Monday, March 17, 2025

7 TAZARA bosses suspended


Tanzania Ministry of Transport Permanent secretary Omar Chambo

SEVEN top management officials at the beleaguered Tanzania Zambia Railway Authority (TAZARA) have been suspended as the strike by 1,200 workers on the Zambian side fizzled out yesterday.

The affected officials have apparently been singled out as “stumbling blocks” as the railway firm continues teetering on the verge of collapse.

Tanzania’s Ministry of Transport Permanent secretary Omar Chambo confirmed the suspension of the senior members of staff and indicated that they would be handed over to law enforcement agencies.

Tazara has been stalked by a series of strikes as operations continue to plummet with a huge debt stock in unpaid retirement benefits, unremitted statutory contributions, and outstanding payments to suppliers of goods and services.

Mr Chambo, who is also Tazara board chairperson, said in an interview that Mpika-based regional general manager Sinonge Masiliso had been sent on forced leave.

The suspended officials are chief mechanical engineer, Wenslaous Kamugisha, Finance manager Sarah Masiliso, Traffic manager Pondani Mwanza, Head of Commercial services Ally Idd, Information and Technology manager Pascal Mulenga.

Others are the marketing manager Evaristo Kasumbai and marketing officer Manyeteya Lonin’go.

Mr Chambo said the suspended officers would be handed over to law enforcement agencies to be probed for theft, corruption, mishandling of company procurement procedures among other allegations.

The board would make a decision on the managing director Akashambatwa Mbikusita Lewanika and deputy managing director Damas Ndumbaro.

“There are serious allegations levelled against the suspended officers such as cases of theft of company property, corruption and issues to do with rules and procedures. They have to answer to these allegations so that we can know what the way forward is,” he said.

The two holding governments have since appointed other officers to act in the positions left vacant by suspended officials.

TAZARA Workers Union (TRAWU) on the Tanzanian side and the Workers Union of TAZARA (WUTAZ) on the Zambian side have welcomed the development which they said was long overdue.

TRAWU general secretary Erasto Kihwele said the union had been part of the talks with other stakeholders concerning the removal of top management officials in order to facilitate investigations.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. Aka is very well educated, but can’t run even akantemba pa market. This guy is a perpetual failure despite the numerous post graduate degrees he has.Education is not wisdom, bane…!!!

    • Do you know what else he does in life – or you are just one of those vuvuzelas who follow where the tribal wind flows. You don’t know AKA, so stop talking as if you know his life and what else he does. Just say it straight that you don’t appreciate him because of his tribe, we will respect your view.

  2. I thought Akashambatwa resigned long time ago! What decision do you still want to make when he already made his decision to LEAVE your rotten government which he doesn’t want to be part of. I’m even surprised he is still around, I hear he has been handing over. It is all very tribal. The Bembas now that they have a Bemba in State House have been campaining to purge the company of all tribes from other provinces. We know the rubbish that Bembas do. Muzavutika maningi peazachokapo Sata imwe – indimwe vinyama voipa maningi simufunika kunkhala pafuti naimwe pamudzi. Koma ukopo ni mbweee!

    • I hope you find solace in your tribal remarks that are very strong. Even where tribal remarks don’t need to appear, you find a way of bringing them in. Its people like you that are making those same Bembas to be big headed because they like what you think and they continue believing that they are indispensable. If I were you, I would forget about them and concentrate on better things so that you show them that they are not your match but like this, it is hard to distinguish who is dull between you and them.

  3. AKA should be a lecturer ,5 degrees plus plus……but cannot run one firm…!!! anyway we need educated people to run companies here is one!! AKA and his team all professionals.

  4. @chitapi, continue wit yr miserable tribe.I wonder if u hav attained higher education coz in my time no tonga or lozi surpast me at university coz I was owez top class unless ur referin to de 1960s then I will agree.wabe t chi colour

  5. CHITAPI u must be out of ur mind how do u start blasting  INNOCENT PRESIDENT over an issue he has not issued an instruction i don’t understand u if he was bad AKA should ve long gone bt he gave him time 2 prove him self . My appeal 2 the BOARD OF TAZARA is to quickly pass on a decision 2 remove both DIRECTOR and his DEPUTY URGENTLY to save lives of Tazara Employees and community as a whole . 

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