Monday, March 17, 2025

Miles Sampa directs CSO to complete the construction of their new building by end of the year


Finance Deputy Minister Miles Sampa
Finance Deputy Minister Miles Sampa

Deputy Minister of Finance and National Planning Miles Sampa has directed the Central Statistical Office-CSO to complete the Central Statistics Office (CSO) Office complex building next to the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) by December 31st , this year.

Speaking at a familiarization tour and operations of CSO, Mr Sampa said the building has taken about 10 years to be completed
He however commended the CSO for the good work it is doing for the nation.

Mr Sampa said the CSO is a beacon of the nation and a place that nation depends on for information.

And Mr Sampa urged CSO to provide l statistics on all sectors and not to concentrate on one sector.

He said statistics are useless to the Zambians if they do not improve lives and further called upon CSO to find a way in categorizing the economic statistics.

He also said CSO needs to provide information on employment levels adding that government is relying on CSO to inform the nation on how much employment has been created.

Mr Sampa said the Patriotic Front (PF) government promised the people of Zambia jobs hence the need for CSO to provide information on how many jobs have been created.

Meanwhile Central Statistical Office (CSO) Director, John Kalumbi says CSO will soon release the latest national census stats in the number and age category in the country.

Mr Kalumbi said internal consultations are currently being done after which it will be released to the public.

He added that the out-dated legal frame work of CSO Act makes its operations difficult as the Act was enacted in 1964.

He said lack of a coordination in the National Statistics department has added to the challenges because the current CSO Act does not empower CSO to coordinate with other various players in producing statistics.



  1. I concur with you Bwana Minister. We need data. The data we see is outdated especially on Demographic and Health survey….

  2. I am sure it is because the CSO does not have enough budget support. With a strong budget, they will be in a position to collect, process and disseminate relevant, updated data to the community. Build them a small good office powered with high tech IT infrastructure. 
    These guys have a pathetic web page that has not been updated since Mwanawasa passed away. They do not have morden computers. I think their computer programs cannot generate data into excel format. Their web page has data in pdf format and remain useless for researchers. I must always go to IMF or World bank to get data about Zambia. Let me say all GRZ web pages look unprofessional and look those web pages for Nija scams. 

    • PDF documents are secured can not be altered easily unlike excel. Am sure thats the reason for doing that to avoid people manipulating data.

  3. The writer of the story needs to go back to school and learn how to report. The english is simply useless. Learn to proof read before you post an item.

  4. I think bwana minister should be talking about releasing money to complete the project, he is the one with the required clout to help CSO. Who is the Director of CSO to push that project, small fish in the pf government hierarchy, isn’t he?

  5. Miles is a comedian. Give them the cash to complete their building and it’ll be complete within a few months. Don’t just yap like a paper tiger; money for such capital expenditure needs to be budgeted for in the national budget!

  6. miles is inmature..instead of giving the guys cash to finish building the structure. he starts making useless announcements like he is the project engineer.miles is a useless minister and imature with no plan at all.he shpuld consult from magende on how to run that ministry. so far no plan for pf nothing whatsoever….

  7. Hon your own company zesco it haz continued renewing temprol workers wit 6months contract. Wen Chitundu waz appointd he promised comfirm some by april 2012 bt nothing 2 date they re busy renewing wit da same 6months contracts.Temprol workers most of them re qualified 4 their jobs & hardworking . If there re pipo in zesco who voted 4 PF gvnt re temprols n casuals, coz they blieve in policy dat ll better their lives,bt da HR director is a UPND carder, who is frustrating ur gvnt.. Hon tok 2 Hon Yaluma let him meet chitundu zesco MD n see hw u can help..

  8. when is the economic census phase 2 going to commence?because the cso as made a lot of people jst waiting since 2december,2011 up to date,which is very bad.those people ve even failed to find a piece coz they are owez told next week,come next week.people are struggling

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