Monday, March 17, 2025

This years Kuomboka ceremony cancelled


File:The Nalikwanda leaves Lealui.

Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) prime minister commonly known as Ngambela, Clement Sinyinda, who disclosed that this years Kuombokaa ceremony has been cancelled.He said the event will not take place because of the emerging ‘full moon’. He said it is against Lozi tradition to hold the Kuomboka under a full moon.

The cancellation of the ceremony has also been attributed to insufficient water levels. Ngambela Sinyinda says the BRE regrets the cancellation of the annual traditional event, which also attracts regional and international tourists.

“The full moon is about to emerge and so it is impossible for us to hold the event as it is against our tradition,” he said.

Ngambela Sinyinda said a survey conducted by the Kuomboka ceremony organising committee headed by Induna Inete established that the water levels are not good enough for the event.

Kuomboka means moving from the flooded plains to the dry highlands and is dependent on the depth of the water level in order to accommodate the Nalikwanda, the Litunga’s royal boat.

“We spent most of our time organising the Barotse National Council (BNC) meeting last month and we realised we have very little time to prepare for the Kuomboka. And as you may be aware, we usually do not hold this event in May, so we regret the cancellation of the event this year,” Ngambela Sinyinda said.

[pullquote]We spent most of our time organising the Barotse National Council (BNC) meeting last month and we realised we have very little time to prepare for the Kuomboka[/pullquote]

And it is exactly one month since the BNC meeting resolved that Western Province would secede from Zambia and mandated the BRE to put in place a transition process, leading to the take-over of all government functions in Western Province.

When asked to comment on the progress towards the realisation of the BNC resolution, Ngambela Sinyinda declined to comment on the matter.

“No, no, no, I do not want to comment on that matter,” he said.

The BNC meeting cited Government’s failure to honour the Barotseland Agreement of 1964 as its reason to call for the breakaway of Western Province from Zambia.

Meanwhile, Minister of Defence Geoffrey Mwamba says there is no need for panic among the people of Mongu over the Zambia Air Force (ZAF) jets that have been flying over the town.

Mr Mwamba said the flying of the trainer fighter jets is normal routine for ZAF.

He said in an interview monitored on Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation news yesterday that there is nothing sinister about jets flying over Western Province.

“The jets were recently procured and they are being used to train officers at ZAF, so there is no need for people to panic,” he said.

An activist, Alexander Mwangelwa, is reported to have said that the low flying ZAF jets are causing fear in Western Province.

Mr Mwangelwa was quoted in the Post Newspapers yesterday as saying the people of Western Province should be alert.

[Daily Mail]


  1. I always thought the Litunga was boss in Western Province whats happening.This Ngambela is not serious..shows what poor management skills he has.He could not plan to organise a BNC meeting and Kuomboko ceremony in a month and he expects to be able to organise and manage a a new country- Barotseland.No wonder Sata and all his predecessors ignored these people.NEXT!

  2. Old news this. No big deal – lots of other interesting things to do. Guess who the losers are – yes the common people in Mongu who make a living out of the event.

    The selfishness of people like Sinyinda does not cease to amaze me. When the imbeci!e was on a government salary, he never said a single word about Barotseland. Greed has killed this cause.

  3. With the expected effects of climate change, one wonders how long these ancient traditions are going to survive in Africa. Ours in most parts of Africa is a possibility of severe droughts while other parts of the world (the Caribbean and parts of East Coast, America) is the sinking of cities due to rising sea levels. For others, it is extreme weather patterns such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and typhoons—God have mercy on us!

    Time for plan B here brothers and sisters in W/P—only species that resist change and can not adapt faces extinction—true for traditions too!

    • Please! We live in a multicultural country. Learn to respect diversity. Every ethnic group has its traditions and cultural practices not only in Zambia but throughout the world. Fool!

    • In addition, why did you protest to your president who created a fully fledged ministry for chiefs and traditional ceremonies? In view of your advice to people in western province, what is your advice to Mr Sata and his ministry? Why don’t you advise the rest of ethnic groups to stop their traditional ceremonies such as the umutomboko or ncwala? Or are you just specialised in putting down certain parts of the country. I will repeat myself, was it a wise decision to create a ministry of chiefs and traditional ceremonies? Shouldn’t all Zambian ethnicities stop their traditional ceremonies or is your advice specifically for lozis? If so why?

  4. He is saying the Kuomboka will not take place due  to the new moon and low water levels and contradict himself by saying they have little time to prepare. Why did they have to wait until ne moon emerges? I hope the people of western P have now realized that these power hungry sycophants are bringing the province down. Kuomboka is a very importatnt event which bring in alot of money in the province. Most business men in the province make alot of money during this ceremony. They have decided to put it off so as to prevent any gvt official from officiating on the event.

  5. Climate is fake excuse then he says the council took their time..why does he just not admit that they need the Nkoya’s corporation to pull off the event! Silly Man!

  6. Asked to comment on the progress made in taking over Government operations in WP and he goes:

    “No, no, no, I do not want to comment on that matter,” Surprise, are you not a prime minister of a new state? Why the triple ‘no’? Fear?

    Let us address this issue through decentalisation in all Provinces, WP is no longer the same, you will not only force opposition from Gvt, but from other tribes in WP. May God grant us peace

  7. They barred officials from Lusaka from attending – I understand that created a domino effect and others declined their invitations en masse. State-craft is not that simple, bo ngambela. Wisen up and live in the 21st Century for once!

  8. its a combination of factors here,fake full moon,govt presence @ da ceremony, &tb joshua who says tragedy looming on a big boat in africa wth 1000pipo to perish(true-false=debatable)bt besides o this the losers are poor pipo of WP who earn a bit of income during the sinyinda-its typical of a chap who served in govt enjoyed evrythng that cmes wth it only to dump it coz hz economicaly &politicaly finished.its a shame that we ve ths charlatans pretendn to serve masses bt albeit to serve their big egos.barotseland is a non starter!TAKE HEED

  9. Just scrap these traditional ceremonies and get onboard the iAge. Let your ancestors rest in peace! Do not annoy their spirits with your noise pollution from your iPods and mobile phones……sha

  10. I’m not lozi…but kuomboka is part of zambian heritage…we need to force this ngambela to start thinking not just regional or country level but a global ‘impact’ of our Kuomboka.. how much time you need to organise an annual event …not much coz we have templates to sign from. People plan to attain kuomboka across the global..and to give me such stupid reasons is silly… Make it happen. Or GRZ will start orgainising it on behalf of we the people of Zambia


  12. Who on earth would be interested in watching a chap dressed in an antique British Admiral Uniform and call it a traditional ceremony!! Get a life chaps!!!

    • People who are cultured and socially sophisticated are the ones who appreciate traditional ceremonies like the kuomboka, umutomboko etc. They are the same people who visit museums and art galleries. For a pauper like you these things don’t make sense because you are still struggling to afford your basic needs like food and clothes.

  13. Defence minister Mwamba,
    This Mr Mwamba must be honest and stop taking people for fools. It is not normal routine to frequently fly fighter aircraft low over a populated area, this is intimidation of the worst kind and does not happen in civilised countries. Why particularly fly them over Barotseland and not Northern, Muchinga or Luapula provinces? Please stop this terrorism and intimidation.

  14. @13 nachula. Being an airforce base that should be the norm in mbala! There is no airforce base in mongu, hence the suspicions more so when these fly overs have just preceded by so called military and police operations! It is your reasoning dear nachula which is border on madness!

    • Iwe kapuli, dont you know that these jets have been taking off and landing at Mongu airport for decades ? Whats wrong with ZAMBIAN jets flying over ZAMBIAN airspace ? Mwe mbwa mwe !

    • #16.1 you are just a deranged inbred id.iot! Use English, coz I have no time for cheap and primitive kaponya languages. Learn to understand what a reasoned explanation of events. Otherwise you will continue lashing out like the inbred lunatic that you are!

  15. As Nachula says I too was in Mbala 2 weeks ago and saw the ZAF jets and the pomp with which the parachute guys did it; this is normal in Mbala, being a regular ZAF base, but following the events that happened in the Western Prov. recently I think anyone can suspect anything……..on the other side if some events are not done in the Loziland they may feel neglected, but to be honest why should the govt of the republic not carry out surveillance measures when the Ng’ambela shows signs of dissidence? 

  16. @17ma ucar. There is an airforce base in mbala. There is non in mongu. Seems all police, army and airforce operations are taking place in mongu? Why has it to be mongu?

  17. you are really really insulting our parents !.May God bless you for insulting people who dont want to insult you.leave our prime minister alone.continue with your insults.insult day and night.we know which god you pray to.only satanists insult elders.

  18. barotseland is very quiet place and those loud military drills are not good.they are disturbing our school going under prevalleged children.God is not man.he rewards eachone from the works he does.each one of these people will reap what they are sowing.God does not know corruption as men do.for sure some people will pay for their arrogance.

  19. BRE the moon cycle is very predictable.Best thing to do is to apologise to Zambians for the foolish divisive idea.

  20. # 15, just know that the country will not stay idle watching criminals dividing the nation with impunity. This sinyinda chap should be arrested because he is causing trouble, yes, the troops should conduct training and ensure that they prepare accordingly. People in western province should understand that if they want to use force, the govt has so many resources to unleash on them and in the end, ordinary people will suffer and Sinyinda will run away outside the country.

  21. BRE the moon cycle is very predictable.Best thing to do is to apologise to Zambians for the foolish divisive. Secession idea.

    • Of course the moon cycle is predictable. They could have seen it coming! The position of the moon would have gone into the decision making. Is it okay to have the kuomboka given the position of the moon and the known presence of people in the country whose behaviour is influenced by the moon!

  22. #6 GEORGE KUNDA – Nkoyas have nothing to do with Kuomboka ceremony and never participate in its planning or even undertaking. If you have nothing better to do or say, try going to the toilet to reliev yourself since you suffer from constipation you fargot.

  23. AND TO THOSE PRAISING MILITARY JETS CONDUCTING EXERCISES in MBALA and condemining the reaction of Lozis in western province to the same ZAF jets – let me tell you one thing: in Barotseland we are clever enough to know that no responsible military in the world conducts exercises in populated areas. THere is nothing amusing about jet fighters flipping exercises over a town – what if something happened and the jet crashed killing people. How would the government explain that. Let us not be stupidly daft condeming other people before you even think carefuly. Military exercises are not circus shows for amusing people. Mbala is Mbala, in Barotseland we don’t want stupid decisions like that because we value human life. Even the US Air Force never does that over populated cities.

    • Why are you scared now coz those jets fly over every town. And who says pilots cant train over built up areas ? MIND YOU, they have aerial cameras and will get any silly activity. meanwhile they are enjoying ZAMBIAN airspace and not funny red berreted primate can bark !

  24. You order 3 police jets from China and you want to go around the country conducting exercises over populated areas. I have never seen such childish dullness in my life. You have to suffer from a congenital brain disability to praise that as good. But we know that all those praising ZAF and GBMwamba are doing so because they are Bemba and are supporting their fellow Bemba minister. When a jet crashes and kills people, that is when people will start attacking the government and for me at that time I will be praising the government.

    • Iwe stan your call, a jet takes 3 Minutes to reach Mongu from Mumbwa, where do you want them to be training ? In Angola. Thats a life you have to get adapted to sonny, Just start waving at us as we blaze by !

  25. #8 ST LOUIS – Western province is for Lozis. Whether people like or not, that is the truth. If you want your anti-Lozi stupidity to work, migrate to another province. Western province will be traditionally governed by Lozi tradition. Everybody living in western province is a subject of those local traditions. If you don’t like it go back the same way you came in. We will no longer tolerate nonsense from any group of dull people who suffer from inferiority complex. Lozis are moving forward and we don’t need anybody’s love for it. We don’t care what you say..go on vormiting…your dog will lap your vormit up.

    • Chitapi – stupidity is stupidity regardless of who is displaying it. In every group of humans there are stupid people. That is why all Zambian tribes a word for stupid behavior.

      You have a point but you are watering it down when you mix it up with tribe. I would think you are above that.

    • I like it when you say ‘Western Province’ coz it is Western province OF ZAMBIA and not that silly name those illiterate folks were trying to rename it. Ati ‘barotseland’ ? Oh nigger prease

  26. I see Armageddon in Mongu, water is disappearing, moon never sets down… ZAF training in Mongu instead of usual base of Mumbwa? The devil is targeting some people for sure.

    • Iwe ***** do you know that a jet takes 15minutes from Livingstone to Lusaka ? Simple math will tell you that Mongu is within its range. Damn these morons why are you so scared ?

  27. That is how narrow minded people operate. Can such people manage a counrty? No wonder the British used them to exploit copper in Zambia.

    • True even gave their king a suit for one of the Buckingham Palace guards. The moron still puts it on. The bally even returned with pictures of those british ladies putting on those frilled dresses…. SADLY thats in fashion downtown Mongu. It was worn by a Mrs Smith , from Mrs its now called Misisi !   :((  Stone-age pipo !

    • Lol! Exploit copper in Zambia? When and how did Zambia become into being? There would have been no Zambia to talk about without the treaties signed by lewanika. The copperbelt would have been part of dr Congo. There was no northern Rhodesia and no country until lewanika signed those treaties. So stop thinking with your backside.

  28. Lozis surprise me, these jets fly as far as Luapula, Solwezi and those people there are not complaining, WHY YOU ALONE ? unless there is something funny you are doing, we shall spot you o !

  29. This is sad and backwards, we are talking here about the Queen’s jubilee and you are drooling over Kuomboka? I cant even pronounce it, too many backwards people

    Long live our Queen she is the head of Zambia through commonwealth as well. Not these nonsensical gatherings which are deplorable and questionable, if anything they are a sheer waste of time and sheer waste of print paper and websites they are ever talked about

    someone pass the puke bucket


  30. Love it or loathe it, Kuomboka has been the most attractive ceremony in Zambia which pulls large crowds even from overseas. In the olden days Zambia Nationa Tourist Board (ZNTB) offices abroad marketed the ceremoney heavily helping the Country generate much needed foreign exchange. You should see the tourists from across the globe swaming on Lealui in speed-boats and clad in tradional malesu, “kanga” spectacular. However it is not the first time Kuomboka has been cancelled almost all the past Litunga’s have had the event cancelled at one time. Also for the air force planes, it is natural for a community which was devasted by the shootings last year to be fearful. Let us learn to love and respect each other, instead of hating unnecessarily! Cha ona munzako capita, mawa chili pali iwe!

  31. Maybe that’s why this has been cancelled. THESE ARE THE ACTUAL WORDS OF PROPHET T.B. JOSHUA:

    “I’m seeing a very big -will I call it a ferry? It carries people. It’s a ferry; it’s not even a ship. It’s a ferry. Breaking news said a thousand people died. The boat capsized. They should be very careful. This is an African nation. I’m going to ask God to show me the direction, the route where this ferry is going.”

  32. @mushota, queen Elizabeth’s own mother was a guest of honour at the kuomboka ceremony in 1962. Since she was royalty she was allowed onto the royal barge. The lozi royalty have visited with the British royalty since the1900s. That is something my dear mushota, you can only dream about. What has happened to your whatever ka ma chief in luapula for you to start worshipping the British monarch. Mui silingo wa maze! @k-8 jet pilot. Stone age people are those who appoint relatives and tribespeople to gov’t and claim that those are the only people they can work with. That is primitivity to the bone!

    • Iwe dont disturb me with your stone-age rantings !  You guys must move with time, things have changed o !

    • That’s y u r dull dude, jst look at & ur big mouth. Are you going to worship a dead english queen’s corpse just because your king wears an English ‘Guards’ uniform???? 

    • @k-8 jet pilot, you are the primitive Can you mention any ethnic group in the world which has no traditional ceremonies? My dear not everyone is as uncultured as you. Besides why are you so concerned about this? How does it affect you personally? You are just an inbred bigot. By the way, you should direct the anger at your tribal chief in state house he is the one who is wasting money on a ministry of chiefs and traditional ceremonies. Why are you not telling him to move with times? He is the one wasting tax payers money.

  33. First he says “The full moon is about to emerge and so it is impossible for us to hold the event as it is against our tradition,” Then he says “We spent most of our time organising the Barotse National Council (BNC) meeting last month and we realised we have very little time to prepare for the Kuomboka. And as you may be aware, we usually do not hold this event in May, so we regret the cancellation of the event this year,”.  Which one is the real reason then?? Selfish politicians!

  34. For those who keep referring to Lozis’ as being primitive can you imagine if it were Lozis’ who had a ceremony where drinking blood from just stabbed cow was part of the attraction? It would have been Lozis this Lozis that, but we respective our heritage just as we respect other tribes heritage. Even Jacob Zuma President of greatest African nation SA still touches base with his roots now and again you see him clad in traditional gear posing with spear and wild animal skins.

  35. Lozi cousins don’t bother with monkeys. Monkeys are primates. They have no culture. Hence no norms and therefore they can insult and steal in any maize field without any qualms. Rally behind hh so that in 2016 humanoids reclaim the country from these primates and reptilian zyndis led by so called king cobra!

  36. The reason advanced for the so-‘cancellation’ is not true. The ceremony has just become sterile & dysfunctional among other reasons.

  37. We were busy with the BNC. This statement was never said by the Ngambela, but was fomulated by Times of Zed. He is a learned man, he cannot just contradict himself cheaply. Work up Lozi hurters, this is politics. We are proud to be born as Lozies and proud of our culture. Ko us stone age people, but knw that we are proud of the way we are. Loose your roots, a Lozi wont. Yo hatred to Lozies wont change anything, we shall remain as Lozies and a challenge to your Zambian Muso. If yu dnt knw Muso, i dnt care.

  38. People lozis thought they could do it all by themselves. Kuomboka cant take place wthout enough water. The other reasons given are fake! If it is a plan to punish the nation not to earn forex, they are mistaken because they have just speard themselves in their own backs for losing business for their people. Now people are scared of mare jets, what more wth rocket propelled grinades? Sinyinda has failed the so called lozis, the aluis! The drums, maoma, however were gotten frm the nkoyas, even the drummers,

  39. Let it never be held again, we pray for the moon to stand still over that land. To hell with such stupid ceremonies, long live umutomboko!

  40. The accidental ascendancy to the presidency of an intellectually and socially challenged person has unfortunately resulted in his tribespeople to load it over everyone else. Usually who behave this way have an inferiority complex and hugely insecure. You would think it was not a person who was elected to the presidency but the whole ethnic group. This is primitive behaviour. Remember last years elections were not the last. And when your tribal warlord was restricted to bemba votes he lost. Last year when he attracted votes from other ethnic groups he made it. Continue with your spite, but we certainly where you will end up!

  41. To the primates who are condemning the kuomboka as stone age how would you describe a president who creates a ministry for chiefs and traditional ceremonies. Isn’t he equally primitive and stone age? These traditional ceremonies have always been there even before Zambia came into existence. Why then should a civilized bemba president reinforce stone age ceremonies other than for the fact he also comes from a primitive and stone age bemba ethnicity that values the chitimukulu and the attendant ceremonies. Logic to primates is very alien indeed!

  42. My Lozi brothers and sisters I want to remind you that the poor are the ladder for the rich and powerful. Seceding will only profit those that are already privileged. In a few years you will realise have been used. The poor will remain poor and the richer. I have in Mongu during this period. It is one single time that people make money. Hotels and Lodges have rates going up. Other businesses boom. It has now taken a handful of people to deny every one some money in their pocket. Since it is a kingdom with no democracy there is nothing anyone can do about it. Goodbye Kuomboka and revenue. How many more decrees await the people only God knows.

  43. @ 25 there are no pepople planning to secede in USA, but check out where the USA has military bases: where there are threats like Western.

  44. All local and International tourists can come for the grand Kazanga Ceremony of the Nkoya people in Kaoma Disitrict, Western Province.

    The dates will be announced soon but they ceremony should take place between June and August.

    There is another edition of Kazanga ceremony of the Nkoya people of Kabompo District in North Western Province and there is yet another edition of the Kazanga ceremony of the Nkoya people in Kazangula District in Southern Province.

    There is also one other Kazanga ceremony of the Nkoya people of Mumbwa district in Central Province that will re-start after close to an 18 year absence from the ceremony circuit.

    Clearly a lot of options, a lot to see, a lot to do.

    Viva Zambia, Viva Kafue Province

  45. @Kafue Province Advocate
    barotseland has many ceremonies including kazanga.Well done for our nkoyas in true barotseland.they are true sons of barotseland and representing us well through that ceremony.However,those misguided nkoyas will be disowned by us many nkoyas who speak a hybride of other barotse languages,are safe and not willing to be misguided by senoir headman mwene mutondo and his refugees

  46. @Narrant

    the ceremony has a lot of symbolism in it.Amoung it is peace and joy as it is characterised by dance and song.this time around,the barotse have very very little to celebrate.actually,its a move by the wise people.

  47. How can you entrust a nation and people to a person who makes decisions based on superstition? Nanga economics inga nkale bwanji?

  48. Just get used to it – Kuomboka is a Lozi ceremony and the Lozis decide whether they hold it or not, regardless of what your cheap opinions are about.  This year they have more pressing problems to deal with, such as resolution of BA64.

  49. Kafue advocate u have not said anything sensible on ths blog. U dont no your history bustard, dont be misled, u will come to regreat, do not plz people by fighting your people. You stupid guy fighting the BRE is like stealing your on pair trousers.

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