Friday, January 10, 2025

Winter Kabimba allegedly interfered in Tender process for crude oil leading to Trafigura winning the tender


Patriotic Front Secretary General Wynter Kabimba
Patriotic Front Secretary General Wynter Kabimba

The following article is an allegation sent to Lusakatimes and has not been proved to be factual

Dear Editor

I was part of a team of experts that was put together to evaluate the tender process of both crude oil and finished products. Below were the
recommendations from the technical committee that were put together by PS George Zulu.

(1). That Dalbit Petroleum be given the tender for supplying finished products as it emerged top in terms of cost, insurance and freight
tendering for diesel at US$1, 191.28 per metric ton, and petrol at US$1,372.46 translating to a weighted average of USD/MT 1207.43
against the second best bid from Agipol Africa which tendered for diesel at US$1, 261.01 and petrol at US$1, 367.45 with weighted
average of USD1270.50.

The difference between Dalbit and Agipol, the second best bidder, is USU$ 15 million. And the difference between the Dalbit and IPG, the third second bidder is US$54 million

Unfortunately, Winter Kabimba went to the president yesterday and complained that his report would be rendered useless if government went ahead to award a tender to Dalbit Petroleum.

For your information, the committee of the Kabimba inquiry was composed of Kabimba’s relatives and in laws save for Guy Phiri who was representing the interests of one of the competitors of Dalbit.

As for Kabimba, he was on the payroll of Trafigura whose local agent in Zambia is no other than Dr. Rajan Mathani. Mathani, since he was given
back Finance Bank, has been frequenting State House and very close to Kabimba.

The report of Winter’s investigations was meant to malign possible bidders in the tender procedure and thereby pave way for his sponsors.

Mathani is back and Sata has to be very careful with Winter whom he has underrated.

On a sad note, president Sata yesterday instructed officials from ZPPA to remove Dalbit from the list and announce that Trafigura, which
will be locally run by Mathani, has won the tender to supply finished products when it was number six for both crude and finished products.

This means that Zambia will be losing between K350 billion and K400 billion every year.

This excludes subsidies.

The question is why has the president intervened? Why should the country lose so much money in order to satisfy one Winter Kabimba and
his pay master Mathani?

As a matter of fact, Kabimba and George Chellah has been receiving cuts from companies that want to see the president in the name of donating to the party.

George Chellah is responsible for organizing meetings at State House and when Kabimba gets the money, he is given something.

Please let the country know before the announcement is made tomorrow on Monday.


  1. Politicians are all the same, corrupt!!! Let not Fred M’membe decieve you that PF is full of angels; it is because he himself is stealing with them while blinding you to still be attacking MMD as corrupt. You may not hear the stories now, but 5 years , 10 years from now, the shit will hit the fan and all these holier than thou chaps will be exposed….

  2. Stories like this have been flying around the net for a week or so…….and latelthe turn out to be true after some time……….all i can say is that there is no smoke without fire….and if ture then these guys are giving the President a bad name and bad advice………Shame

  3. Wait and see!! Africa, God help us our resources are so small but we keep on eroding them for selfish ends.

  4. This should have been addressed to the ACC copied to the press. if theres credible evidence the culprits must be brought to book, if not now later if they cover it up. hope it is not sour grapes again I say…..?

  5. Please report to the police…….so even Men likes Gossips? humm, Dalbit has MMD label on it, no wonder they are crying aloud.Please accept that new government will work with its own People .

    LT please avoid these kind of stories they will land you in problems of like.You should have put the name of the author.Do gossip report.Report facts.

  6. Sometimes it is easy to watch from the terraces and condemn, when you are given the chance to play the game, then you realise the long grease arm of corruption can not be dodged. Parties need money to operate, hence they need to find ways to syphone money from Gvt contractors and suppliers in a ‘decent’ way, and this one of them.

    Hope this is not true but if it is, history will repeat itself. Whoever wrote this is a whistle blower, even if it is not copied to ACC, they can investigate, that is if they are neutral.

    Too bad the president is entangling himself in so many dirty things: Judgement private matters involving Nchito and Mmembe and now this! Please Mr President, you can do better than this…

  7. I would not be surprised as Wynter Kabimba has sold the country before. He has no principles at all. He represented the Vulture Fund to get money from the Zambian govt during the time of Mwanawasa unethically in order ti line his pockets.

  8. No.5 and No.6

    Are you serious? Report the President to the police? Its good that he has reported to the independent media.   

  9. Rotten Zambians still back people that rob them. This is too much money to lose as a country. We can build a hospital and schools from this money. We can even buy necessary equipment for our hospitals so that the same politicians can stop flying to Safrica for treatment even cheap check ups can be done at home. Shame on pf

  10. Muchimulelila, they are going to steal more MERZAF S CANDLE Style they are in power to enrich themselves, its strange they went into power to steal. The law will follow them up after one term in office like SAKOZY OF FRANCE.

  11. Ha Ha Greed in Africa has always been the norm. From the days we sold our brothers, sisters and children to UK to be used as slaves in USA to today when we dominate our fellow black man to his injury through corruption. @#4 i don’t think GOD will save us we have been preying for more than 300years and we yet to be answered. Maybe I’m wrong and there is some sort of communication delay considering the vast expanse of space. But if there is an answer I’m sure it will be GOD has given us the tools to save ourselves. We need to start getting these people out of office at the first sign of trouble. And we ourselves should stop paying bribes to get unfair advantages e.g when buying land, traffic fines etc we ourselves have created this corrupt culture.

  12. We told you UKWA he has never been clean in his life but u Zambians decided to give him a JOB of President what a shame. KABIMBA is blue eyed boy of UKWA from the time when he Governor it was KABIMBA who was behind MEZARF FLATS SAGA and so many scandals when he was LUSAKA TOWN CLERK

  13. the author of this story is an upnd supporter and one can tell that this story is useless.and only a shit can support this nonsense .viva uncle sata and nephew kabimba these fools just want to frastrate the good work you Are doing.abashi pf haters

  14. The author of this article claims to be among the team that were evaluating the bids and appears very frustrated that Dalbit, whom his team recommended has not been picked and another firm has been picked??
    A few questions, is Dalbit the same firm that was selected during the MMd era which resulted in massive corruption???? Is it possible that Dalbit’s ability to provide lowest bid is due to its connections with officers, including this one involved in evaluation who helps it undercut other bidders?? Is this complaint borne out of national interest or individual residue corrupt tendencies of officers who have already chewed cash from Dalbit to ensure it is picked??? Whatever the case, this information needs to be aken with a pinch of salt, we may not be getting the full facts here!!!!

  15. Well spoted and in line with Zambia Watchdog article dated 24.04.2012.
    It is true that on product Dalbit is number one, followed by Agipol , then Kobil, Mocoh, Oryx, Mogas and Trafigura are close. The first two are likely not to be responsive as the road transport cost from Dar to Ndola is more expensive than what was quoted by them as differential between FOB and DDU prices. But Trafigura is not the next in line.
    With regards to crude oil, Trafigura is number 6 or 7 with only Mercuria and IPG being even more expensive. For sure, an award to Trafigura will call for a full investigation of the offers, and for making them public, failling what for the one or two years duration of this contracts, there will be intensive outcry in all medias non controlled by government.

  16. The shocking thing about some Zambians like Kanyakula (post number 16) is that they find it very conevient to support anything as long as it is done by ‘their’ political party. What we Zambians forget is that there is no real benefits we get unless we are directly related to those siphoning public funds. What we should be advocating for is accountability otherwise they will be eating while you will be emotionally supporting them without any retuns on yourself.

  17. Trafigura is a corrupt entity.  It is the same company that dumped toxic waste from Europe in a West African country after bribing local officials there.  They will bribe their way to State House and then they will tell everybody what they have done.  I am sure that influential people in Zug and London, where Trafigura operates from, already know that Ukwa and his tandem of thieves are on the take.

  18. Bloggers we need to come together and investigate as bloggers-this is the internet era.Can someone else from the permanent secretarys office, ZPPA,state house please confirm this.then some one from Finance bank can also confirm.We know the ACC is under Presidential orders so might only act once Pf is out of power but as bloggers we can piece info together on the net.isn’t that how powerful regimes in Egypt and Libya were toppled down.Get twitting and blogging people.Lets share information and see if this allegation is true or blogger power!

  19. We were not blind to most of the things that happening today. Or at least Chanda Chimba III sounded the warning. The Malawi fuel saga, the Zimbabwe – FRA “Deal”, now this leaves a lump in the throat of very development minded Zambia. And it seems we’re in for a long ride.

  20. Iwe ***** uleke ubufi! Trafigura is a well known international company and owns Puma Energy! they recently bought off majority share holding of assets deposed by BP in the downstream business in Africa and Southern America. So data yabufi efyo yifuma so zoona? Mathani has no links to Trafigura, just google..

  21. We were not blind to most of the things that are happening today. Or at least Chanda Chimba III sounded the warning. The Malawi fuel saga, the Zimbabwe – FRA “Deal”, now this Trafigura issue leaves a lump in the throat of every development minded Zambian. And it seems we’re in for a long ride. We need to do something to check these guys.

  22. Fellows, lets be serious. Why ask for evidence when the bid amounts are well known?? If the most expensive company is awarded, what criterion was being used?? It simply means that there is something amiss

  23. LT why publish allegations witout getting the oher side’s story? The person who makes thes allegation seem to be canvasing for Dalbit. What has been Dalbit’s record and capacity been like?Any my advice to PF is stay away from Mahtani. He messed up FTJ with the carlington maize saga. Also stay awainy from Dalbit the have been cited for corruption in the previous regime’s oil deals.

  24. kanyankula you are the man these haters will never accept that MCS is the president who can believe this bushit of lies.

  25. @kanyankula you are the man these haters will never accept that MCS is the president who can believe this bushit of lies.


  26. Dalbit is the company Henry Banda had deals with,pipo open you eyes why give a contract to a corrupt company even if they had the lowest rates?

  27. time will tell someday very soon these guys will too fall harder! you can’t fool hungry old men n women like that..some day GOD will expose you fools..

  28. To publish this crap is utter unproffessionalism from the part of LT. Anyone can write busheit and it will be reported. Where is the responsible journalism

  29. Zambia is highly favaured by God n any evil against it shall not be hiden foreva!may God arise n his enemies be scatered!!

  30. Corrupt bustards they are all the same,, just busy calling their friends names coz they are no longer in power. Wait, PF will be more corruput than any govt Zambia has eva had jst wait and see.

  31. LUSAKATIMES…How do you go to print with a story you have not verified??? If this is wrong, cant Winter suit you pants down?! Who is incharge of this paper…ETHICS LT…watch your back and i hope for your sakes this story is spot on…

  32. For now Wynter enjoy the spoils and wait once your are out of favour or govt. Cases willl follow you like African Bees. Do enjoy the absolute power. Ask Ron Shapwasha and what made him to appologize our our president (HE Sata). Nothing stays the same ba Wynter, it may be a Monday but in Summer and not in Winter.

  33. maybe , just maybe henry banda got us a good deal. Business man that he is he made millions while ‘saving’ our country money, thats if story is true…so now those allergic to corruption are making billions for themselves and making our country pay more, so the satire continues. At this rate the clock gazers must put their house in order so that they take helm again. They steal with dignity, with coffers in mind, remember we got awards economic advance with kwacha gaining etc . Politics, brood of vipers stage, sic.

  34. The downfall of Ukwa the Colonial Constable will be caused by this power hungry, arrogant and provocative Winter Kabimba.If Sata doesn’t act against this fellow now his downfall is so near.How can Ukwa trust that chap , dull lawyer as he is who never won a case since he qualified at UNZA on a silver plata,poison of being a Std 4, then being in plot 1.

  35. can the author of this worthless news find a better job and keep him/herself busy to stop worstin our time

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