Friday, March 21, 2025

Four mining companies to sponsor division one north teams


MINISTER of Sport, Youth and Child Development Chishimba Kambwili
MINISTER of Sport, Youth and Child Development Chishimba Kambwili

Government has finally reached an agreement with four mining companies operating in Kalulushi district for the sponsorship of division one North teams.

Division one teams Kalulushi Modern Stars and Chambishi Football Club were at the verge of collapse due to lack of sponsorship.

The four mining company have agreed to take up the sponsorship of two once famous clubs after meeting Sports Minister Chishimba Kambwili and his delegations who called on them.

Chambeshi Metals and Chambeshi Copper Smelter have agreed to take up the sponsorship of Chambeshi FC while Chibuluma Mine will support Kalulushi Modern Stars together with Africa Non-Ferrous Mining Company (NFCA) which has also been directed to follow suit.

During the meeting NFCA proposed to support its own club, NFCA Dragons to which the Minister advised that it be incorporated into Kalulushi Modern Stars.

Mr Kambwili stated that Kalulushi is a small town which requires one strong team hence the need for the two clubs to merge if they were to favourably compete with other teams.

He reminded the four mining companies that government is the shareholder of the mines through ZCCM holdings saying this was the reason why government is always giving guidance.

He told the representatives from the mines to meet the executives from the two clubs for budget preparations.

He further urged the mines to appoint officials who will be working with the clubs executive to ensure accountability in the use of funds.

And Chambishi Metals Chief Executive Officer Hira Singh said the company is ready to start sponsoring the team after meeting the club executives.

He stated that his company will soon sit with co-sponsors Chambeshi Copper Smelter to strategise on the package.

Details of the package has however not been disclosed while the sponsorship is expected to start next season as mining companies have developed their budget and the football season is underway.



  1. Chishimba Kambwili is indeed a man of action. I can vote for him if pf adopts him for president after MCS. continue da gud wrks honorable.

  2. How do you expect to be innovative, creative and move forward if every time you encounter an obstacle you start crying for donor hand-outs like a beggar in street or a day old chick in a nest. The mines are not obliged to spoon-feed these clubs and can pull the plug anytime…remember politicans come and go, it’s always paramount think in the long term about sustainable solutions.

    • ZCCm sponsored Mightyy, Nkana, power, Konkola, etc etc and made Zambian football great. Zambia’s football declined after ZCCM was privatised. You are dead without money. These mines are making good money. Sponsoring football will be one form of social responsibility on their part.

    • How can sublimating a Football club’s EXPENDITURE be part of CORPORATE social responsibility, do you know what CSR is? No wonder this country will NEVER develop its because of this selfsame shallow “Kambwili” mindset, no SUSTAINABLE long-term strategy.

  3. Zoona ni jr cobra. Ur really a hardworker,I wish u were at home affairs so dat u could hav reorganised immigration

  4. This is a good ministry for Kambwili, where he can wear overalls and shorts, not other ministries they misplaced him.
    Problem with Zambians, they want to count the money (Package), instead of thinking about maintenance of stadiums and buying water, amaheu & sugar-canes for starving players.

  5. Thats why European companies not invest in Africa too much interference in their oprations .Chief Kaponya Kamwili you also capable of sponsoring a team from the billions you make but you decided to pour all your money in PF together with GBM next is you will start to steal from GRZ because you want your investments back.
    Take a leaf from people like Simaata Simaata with his soccer club.Hes investing in the youth for the future not you kabovas.
    If i were the mine owner i would refuse.Why don’t you ask shopritte the same?

    • I think you have nothing to say. Who says European companies are the kings of investment? why do you have to use them as an example of right thinking? are you so brainwashed as to think things are onlY alright if a European says so?  

  6. #10 Destitute Malawian Judge, I like one point from your messed up comment : YES, WHY NOT ASK Shoprite & Others, probably they only sponsor Judo.

  7. #10 I suppose Pa Fwaka (PF) pays your to blogg you quack.This year will be the turning point you’ll cry you tribal chaps power has gone to your dementic heads.

  8. I am totally amazed at people calling this a good deal. These investors are putting as little money as possible in a very well chosen NOTHING with relatively high media impact. Yeah, football, the Zambian imbeci!es will swallow it hook, line and sinker!

    If I were Kambwili, I would have demanded mining investors put money and support in health, education and infra-structire development and maintenance. We have got to find a way to get mining investors to pay windfall tax via a back door. That is how KK managed to deliver free education and health to all Zambians 1964 onwards.

    YOU ARE ALL A BUNCH OF IDIO+IC LOSERS !! In addition, investment in health and education would widen the net cast out for gifted football players, but that kind of computation means nothing to you foo!s.

    • iwe learn to grow naiwe, thats why u are not kambwili and u will never be because of your low thinking capability. why do u think there is the ministry of Health, Education, Sport etc? Kambwili is just doing his job as a minister of Sport, the minister of health knows were he is asking funding from. actually that BUNCH u ment, u are the one who is there. GROW!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Iwe chi Daccah, who told you that government ministries work in isolation? It is the very one and same government and what I am suggesting is a win-win situation for everyone. You are the one who should grow and take criticism. It is intolerant imbeci!es and pseudo-intellectuals like you whose selfishness is taking the country to hell. You can not eat football, whereas support of health and education helps everyone

  9. Hon. Chihsimba Kambwili, MP kudos from me. I like your new approach, few words, few controversies but merely delivering. You are answering your critics well, you are really an action oriented Minister. So far, you are tops and your colleagues need to pull up socks!!!!
    Congrats and good luck!!!

  10. #15 is Kambwili minister of health or education? I think he is sports minister and so he is doing his Job by lobbing for sport. I feel I have down graded myself by even commenting on you because pipo that use insults to drive there points are usually dull. I will sink even lower by calling you stuppi.d

  11. While this is welcome news, there is more that needs to be done. Its undisputed that football is what makes Zambia a Christian nation. How about minor religions like Tennis, squash, hockey, badminton etc.. ZCCM left intact infrastructure for all these sports which has since been run down by the infesters’ lack of community service. Kambwili you must look at these sports as well.

  12. Kambwili is Minister of Sport and he is lobbying for his ministry. He is not the minister of health. The current minister of health has a chain of post graduate degrees and like every so called graduate, he is seated idol just worshipping his degrees. He thinks just to posses a degree is enough qualification. Qualifications without works. Chishimba Kambwili a kaponya is busy performing whilst his peers the so called graduates are idling i.e. Wilbur Simusa with his diplomatic and chains of post graduate degrees is idling.

  13. Kambwili I am sorry. I thought you were naive. But now you have convinced me that you are hard working.

  14. I strongly feel that most of the people who have commented on this issue have missed an important point in that, the right honourable chishimba kambwili went out of his ministerial duties to seek audience with these executives in the mines so that they plough back resources in the areas the operate from. This is on the basis of the shares that the GRZ has in this mining firms that they ought to do this social responsibility which as at now they are failing to provide. The other thing whic was discussed was the issue of re-introducing of the Sports Festivals which went with ZCCM Divisions. I think the right honourable is in order to knock on the doors of these offices as FAZ alone can not have it easy to approach these firms…I rest my Case.

  15. ZCCM sponsored Mighty Muf, Nkana, Power, Konkola, etc etc and made Zambian football great. Football declined after ZCCM was privatised. You are dead without money. These mines are making good money. Sponsoring football will be one form of social responsibility on their part. In fact all companies should be encouraged to sponsor sports in Zambia.

  16. @  Ice_Road_Trucker , yes you are dead without money but you are also dead if you don’t learn how to make your money work for you. You never learnt anything from ZCCM days about dependence syndrome and  putting your eggs in one basket. 

    You want Corporate social responsibility go to Scotland & see what the North Sea Oil companies are doing they are investing in the future ie in schools, universities, youth projects etc you think those Scots would be happy with mere sweets being tossed at them. 

    * Shakin my head * Zambians are overjoyed to see firms like FQM hand them their own money to watch AFCON live on ZNBC.

  17. No wonder your king “the great Kalu” is chewing the funds as you sleep as you don’t see the BIGGER picture!

  18. Sense Ba Kambwili!!!!!!!!! this just adds up to many of your success so far. Go man of the people we are behind you.

  19. To find the greatest bang for your buck it’s extremely recommended to buy your footwear through sanctioned sellers.

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