A NEW hotel has been set up in Lusaka at a cost of K4.5 billion. The 40-room Diamondacres Hotel has been built by former Energy and Water Development minister Kenneth Konga, who said during the launch at the weekend that the facility would add value to Zambia’s economy through the creation of jobs.
The hotel, on Dedan Kemathi Road overlooking the Kafue Road Fly-over Bridge, has created 25 direct jobs.
Mr Konga, who is Chavuma Member of Parliament, said the hotel was going to help the country provide hospitality services to tourists and accommodate business persons from other countries.
He said the aim of building the hotel was to contribute to the creation of jobs for Zambians and to offer good services to the public.
“We spent about K4.5 billion to put up this hotel and so far it has created 25 direct jobs for Zambians and we are hoping we can create 10 more jobs to make it 35.
“People who will be coming to Zambia from different parts of the world are welcome and can lodge with us because this is a top-class hotel with quality services for all,” he said.
He said out of the 40 rooms, 36 were executive, two single and two double rooms while the hotel included other facilities like a conference room, a bar and a restaurant.
Mr Konga called for more investment in the hospitality industry if Zambia was to attract more tourists and business travellers.
In another development, a Livingstone-based catering firm, Calabash has introduced sunset dinners on the banks of Zambezi River around Victoria Falls site to enable tourists and other guests to have dinner while viewing the falls.
The dinners, which would be mounted on plain grounds around Victoria Falls on the banks of Zambezi River, would have fully fledged catering services of international repute inside the falls area.
Speaking during the launch of the first ever sunset dinner at Victoria Falls in Livingstone, Livingstone Tourism Association chairperson Kingsley Lilamono said the innovation would benefit the tourism sector.
Calabash company director Christopher Tett said the National Heritage Conservation Commission had allowed the firm to conduct sunset dinners around Victoria Falls, a heritage site.
Mr Tett, who is also Bushtracks managing director, said sunset dinners were an exciting and incredible project in his 15 years of stay in Zambia.
In December last year police warned and cautioned Mr.Konga over the multi-billion Kwacha hotel.Police at the time also seized 55 sewing machines, 14 boxes containing pieces for tables, 22 boxes containing pieces for stands, eight motor bikes, 80 bicycles and 135 boxes each containing 50 small winding radios.
However,Mr Kongas lawyer Sakwiba Sikota said his client was being questioned over a Hummer vehicle that was bought for him by Parliament.
“It’s sad that police are pursuing him over a vehicle bought by Parliament and it’s up to you to decide whether it is a witch-hunt or not,” he said.
Its not clear when Mr.Konga was cleared of the corruption charges.
Now we need to know where the money for the project came from
Why – you think it is not possible to have K4b in Zambia. I am surprised how poorly we perceive ourselves! Wake up and make some money for yourself.
Where in the article does it say that it has been seized ba Lusaka Times?
Mupeta, is that all you care about?
This is fantastic..but I’m sure all the jealous Zambians are going to think he stole the money.Just build your own businesses and stop pulling down people who are.If it was a chinese who built the hotel all people would be singing praises of investment in the country!Lets support fellow zambians.
i cant agree more with your observations
Very good point. I dont know why we Zambians cant think of ourselves in rich terms. Everyone who becomes rich is either a satanist or a thief. Very shameful. We need to work hard for ourselves and transform our lives.
There is nothing to agree about here. This is as much speculation on the speculators as it is speculation when the speculators speculate. In a situation where much has been stolen, it is not wrong to be suspicious. What is wrong is making conclusions before finding the facts or probable reason.
No problems if money was earned without crime involved. We do need more manufacturing industries rather than service industries, but this is good. Bravo well done you
nanga kobili kodi munaipeza kuti baba? did liato finance project?
And the useless investigative wings went to seize that place and his Hummer,within two days they shamelessly hands them back.Congrats Kenneth,i hope the haters will not accuse you of all sorts of petty things.
This project sounds legit . Think about it asume this man other properties say 3 homes he owns within and round Lusaka , with today’s market value each home could easy be worth 3 billion , do if he got a loan using his homes to build this hotel , how can that be a crime ,
But if the money has no solid fixed abode then ….. Huston we have a problem .
But in this case I seriously doubt any criminal activities
This is great we need Zambian investors to invest in their own country. This culture of persecuting citizens who excel should stop! How come you don’t query muzungus when they put up such projects? That’s why we’re economically colonised and we’re slaves of poverty in this country, jealousy!!!!
Good Job Mr Konga, Local Investor.
This is class. Theyu should destroy the next building to it. That buiding is for a Chinese investor.
You’re right that building is for a Chinese or these mwenyez (lebanese) it’s very dirty they must pull it down to put up a car park or something in relation to the functioning of the hotel.Anyway well done Mr Konga.
Come on guys, the issue is that the investment is being made in Zambia, unlike some chaps who have taken their investment abroad, this boosts our GDP and creates employment, Government will never create employment for all, it must be complimented by the private sector and thats how capitalism has improved conditions of living in the west and europe. Goode news
KiWI @5 of course we have to ask where the money came from. It’s in the public’s interest to question where Ministers and other public servants get their money from. Anyway if he stole i would commend him only for 1 thing! for keeping it in Zed. if it is legit i wish him all the best job well done
Monkeys in Southern Province? send them up north. They know how to deal with them! As for crocs, send them …
Zambian jealousy is shameless and limitless. You even investigate a car bought by parliament!! On the whole, this is a commendable investment. I wish more Zambians could follow this example.
..we need strong AFRICANS econoimically as loonger it will empower ZAMBIANS NO PROBLEMS WITH ME ALLL THE BEST
Go to South America. You can capture one for yourself. Jaguars are busy roaming the Amazon jungles. Parliament should not buy you a jaguar.
Let Konga enjoy his sweat peacefully. The problem with Zambians is we like PHD SYNDROM. There is too much idle time in Zambia hence people are not productive. They would rather gossip than pick a novel and read. Lets have progressive minds if we want to develop our country. After all Zambia can only be developed by Zambians. Bravo Konga!!!!!! you have scored a one.
Damn plunderers! Where with his former job description could have gotten all the money to put up such a structure. It is good that can come with such investments but the money has to be clean. If we really consider the ministers’ work and salaries, we can only sit down and speculate how he came up with such huge amounts of money besides the property he has. I hope he will not be found wanting for dubious dealings. As is always the case with our MPs in the country. SO many bad example have been seen and hence people always think it is corruption etc!
Mr Jackal or is it Hyena, you should know that businesses are not run from salaries! And that is the problem with Zambians, always limiting themselves to their miserable salaries. Tell me any rich man who developed via his monthly pay? My friend Jackal, smart people look for financing, and the article actually says that’s what Konga did, so what is your problem? Are you one of those people that have their mind cast in stone and absolutely refuse to think on their own? What grade are you in by the way Jackal?
Iwe Joseph, I was simply trying to say I hope he does not fall in the category of those labelled with the corrupt tag! This has nothing to do with my qualification. What grade are you yourself?
Ah, ba hyena mwalakwa. Thinking ili misplaced apa peve!
Better than burying money at the farm ;-)
But pa zed pali kalijo awe mwe nayopa.
Sad reading ba Lusaka Times. First you say, “The police have confiscated it” and then you say, “Mr Konga officially opened it” What are you talking about? Useless news in Zambia and I am fed up of reading rubbish from Lusaka Times. Good bye, you have lost a reader.
Konga was a Director at ZESCO and retired normally.He got his pension and invested in a lot of things.People, do research before you comment.
Konga did a wise thing. He donated some of the loot to Kabimba and Sata. All issues now washed
Good jon konga. this is what we need in zambia.development and buying houses in south africa like one dora matako siliya.
It looks like a factory in the West. it would have been better if it was a 4 or 6 story building. Any way, congrats mr Ex minister. at least you wre clever enough to build something where travellers can go to from intercity station.
It is not always that people have to disclose the source of funds, we wish he well in this business.
No minister can genuinely construct such a piece with whatever, they draw. I even wonder why some of the Zambians are questioning the seizure. Even if the matter has not yet been heard in court of law one can still guess the source of funds. Zambians, let us not be people who cannot see beyond the nose. Some people are getting fatter at the expense of the many Zambians, but when the govt intervenes to correct the situation, us the same Zambians start to complain. Are we ok????
Some piece of good work better we have even more from Zambians. Bravo!
25 Direct Jobs Created? Please don’t boast and call that job Creation. Wonder who now owns the Hotel and how it is managed. We are so bad with Governance. Anyhow well done and grab more, the way MMD did to UNIP. Remember UNIP Headquarters opposite Kamwala??
Zambians as usual poverty blocks your thinking…. ati were did Konga get the money?? and Konga will ask you were is the money missing?? lol…. Good Investment Konga………. With thnking that everyone should be in poverty this country will never develop, chinese have been arrested now and then and none has been convicted… and u say you a empowering Zambians My foot!!!! actualy we a empowering foreigners. look at the mining companies busy enjoying huge profits and theres no windfall tax.. Zambia Zambia, My zambia i cry for this country!!!!!!!!!!!
Busy talking and thats all your children will eat talk talk talk talk,,,,,,,,, go and work hard not just seeing what your neibor has done and you start wondering ati awee bana iba chabe..
real investors..!
And his area where he is a member of parliament is so poor. Go and build a hospital there. Iddioot.
Unless am mistaken Konga worked for BOZ also. Should people stop building for fear of being painted corrupt? The man earned his money and invested not bad for a computer Geek(He has BSc and MSc In Computer Science).
If he store to build his structures, the PROVE IT, otherwise you can hold your peace.
Its amazing how shallow some Zambians are.You think Konga has been a minister all his life? Couldn’t he have made money before entering politics?You are the same people accusing 78yr old RB.For 3 years out of those 78 yrs he was president and you think he couldn’t have made his money before he stepped into state house.No wonder Zambia is so poor and no wonder you guys voted Sata.
Congrats Mr Konga.
This will add value to the outlook of the city. You have even offered employement to 25 Zambians already, bravo my bro, at
least you never barried yours undergroung.
Congrats cousoko!!!
4.5 billion for that?? So what i intend to build can work out
At least he never wasted his ‘hard earned’ money on stnpid cars and amahule.
Shallow thinking indeed! You mean someone who had worked for ZESCO in a managerial position for several years could not have saved part of his income. You need to appreciate whatever good people do instead of being cynical.
Joseph sakhar @ 22 & Jessie @ 39 well said.Poverty can make your brain shrink,these are the same people accussing their collegueas of practising satanism when they are just plain lazy.Stupidity lies in the masses for sure.
Why am I thinking of bathroom tiles :)
Kalubale uyu aliwina ukunya. I hope it is not Dalbit oil tips he is now cleaning up.
Big up Mr. Konga!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Indeed we need such investment for the development of the nation.
Well done local investor and lets hope that this “good disease” will spread to other zambians to want to be stakeholders of substance instead of wasting time drinking tujilijili and watching English premier league.
Hope they did a better job on the inside than they did on the outside. Looks like a nuclear power plant! Yaba!
pliz mr konga i nid a job,as a chef or housekeeper