Government’s ban of street vending will only be effected once alternative places are found for the vendors. Local government deputy minister, Forrie Tembo said that the vendors for now will continue trading on the streets.
Recently Local Government Minister, Nkandu Luo announced the ban of street vending. Lusaka and other major cities in the country have been overwhelmed by street vendors adding to the filthy environment.
And Local Government and Housing Minister Professor NKandu Luo has advised Councils not to use force to remove street vendors. Professor Luo says councils should instead dialogue with the vendors.
The minister said President Michael Sata neither allows nor supports vendors but that he is against harassment of the vendors.
ZANIS reports that Professor Luo was responding to complaints from Lundazi Council Chairman Godfrey Mapili.
Mr. Mapili has complained that vending has become uncontrollable in the area and that the council is spending 15 million kwacha monthly on garbage collection.
Meanwhile, Professor Luo has disclosed that her ministry dissolved the Local Government Service Commission because it was inefficient and corrupt.
She says her ministry is in the process of revisiting and streamlining the Commission so that it becomes accountable and transparent .
Street vending is an expense to the council and the Government; it brings in unhygienic behaviors with no public toilets and messes up the cities. We have markets were these people can trade from, if not introduce Saturday market concepts once a week over the weekend in the city, until you get them alternative trading places. NO STREET VENDING, we know you have to Eat but can trade in a better way.
What is this ” The minister (Luo) said President Michael Sata neither allows nor supports vendors but that he is against harassment of the vendors”. I find this statement very misleading. I think Nkandu Luo has tried to rid the vendors but each time she is being over-ruled. This time even by the MMD MP appointed Minister Forrie Tembo. Nkandu Luo should do well to resign. her power is being unsurped. She is a medical Dr and she knows the consequence of un hygienic sanitary conditions on the street.
check outside ZED.street vending in Uganda KAMPALA and other towns is allowed,but no one must through gabage careless if found the vendors themselves report and take him to council for possible punishment.This has made kampala a clean town imwe
Zambia ki naha ye tapa mwa masipa! Likuna ki zona ze busa naha!
Zambia is a country that swims or baths in feaces. Dont know what the word ‘likuna’ means. So ‘likuna’ are the ones rulling the country.
By the way Pro Luo is a lab scientist and not MO. For sure this govt leaves a lot to desire, how can one have confidence that it knows what it wants, one minute ban the next minute it is all okay to trade on the street. Please PF be govt of one position and let the citizenary understand what you want, you cannot continue with this Dochi Kubeba sydrome. The other minister just announced that no prostitution on our streets what has happened? Is this a govt of action or words only. So far too much words only. Even Minister of finance the other day was in some meeting saying PF govt will grow Zed’s economy at 8% per annum, how is this going to be achieve no explanation (Dochiku beba) most likely growth less then 6% will be assured.
Markets are rendered useless to do business if traders buy stuff on the streets, thereby not reaching the markets.
May be street vending should have been covered in the Draft constitution so that by “referendum” Zambians can decide for themselves if they want street vending.
this government ha awe sure,,……
ice road walasa.
Aaah but wait a minute prostitutes are not allowed for the time being. See how funny politicians behave. Alternative place?
Hmmmm awe sure pa Zed.The president everything.Whats PF policy on vending? Its ridiculous to quote what the Presidents says even when its against the law.
I will never trust PF which is a party for fools. One minute, we there’s a ban and the next minutes, street vending is ok. Prof Luo should just resign from this party because whatever she says is never obeyed. But she can’t resign because of poverty as she needs more money in her pockets.
people should be serious with life, surely what sought of street vending can be done in remote lundazi, a mapili sure, are you serious or you were miscoated by journalists.
These Pafwaka ministers can twist and turn like a real cobra
as mad as their president
Pf gvt is not trust,today they re saying this tomor it wil atherwise thats y u ve failed to fulfil wat u promisd.tuyoomubona 2016 yasika
Prof is an associate Dr from the Lab and not MO. But she knows all this and tries to puff her little self up to seem bigger than she is. This street vending shouldn’t be allowed it makes us look like dirty citizens. Surely everyone is a voter even non-street-vendors. As PF trumpets its ideology as Socialism does that mean we live and work in squalor? Street vendors themselves will tell you that they don’t want to street-vend. they want better jobs. Good luck to PF. The unhygienic breeding grounds PF is producing will cause a major epidemic.
kaya, which way now
Something has to be done. The New Soweto Market is empty. Can the Council do something and fill up the market instead of keeping people on the street. If the market is not enough they can always build more markets.
Since in history ARCHAEOLOGY had not produce any president so far.A chance should be given to this discipline for LIFE TRANSFORMATION.