. Lecturers are carrying out research in the face of a challenging environment. Do you know the extent to which the University is understaffed? Do you know the living conditions of the lecturers? Above all, d you know the duty the University has to the nation? I know you are entitled to your own opinion but if you have any academic inclination, please work on using facts in your discussion.

    • Gankhanani Moffat Moyo, I am priveledged to have been educated at CBU, In India for Masters and now China for phd. Believe you me the attituteds and work culture of lecturers at CBU  was appalling. They leave the office at 4 pm and you see them drinking at Riverside market or in pubs. Right now I am working on modeling and simulation project which by the way is a hot topic in most engineering disciplines because it is cheap to do. All you need is a computer and cracked software which you can get from the internet. But non of those guys at CBU or UNZA are doing such work because those old lecturers cannot even use simple tools like MATLAB or make simple codes.. Publications also secure funding for projects because it shows how serious you are with research.

  7. The so-called UNZA Council should come to it’s senses. Intimidation has never worked for UNZA Dons. #9, your reasoning is shallow. Get facts before you make pronouncements.

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