Moments after young rally driver Mohammed Essa had won the 2012 Puma-Energy Zambia International Motor Rally on Sunday, his joy turned into a nightmare as he was involved in a road traffic accident that claimed a life.
Zambia Police spokesperson Elizabeth Kanjela confirmed the development in Lusaka that Essa has since been charged with causing death by dangerous driving contrary to section 161 of the Road Traffic Act No.11 of the 2002 and would appear in court soon.
Kanjela said the accident happened on Sunday night around 20:30 hours along Kafue Road opposite Metropolitan School.
This was when a motor vehicle, a Subaru Impreza, registration number N15, belonging to Essa, aged 22, of Plot D1/D379A, Makeni hit an unknown pedestrian aged between 30 and 35, who was crossing the road.
She said the pedestrian sustained fatal injuries and died upon arrival at the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) and that the body was still lying in the mortuary awaiting identification and burial.
Kanjela said Essa was arrested around 21: 00 hours and was released on bond on Monday around 09:00 hours.
Essa, who is co-driven by Zimbabwean Greg Stead, won his maiden Zambia International Rally title on Sunday to open up a 27-point lead in the ongoing eight-legged FIA African Rally Championship (ARC).
Zambia Motor Sport Association (ZMSA) vice president Sam Ching’ambu expressed sadness at the accident that led to the untimely death of a pedestrian but dismissed allegations that Essa was driving under the influence of alcohol as perceived by the public when in fact he does not take alcohol.
Ching’ambu said a the Lusaka Sports Motor Club that the accident was regrettable as it coincided with hosting of the 2012 Puma Energy Zambia International Motor Rally which Essa won to take over lead of the Africa Rally Challenge (ARC).

He said rally events ended at 18:30 hours on Sunday and that ZMSA will not take action on Essa as the matter was personal because he was driving his personal vehicle after the rally function at the Lusaka Motor Club had ended.
Ching’ambu said ZMSA will let the law take its course as the accident was now a criminal matter under investigations by the police.
He said the accident would have happened to any other person be it a sportsman adding that the local authority should take keen interest on happenings on the road because the bridges erected were not been used by pedestrians.
“For the record, Essa does not drink and even when we had a thank you party he brought his own champagne to celebrate and he left here after the function driving his personal car and has a license with the Road Traffic and Safety Agency (RTSA). So whatever happened was a personal matter which should not attract punishment from ZMSA,” he said.
Ching’ambu, who was flanked by Paul ‘Poncho’ Monge, expressed confidence that Essa will be able to pull himself through this difficult time and re-refocus on wining the ARC Kenyan Safari rally which takes place on June 8 to10.
Meanwhile, the International Automobile Federation (FIA) Africa region vice-president sport, Surinder Thatthi has said Essa has potential to become Africa’s top driver.
“The FIA African Rally Championship (ARC) 2012 is currently being led by a Zambian Mohammed Essa and this youngster has shown great promise over the last few years as the next top driver hope for Africa.
“Having narrowly missed a place in the Pirelli Rally Star selection and being noted as a very promising talent by the FIA selectors,Zambia can be proud that they have another new ‘star’ who has come of age,” said Thatthi, who navigated legendary Satwant Singh.
He said Zambian rally drivers hold the record with the highest number of wins in the ARC with eight-time African champion Satwant and his nephew Muna Singh who has won the continental title twice.
Surinder said before the start of the 2012 season, the Confederation of African Countries in Motorsport (CACMS) members decided at an annual congress held in Cape Town to try one year with no registration for the ARC drivers and co-drivers.
“We want to see if drivers who might start later in the year like we had ‘Joda’ from Madagascar in 2011 who started late but scored very well but was not eligible for he did not do the north and south region events as required. Let’s see how this works and conclude at the end of this year if ARC registration is good for us or not,” he said.
That is sad. I know the spot, a bridge was built there but pedestrians rarely use it.They should put a barrier like at UNZA.
Shame. I was once involved in a case like this. It’s painful for both the victim’s family as well as the driver
but why drive as if you are competing all the time…this guy needs spits of the cobra..discipline is a rare commodity i guess…
been driving all over the world since 1985 without taking someones life, at 22 yrs old the boy is not an expirenced driver,. just because he can drive fast on dusty roads does not mean he is a good driver, they should take away his driving licence since he has killed some one by dangerous driving…. i bet he would not pass the driving test in developed countries
quote: “Zambia Motor Sport Association (ZMSA) vice president Sam Ching’ambu expressed sadness at the accident that led to the untimely death of a pedestrian but dismissed allegations that Essa was driving under the influence of alcohol as perceived by the public when in fact he does not take alcohol.”
“For the record, Essa does not drink and even when we had a thank you party he brought his own champagne to celebrate.”
Is Champagne not alcoholic? Stupid ZMSA vice president.
There is non-alcoholic champagne widely used for celebrations in the islamic countries, non alcoholic beer and lager is also a million dollar market.
Lack of exposure on you part Mwanawakwitu. Are you really in the USA? If you say you are SDA I will understand because they are the ones who are more backwards when it comes to what contains alcohol and not.
@ May Flower no# 5 thank you for the wise words.
Money talks,the the boy will go free,and why this sport in zambia is just full of lebanese and indians?…I mean these people are not real zambians,am not a recist…real zambians should take part in this sport.
and you are still not sure that is racism?
that is infact very rascist!!! Why dont you try im sure they will have no objection to you…lets see if you have the skills and speed…..btw racing costs money,,you need lots of sponsorship etc,,,so why dont you prove your worth and get some or use your own personal money if you love the sport so much
you are such an ignorant rascist. please elaborate the definition of a ”real zambian”. The world has changed ey and this country is a home for everyone. you obviously have insecurities
You are such an ignorant rascist. please elaborate the definition of a ”real zambian”. This country is a home for everyone. Funny people like you have no problem living the ultimate life in the uk/us/aus but have a HUGE problem with the ”non real zambians” living here. TALK ABOUT DOUBLE STANDARDS?? You obviously have insecurities that you need to deal with…maybe you can do the non zambian thing and seek therapy ie. ”shrink”
Btw this can happen to anyone. Theres been a time when a drunk man strolled infront of my friends car. Yep she hit him and had the decency to take him to the hospital for panadol. Not sure whether this was for the hangover he already had. Please stop being so judjmental everyone. Yikes!
AK47 who ninani uwakweba ati Zambia is for Black people only.. Wechipuba we. I am a white bemba born in Northern Province. My great great Grand parents were immigrants before bishop Dupont came to Northern Rhodesia. You are Banthu and which country did your great grand parents migrate from. Racist makaka
buti ba kweba boyi….kolokombwa we!
Even if he goes free to the *****s that in the future shall publish posts like I feel sorry for the family and the Champion. Feel sorry for the family and not for this fool that needs his license suspended. At times zambians anger mhy soul with their inferiority complexes. For once the church should march against favouritism and not just ukushishita condeming corruption, condem all vices, by churches I mean ba pente, catholics, baptists, lutheran, seventhday, apostolic, salvation army, UCZ, presbitarian,methodist……. naba Chitowerler.
Very sad. In Zambia, we don’t value life. Taking someone’s life should cost someone of his license whether he is a sports champion or not. On the road, this boy should have known that he needs to drive slowly.
They should make an example of this boy (highly unlikely), its rare to hear young racing drivers of likes of Jenson Button, Alonso or Hamilton to be involved in such road accidents as they hold Formula 1 driving licenses But still anybody involved in a Motorsport should show exceptional driving skills….just like you don’t hear top professional boxers being involved in bar brawls.
but guys be real. the man nerver use the bridge. alot of money is being wasted on these brindges and yet never use them
Good point # 6
what is a good point? Think before you contribute. Don’t you know that there is alcohol free Champagne?
Mwanawa…#6 He probably brings his own champagne because its the non alcoholic one.
Realy good point uve raised think we need more ppl like u in this counntry so we can end up sumwhere
i agree with you Malikopo!!!
Why is it that if you are involved in an accident it is always the driver at fault? Did the padestrian not see the vehicle? Yet you expect the driver to see the padestrian. Also why not use the bridge incase people don’t realise that crossing 3 lanes is a big risk!!! The mentality of individuals need to change because if you hit someone at the speed of more than 20KM/H they will most deffinately DIE!
Also not that we are all zambians regardless of skin colour you don’t need to be BLACK to be a real Zambian learn your history unless you are a bushman you are just as Zambian as the Indiand and Labanese today as all the tribes in Zambia are migrants. So yes anyone who says light colour people aren’t Zambians are ignorant and Rascit! Now You Now!!!
Very sad for both the family of the deceased and the Rally winner.
@Mwanawakwithu. Dont expose your ignorance so openly. A little more knowledge in would set your mind onto the fact that there is alcohol-free champagne, just as similarly there is a-f wine. The saddest outcome of all this is the loss of a life.
I think this is sad but the local authorities should really do something about the state of roads in Lusaka.I wonder if there are working street lights,proper places for pedestrians to cross etc.Its just very unfortunate that a race car driver hit and killed a pedestrian.Now everyone will think he was speeding
People in that area will rarely or seldom use that bridge at night as many have been mugged at that same spot, what shud be done is to put police patrols in place
how can one bridge serve a stretch of about 2km? Pedestrains can not all converge to this bridge unless they are chainama cases. this is another example of warped thinking by Zambians in local authority.
#16..Realy good point uve raised think we need more ppl like u in this counntry so we can end up sumwhere
#16..Realy good point uve raised think we need more ppl like u in this country so we can end up sumwhere
#6 Mwanawakwitu . You are an Ignorant stupid fool.
A road with speed limit of above 65kms/h you expected the boy to drive like he is pushing a prame? Its so sad to get in any sort of accident worse if a life is lost. Do you realy feel the Boy delighted in bashing some one to death? My appeal to Pedestrians is revise your grade one leson of LOOK RIGHT ,LOOK LEFT,LOOK RIGHT AGAIN before you cross any road.
LT Check Mwanawakitu’s Flag. It should be from Shangombo. Hahahahaha. Ya Champagne!!!
I think it is only in Zambia where you are charged for dangerous driving even when you are in a highway. Pedestrians should be charged for jay walking and crossing in un designated place should be a crime. Kafue road has no pedestrian crossing and that road is a highway full of speeding cars. No lights too to see what is ahead of you. May the soul of departed boy rest in peace. The council is to blame.
Oh! wow have I struck some nerves on this blog. To answer the pundit above oh yes I would take a flag from shangombo for I am a true patriot. Great grand child of freedom fighters, great…….great grand child of the Africans that saved baby Jesus. Stand up for my fellow Zambians I shall. Rich or poor, wise educated or not, for I show no inferiority complex like many on LT. Friends in the sheriffs department here have shown me how alert and respected pedestrians should be. Remember you are driving over 1000 tones poor pedestrian is but flesh. So say what you want, for I at least am Zambian to the core, it’s not my colour but my respect for justice and human life that makes me MWANAWAKWITU.
Lol over 1 tonne. Let’s not fight but a Zambian life should be respected. Learnt a lot here how the value their people, or how much a prosecuting lawyer shall chase after a rich accused. Know one thing am crazy for us all to not let justice be done accordingly. I don’t care about skin colour, but I care about unfair treatment.
That is the reason why forensic experts are required in situations like these to determine who is at fault pedestrian or motorist.
A double tragedy. May the pedestrian’s soul rest in peace. Very tragic conclusion to what should have been the end of a day not the end of a life. The young driver has to live with the weight of this for life. Sad day for both families.
Guys at the top stop being Racist this guy is as much a Zambian as we all are. Let the law deal with him. Don’t say he is guilty because he is of Indian origin. Accidents can happen to anyone, many of us drink & over-speed in ZED. The gov should start paying more attention for to road safety.
If you are crossing the freeway in SA and you are hit by the car, its your own fault. Its not allowed to cross the freeway on undesignated points! Tough shit. The council should enforce this…at home as well.
It’s unfortunate that a life was lost. But for many who have driven on this road will know that the people from Misisi carelessly cross this road and in the night most of them are drunk. A foot bridge was constructed to help prevent these accidents but the people do not want to use the bridge. This bridge is just near the mentioned accident spot. And another thing to note is that Essa was using his rally car Subaru N15 (I presume) this car makes a lot of noise from a distance away more noise than a car horn.
I have seen Essa on several occasions on the Kafue road and the boy can really cruise. This should serve as a lesson for him. He lives in Makeni and has been using that road for years and should have known better what happens at that place. People are always crossing at that area. The boy drinks alcohol. I have a picture of him drinking Windhoek larger. Cage the boy. A crime is a crime no matter who you are.
Hi, Thanks 4 ur input. i knw the boys family very closly n i do knw that he does uses non alcoholic Champagne . ive seen the bottle of champagne myself. could u plz indly send me the pic ([email protected]) as i would ike to ssow his dad the pic.
One thing i was taught at driving school was that, i should concentrate all time when im driving and i will avoid any form of accidents, though, accurately speaking it can be said in the lines of i will avoid accidents caused by me!
THe other thing i was taught was to be responsible! That road is a terror especially at night,… Not just pedestrians are at risk, but drivers like me and the rest of us,… !
Regardless of whether there is a bridge or not, Essa should have been driving responsibly! He is an inspiration to many other kids out there.
Think the case of that David Chisora and see what Klitchko(sp) said about him…..! Lets be safe on the road,…. No need to cruise(Yes, i have seen Essa drive, and he presses)…..
Insaansa shinya ubulanda.
Been on that road.
1. Pedestrian don’t use the bridge .
2. The lighting is poor even on Cairo road.
3. We even have street boys appearing at random in front of cars moving at high speed.
essa ur ma roll model ur the best subaru driver have ever dream of to be am n ug trying to learn to be the ugandan essa more preparering ma self to came n zambia 4 more training from you “essa do you have same personal profile dvds showing ur competitions”if u do where can we get them plz take it serious aneed them “note this more the most fun u have n all africa are n uganda believe me so olwayz came whn ur set coz they dnt juss like you there crazy abt you men.long leave essa