Monday, March 17, 2025

Trafigura, 2 others to‘oil’ Zambia


File:Motorists jostling for fuel in Kitwe, Zambia

TRAFIGURA, is one of the six companies that have been awarded multi-billion Kwacha contracts to supply Zambia with undisrupted petroleum products for the next two years.

Apart from the Amsterdam-based Trafigura – which has access to approximately US$33 billion in credit facilities – are Tanzania’s Oilcom and Gunvor SA of South Africa.

Trafigura will supply undisclosed amounts of diesel or gasoline while Gunvor SA is said to have beaten the other companies in “low” crude supply quotes, which must be good news for Zambia as it tries to push down fuel pump prices.

Ministry of Energy and Water Development permanent secretary George Zulu over the weekend told the Sunday Mail that the selection criteria was tight in order to ensure corruption was removed from the process following President Sata’s expression of concern regarding the corruption that marred oil supply deals during his predecessor Rupiah Banda’s time.

Under Mr Banda, now visiting professor at Boston University in the United States, contracts were allegedly either prematurely terminated without reason and new ones awarded without following laid down tender guide lines.

One such case of premature termination involved the contract given to Kuwait’s IPG awarded by late President Mwanawasa’s administration that was scrapped under Mr Banda and subsequently given to some East African companies believed to have links with Mr Banda’s fugitive son Henry, who has also been tied to the revoked Zamtel sale. IPG’s contract has been reinstated.

“All I can tell you is that the final decision was arrived at above board,” Mr Zulu,who declined to confirm the Daily Mail information, said. “You see, in the past my predecessors (permanent secretaries) have been followed and interrogated by police on retirement and I don’t want that to happen to me.So, we are doing everything by the law.”

Up to K2 trillion was either misapplied or corruptly used during the last oil supply deals, according to the Wynter Kabimba-led commission of inquiry that recently handed a comprehensive report to President Sata.

[Daily Mail]


  1. This means that Zambia will be losing between K350 billion and K400 billion every year.

    This excludes subsidies.

    The question is why has the president intervened? Why should the country lose so much money in order to satisfy one Winter Kabimba and
    his pay master Mathani?

  2. UKWA will be the worst corrupt President in Zambia, how do SATA UKWA Instruct to pik on a company which was lated number 6 on the bidders list, ZULU is corrupt person let the nation KNOW which company WAS lated number 1 and who changed to pick company number 6 plz let the nation be told the truth not this rubbish from ZULU.

  3. These one sided stories we are getting from “independent” media and being even captioned “unconfirmed” some even being reversed like “Nevers Mumba never said there are no intelligent PF” should make us careful with what we read. Both readers and authors should use the media responsibly.

  4. Blame yourselves for voting sata into office. we were warned, didn’t we?????????? Zambians we always take serious matters lightly…..this is a price we have to pay. Sata was in government under MMD until FTJ did wanyawanya to him did he leave MMD. who did know Sata’s corrupt practices???? Chanda Chimba III reminded us about sata’s deeds but what did we do?? we voted for him….

  5. ah there was a story yesterday telling us how winter Kabimba influenced this desicion and so we shall be losing billions of Kwacha every year just to line some peoples pockets.Henry Banda is vindicated.I see more corruption cases in 2016

  6. We are not so gullible, we know one of the bidding companies, which used to get the Zambian tenders has been peddling these lies through local agents. Dalbit wanted to be selected period. The best in future is to liberalise the trade for Oil.
    Some companies are known for quoting low prices when bidding and almost doubling the prices once the tender has been secured

  7. So corruption in oil supply continues, except this time its worse.

    I am told the real beneficiary is Mahtani, who is now poised to become the richest Zambian (if that is his nationality) in less than a year.

    More money in your pockets? people?

  8. If you nothing to say please just shut your beaks.Gasoline pump prices will soon come down and doubting Thomases keep on doubting.

  9. Malundi, those are frustrated/bitter MMD/UPND supporters. Let them watch the PF do things and they will be suprised.

  10. Exactly what the “WatchDog” revealed 2 weeks – how the corrupt have become more corrupt!! In MMD they used to hide their dirty tricks, in UKWA govt, they do it in broad day light, even going to the extent of suspending public workers who get in their way. All this happening while ‘common man’ waits for ‘more in your pocket’. What a circus!!

  11. @ malundi Gondwe u r not alone in ur observation, most people dont know were they belong lmao, they even wanna get into politics when they r not politicians but worse to that is there shear ignorance they expose from there comments.

  12. @Mulongoti get Mahtani out of your sinfull contributions you will never reach his level and for your own information this man has a very big task from GOD to look after many living souls on this earth and what have you done for people? hey Mahtani is not perfect only GOD will judge him not you serpent!

    • All those involved in corruption including mahtani shall be brought to book one day. Mulandu subola. watch this space

  13. Even from the picture u can tell this article is not well meaning. The picture shows a congested Fuel Station. People outside Zambia will think that is the situation in the country. Atleast LT does not sound that bitter but our friends UPND ZWD are so bitter. These days ZWD sound as if they have moved their headquarters into hell. Just try to compare their topics and see the bitterness difference.

  14. GK , KB and Malundi above are just blind PF blind cardres who dont see corruption in this deal. Your Ukwa will be the worst president with this deal…We also know that winter kabimba is busy channeling tax payers money in the name of helping pf relatives/cardres!!! You will answer all these qns one day….

  15. Trafigura aside the other two are not scandal ridden like the other bidders, mostly Kenyan with scandalous pasts. No coast for Trafigura to dump toxic waste :) All in all this is a better outcome out of what was available. Hope those reading ZWD took the time to research all the companies involved. The results are shocking.

  16. Google Trafigura Fraud and you will be shocked at the results.I just hope we are not inviting the devil himself to reign freely in our land.Oh Zambia!

  17. some pipo never learn. How can you steal in broad daylight. Corrupt mahtani should have known better especially after his experience in the last 4 years. mulandu does not rot. Zambians are now learning to be accountable. The next generation is soon coming…

  18. Has anyone noticed that ZWD ran this story and then pulled it off their site? I wonder why? Who is telling the truth?

  19. Thanks Jessie, I have just googled “Trafigura Fraud” and i have been shocked by the amont of fraud from this company. Very shocking, there are pages and pages of fraud commited by Trafigura. Sure Sata, if you are allergic to corruption please do something. Also stay away from Mahtani

  20.  Incestuous murky business this oil thing.  The ink isn’t even dry yet and the Puma is off shopping in Kenya :)

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